Σ Academic Lily


Definitely not mistaken - do you remember where it was on the map? "

Anna spread out the map on the table, looking at Li seriously.Li lowered her head and accurately pointed out the location of the supermarket with the tip of her pen.In front of this map, Li felt as if she had returned to the past, but at that time, the person holding a lantern to illuminate the map on the Ganges Sand Book was Li, and the person giving instructions and explanations was Anna.

If Xie Lu is serious, the time the two of them can continue to be together is rapidly shortening in this peaceful scene.

"It's so strange." Anna looked at the place indicated by Li on the map, and tilted her head. "There's literally nothing left. Houses, people, nothing... just an empty lot."


it's time.

Li decided to tell her the truth of the matter completely - the truth about the past, the present, and the future.

Control yourself, try not to look into Anna's red eyes.If I look at the past, my heart will be shaken...

"...Do you know Gao Yang Xie Lu?" Li asked Anna.

"You mean Miss Xielu?"

Anna's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You may not know that you are bored in the library every day. She is very popular in our teaching assistant circle. She has a noble temperament and a good figure. She became an associate professor very early, which is quite remarkable. It's just that it's been so long. It seems that It's because of his honest personality that he offended someone in the big professor, so he was burdened with such a heavy teaching task, and every time the professional title evaluation was missed because he was drifting away, he rarely had the opportunity to take a vacation."

This is totally different from the Gao Yang Xie Lu that Li knows.

It was also the first time that Li knew that Gao Yang Xie Lu had such a period of being worshiped by the younger generations.Moreover, the way Anna talked about her made Li feel a little jealous...

"About her being too upright, is there any specific explanation?" Li asked.

"I heard that someone among the great professors once made a serious mistake in the dimensional fragments, so I ordered her to eliminate the mistake with the approval vote of the professional title evaluation. As a result, she said, 'Such a small mistake is not enough to cause Destroy' as an excuse, flamboyantly ignoring the great professor's request."

"However, since such a thing has been done, it is better to publicize it completely, or to hide it for a gentleman. It seems that it is not appropriate to make it public like this."

"You misunderstood, Sister Xie Lu has never made it public. It was the great professor who got drunk at the knowledge festival and accidentally slipped his mouth, so it was known to others."

"Then, the rumor must have included the name of that great professor, right? What's his name?" Li asked.

"This...you are embarrassing me."

"This is just one of the dimensional fragments, not the endless sea of ​​learning."

"Then... well. You're not allowed to tell anyone I said it."

Even if I want to speak out, I'm afraid I won't have the chance.This sad thought flashed across Li's mind for an instant.

"I won't say anything." Li assured Anna like this.

"Mr. Joe Kuchiki."

"That's it."

Li originally expected that Anna would name a conservative, so that it could be used as a powerful handle in her hands in the future, but she did not expect to be a centrist again...

It seems that preconceived ideas are really not a good thing.

"It seems that from the time I started talking about Sister Xielu, Li was a little disappointed?"

What a keen observation.

But things got a little tricky all of a sudden.In Anna's heart at this time, Gaoyang Xielu was still a goddess-like figure.If you want to tell Anna about the matter, but also in a way that Anna can accept...


The two looked at each other like that.


"Li, could it be that the missing supermarket..." Anna paused, "is it Sister Xie Lu's masterpiece?"

After all, she guessed it.

Li nodded slowly.

"How could this be... My report hasn't been submitted yet, has the council decided to clean up this place? This is too hasty. No, I have to finish the report quickly, maybe I can still catch up..."

Hearing the last sentence, Li was instantly surrounded by uneasy feelings.

"Don't rush to write yet." Li couldn't help but said it.

"Why?" Anna looked at Li puzzled, "Are you going to watch this world just disappear like this?"

Her voice was not loud, but it caused a strong echo in Li's mind.

As long as Anna writes this report, they will once again commit themselves to a near-permanent separation.It was originally just a simple matter, but Li suddenly found that she couldn't tell her the truth properly.

He clearly knew that this report was destined to be written, whether it was written by Anna himself or Xie Lu's ghostwriting, the birth of this report is a fact that cannot be changed.

But Li is so greedy and weak.

I don't want to be separated from Anna.Even if the time given by Xie Lu is only seven days, she still hopes that the completion of this report will be the last day.

I don't want to sink into the vortex called "waiting" again, and get involved in the bottom of the sea...

She must be discouraged from completing the report.

With just a flash of thought, Li immediately made up her mind, and put on a face that even she felt unfamiliar with:

"With your little ability, can you really complete it? The information you have on Kapukong City is not complete at all!"

Anna was stunned for a moment, then scratched her flaxen hair, and smiled annoyedly:

"Oh, that was all three months ago, I can barely finish it now, just give it a little water..."

"...Even Kapukong speaks in a mess!" Li's expression became more severe, "Up until now, I've been making mistakes in transposition!"

(—I want to stay in this place with you forever!)

"Don't worry about this, as long as the report is written in Wuya standard language, it's easy~"

"What does your joking attitude look like?...You are the most messed-up teaching assistant I have ever seen! Cowardly, Lu Chi...you can't do anything well! You will definitely not be able to complete the report!"

(——I want to teach you all the lessons of failure! Then you will hand it over to me who is naive...)

"What Li said today is so strange."

The smile on Anna's face became a little embarrassed.

She finally noticed something unusual about Li's appearance.

"So, leave the report to me." Li still had a serious face, which was even more unkind than the big professor.

"Why, that's my job..."

"To tell you the truth, I went to the library today. All the books have been wiped out by your sister Xielu—all the books. Whether you believe it or not, there is nowhere here that you can use It’s time to write the report.”

Anna was surprised.

"Leave it all to me." Li said, "You just need to watch me finish it for you."

"I don't agree! This is obviously my job, and you don't have any reference materials! At least I still have the travel diary I wrote before, as long as I refer to the travel diary..."

"You have given me the travel diary."

As soon as Jing Li said, Anna suddenly remembered this fact.

"And," Li went to the bookshelf, and took down a locked box, "I still have the collections of the entire citizen library, and even the collection of the entire Tongtian Tower Library."

Locked in that box is the Ganges Sand Book she sealed.

Li breathed lightly, and the thin floating ash danced under the fluorescent lamp.

"—In summary, leave it to me."

(——So until then, you just need to be protected by me.)

The author has something to say: try to update at 11 o'clock tomorrow.

☆, love expert Shiori

Li took the box containing the Ganges Sand Book and left.

During the time when she picked up the box and walked to the door of the room, Anna's eyes never left Li.Several times she parted her lips slightly, trying to speak, but in the end these words came out of her mouth:

"Since you want to write so much, just write and read! Amateur administrator!"

But Li's footsteps didn't slow down because of her words.She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Anna's eyes darkened slightly.

In the city center, 510 meters away from the Academy of Sciences, a skyscraper is slowly disappearing.


Li curled up in the darkness.

It was the night of the second day of her disagreement with Anna.Since then, she has not spoken to anyone all day.Neither eat nor sleep.All time is devoted to report writing.

The continuous work made her body fall into a state of extreme exhaustion.She needs to rest, needs a high-efficiency sleep, so that her body can recover quickly.However, she couldn't do it.

Even curled up in the dark like now, the mind is still excited.The meaning of the rest was not fulfilled in the slightest.

It was bright outside the window.There are stars twinkling.The dim light shone on the desk, illuminating the box where the Ganges sand books were stored.The lock on it is still strong.

Li didn't flip through the Ganges Sand Book as she claimed.She also didn't flip through the diary left by Anna.The only things she flipped were the books engraved in her memory, those books she had read carefully for writing textbooks and stored in bookstores.Although most of them are superficial and popular readings, the part used to support the social introduction is enough.Li thought so.

In the end, he was just relying on bluff to scare Anna.


As soon as Li thought of Anna, she curled her body even tighter.

During the day, Anna moved from here.While Li was concentrating on sorting out the report outline, Anna pushed open the door and packed her things into the package one by one.

That was the only time Rei was distracted from writing.Her pen tip didn't stop, and her eyes didn't leave the manuscript paper, but she clearly heard the movement behind her.

She clearly felt that before Anna picked up the package and left, she stopped and stood at the door for a long time.Maybe only a few seconds in fact.But the flow of time magically slows down.The rubbing sound of the pen tip and the paper also slowed down.The breathing of both of them also slowed down.The chatter of songbirds outside the window also seemed to extend infinitely, and then suddenly stopped.

Anna opened the door and walked out.

Li still didn't stop writing.

Five minutes later, she heard Xi Yan downstairs talking outside the window.Anna and Sunflower then say goodbye to the Primrose sisters.It seemed that someone called Li's name downstairs, but Li didn't answer.The sound of the motorcycle's engine gradually faded away.

Li knew that Anna had moved to Guanyue Temple hosted by Xiyan.

So now, she is the only one in this room.

She wrapped her arms around her body, feeling lonely and cold on a summer night in early June.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened by itself.

Li sensitively looked towards the door.The lights in the hallway were on.A black figure just appeared.

...That was the figure she was familiar with, the figure of the person who had just passed away.

"Li, I'm back."

...Anna's voice.

"I already know everything about the two of us."

"Did Shi Xuli say that?"

"Yes. Shiori was very worried about you, so she told me everything. I am very grateful to it. It is so understanding, wise and courageous, and knowledgeable. It can be called the best bookmark in the fox world, the best in the bookmark world Fox!"

"What are you talking about, that guy Shiori..."

"So... I have decided not to avoid my feelings for you anymore! I have already decided to present my own body to you as a gift I can prepare in this world before parting. Whether it is love or punishment , please enjoy it to your heart's content! My body, which has long been indulging in desire, has already been filled with nectar..."


Li felt a bit of a migraine.

"Shi Xuli, have you had enough fun?"

"Ah, I was seen through. Sure enough, the enthusiasm is not enough... I will improve it next time."

"It's not a matter of enthusiasm at all. Change it back for me quickly."

"Don't you need to turn on the light? I will regret it forever, because Shiori specially strengthened the breast volume! Although Anna's original quality is already very impressive..."

"No need. Change it back for me."

Shi Xuli sighed, and the woman at the door instantly turned into a little fox, jumping three times and then jumping onto Li's bed.

"Let's get down to business. You let Anna go like this?"


"But isn't this contrary to your wish?"

"There is no way."

Desiring to keep Anna by his side for as long as possible, he proposed to write the report for her.Unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect, and instead pushed Anna further away from him.

Why did it become like this...

Li forced herself to work non-stop, because she would be suffocated by this problem when she stopped.

"But... don't you think it's a bit strange, Li."


"Xiaolu came to this place to perform a mission, which itself is a bit strange."

Li patiently listened to Shi Xuli's analysis.

"Actually, there is no analysis, just a little speculation. Gao Yang Xielu is so close to those guys in the council, so this cleaning may be a conspiracy of those people. She was specially asked to be here in Li and Anna. The time in the dimensional fragments to carry out the cleaning is too suspicious."

In order to conceal the existence of the upper dimension from the people in the dimensional shards, and to reduce interference at work, the council usually tries to avoid too many professors appearing in one shard at the same time when arranging tasks.This time it really seemed a little unreasonable.

In the past two days, Li was too concerned about Anna's stay or stay, and instead ignored such an obvious abnormality.

"What about Shiori's thoughts?"

"If you want to ask the wisdom and courage of Shi Xuli's high opinion, that is-the board of directors is playing a big game of chess."

"...Speak the fox's words well, don't be close."

"Maybe they want to interfere with the revolution that happened after Anna left."

"But the revolution has failed. No matter how hard they struggle, it will happen and fail. And there doesn't seem to be much room for meddling in a revolution that didn't succeed."

"makes sense."

"It shouldn't be because of the report...unless there are some special reasons."

The two of them remained silent for a few seconds.

Suddenly, Shi Xuli's eyes lit up.



"How about just telling her about the revolution? Just tell her that you are from the future and will lead a revolution with her in the future, but the revolution failed. She is sleeping now, and once you arrive to hold the school celebration You will leave when the time comes. You are her reliable comrade and her only lover..."

"...Delete that last sentence."

"Okay. Get rid of the last sentence, do you agree?"


"In the end it's because you're not confident enough."

"How come, I just don't want to disturb her current life..."

After the revolution began, Anna would spend her days in hiding.Li really wanted to protect her peaceful years, even if there were only six short days left.

"Why do you look like this..."

Just when Shi Xuli was halfway through her words, Li heard a noise at the door, and hersed, signaling Shi Xuli to keep quiet.

"Who's there!" Li called to the door.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps.Probably because he didn't expect his whereabouts to be discovered suddenly, and the person at the door ran away immediately.Li immediately jumped up from the bed and went to the door to check, only to find that the person had already left the corridor and ran downstairs along the stairs.

"Li, you haven't changed your clothes yet!" Shi Xuli shouted at Li.

Only then did Li realize that she was still wearing pajamas.But I can't care less.She ran down the stairs like this, only to see that the man had already run to the door, and had already ridden another motorcycle and drove out of the gate of the Academy of Sciences.

"Damn thief, you rode our car away! Li, I'll take you to catch up right away! I want to transform! Hmph, thief, just wait and see!" Shi Xuli hopped and shouted into the distance .

Li stood there blankly, but didn't respond.The moment the car lights came on, she saw the face of the "thief".

On the other side, Shi Xuli had already turned into a demon fox on her own initiative, and anxiously signaled Li to get on it quickly.

Li, who was wearing pajamas, just sat on the fox's back.

"Go to Guanyue Temple." Li said.

Although he didn't understand why the destination was Guanyue Temple, Shi Xuli, who was in the form of a demon fox, took Li there.The city without the remains of the living corpses looks much more ordinary, but the streets are too quiet and empty.Without any danger, Guanyue Temple appeared in front of him.

There are two motorcycles locked on the street lamp by the gate.One is Anna's and the other is Li's.

Before Li jumped off Shi Xuli's back, Shi Xuli returned to her original form on her own initiative.It quickly raised its head and glanced under Li's pajamas, then smirked.

Originally thought that Li would kick herself away with a flying kick, but who knew that Li just walked away from it silently, and dropped two words:

"...don't make trouble."

She walked to the gate of Guanyue Temple.The gate was unlocked and the door of the house was open.Both Anna and Sunflower were standing at the door, one was inside and the other was outside, talking across the threshold.

Li walked towards them.

The conversation between Anna and Sunflower stopped.Sunflower walked into the house.Anna looked at Li.

Just a simple look at each other, Li knew that Anna already understood everything.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Rei?"

After saying this, Anna walked towards Li and hugged her tightly.

The author has something to say: Sorry for updating only now, I received a notification that made me happy today, but I forgot to post the finished article...

Alright, anyway, let me have fun secretly for a while!

☆, where the revolution began

That night, Li and Anna had a rare long knee-to-neck conversation in the quiet room.

What they talked about was the past and future of Wuya Xuehai.

Boundless Learning Sea is an academic research institution belonging to the upper dimension.This has been the case since Li officially got a position there.It was a school with no students, so it didn't pay much attention to the art of teaching, and all the focus was shifted to academic research.

The object of study is the sea of ​​dimensions that can be observed from the upper dimension.

That is not a continuous dimension, but an ocean composed of many dimensional fragments.The world view and time axis in each fragment are self-contained and do not interfere with each other.

The scenes in those fragments are varied, and Li sometimes encounters the same country and civilization during her travels.One Babylon is a prosperous and prosperous ancient city-state agricultural country, and the other Babylon is a late-stage country of the fourth industrial revolution known for leading the architectural aesthetics of the "electronic oiran school" art.They are all located in the center of the two rivers, and they were one of the countries with the most prosperous architecture in the world at that time, with a religious culture against asceticism.

Both Babylonian civilizations functioned perfectly well, but they were by no means different periods in a continuous history, but two completely different countries.The previous Babylon had built towers and dug up the vault of heaven but found nothing. The authority of its rulers was being questioned and it was in an unprecedented crisis.But the latter Babylon knew nothing of this history. "Heaven Vault? Is there such a history?" The residents there smiled, "Our tower is right there. Here, it was just built the year before last." Li followed the instructions of the residents and saw a civil interstellar station towering into it. cloud.

Li learned this from books a long time ago.She has long known what kind of existence the Sea of ​​Dimensions is—from the level defined by the book.But no amount of book knowledge could match the impact of witnessing this time with her own eyes.Condensed in the book is just a few lines of description, but what it reflects is the succession and transformation of countless civilizations.Too many details are lost in the condensation of words and images.When those rich details surrounded her, she felt the magnificence of the sea of ​​dimensions.

The exploration of a single world view is already a career that can take scholars to the end of their lives. When the research object expands to an endless sea of ​​dimensions, scholars are faced with infinite possibilities.

But the academic research in Wuya Xuehai has a sense of tragedy.This sense of tragedy comes from the most central Tongtian Tower Library.This library has the same name as the tower of Babylon, but no one knows where the library came from, why it was built, and the origin of the books in it.It has been called the Tongtian Tower Library since it appeared in the ancient books stored in it.Because it is the sum of all books, it is doomed that scholars have struggled all their lives, and in the end, they are probably only confirming a certain truth that already existed in the Tongtian Tower Library.Fortunately, it is impossible to explore all the corners of Tongtian Tower Library with the physical strength of ordinary people, so that scholars still retain their enthusiasm for academics.

However, some small deviations in the lower world often lead to the destruction of civilization.The spark that was once brilliant was extinguished.The pace of exploration by scholars cannot keep up with the speed of changes in the world.They chased the footsteps of time with all their strength, but in the end they could only watch the fragments dim one by one.Therefore, reviewing the civilization of the dimensional fragments has become an important task of the Council.Once a civilization on the verge of extinction is discovered, it must be reported immediately.From then on, this fragment will be removed from the scope of academic research to prevent the labor of later scholars from becoming useless.

Listening to these facts Li told, Anna's body couldn't help leaning forward.When Li talked about the mission of the professor, Anna showed a surprised expression.

Before this, Anna was simply doing her work according to the requirements of her superiors, never thinking that her report could affect the academic status of this dimensional fragment.

"There is one thing I have never understood. Why do we need to clean up those fragments? Isn't there a possibility of revival of the dimensional fragments of extinct civilization?"

"It is said that we can clean up the 'dead' fragments and collect their residual energy, which can be used to replenish the light of knowledge." Li said.

Anna glanced at the pointer in her hand.There is the light of knowledge flowing in it.It is a specialty of Boundless Xuehai.The Babel Tower Library is also maintained by it.Religious organizations such as the Light of Knowledge Society were even formed around it.

"I thought, as long as we create new knowledge, it can be maintained..."

"It is said that the efficiency of cleaning dimensional debris is much higher."

Anna was silent.

"Don't be sad. You must be thinking, the 'sweeper' is here, is it because you failed to submit the report in time that this place must be destroyed, so that's why you're so sad... Am I right?" Li asked .

Anna raised her flaxen long eyelashes to glance at Li, then nodded cautiously.

"Your report was indeed submitted. Although there may be some doubts about the actual author."

"Then my report was not well written, so they still decided to send Miss Xie Lu..."

"Not because of your report. She came from a further timeline than mine—so I think she has something else to do. Maybe something to do with that revolution."

During Li's journey, she recalled that revolution many times.The stronger she became, the more mistakes the revolution seemed to her. In the end, even she felt that it would be unreasonable if she didn't fail... But at this moment, when she talked about the revolution with Anna, she sealed it. Years of passion revived in her heart again.

"In order to establish a better order in the academic world, you led the revolution that we carried out together."

"The purpose is……"

"Eliminate academic restricted areas." Li said.

After hearing about the revolution, Anna still wanted to ask Li for more information.But Li didn't intend to answer her more.

"That revolution is doomed to fail," Li said.

"That's it... no matter how hard I struggle, I will fail in the end, right?"

Although the words were frustrating, Anna had a warm smile on her face.

So Anna stopped asking about the revolution.The topic turned to what Li saw and heard during the trip.Li didn't want to answer at first, but once she thought of the eternally sleeping Anna from Wuya Xuehai, Li's heart softened.

This may be the only time she can tell these stories to Anna.

It is good to be able to pass on some experiences even though it is impossible to continue this endless journey with Anna.Li told her stories in turn, starting with the Academy of Flowers and the Academy of Saussure.

Some stories may be interesting, while others may be boring.At first Anna was still sitting on the futon listening to Li's talk, but later she became lying on the same floor as Li, and later, she leaned her head next to Li's, and couldn't keep her eyes open.

Li regretted that she did not write a travel diary as well as Anna did.If she wrote it, she could show it to Anna and let her read it slowly in the next time.

"Go to bed when you're tired." Li said softly.

Anna shook her head like a drunk person: "I'm not sleepy."

"That's it for today. We have six more days," Li said.

As soon as Li finished speaking, the world outside the window suddenly lit up.It was only then that Li realized that this night was over.Their remaining days are not six days, but five days.

And even if there were six days, it was far from enough for her to finish her story.

She glanced at Anna.Long, slightly curly eyelashes already cover red eyes.The cute little nose is moving smoothly.So Li stood up, took a blanket and covered Anna, and then gently pulled the screen to block the light from the doors and windows.After finishing all this, she opened the door and was going to go back to the Academy of Sciences to get some things.

While opening the door, a small limp mass slipped and fell along the open crack.It is Shi Xuli.It had fallen asleep against the crack of the door, but the sound of opening the door did not wake it up, and it was still snoring comfortably, but its posture changed from lying on its stomach to lying on its back.It seems that when Li and Anna were talking in the room, Shi Xuli had been lying at the door and eavesdropping.Probably because the conversation between Li and Anna was so boring, it couldn't help but fell asleep.

Not everyone snoozes like Shiori.In the yard, Xiyan and Sunflower are already working.One is arranging the plants in the garden, and the other is getting water from the well.

Seeing Li coming out of the house, the two of them looked at each other and smiled.This made Li a little puzzled for a moment.

"Morning teacher." They said.Xiyan asked again: "Where is Teacher Anna?"

"She's asleep, and she probably won't wake up until later." Li said.

In the end, the two of them looked at each other and smiled again.

"What are you laughing at?" Li asked.

As soon as this remark came out, the two of them laughed even more happily.

Alas, the minds of high school girls are really strange.Li didn't ask them any more.She walked up to Sunflower and changed the subject:

"last night……"

"I'm sorry, teacher. I thought I heard Teacher Anna's voice, so I got up and looked around, but I heard something I shouldn't have heard..."

It was only then that Li suddenly remembered the words that Shi Xuli had said while pretending to be Anna at the beginning of last night, and she was immediately embarrassed.

"What did you hear?" Li asked hastily.

"I didn't understand the previous ones..." Sunflower showed a troubled expression.

It was only then that Li remembered that she and Shi Xuli had communicated in Wuya Standard Language that day, and Sunflower and the others hadn't learned many words.

"...I just understand that you said at the end that you didn't want to disturb Teacher Anna's peaceful life... I never thought that you, Teacher, are such an affectionate person!"

——Hey, something seems to be wrong.

"Please don't misunderstand!" Xi Yan said with her right hand on her heart, "Although I deeply admire Teacher Anna...but she only came to Guanyue Temple because she had trouble with you and had nowhere to go Yes.—I believe she is happy only by your side!"

Only the last sentence caught off guard and dealt a heavy blow to Li's heart.

Although he tried his best to clarify the relationship between himself and Anna all the time, when he heard Xiyan say the last sentence...

"I heard that teacher, you seem to have misunderstood, so I immediately went to Guanyue Temple and told Teacher Anna..."

"...Don't blame us for being troublesome, right?..."

"……please be happy……"

No amount of blessings will help.Li thought.The parting with Anna was destined.Their two warm wishes will eventually become pale words.

Maybe at that time, the fate of this city will also come to an end.

There are five more days.During these five days, Li had to do something.Even if it's just for sunflowers, sunsets, primroses and orchids...

Hold on.

At this moment, Li suddenly remembered an important thing: Primrose and Bluegrass are still in the Academy of Sciences.

Last night, she and Shi Xuli rushed to Guanyue Temple in a hurry. She thought she would be back soon, but she stayed here for so long without knowing it.The phantom of Gaoyang Xilu is still wandering in the city to collect materials for the report, but she left the primrose and bluegrass alone in the Academy of Sciences full of poisonous drugs and dangerous equipment!

The author has something to say: Thank you for buying V and supporting me, thank you for throwing mines at me.I will continue to keep writing in the future.Recently, due to being busy, the update is not on time, I hope everyone can understand >

Finally, it was fun to watch this little clip of Frozen:

☆, looking for primrose and bluegrass

"Primrose! Bluegrass!"

Li's shouts echoed in the Academy of Sciences.

The cicadas rang together, like an answer to her.

She ran down the corridor, opening door after door like crazy.No.No.There was no sign of the little sisters behind either door.

To make matters worse, when she went to her room, she found another tragedy: the report, which had just completed the first part, had disappeared from the table.That was the painstaking effort she had made by squeezing her own brainpower all day long.

Collapsing on the sofa in the primrose and bluegrass room, she felt like she was going to collapse.


Anna's voice came from behind.Li turned her head and saw that Anna was walking in with Sunflower and Xiyan.

"Anna... I'm sorry..."

Li didn't know what kind of expression he should use to face her.

"I found out that such a big thing happened, why did you come back alone, why didn't you discuss it with me?"

Anna frowned, looking at Li seriously.She didn't blame her for not taking good care of the two sisters, but for not discussing with herself.This made Li feel somewhat warm. ——No matter what time it is, Anna is still that Anna, her trusted companion.Li actually almost forgot.

"Although I am not sure that I can lead the revolution, don't underestimate me!"

Seeing Anna's calm eyes, Li really felt that she had seen her too clearly.

Anna immediately deployed a small number of people:

"Sunflower, Xiyan, check here carefully to see if there are any suspicious hairs and footprints. Pay special attention to the positions of doorways and window sills. Don't move the direction of the current furniture. For Li... just rest for a while. Inside your eyes It's all bloodshot. Leave this to me."

Hearing the last sentence, Li suddenly felt a ray of warmth in her guilty heart.She was about to thank Anna again, but she saw that Anna had turned her back and went to the edge of the carpet where the two sisters often played games, carefully looking for clues about the disappearance of the two sisters.

The little toys they made for the two sisters were scattered messily on the carpet over there.A small pistol carved from a small piece of wood, a small puppet made of sewed pieces of cloth, and colorful building blocks of various shapes.A few pieces were piled up in the shape of a house.It was as if little children had played here not so long ago.

Suddenly, Anna's eyes lit up slightly.

"what is this?"

she bent down,

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