Σ Academic Lily


Waiting to fade away.Vanishing proves that everything will be rewritten, and this will be the best ending.

(……I hope so.)

In the midst of the hurricane, Li tried hard to keep her eyes open.The strong wind made her shed tears, but there was no sadness or fear in her heart.

She is ready to witness her end.

Light, appeared...



She saw a pure white world.

Is this the world after the disappearance?Is it my soul that floats here?

... a little strange.

But soon, she found that she seemed to be thinking too much.

The warmth of Shi Xuli's body is still there.Its furry body curled up into a ball, curled up in Li's embrace.Between the arms and the body is a book of sand from the Ganges.But it doesn't seem to feel heavy.Both.

First came the sound.The sound of a distant siren came from a very close place.Then there is the sound of the waves.

Then, the light disappeared.

The sudden darkness left her blind.Everything is as black as ink.

Fortunately, it's only temporary... The starlight and the lighthouse are first revealed in the eternal night.It took a long time before the narrowed pupils enlarged to a suitable size, allowing her to see everything on the nearby deck and the mysterious sea illuminated by the lighthouse in the distance.

Countless dimensional fragments float on the sea surface, like small islands, silkworm cocoons, and Christmas huts in crystal balls.

This is... the sea of ​​dimensions.

The ship landed.

The lights of the port are still the same as when we left.The hands of the huge clock hanging directly above had moved only 5 minutes since the last time she left.

Shi Xuli poked her head out of her arms, rubbing her head again and again as if in a dream.

"What a strange clock," said Shi Xuli.

Li didn't speak, and quickly left the boat with it in her arms, and set foot on land.

"What about Xielu? Should I find a place where no one is around and let her out?" Shi Xuli asked again.

Li's mind was not on the imprisoned Xie Lu at all.

She hurriedly walked up to the person closest to her, and grabbed his tie directly:

"Tell me! The names of the current top twelve professors of Wuya Xuehai!"

The man was a short, fat middle-aged man with his wife and children behind him, as if he was on a family trip.The family of three were startled by Li's sudden actions.And the man stuttered in fright.In contrast, women are more courageous when facing a crisis.Holding the child in her arms, she plucked up her courage and said:

"...How do you know that kind of thing! We are not from that country! Such a small country of scholars..."

The man was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he couldn't say a word, so he could only nod wildly.

Li still didn't let go.

"Was there ever an assistant named Anna Aquinas there?"

The revolution was such a big deal that maybe even they would know about it.This is what Li expected.

"Who is that! Never heard of it!" The woman sulked, "I-I'm going to call someone! The police!"

In fact, she didn't need to shout, just behind them, two plainclothes detectives had already been staring at this dangerous man's every move.Li also noticed their gaze, so she let go of the man's tie, apologized to him, and then followed the procedure as it should be, put Shixu into a dangerous goods cage, and walked quickly to the checkpoint with it in her hand. .

Her heart is relaxed.

Those people didn't know Anna, and they didn't know about the revolution.Very good.Ana really did as she was told.That failed revolution was finally stopped.

The civil servant with the tie is still the same.Li honestly handed over the customs materials that were already as thick as a dictionary.

"Name: Lee Lawrence..." said the civil servant.

Usually, he would read the printed content: "From the sea of ​​endless learning. The type is P. The reason for traveling is exile..."

But this time he didn't.

Could it be that because the future has changed successfully and the revolution has not happened, so the things printed on the materials have also changed, and she is no longer a prisoner?Li felt a little regretful that she didn't take a peek at the content on that piece of paper beforehand.Thanks to Anna, this is really an unexpected harvest.

"Someone has a letter for you," said the civil servant suddenly.


A yellow envelope passed from the civil servant to Li's hand.

There is no extra words on the envelope, only one line.

"To Li Lawrence from Kapukong City." The poem in the cage read out, "This is Anna's word!"

Shi Xuli's cheers drew strange looks from the people around her.

Li borrowed a letter opener from the civil servant, carefully opened the envelope with a smile on her face, and then took out a piece of letter paper inside.

"This is……"

Her smile disappeared in an instant.

The words on the letter paper were scribbled wildly, even if you didn't read the content, just seeing it was enough to shock you.Li had never seen Anna write such handwriting, but judging from the sealing seal of the envelope, it could only be left by Anna.

Probably because they noticed that Li was going to read the letter, the passengers behind the line coughed impatiently.Li quickly thanked the civil servant, left the queue, and let the people behind go through the procedures first, while she sat on the waiting seat aside to read the contents of the letter.

"Li: Seeing a letter is like meeting you. I am Anna. I don't know how long you have stayed in that world since I left, whether it is a few days, months or years. In my place, the Knowledge Festival has been held to the 490th Class [-]. Let me say one thing first: sorry, I was wrong.

"I didn't do what you said. The revolution failed. Although it hasn't really failed yet, it must have failed by the time you read this letter. I have done my best to train you I started the revolution when I thought it was the most opportune time. I was wrong. It was too late to find out that everything was going the same way. Forgive me for making such a serious mistake. Three people were arrested last night. The messenger has not returned until now. Pip Graham probably betrayed me. Maybe that's our fate. I had to have a failed revolution for you to meet me. And you'd have to have a failed revolution to be me the one you.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I left this letter to you to tell you that if you meet me again, don't try to change our past again. Obviously there is no chance... never again. Sorry. Also, I never loved Pip, but there's no point in hating. Anna"

The letter is finished.Li stood up from her seat, ignoring the eyes of the people around her, and forced her way to the front of the window:

"Tell me! Who posted this letter here and when!"

The civil servant behind the window did not answer her, but was silent.Li asked loudly again.The man became a little impatient, and directly stuffed Li's materials into her hands, telling her to wait to board the ship.Li didn't want to leave.Passengers gradually have opinions.

"let me tell you."

Li turned her head and saw Erythrina in a white dress standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.The young men accompanying him were obviously frightened by Erythrina's speech.

They sat down in the coffee shop.The young man following Erythrina stood aside with his hands down, expressionless.

"This letter was written in a hurry before you were arrested. She kept this letter with her until it was found." Erythrina said, "During the interrogation, she pleaded Leaving the letter at the central port of the dimension, at first they thought there would be dangerous content in it, so they rejected her request. Instead, she said indifferently: "That's fine, anyway, it's meaningless." So we dismantled the letter. I opened the letter to look at it, found the contents incomprehensible, and decided to leave the letter there."

"You left this letter there just to figure out what's in it?"

"That's exactly what people like us do, isn't it."

Li could not refute.In order to understand one thing, sending letters to the revolutionary party is indeed something that only people with endless learning can do.

"Actually, Anna is already good enough." Erythrina said.

"Anna's excellence doesn't need the professor's acknowledgment to prove it." Li said.

"You still have prejudice against us." Erythrina was still smiling.

"What I'm telling you is the truth." It might be a humiliation for Anna to know that her strength is being pitied by the great professor.Li thought so.

"Okay. I agree." Erythrina turned her eyes to the closed Ganges sand book on the table, and said, "It seems that there is something in it that shouldn't be there."

Hidden in the book is Gaoyang Xielu, the sweeper.

"You've been spying on me?" Li became vigilant, and put her hand on the cover of the book.She doesn't mind using force here.

"You have always been curious, what is the purpose of Gao Yang Xielu's mission? Is it related to you and Anna? In fact, the two have nothing to do with each other. Her mission this time is to make up for the mistakes she made."


"You still remember that incident. A certain great professor left something that shouldn't be left in the dimensional fragments. He asked Gao Yang Xielu to take back that thing on his behalf to cover up his fault, but she refused. At that time, this This incident caused quite a stir, and Gaoyang Xielu has also gained a lot of fame because of it."

Li remembers.It was precisely because of this incident that Anna became one of Gao Yang Xie Lu's admirers.

According to Anna, it was Professor Joe Kuchiki who was involved.On the issue of whether to keep the academic restricted area, Joe Kuchiki has always been a moderate centrist. As far as academics are concerned, he is quite prestigious in the world of boundless learning.Perhaps it was for this reason that when Erythrina told Li about this matter, she still withdrew Joe Kuchiki's name.

"The thing that was left behind is the mysterious virus that swept through Kapukong City." Erythrina said.

Li was taken aback.

"The entire civilization was almost destroyed because of her refusal." The beautiful big professor said, "As soon as the problem of Kapukong City was noticed, we sent Anna to investigate. The results received and the facts It doesn't match. You must be very clear about what happened in this. It wasn't until you and Anna's revolution failed and Anna's letter was obtained by us that we really paid attention to the matter in Kapukong City. So we sent Let the sweepers fix their mistakes."

"Is this really the case? In my memory, it was a long time ago that Gao Yang Xielu rebelled against the great professor. But the disaster in Kapukong City has only been raging for three months."

"About this point, you should have a deeper understanding than I who have never left the Boundless Learning Sea. The time flow in the lower dimension is just an illusion compared to the upper dimension. Think about it for yourself." Elise Linna said.

Li thought of the clock at the port, and easily understood what Erythrina meant.

"According to what you said just now, the sweeper is not in the boundless learning sea in the upper dimension right now." Li said, "Do I need to release her now and put her on this land?"

"It's still possible," Erythrina said with an amiable smile on her face, "If the two of you fight here in front of me and let the people at the port see it, wouldn't it be a waste of money?" The face of Wuya Xuehai.—Tell me the page number, and I will ask other library staff who have Ganges sand books to extract her."

Li copied the page number into a note and gave it to her.I have to say that Elise Linna is a very humane elder.

"If she had told me her purpose earlier, maybe we would have come up with a better solution, and I wouldn't have to include her in the book," Li said.

"This is something that can't be helped. No matter who it was, what was once a good talk suddenly turned out to be a mistake, and no one would be ashamed to mention it."

At sea, Li's ship is docking.Erythrina and she are about to leave after saying goodbye to each other.At this time, Li suddenly remembered that event that she could never forget, and called out to the big professor:

"Master Erythrina, about the rampage of Ganges Shashu..."

She only said this half of the sentence, and Erythrina already understood her problem.

"This is something I can't help." She said, "Because the Ganges Sand Book is an existence that no one can explain, and it is also one of the ultimate goals of our research. That's all I can say."

They left.

"Li, such a scary thing...do you still plan to use it?"

"It seems that it doesn't work if you don't need it."

He obviously decided not to use it anymore, but he still used it in the end against Gaoyang Scallion.It's like Anna, who clearly promised to wait until the time is right to revolutionize, but in the end she still didn't wait for the right time.These may all be part of fate.

"Great!" Shi Xuli howled happily.


"Because Shixuli is the bookmark of the Ganges Sand Book, and an important tool for using the Ganges Sand Book. If Li doesn't use this book anymore, Shixuli will be meaningless."

"It doesn't make much sense in the first place. Because I'm a searcher."

"Li is so fickle!"

"And Shiori is not a tool, but a slave."

"Slave is also a kind of tool!"

"You're right, let's go."

☆、Seeing is not necessarily believing

Seeing is not necessarily believing.

Just like two straight lines of the same length.One is drawn next to the longer line, and the other is drawn on the side of the shorter line. If you don't measure it yourself, you will always think that the one next to the short line is longer.

Or when a good-looking person does something bad and "doesn't look like the kind of person who would do it" -- that's what people say all the time, and feel a little bit sorry.

Because man is a subjective creature.

But if you can't even believe your eyes, what else can you believe.


"Student, can you lend me some money? Ten yuan is fine."

Li and Shi Xuli stopped at the same time, and looked behind them.

The slope paved with stone bricks is lined with maple trees dyed red by autumn colors.The female student in front of her looks very clean, and her conversation is very polite, but her shoulder-length short hair is actually emerald green, which is very conspicuous among the red maple trees.She was looking at Li.She was the one who made the request to Li.

Li remembered, this is a classmate in the same class.The name seems to be Zhuqing.Because the name is like a person, Li was particularly impressed.

"Weiming High School", a school that is quite conservative in terms of architectural style and teaching style, its school rules are much looser than expected, and there seems to be no special restrictions on students' hair dyeing. There are many people who dye their hair into feather dusters.

Regarding hair dyeing, Li didn't have any particular objection.It's just that most of those dyed hairs are a bit ugly.The female student named Zhuqing in front of her was a little different.Her skin is particularly fair, her facial features are also very beautiful, and her green hair looks fresh and lovely.

Although Lihe doesn't have much contact with her in normal times, judging from Zhuqing's usual performance, she is a very low-key and well-behaved person.Why would such a person dye his hair such an overhanging color?Li was a little surprised.

However, if you want to borrow money, Li also has it.

She took the coin purse out of her bag.

The coin used here is mainly a round copper coin with the face value engraved on the front and a relief of a lamp on the back.There are dozens of odds and ends in Li's coin purse, but she never uses them.

Because apart from these small change, Li also had a flower-shaped "excellent student" badge, which was always worn on the collar of the uniform.These are all the things she got along with the entry materials before going to Weiming High School from the central port of the dimension.With the badge on her collar, all her activities on campus are free, including tuition, accommodation, and even teaching materials and meals.

What's the point of the bag of change when everything is free?She couldn't understand it before, but now she finally understands it.It turns out that the meaning is to "lend to others".

She counted five 2 yuan coins in her hand and handed them to the girl named Zhuqing.

But Zhuqing didn't accept it.She is waving her hand into the distance.Li followed her gaze to the top of the ramp, saw another girl standing there, and saw her waving at her, so she waved here too.

Li remembered.On the other side of the hillside is the wishing tree.These two girls are probably going to release the wishing lamp.

Right now, the Wishing Day of Weiming High School is here.

Festive atmosphere, wishing lanterns flying, and circle dancing around the campfire.

But it's a pity that this kind of festival is not the school celebration that Li expected.The real school celebration will come only after the final exams are over.

In fact, the reason why the Wishing Festival was held was simply because the attendance rate of Weiming High School had dropped again.

When Li first came to her class, the class was often full of students.But now, three-quarters of the semester has passed, there are only a handful of five or six students in the class.Although Li didn't know much about the situation in other classes, based on what she saw, she probably wouldn't differ too much.

Come and go when you want, no matter how you say it, it's a bit too "free".

The school is really incompetent, so a "Wishing Festival" is held in this way. The ostensible purpose is to relieve the tense atmosphere before the end of the term, but in fact it just wants to attract those students who have been absent for a long time to return to class.

Li thought, rather than holding such a meaningless event, maybe it would be more immediate to write to their parents and ask them to take care of the effect.However, the school doesn't seem to have much enthusiasm for this kind of thing...

Zhuqing took the money from Li's hand, then walked to the small shop next to her, bought a folded wishing lamp from the aunt there, and then ran towards the girl on the ramp.

From the hillside came the voices of girls talking.

"What a waste of money to buy this...why didn't you call me?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you."

Li watched the figures of the two of them disappear at the other end of the ramp.

"Li, let's go put the wishing lamps too." Shi Xuli urged.

Li had no reason to refuse, so she also walked to the small shop.

The price tag next to the wishing lamp reads "10 yuan".However, like other products, it is free for Rei who holds the Excellent Student Badge.So I got it without much effort.

On the other side of the ramp is a huge banyan tree.

It was not one tree, but two.Because they grew too close, no one could do without the other gradually in the process of competing for the sunshine and jade dew, and they became one tree from then on.Although it has been integrated, if you look carefully, you can still see the two interlaced textures on the trunk, which seems to tell an unusual story.

The branches and leaves are like a huge open umbrella cover, covering the entire circular square below it.In the dark shadows beneath the foliage stood young pupils and teachers.Some are people who come to put the lights on, and some are just to watch the excitement.

At this time, Li suddenly saw a touch of green.

That was the color of Zhuqing's hair.

Zhuqing, and her companion, are trying to prop up the skeleton of the lantern.Many words have been written on the body of the lantern.Li saw the pink "examination passed" written on the side, but didn't know what was written on the other sides.

Just now because they were far away, Li didn't see clearly who Zhuqing's companion was on the hillside.Now that she could finally see clearly, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

She is also Li's classmate.A girl named Suqiu.Treat people with kindness and study well.When get out of class is over, students around her seat will be surrounded by students asking questions.And she never seemed to feel troubled, and always answered patiently, as if she never needed a little of her own time.

Her cuteness is not only known to students, but even teachers use it from time to time.Whenever everyone in the class was drowsy, the teacher would wake her up and ask her to answer some questions.When her voice sounded in the classroom, the listless students suddenly regained their spirits.The teacher's teaching can continue.

Although both are excellent students, Li doesn't know more about Suqiu than other students.It turned out that Zhuqing and Zhuqing were friends...

"Girls in love let go of the lights of hope together, it is really the most touching romance on campus..."

The poems began to express emotions indiscriminately again.

Li picked up its tail, silently left the crowd, and threw it on the ground.

"God! Why did you abandon me! Why did you brutally banish Shiori from Lily's Eden!"

"Your voice is too loud." Li frowned and said, "And you said 'in love' too abruptly, no matter how you look at it, you are just friends with a good relationship. If the two of them hear it, I will How can you behave in front of them?"


Shi Xuli sat obediently, stopped saying unnecessary words, and silently looked at Zhuqing and Suqiu in the distance.

Those two people were originally talking like close friends, staring at each other's eyes at the same time, then avoiding each other's eyes, and then laughing.

Suddenly, Zhuqing said something, and then, the smile on Suqiu's face stopped.

The birds perched on the branches above their heads flapped their wings and flew away.

"Could it be a confession?!" Shi Xuli's eyes lit up.

However, it doesn't look like a confession should be.

Because there is no embarrassment or tension in the two of them.Everything is as it should be.Suqiu carefully pulled the two uppermost corners of the lantern, while Zhuqing bent slightly, struck a match and lit the lantern.Then, Zhuqing also grabbed the other two corners of the lantern with both hands, and the two of them looked at the lantern calmly.

After a while, they let go of their hands at the same time, and the lantern slowly floated into the air.

Li frowned slightly.

"Put a lamp under the tree, it will hang on the tree. There is an open flame, will it cause a fire..." she said.

"Don't say things that spoil the scenery, just be quiet and enjoy the serene lily atmosphere..." Shi Xuli said.

However, even if you want to be quiet, you can't do it.

I don't know which class students form a circle under the leadership of the teacher to play lyrics solitaire.Not far from the side, four players are playing cards enthusiastically.It was time for the campus broadcast, and after the echoes were superimposed several times, what the announcer was saying could not be heard clearly.Songs that were originally lyrical have also become noises.Suddenly, a man who didn't know the wrong string stood under the wishing tree and shouted to the tree.Then, several people followed him and shouted immediately.

--very noisy.

"Shi Xuli, put our lights on, let's go."

Shi Xuli agreed. "But what wish to write?"

"Just write whatever you want."

"It's too rash. The wishes made in GALGAME often have an important relationship with the final outcome. If there is a BE, don't blame me for not reminding you."


"So be serious, Miss Administrator! Every wish you make will come true in the end!"

"Such a good thing?"

"Yeah." Shi Xuli nodded vigorously.

Li took out a colored pen and wrote a line without thinking - "World Peace".

"Uh... think about it a little more realistically. This is too..."

Li thought for a while, turned the lantern over, and wrote down the three characters "Shixuli", after pondering for a while, crossed them out again.

"Why!" Shi Xuli protested.

"I originally wanted to write 'Shi Xuli becomes serious', but after thinking about it, 'World Peace' is more practical." Li said with a blank expression.

"...can't you write 'Meet Anna and grow old' or something?"

Li didn't answer Shi Xuli, but silently assembled the lantern.Shi Xuli couldn't help the impulse in her heart, hugged the pen holder with her front paws, and wanted to add something on top of the lantern, but because she was too small, she couldn't lift the pen holder to the proper height, so she could only hold it under the lantern A crooked X was drawn on the part of the body.

"What is this? 'Shi Xu Li Wen'?" Li laughed and teased.

Shi Xuli turned her head to the side and said nothing.

Li lit the lantern, and after a while, let go of her hand.The lantern rose higher and higher, and was not blocked by the branches as she expected. Instead, it easily passed through the barrier of the tree crown and flew into the sky as if the branches did not exist at all.

"Maybe this lantern is a bit high-tech." Shi Xuli said looking at the lantern.

"The two of them have already left."

Hearing Li's incoherent words, Shi Xuli looked at Li in confusion.It wasn't until he followed her gaze that he realized that she was referring to Zhuqing and Suqiu.The place where the two female students were standing just now was empty.

"Li, why do you suddenly care about the two of them so much? Sure enough, you also think there is something wrong with the two of them, right?"

Shiori was only half right.Li's concern is not without reason.However, it was not the reason Shiori said.

Because just now, the moment the wind blew the maroon curly hair in front of Suqiu's shoulders, Licai noticed for the first time that Suqiu also wore a flower-shaped outstanding student badge on her chest.

The same badge as Li.

The author has something to say: a new story.

☆、Unqualified educators

The class time has arrived, and the classroom has not yet started to formally start class, because the podium is empty-the teacher has not arrived.

There are only two and a half students in the classroom today.Li and Suqiu are barely half of each other in Shi Xuli.

Zhuqing didn't come either.In the past, Zhuqing was also the holder of the perfect attendance record.But this time, no.

Is it really as Shi Xuli guessed that Zhu Qing was rejected when she confessed to Su Qiu, so she joined the skipping party?Li looked at Suqiu and found that Suqiu was also absent-minded, as if staring at the blackboard in a daze.The open page of the book in front of her was not what was to be taught today.

Think again about the "rejection of confession" that Shi Xuli said... Li felt that it was not that simple.

In any case, it appears that the school's attempt to stimulate student attendance with the "Making of the Wishes" fell flat.Li thought.According to the original plan, the final exam will be in another quarter of the semester.However, if there are only these two students...

Shi Xuli lay on the window sill basking in the sun. "I didn't expect that Suqiu really loves to study. There are only you two full-time madmen left in the classroom." Shi Xuli said lazily.

"Suqiu is also an outstanding student with a badge," Li said.

"...I see! That's why Suqiu blamed Zhuqing for not calling her when buying the lamp. If she came to buy the lamp, the lamp would be free."

"Eh, you also heard their conversation?" Li thought that at that time, Shi Xuli only thought about putting the lamp on.

"Of course, Master Shi Xuli has always had good ears and eyes! But I didn't expect there to be two outstanding students in the same class, so I have to pay the expenses of the two students... This school is really rich and powerful."

"Not all outstanding students have a special edible pet like me....Ah, the teacher is here."

Purple came in.

Zi is the teacher in charge of this class, female, 27 years old, wearing a dark purple long gown with wide sleeves and a light-colored pleated skirt underneath.The long hair is always tied into a bun, probably because of the relationship between teaching ancient Chinese, and there is a cool beauty about her body.

"Zi" should not be her real name.In this school, the teachers do not use their real names.Even the names of the students appear to be pseudonyms.

When Li first came here, she felt that the teacher's character was a bit cold.In the beginning, Zi was an educator who loved to laugh, but her teaching skills really needed to be improved, and the number of people in the classroom became smaller and smaller.There are fewer and fewer people in the classroom, and Zi's enthusiasm for teaching is also getting lower and lower.Until the last few times, except for the needs of teaching, Zi seldom speaks, and she no longer smiles at the students.

Today's Zi is colder than what Li saw before.From opening the classroom door to stepping onto the podium, her eyes never fell on the students, even though there were only two students in the classroom, and they were still "excellent students" with badges.

She stood there and didn't say "Class" or "Good morning".

"—Zhuqing dropped out of school."

This is Zi's opening remarks today.

Li looked at Suqiu and found that Suqiu did not show any surprise to the news.She just glanced at Zhuqing's seat with full of sorrow.Li recalled Suqiu and Zhuqing under the wishing tree, and understood why.

"This final exam has been cancelled," Zi said.


Zi gave a further explanation:

"Absent from class more than five times will be regarded as a quasi-exit student. Except for the two of you and Zhuqing, all other students in the class are quasi-exit students. And today, Zhuqing also quit school. Therefore, for this final exam, cancelled."

Hearing what Zi said, Rei immediately stood up from her seat. "What about the school celebration?"

"Without the final exam, there would be no school celebration." Zi said, "Why do you care about the school celebration?"

"But there's me and Suqiu! Even if it's for the two of us, isn't there a test?"

Li glanced at Suqiu, hoping that she would go along with her request.But Suqiu still sat quietly in her original position, not saying anything.

"What's the point of that? You are all 'excellent students' with badges." Teacher Zi looked at Li indifferently, "It doesn't make any sense to hold a final exam that only 'excellent students' take part in. Next semester, you just need to do well What an 'excellent student' should do is fine. If it weren't for you, it wouldn't be where it is now!"

What's the point.The students have all run away, do not reflect on the teaching technology and school system, but blame the 'excellent students'.Li wanted to say more, but Shi Xuli tugged at the corner of her clothes.

"It's no use arguing with her," Shi Xuli said, "It's part of the school rules. Do Li remember?"

Li remembered.

Before entering the country, when she was studying the "Unknown High School Regulations" as an attachment to the entry procedures, she had seen such provisions. "Except for outstanding students, when everyone in the class is quasi-exited or formally expelled, the current semester will end immediately, and there will be no final exams and school celebrations." Back then, she laughed and said to Shi Xuli that it was impossible for the entire class to drop out.Unexpectedly, she actually met her.

She had no choice but to sit back again, lowering her head, thinking of Anna.

It is useless to think about it.

Even if she leaves this world immediately and returns to the upper dimension, what awaits her is still sleeping Anna and the fate of continuing to be exiled.

Anna had hinted to her in that letter that Anna before the revolution never met Li after the revolution.If you just wander around blindly like this, you won't see any exit in the future.So is Li's future, and so is Anna's future.

At this moment, Li heard Zi whispering to himself.

"I originally thought that Zhuqing might pass because of her hard work..."

Li raised her head, but saw that Zi had already opened the classroom door and walked out.

Suqiu also packed her backpack, bowed silently to Li, and left the classroom.

This semester is over.

There are no final exams.There are no exam papers.There is no school celebration.

It's like scratching the prize redemption area of ​​the lottery ticket, not only did you not win the prize, but you didn't even say "thank you".

Yes, that's how it feels.


Shi Xuri sat on Li's lap.Li sat on the bench under the maple tree.

Shi Xuli knew that Li had no interest in this journey at all.The campus is lifeless.The knowledge taught is all content that Li has long been familiar with.After thinking and thinking, Shi Xuli turned her head, and said to Li: "If you think about it, at least there are beautiful girls..."

Li didn't answer.

She raised her head and looked at the quaint teaching building.From the first floor to the sixth floor.

Suddenly, from between the leaves of the maple tree, she saw a man with long black hair.

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