Σ Academic Lily

Chapter 11 In the Dimensional Central Port

Liming said, "I originally wanted to pass the upgrade exam of the cram school, be promoted to the ordinary class, and become a civil servant in the future. Suddenly it became like this..."

"So, let's have a secret ballot. Because this resolution is of great importance, only when everyone agrees to disclose the news to the Empire, so that the Empire can suppress the 'Second Academic Revolution', I will proceed. One step at a time."

Zhu Yijiang looked at her suspiciously: "Can you guarantee to gain the trust of the imperial government? The imperial government will really listen to you and send troops obediently?"

Yihua said: "She is the princess of the empire, there should be something for the princess."

Yi Yue said: "But as far as I know, the royal women of the empire have no power to interfere in politics..."

Li nodded to Zhu Yijiang: "I have a way to convince them. I will show them the real evidence."

"What is conclusive evidence?"

"In the next three days, all the newspapers and government documents of Taoli Principality."

Zhu Yijiang's gaze sharpened suddenly: "How could you get this kind of thing! Not to mention government documents, newspapers and periodicals of Taoli Principality, you should not be able to get in touch at all! You... Are you a spy sent by the empire to our country? huh? Trapped us here on purpose so we could sell our country!"

"You are overthinking." Li said, "I am only making suggestions to you out of universal spiritual considerations. If you do not agree to betray the ridiculous Grand Duke Jin Momo, you can choose to stay here and wait for death, which is considered He died for his country."

Zhu Yijiang sneered: "I will not dedicate myself to this kind of country! It's just that you are too suspicious."

"You are very smart, I am indeed a suspicious person." Li said, "Also, don't forget my previous request—to resume the Sanhua Song Club. Teacher Li, do you still remember our agreement? We direct the Sanhua Gehui. Don’t forget. My request is that the day after tomorrow, which is August 8 this year, the Sanhua Gehui must be held as scheduled.”

This is the first time Zhu Yijiang heard about the "Scattered Flower Song Contest". "It's already this time, why are you still singing! After all, they are people from the empire, who indulge in pleasure."

However, Li's extremely oppressive words made it impossible for Teacher Li to refuse. "Okay." Teacher Li agreed.


After dinner, the secret ballot began and ended at twelve midnight.Li sent blank envelopes and letter paper to everyone, asking everyone to write their own decisions and put them in the cardboard box in front of the attic.Li herself led Shi Xuli to the secret basement that was directly connected under the storage room.There, she opened the Ganges Sand Book, selected a few pages, and transferred them to the computer that could communicate with the outside world.In the email, she only claimed that it was a mysterious tome she had discovered and hoped to submit to the Imperial Research Institute.Emails are anonymous.Everything is ready, just press the "send" button.

"Is this really good? Disclose the existence of the Ganges Sand Book to the people in the next dimension...and the content that Li copied is different from what you just told everyone? This is obviously the daily newspaper of the Principality of Shochiku. , That page is not even an article at all, it is completely inexplicable geometric patterns! There are other messy things..."

"That's what it is." Li said, "Actually, I lied."

"Are you lying?... Could it be that the "Ganges Sand Book" can't see what you claimed before?"

"Even if you show the imperial government the government documents and newspapers of Taoli Principality, they may not send troops. Shi Xuli, haven't you noticed? There are not even cars on the roads of Taoli Principality, and the technology of the empire can already be developed. The P-type anti-gravity axis. The empire has such a country with backward technology and no decent specialties as its own dependent country. The cost of humanitarian aid alone will increase the financial burden of the empire every year. Such a country If it becomes independent, the empire will be relieved of a heavy burden!"

"Then, if Li Yin gives them these strange things, will they make a move?"

"This is not something that was printed randomly. I have carefully selected everything. This "Songzhu Daily" will be published tomorrow. The strange geometric pattern in the eyes of this poem is a tattoo on the back of the imperial prime minister's mistress. And this one—it’s a treasure map left by a famous pirate in ancient times, and it’s been lost for a long time.”

"Li means..."

"Such a magical book, no matter who wants to get it? "Ganges Sand Book" is the bait I throw out. They will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of this book, even if they fabricate evidence of the Taoli Principality's rebellion, They will also come to invade."

"Aren't you afraid that they will directly ask Her Royal Highness to bring the book back to the empire? Besides, they are different from the army of Taoli Dukedom. They can ignore extraterritorial rights and come here to search directly!"

"I didn't sign it, how would they know that I wrote it? And, once they reply, I will send a second email, claiming to have dedicated the book to Grand Duke Kim Momo."

"Li, I didn't realize you were so insidious and cunning before..."

"It's called being resourceful. Pay attention to your wording. Ah, it's almost twelve o'clock. It's time to find Bai Xiaotang, and then we need to confirm the voting results."

☆, captured!Empire Dormitory (Inverted V)

The grandfather clock in the hall struck twelve midnight.

Li led Shi Xuli out of her big room, slowly stepped up the steps, and walked towards the cardboard box at the end of the stairs where everyone's opinions were stored.

When she walked up the steps, the visitors also spontaneously gathered at the bottom of the steps, staring at the chic and solemn back of the librarian.

There was no Bai Xiaotang among them.Li knew she wouldn't be there.Just now, she and Bai Xiaotang had a small conversation alone.In that conversation, Li revealed more secrets to her and threw her a difficult problem.Presumably at this time, Bai Xiaotang's mind is worrying about that problem.However, as long as Bai Xiaotang can meet Li's conditions, all good people will be able to obtain happiness.

The people under the steps didn't know Li's plan.They were all eagerly awaiting the results in the carton.

The carton was opened.Li just sat on the highest step like this, placed the nine envelopes inside where everyone could see them, opened one envelope after another deftly with her fingers, and read out the results above.At this time, she remembered that when talking with Bai Xiaotang just now, she forgot to ask Bai Xiaotang what kind of choice he made.

The notes in the first through eighth envelopes all read "Agreed."When Li opened the ninth envelope, the chanting stopped.

Everyone under the steps swallowed nervously.

On the paper inside the envelope was written with Bai Xiaotang's left hand.Correct and smooth, in one go.

Before that, Bai Xiaotang only used his left hand when writing novels.Now Bai Xiaotang finally no longer hides herself.

Li's lips curled into a smile.

She glanced at the people below the steps.They didn't know why Li's chanting stopped, and they all thought that there was something wrong with the content on this piece of paper, and the expressions on their faces became tense.


Li said.


August 8 at 1:11 am.

Huang Wenxin, Minister of State of Taoli Principality, is in a very bad mood right now.Because he hadn't calmed down when he got up, he had to take his own extended car to the Taoli Principality National Academy, which was in turmoil, to persuade the teachers and students who were making trouble.

Minister Huang Wenxin despises young people from the bottom of his heart.Although on the stage, they all boasted that young people are as fresh as flowers and as bright as the moon, but as the most important spokesperson of Grand Duke Jin Momo, he really knows the "superficial articles" too well.All the written content of Grand Duke Kim Momo-speeches, speeches, papers, diaries, letters, and short stories-is nothing but something jointly produced by several secretarial groups led by him.Some things are fact, and most of the content is their making up.In his opinion, it was stupidity for young people in this country to be incited by such things.However, because of work, he had to memorize all these articles that touted young hearts by heart.As the saying goes, if you want to tell a qualified lie, you must first deceive yourself.

But this morning, an urgent call pulled him out of his dream of a beautiful subordinate.The caller is the Secretary to the Foreign Secretary.He had met that secretary a few times before, a character with big breasts and no brains, his head was full of fanatical worship of Grand Duke Kim Momo, Tao Li Principality's diplomacy was messed up, and that woman was more than half responsible.

The secretary said that the Imperial International Student Dormitory of the National College harbored the important criminals of our country-a certain actress who had never heard of it, and her relatives who did not know whether it was a step-son or a step-daughter.The latter is also the captain of the National Academy's academic inspection team, and he must have been bewitched by his stepmother to commit treason.He has already heard such stories that his ears are calloused.Since the beginning of the Full Moon Movement, there have always been some people who wanted to try to defect to extraterritorial places to avoid sanctions.It is a little troublesome if you hide in a place such as a seaport or an airport.Actually hiding in the school's dormitory for foreign students, I don't know how the prisoner came up with such a stupid idea.If you have to call him on this issue, the Foreign Secretary's team is really stupid.He couldn't help but roared on the phone:

"Wrap it up! Did you hear me, surround it! It's just a dormitory, can't the foreign minister handle it?"

"The police have been sent to surround for two days. But today there is a new situation. News from the empire questioned the purpose of the 'Flowering Moon Movement'. The wording was extremely unfriendly and greatly offended the majesty of Grand Duke Kim Momo. It’s overreaching! According to our secret report, the truth of this is related to a book.”

"A book?" The Minister of State closed his eyes, recalling the related works of Grand Duke Kim Momo that he commanded and compiled.

"The book is now in the dormitory of the foreign student where the accident happened, and its content is extremely special. We have tried our best to steal some second-hand information from the Imperial Research Institute. How should I put it, although it can't keep up with the works of Grand Duke Kim Momo, but It's also pretty incredible..."

After the other party explained in detail, the Minister of State's drowsiness completely disappeared.

He had also heard such a legend a long time ago.It is a book with no beginning and no end, with an infinite number of pages, including all the possibilities in the world that can be embodied in a book.If this is true, then this is definitely a big deal.Unexpectedly, such a book actually appeared in the territory of Taoli Principality.As long as we can utilize the knowledge contained in this book, our country will prosper like never before.But the people of the empire are not fools.They got the information of this book one step earlier. Although they don't know what channel it was through, they must also covet this book.Then the motive of the empire's sudden visit to the Huahaoyuequan movement this time is not pure.

Such a book should be used as a reference in his hands, but he did not expect it to fall into the hands of a young man who only knows how to follow blindly but is self-righteous!It's okay if it's just like this, but it happens to be another group of rioters.Thinking of this, Minister of State Huang Wenxin became even more annoyed.

"Sir, here we are."

When Huang Wenxin got out of the car, he saw an orderly row of police cars surrounding the gate of the Imperial International Student Dormitory.He could tell at a glance that many of them were from the Department of Homeland Security.No one from the Ministry of Academic Supervision came.The National Academy, the number one university in the country, had such a big incident with its academic inspection team, the Ministry of Academic Inspection must have been exhausted, and it must be cleaning internally.

"how is the situation?"

"Return to my lord. The siege has been close to 72 hours, and there is still no sign of voluntary surrender inside."

Huang Wenxin asked: "With the ability of the Ministry of Homeland Security, there should be a wiretapping system here, right?"

"Except for a brief outage due to thunderstorms in mid-June, it worked fine at other times. We have collected nearly three months of recording materials." said the man with the Ministry of Homeland Security emblem embroidered on his sleeve, and Bi patted it lightly. The police car next to him.Huang Wenxin glanced through the car window and saw several people wearing huge headphones sitting inside.

"My lord, your status is the most honorable, and you are the person closest to the leader Jin Dagong. If your lord persuades them, there may be a possibility of surrender."

Huang Wenxin's rationality did not believe this kind of thing, but the tall hat was comfortable to wear, so he still took the horn handed by the other party and cleared his throat.

"Students, teachers. I am Minister of State Huang Wenxin. You are all young hearts, the hope of this country like peaches and plums. It is very sad to see you choose to hide from the sun in this land that does not belong to you. My heartache! Think of your family, think of your friends, how sad they would be to know that you have turned away from the great truth! No matter what mistakes you have made before, you have a long time to correct them , the great leader can forgive you, you can still be the same as before, be a teacher, be a student, don't let your family members cry..."

Of course these were lies, but what he said was as true as the truth, as if he really loved the young people here like his parents, and he almost cried bitterly on the spot.Huang Wenxin is quite proud of his little talent.

However, the effect does not seem to be very good.

A chair came out of a broken window on the second floor and fell right in front of him.Fortunately, the left and right guards were in time, and the Minister of State was not injured.

At almost the same time, a phone call came from the car. "My lord, I'm looking for you..."

"Fire a warning shot!" Huang Wenxin became furious, and then covered his ears.

There was a burst of empty shots.Shake off the petals on the tree.

After the gunshots, the secretary handed over the handset of the intercom installed in the car to Huang Wenxin.After Huang Wenxin listened quietly, he put down the phone, but because of his excitement, he could hardly put the receiver back in place.

"My lord, your complexion doesn't seem very good..."

"Huh? Nothing. The "Baihua City Peace Treaty" has just been torn up. From now on, Taoli Principality will no longer be a country attached to the empire."

When the people around heard this sentence, they instinctively said "ah", and then they all turned solemn and shouted in unison:

"Long live the wise and mighty Grand Duke Jin!"

A subtle smile flashed across the face of the Minister of State:

"Because the two countries are already at war, the Imperial Dormitory is no longer an extraterritorial territory, but the territory of the enemy country. If you can successfully obtain that book, it will be a decisive victory in this war! If it can be done, it will be a great achievement without."

As soon as this remark comes out, who will take the credit of the Minister of State.All the officials present immediately put on the same smiling faces, expressing that they would follow the arrangement of the Minister of State.

Three hours later.2:00 pm.Part of the police cars were gone, replaced by a small army, not only men, guns, but also artillery.

It was only a handful of unarmed teachers and students to deal with, each of whom believed in victory.Everything is just waiting for the order to force a breakthrough.

At this moment, the police car that had been silently storing the wiretapping system had an abnormality.The listener's head poked out of the car window, waved the earphones he had just taken off, and said:

"They announced an official event...seems to be called 'Scattered Flower Song'!"

The female voice coming from the earpiece is clear and powerful:

"First of all, the only chorus team in this year's Sanhua Song Festival: the library department chorus team. Song: "The Moment of Fading Flowers". Conductor: Teacher Li Yange. Piano: Li Lawrence. Violin: Zhu Xian."

Without further explanation from him, the people outside followed suit.The singing, which only belongs to the chorus, is coming from the dormitory building at this moment.

It was a pretty lame chorus of less than ten people.The only possible option is probably the accompaniment of violin and piano.The audience at the door of the Imperial Dormitory did not know who the voices were coming from.They don't need to know.

east wind blowing spring

It will become yesterday in a blink of an eye

It's finally time for the flowers to wither

before summer comes

Withering is a farewell to sorrow

Beautiful flowers come from a girl's well of tears

Withering is a farewell to lack

After spring, there will be golden autumn

Withering is a farewell to lies

Put this true petal between your brows

Withering is a farewell to forgetting

The flower that never fades is only in front of the lover's grave

The wind of flower letters not only blows in spring

Maybe next year we can still hold hands

In this land of peaches and plums

don't need too many sad words

Even if we hurt each other, we should be grateful

You and I met in this beautiful time

"Do you want to finish listening?"

"No need. Let's fire. Just blow up this house and take back the mysterious book!"

With an order, the fuzes of the five cannons were ignited, sparks drilled into the barrels along the fuzes, and the sky-shattering roar flew out of the barrels one after another, overshadowing the singing from the house.

The petals of peaches and plums were shocked by the loud noise, and instantly turned into a rain of red and white flowers.Majestic and poignant.It was a view the country had not seen in nearly a decade.

Smoke is everywhere.

"Minister, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah... nothing, what a pity, those young people, what a pity! Huh..."

Wiping tears that didn't exist, the Minister of State peeked at the Imperial Dormitory Building.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the flames scattered everywhere.Among the ruins, a grand piano is burning.


The singing...is still there.


When the flames on the piano were extinguished, the soldiers who put out the fire let out a surprised cry.

Inside the piano they found a turntable, connected to speakers.The singing was intermittent, and the disc was still spinning.

☆、Bookstore Owner's Reward (Inverted V)

Dimensional center port.

The former librarian of the Haitongtian Tower of Wuya School, commonly known as the "Searcher", the eternally exiled P-type criminal Li Lawrence was wearing a sun hat and sitting on a bench on the outdoor sightseeing platform.

The sea of ​​dimensions can be seen from here.The almost infinitely transparent blue ocean spreads to the skyline, and the sky is the reflection of the ocean.The lighthouse on the sea just illuminates the brightest floating island in the sky.

Beside Li, there is a bar where you can get self-service drinks.But she didn't take it.There is also a busker playing a ditty with the "auspicious forest" in his hand.She wasn't listening either.

A couple came over and sat at the other end of the bench where she was sitting and kissed each other.Everyone stepped aside.She still sat there and did not run away.

The little fox was lying on her lap.She lowered her head and stroked it with her fair fingers.

But she is not enjoying the peaceful time with Shi Xuli.

She is waiting for someone.

At this moment, the music flowing from the "Auspicious Forest" changed.Li picked up the little fox and stood up.The entertainer pouted to the left, and Li walked over there.

From the corner of her eyes, she keenly noticed that a plainclothes inspector glanced at her, and then looked away.

so close.

Finally, at the corner of the platform where no one was around, she saw the bookstore owner Johannes Chen who came to meet her.

"Have all the documents been prepared?"

"It's done." Johannes Chen handed her the paper bag in his arms and complained, "I'm the one who risked the gallows this time!"

Inside the paper bag is the fake ID prepared by Boss Chen for stowaways and criminals.

The smugglers were the citizens of Taoli Principality in the foreign student dormitory of the empire, and the criminal was Li.If it is just to provide false IDs for stowaways from the next dimension, the crime is still minor.But for a serious criminal like Li to provide a fake ID to escape punishment, the meaning is completely different.Therefore, when Boss Chen mentioned "the risk of being hanged on the gallows", he was referring specifically to Li's share.

Of course Li understood.She smiled gratefully: "Thank you boss for giving me what I want most. However, congratulations to Balang Bookstore for recruiting another writer."

"Hey, who makes a man never forget the woman who rejected him. By the way, where are she and her friends?... I haven't seen them all this time, don't lie to me."

"I won't lie to you."

Li took out the Ganges Sand Book from her carry bag, and opened a page.a photo.The picture above is the scene of the chorus.The only special thing is that although the accompaniment piano is open, there is no one next to it.

Li recited the spell.

A piece of light gathered and then dispersed, and the people in the photo appeared beside Li.

They have not been here.Seeing the transparent sea of ​​dimensions, everyone was very surprised.

Except Bai Xiaotang.

While the others looked around and cheered, Bai Xiaotang asked Li: "Is this the place you mentioned?"


"This world is much wider than my original world."

"It's actually much narrower," Li said.

The bookstore owner enthusiastically came forward:

"Ah, this beauty is Bai Xiaotang, I finally met her!"

Bai Xiaotang nodded.She had been pinching a stack of manuscript paper in her hand before, and it was a little wrinkled because she pinched it in her hand for too long. At this time, she didn't say anything, so she lowered her head and handed it under his nose.

"Ah, this is..."

"It's something I asked her to write. You could take it as her first published book...not a novel, though."

three days ago.

Li knocked on the door of her own bedroom before counting the votes of the crowd.At that time, Bai Xiaotang was lying on the desk sullenly, with a pile of manuscript paper full of words scattered around him.Seeing Li coming, Bai Xiaotang handed the article to her.Li read the article carefully and made some suggestions.Bai Xiaotang wanted to modify it immediately, but Li stopped her.Li said:

"Just now, I gave everyone a multiple-choice question, asking everyone to choose whether to let the empire suppress the second academic revolution..."

Before she finished speaking, Bai Xiaotang lowered her head. "You are right. Your method is much more mature than I thought. In fact, I...in the end..."

Looking at Bai Xiaotang's expression, it was clear that she had to agree to let the empire suppress the second academic revolution.It was an inevitable choice for her.If she had the power, she would definitely try to keep this land in the name of the Principality.but……

Li patted her shoulder comfortingly:

"Listen to me. I came to you this time to give you a multiple-choice question."

"give me?"

"I will help you realize your desire to protect this country. But the price is that you have to leave this country. Forever."

Bai Xiaotang blinked blankly: "Are you saying you still want to take me abroad?"

"If you agree, I will direct you to write a book. This book will change the fate of this country. War will still happen. But it will not be destroyed by the second academic revolution, nor by the empire. Hand... this book will be circulated in this country for a long time, but there is no place for you in this country."

"You mean... I'm going to die?"

Li Wei smiled slightly: "Are you afraid?"

"No. I think it's worth it. But even so, can I really write the book you're talking about? We only have less than 72 hours..."

"Such books do exist."

Li held the Ganges Sand Book in one hand, and lightly covered its cover with the other hand.

"It tells me that this book is inside it, in the next space-time segment."

Bai Xiaotang also smiled lightly.When she smiled, her eyes curved into a lovely arc. "From a long time ago, I wanted to write a story that made all good people happy."


At that time, Bai Xiaotang thought he was going to die.

But she didn't die, she was just taken to another world by Li along with other people.But death is just going to another world, isn't it?

She looked at Li, and wanted to say something, but Li's white index finger fell on her lips—a "quiet" gesture.

"If it's thanks to me, forget it. I'm not a philanthropist." Li said.

Bai Xiaotang asked: "How should I survive here?"

Li said: "Take your ID and live the life you want. By the way, the bookstore owner may force you to write something. Please drag the manuscript as much as you want, and don't pay too much attention to him."

The bookstore owner was flipping through the manuscript that Bai Xiaotang handed him. Hearing this sentence, he immediately raised his head: "Miss Librarian, what are you talking about? Even if colleagues are enemies, you can't tear each other down. I can't I have never advised others to borrow books and not return them!"

Li smiled.

"However," said the bookstore owner, "the book she wrote is really amazing..."The Book of Tang"...This style of writing, is it a book of prophecy?"

"That's right. I asked her to use mysticism as the principle, refer to the prophetic books of many religions, and write whatever people can't understand."

"Is there a copy left in Taoli Principality?"

"Quite a lot. After the book was completed, I made seven copies of it, each of which was divided into seven parts, and each part said, 'If you hear about this book, preach and copy it for others, and spread it widely, you will have many blessings '. Presumably this book has been canonized as a holy book in Taoli Principality by now."

"Will it also be listed as a banned book?" The bookstore owner was so excited that his beard twitched.

"That's right. A forbidden book that is regarded as a holy book...the value in it is not small, right? It's enough to repay the fake IDs you applied for."

"It's so worth it, it can't be more worth it, it's just a clearance sale."

"Under the guidance of this book, Taoli Principality will give birth to a new religion. This war between Taoli Principality and the empire will definitely end in the defeat of Taoli Principality. Will Bai Xiaotang become a 'prophet' or a 'god'?" Well... They probably never imagined that the goddess they worship, Bai Xiaotang, is on vacation in another world."

Bai Xiaotang smiled shyly.

But Li couldn't laugh.She glanced at Bai Xiaotang and said:

"Even if you obtain the ID of this world, you may still have the opportunity to travel legally like other citizens here... You will definitely not be able to set foot in that place in the future."

"I know, you said. The 'prophet' and the 'god' must leave forever the people under his influence."

"Yes. This is for the common interests of you and that country. Please remember."

In the corner on the other side of the platform, an awkward silence continued between the three women.

"Wow! Is that a dolphin!" "It should be... Will there be dolphins in this kind of sea?" "Take a picture! Have you brought a camera? Take a picture!" "Yihua! Be careful!" "Ahhhhh Ahh!"

The ongoing cheers had nothing to do with the three of them.

The waves pushed on the beach, wave after wave, and kept dying where they could see.

Ruan Qing finally stopped deceiving herself with false smoke.She lit another cigarette, this was the third one.

When she lit the cigarette, Li Yange made a decision in her heart.Be sure to ask her that question before the cigarette burns out: Were you really crazy at that time?

The answer was already very clear in Li Yange's heart.Ruan Qing's determined eyes at this time have confirmed her guess.But how was she going to ask that question?After all, the stepdaughter is by her side... Although the stepdaughter was burdened with the sin of being the captain of the academic inspection team, she was no longer a good person, but she took great risks to take care of this crazy stepmother—the person she once deeply loved. I have hated people for so many years.

Speaking of which, why did Zhu Yijiang, or Zhu Xian, take care of his stepmother...Is it for atonement?Punishing myself by taking care of someone I once hated deeply...is that all?

Li Yange couldn't understand.

Ruan Qing was about to run out of cigarettes again.

Li Yange made up his mind: "Teacher Ruan..."

Ruan Qing looked back at her, opened her red lips, and a cloud of mist floated out, which was immediately blown away by the seaside wind.

The question that had already slipped to Li Yange's mouth suddenly became unspoken.

At this moment, Zhu Xian turned his head towards her.

"Mr. Li, you don't need to ask any more." The captain of the academic inspection team's eyes are still as firm and sharp as before. "There was a person named Ruan Qing in the past. She went crazy. Now she has recovered. You just need to believe that."

Li Yange stood there blankly for a while, then smiled:

"Yes, you are right."

At this time, the students who were playing around suddenly came over.Yihua shouted loudly: "Ms. Li, have you seen dolphins? They are so colorful!"

"I told you that it's not necessarily a dolphin..."

The stagnant air was driven away in an instant.

Why in that environment, only these students can wait for a miracle?Li Yange suddenly understood the answer.

"...Ms. Ruan, what are your plans for the future?" She asked in a relaxed tone.

Ruan Qing was not smoking, she put out the cigarette, and said two words happily:

"lose weight."


The bookstore owner booked a boat for everyone in advance.Everyone reunited and formed a very loose line waiting to board the ship.Li opened the kraft paper bag given to her by the bookstore owner, and prepared to hand out the IDs inside to everyone one by one.

She tried to keep herself as calm as ever.However, his hands still trembled slightly from excitement.

These fake IDs issued by the bookstore owner are not fake IDs.Its manufacturing procedures are in full compliance with system regulations, no different from real IDs.What is in the real ID is also in these fake IDs.It should have no problem fooling non-human systems.People who have obtained the ID will not be regarded as stowaways.Lillie would also be granted a sinless citizenship, no longer an exiled Lie Lawrence.

It's time to start living a new life.This endless journey has come to an end like this.Although it is inevitable to spend a while drifting around and hiding in Tibet, as long as you can successfully escape from exile, one day you will be able to gather new forces and launch a new revolution, one day...

Once you have settled down with a new identity of innocence, try to find ways to get in touch with other comrades.Not only to obtain manpower and funds, but also to break the seal on Shiori...

Li's heart is full of hope for a new life.

"By the way, Miss Lawrence," said the bookstore owner, "the matter you asked me to investigate has already begun to take shape."

"Ah, it's about the basement of the Imperial International Student Dormitory. I have already counted that. According to incomplete records, the Imperial International Student Dormitory seems to be a research base set up by the Imperial Government in the revival after the first academic revolution. It’s been a blessing for me on this trip to live there.”

"It is exactly as you say. However, I have been informed that the situation is more complicated."

"is it?"

"The great professors of Wuya Xuehai have been investigating and researching in various dimensional fragments-you must know more about this than I do. In fact, there were people from Wuya Xuehai in the revival after the first academic revolution. Intervened."

While listening to the bookstore owner's narration, Li reached out and took out the ID from the paper bag, and put it into the open hands of others.Everyone looked at each other's pseudonyms written on the ID, laughed at each other, envied each other, and became a mess.

"And according to the records, the workers in that place once made a major mistake. An RH emergency passage was forgotten there. This omission was discovered during a dimensional debris inventory, and the RH emergency passage was urgently recovered. If that passage did not Being recycled, you all could return here more conveniently... Hey, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah, nothing." Li just remembered the conversation between herself and Shi Xuli in the underground dark room.Shiori Hyun

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