Σ Academic Lily


born arrogance.Michael is no exception.When he heard about this mission, although he didn't really want to go, but when he thought that if he didn't go, he would continue to stay with that unsmiling mentor Ando Ten, his nerves couldn't relax for a moment...he still chose to go.

Unexpectedly, this person was more difficult to deal with than his mentor.Never take the initiative to speak, and no expression.This is true even now.It seemed that the immediate collapse of the Tongtian Tower would not shock her.

"Excuse me, are you listening?" The young man was a little displeased, "I'm explaining seriously!"

"Excuse me. I'm a little tired and my mind is slow," Schiller said.

Michael turned his back and walked forward, whispering in the ancient northern Wuya Sea language-β: "You look so young, why are you pretending to be an old man? If you are an old man, you should stay at home in the next dimension Just stay there, but I just ran to a higher dimension...to die..."

But he never expected that the answer from the ancient northern Wuya Xuehai language-β suddenly came from behind him:

"I'm here by invitation."

Michael was suddenly scared out of his wits.Because he clearly recognized that this was exactly what the silver-haired Schiller said.Can a person from the lower world speak such a remote language...

Schiller switched back to Wuya Standard and said, "Just now, your voiced pharyngeal fricative was accidentally pronounced as a glottal stop."

"You taught me the right lesson." After Michael finished speaking, he led the way tremblingly, not daring to do anything wrong again.

Schiller looked at this young man named Michael.

She felt a little sorry for the young man in her heart.Because when she walked the hedge maze just now, she did not listen to his explanation, but was thinking about other things.

That is, this Wu Ya Xue Hai is different from the one she knows.

When she was at the Saussure College, the red-eyed Aquinas once told her that Wu Ya Xue Hai was a closed and decayed college, with no students, only scholars.At the same time, it is also a very incredible place.Schiller saw the Ganges Sand Book mentioned by Aquinas in Li's hands.She has kept the blank pages that Li tore off from that book, almost forgotten.After Charlotte's death, she found that page when sorting out Charlotte's belongings, so based on the materials left by Aquinas in Saussure's library, she summarized the pronunciation and text of the Boundless Standard Language system, and then wrote a greeting in its own words on the white page.

That's just what she did with the eternal sun when she was running out of life.But he did not expect to receive a solemn invitation from Wuya Xuehai.Just at that time, May also came back from afar.Saussure College no longer needs her.Although she didn't like Wu Ya Xuehai, she still decided to go to the appointment.

On the way from the port to Wuya Xuehai, Shi Xuli took the initiative to tell her many things about Wuya Xuehai, especially repeatedly mentioned Li's participation in the revolution and failed, and expressed deep sympathy for Li's experience.As deep as his sympathy for Li was, his resentment towards the Council of the Boundless Sea of ​​Learning would be as deep.However, those expressions in the poems are all stereotyped without exception.Schiller noticed this unusual point, but never explained it.Until the end, Shixuli got drunk holding a red wine glass, and said something that he had just learned not long ago - it was created after the revolution, and all these memories were unreal, and its It exists only for the convenience of Professor Elise Linna to use her unique dream-catching ability to monitor and control Li...

Schiller had been turning over these facts as he walked through the hedges.Aquinas was a man full of energy, justice and responsibility.The same goes for Li.Schiller has no reason not to trust their judgment on Wu Ya Xue Hai.But when she saw this school with her own eyes and saw the people working here, she felt a sense of incongruity.So what is the truth in this?

If Shi Xuli was by his side now, maybe he could let him meet this young man and have a good chat.But when Shiori heard that she was going to visit the campus, she said that she didn't want to see Erythrina, and that she had other things to do, so she definitely didn't want to visit the campus.Schiller had no choice but to let it run freely.Now she had no choice but to try to replace Shi Xuli and ask out the doubts in her heart.

"Michael. I have a question."

"please say."

Michael's attitude is much more humble than before.Schiller is very pleased with the change.She said, "Excuse me, has there ever been a revolution here in Wuya Xuehai?"

"Revolution?" Michael frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "I see, you mean to talk about the riot a long time ago. That...it can't be regarded as a revolution. It was pacified later, leaving nothing behind. There may be some secrets in Tongtian Tower, but I can't see it now."

What he said was the same as Shi Xuli said.

"So, do you remember the circumstances of the riot?"

"How can you say you remember?" Michael smiled, "I was not born at that time! If you are so interested, you can ask Herodotus, the great professor in the history department. But he is probably in class at this time... "

Attend class?

Schiller was a little concerned.

Aquinas once said that this is an academy without students, and Shiori also expressed this meaning...

"Is this a place for students?" Schiller asked.

"Of course! There is no reason for the college not to recruit students. Wuya Xuehai is the most authoritative institution in the upper dimension. Its education major has a longer history and is most famous for the inheritance of the Kong family's family education. You know Wuya Xuehai so well. language and know nothing about history?"

Michael's last words were not provocation, more surprise.

Schiller didn't say much.Language... was just a small gift of hers.

If everything is really as this young man said, then where is the academy that Aquinas and Li mentioned?

"Please lead me the way, I need to meet the great professor Herodotus you mentioned." Schiller said.

Michael scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Even if you say that... He never knows when the class will end. After class, Michelle from the Sociology Department stopped him and kept arguing with him... Although you are a guest , we should be humble to you, but Michelle is very cunning, once you start arguing, everyone around you will be attracted. You may have to wait for a long time."

"It's ok."

"But you are old... I'm afraid..."

"I am in good health. Please introduce me to Professor Herodotus."

The innate majesty of the Meta-language is so irresistible to the youth.

"Then, well...Actually, I really want to see Michel-sama too. Then we'll go back the same way..."

At this moment, a steady voice came from not far behind the two of them.

"—No need."

Michael turned his head and was immediately surprised: "Lord Estes! Why did you suddenly appear here..."

The person whom Michael called Master Estes was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and beard who looked quite dignified.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Estes from the law school. This matter is so important that I have to come here in person... Ms. Federica Schiller, your pet has just done a great thing."

Schiele immediately understood that he was talking about Shiori.

"It's not my pet, it's just walking with me," Schiller said, "and I have important things to do right now. I need to see Herodotus in the history department."

Estes twirled his beard as he listened to her talk.After Schiller finished speaking, he also stopped his hands and said:

"Unfortunately, the matter is related to Herodotus."

He stared into Schiele's eyes, his eyes burning.

"—Your pet just attacked Professor Herodotus at the Observatory of the Zhaixing Building."

The author has something to say: suddenly the code is so smooth, even I don't believe myself.It turns out that I also have times when I don’t get stuck.

Today is Queen Tianhai's birthday. I wish Her Majesty a happy birthday, and it will be 1000 years since she met each other.

☆, the promise in my heart

Professor Estes of the Faculty of Law conveyed to Schiller and the accompanying young teaching assistants that when Herodotus was attacked, his sharp eyes kept observing the changes in the expression of the guest named Schiller, hoping to capture her panicked emotions. look.

But Schiller's performance let him a little disappointed.

Not only did she not rush to break away from the relationship like ordinary people, nor did she rush to meet the victim to confirm the outcome of the matter like a conspirator. Instead, she said, "I hope I can go to the scene to have a look."

So Estes decided that she was also an ordinary person, who committed the disease that ordinary young people would suffer from when they heard about the incident——detective madness.

So let me see what you can do.Estes turned and led them into the hedge maze from the other direction.

This time it took a different route.At the end is the Zhaixing Building Observatory that Estes mentioned earlier, which is located directly east of the Wuya Xuehai.Although it is called Zhaixing Tower, its height is far less than Tongtian Tower, but fortunately, it is exquisite, facing the sea, and has a wide view.However, there is not much time left for newcomers to appreciate the building.They directly took the ladder and went to the upper floor.

The road from the exit of the ladder to the scene of the crime was blocked by students and teachers responsible for maintaining order.After Estes clarified his identity, they made way for Schiller and others to approach.There are several points marked on the ground, and it can be seen that the location and possible action path of the murderer and the victim are marked.Over there, a teacher with a bald head and glasses was sitting there, but his hand was quietly resting on the knee of a young man next to him.Seeing Schiller enter, he stood up and said:

"Is this the famous 'Metalanguage'? I've always been in favor of you. I've always been curious about whether your abilities are real or constructed from other people's words."

The young teaching assistant in charge of leading the way immediately lowered his voice and said to Schiller: "This is the Max Michel of sociology." After speaking, he stared at the somewhat deviant professor with resentful eyes.

The big professor shrugged indifferently.

Schiller greeted him, not intending to intervene in the teacher's moral issues, then looked back at the marks on the ground, and said to Estes: "Professor Herodotus and the prisoner are not here anymore, are they?"

Michelle, of course, found herself being willfully ignored.But he wasn't offended by it, and he didn't intend to answer.Instead, the student-looking young man beside him took the initiative to answer:

"Professor Herodotus has been protected. That fox is being imprisoned. Are you its owner?"

Schiller continued to observe here while listening to him.At last she came to a table, took a key from it, and said to Estes:

"It was because of this key that you found me, didn't you?"

Estes nodded helplessly.

That key is the key to Schiller's temporary residence in Wu Ya Xue Hai.It only takes a little research to find out.In fact, there was only one clue they got.Because "criminal fox" is still unwilling to reveal his identity.The result is that they don't even know what kind of creature the "criminal fox" is until now.

Estes thought to himself: At first, he thought that he could get something out of this mysterious man named Schiller, but he didn't know whether that man was intentional or unintentional, and he never revealed any information.Fortunately, the last solution is already being implemented, that is, to search the residence of the "criminal fox".But this is an illegal search, and it can only be done by ensuring that Schiller will not return suddenly.It would be best if she was willing to stay here for a while and not be so eager to return——

At this time, Schiller said: "I hope to be able to meet the prisoner. You can also be there."

Estes smiled immediately and led her the way himself.


In a dark and closed room, there is a raging demon fox.Even though his limbs were restrained by iron chains, he still struggled and roared unwillingly.It grew more irritable as Schiller and his party approached.

Schiller had seen Shi Xuri like this before, so he was not shocked.But the students around were obviously horrified.Some timid students didn't dare to look at this scene, but because they were guards, they had to turn their faces away, put their hands together and prayed to the wall.As for the teachers, Estes kept frowning, but Michelle still chatted and talked with the male students calmly, as if she only took the cries of the demon fox as the humming of ordinary mosquitoes.

"Professor Michelle is so courageous. No wonder Mr. Ando is afraid of him." Mike Defer, a young assistant, said to himself.

"You weren't there at the time, so you didn't see that scene," said the male student who accompanied Michelle before, "He defeated and captured this demon fox. It looks so handsome. I have never seen a professor like him. In that way..."

Mike's expression seemed a little unhappy.

But their conversation soon ceased, for a man equally daring was at hand.That's Schiller.

Schiller took off his hood, revealing his silver hair, as if to let the fox see his appearance clearly.After that, she took a few steps forward, stretched out her hand to touch the fox's head, and at the same time made a sound that no one else could understand.

The fox fell silent immediately, and then fell to the ground slumped.Its body shrunk, slowly turning into a flaxen-haired humanoid with no clothes.After that, it gradually turned into a dark brown that is not too eye-catching.Lying there quietly, it seemed that he was too tired, so he fell asleep.

Schiller frowned, took off his cloak, and wrapped it around its body.

"The original is human?" Estes said.

"It's not." Schiller stretched out his hand and touched its ear lightly, "It just changed into a human shape."

"Then you are still the owner of this monster. Monsters are forbidden to be brought to the sea of ​​boundless learning. Lunlu should be put to death, and the breeder should be deported—"

"It is a 'bookmark', it is from Wuya Xuehai, it is not a foreign monster. Its owner is not me. Maybe it has its reasons."

"Since it is a bookmark, then it is the unique immortal of Wuya Xuehai. Why does it follow you, an outsider?"

"When I arrived at the central port, it turned into a fox and asked to go with me, and I agreed. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Estes raised an objection when he heard this: "I remember that bookmarks don't have the ability to change shape. They are friendly in nature, and they are responsible for the distribution and collection of books in the library. They are good partners of librarians. It is also very close, but I have never heard of anyone who can turn into a monster, let alone attack people. Because of this, the law of Wuya Xuehai gives them equal rights and obligations with humans, including freedom."

But Schiller still insists that Shi Xuli is an ordinary bookmark and has another owner.

"Are you hiding something?" Estes said.

Schiller was silent.

"If she is a bookmark, then we will file a request for punishment to the council on the charge of intentional injury according to the law of Wuya Xuehai..."

At this moment, a loud voice sounded:

"Estis, please listen to me."

Schiller turned around, only to realize that during the time of the argument just now, someone new had appeared in this room.It was an old man with a long white beard, and he looked like a man of high morals and prestige, but his arm was wrapped with a bandage, and he seemed to have suffered a serious injury. He couldn't even stand upright, so he could only lean against the door frame and said:

"I'm Herodotus for the first time. Forgive me for being seriously injured and inconvenient to salute."

Schiller nodded to him.The students hurriedly found a seat for him.

Herodotus said:

"As far as I know, before the main body of the Babel Tower library was abandoned, the bookmarks had extraordinary power. But all of this has become a thing of the past. There is only one bookmark that wandered outside. If it survives If it was alive, it still retains a powerful ability that it shouldn't have. That is the bookmark of the former librarian Li Lawrence, whose name seems to be Shiori. But that was a long time ago."

"That's exactly what it's called," Schiller said.

"But this needs to be proved." Estes said, "If it can be proved that it has a background in Wu Ya Xuehai and has not been deported, it is intentional harm. If it cannot be proved, then unfortunately... we can only execute her."

Shi Xuli is on the line of life and death.

"I'll find the proof. Please release it," Schiller said.

At this moment, Shi Xuli opened his eyes and sat up as if aware of his dangerous situation.After a moment of confusion, she saw that her hands and feet were bound by iron rings, and she only had Schiller's cloak on her body. She was shocked immediately, and then quickly used the power of the demon fox to conjure clothes on her body.

"Say your name," Estes said.

"Shi Xuli." Shi Xuli whispered.

Estes and Michelle looked at each other.Michelle still shrugged and said nothing.So Estes continued to ask, "Is there anyone who can prove it?"

"Li...but she's not here...by the way, Erythrina!"

Hearing this name, everyone present showed a look of surprise.

Shi Xuri looked at the others blankly, and then looked at Schiller with a look of help.

"Lord Erythrina submitted her application for retirement a few days ago. She is currently on vacation."

Shi Xuli became worried.In fact, if she hadn't had to, she didn't really want to say the name Erythrina.After a while, she finally remembered again, the two people she met at the port——

"There are two other people, I don't know if you can find them. They are two vampires, a man and a woman, like a young lady and his housekeeper. They should also have a lot of knowledge. I have met them before."

Estes and Michelle looked at each other again and shook their heads.

"Can't you find it?" Shi Xuli asked worriedly.

Mike, the youth assistant coach, said: "There is no difficulty at all. It's just that they didn't expect that the people you know are all famous people. And it is very coincident, or very unfortunate, that these two people are also on vacation and have not returned."

Shi Xuli was downcast.In this boundless learning sea, who else can prove itself, it can't think of it.

Estes said: "Forget it. Let's put this matter aside for now, why don't you tell me why you attacked Professor Herodotus."

Shiori said: "I have long heard that history is about the past, so I wanted to ask the professor of the history department to ask me about it. If you are a person who writes history, you probably know something about the past. The result is At the door, I heard him talking to that bald man—”

Michelle knew he was talking about himself, but he was still not angry, and laughed.Estes glared at him, then continued to ask Shi Xuli:

"What did he say?"

"He said that from a historical point of view, revolutionaries are people, not gods, so when the revolution is successful, they are easy to become the slaves of the Communists, without exception. The riots initiated by Lee Lawrence and Anna Aquinas failed that year It's really the luck of Boundless Xuehai..."

The big professors were silent for a while.The students started whispering, then shook each other's heads.

"I was listening outside the door, and I didn't control my emotions. Ever since Li was seriously injured that time, I made an agreement with myself in my heart that I would absolutely not allow anyone to hurt Li, not even my reputation, except myself. How could they know the bitterness of those years when they didn’t go through that era? As a result, they did something irreversible... In fact, I don’t even know whether I have truly experienced that era, maybe my memory doesn’t. It must have been fabricated... I'm sorry!"

Shi Xuli lowered her head and burst into tears.

Schiller patted her on the shoulder, then turned to Estes and asked, "Do you still need witnesses now?"

"I don't need it for now," Estes said. "I'll investigate this matter myself."

"By the way," Shi Xuli suddenly raised her head, "I think of a witness! But I don't know if she is still in Wu Ya Xue Hai... If you don't need it, forget it."

"Go ahead," Estes said.

"Her name is Gaoyang Xielu. We met each other when we were in Kapukong City."

For Shi Xuli, it was really a very unforgettable memory...and battle.

Michelle rubbed her chin and said, "Gao Yang Xie Lu...Although it's a beautiful name, I don't seem to know this person very well. Is it male or female?"

Estes said, "Even Lord Michelle doesn't recognize it, and it's even less likely that I will."

"I remember the name."

Herodotus smiled slightly:

"She is a person who once caused me a lot of trouble in my historical research. She is really impressive, 'Sweeper' Gaoyang Xielu."

Shi Xuli's eyes lit up: "Yes, it's her! Please invite her out. If it's her, she can definitely prove my relationship with Li..."

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid this will be difficult to do," said Herodotus.

Schiller frowned: "Did she pass away?"

"No, it's not that bad, but it's about the same," Herodotus said, thinking back. "She disappeared. On a mission to a place called 'Capukong'."

☆、A fairy tale written for you

Shi Xuli's face suddenly turned pale.Gaoyang Xielu...hasn't returned to the Wuya Xuehai.Is she still in the Ganges Sand Book?This is different from what Elise Linna said before...

"What if I can't prove it? Will I die?"

Her pitiful appearance huddled in the cloak, no matter who saw it, it would inevitably move her face.

Estes was about to say something when Herodotus raised his uninjured hand to stop him.Herodotus said:

"I'm hurting none of your business. I hurt myself."

Estes immediately changed his face, and said solemnly:

"Professor Herodotus, please remember your authority status, it is against the rules to cover up others like you!"

"Estis, my brother. You, like me, have never experienced the time when librarians and bookmarks were like masters and servants. We will never know what the owner of the bookmark means to their bookmark. Provocation I, who broke the bond between them, should be taught a lesson by suffering this little injury."

Estes fell silent.Schiller stretched out his hand to Shi Xuli and said, "Let's go back."

Their departure was acquiesced by the big professors.Walking in the hedge maze, Shi Xuli suddenly tilted his body, fell down, and turned back into a soft little fox, unable to walk on the ground.Schiller picked it up and put it in his hood.

After a while, Shi Xuli said, "Laurie...she should be okay."

Schiller didn't answer.

After a while, Shi Xuli said: "Tell me, if she comes back here...how will things turn out?"

Schiller still didn't answer.

Then there was silence all the way to the village where Schiller lived, and to their door.Schiller took out the key and opened the door, then said:

"Tell me the stories of your travels."

Shi Xuli raised its little head.

"If I tell you, will you help me think about the answer? Her matter..."

"Not yet. However, without knowing enough information, it is completely impossible to come up with an answer."


A long time passed after that.On an ordinary afternoon, Shizuli's unexpected visitors—a stray cat and a bell—come to Schiller's residence.

Schiller had brought them here.Seeing that Shi Xuli turned out to be a little fox, Ling was startled.On the contrary, the wild cat glanced at the bell, snorted softly, and said, "Rare is more strange."

"Can you become like this?" Ling said.

The wild cat turned his head to the side: "The law has stipulated that bookmarks are equal to human beings, why should I lower myself like this?"

Shi Xuli said: "Actually, you obviously can't do it...Hey! Don't pull my tail!"

Schiller sat quietly by the window, watched them fight, and then cast his eyes on the top of the cabinet.

There were two portraits on it, one of Joan and the other of Charlotte.They are all when they are the most beautiful.

She closed her eyes slightly, thinking: It's not bad to be so noisy in the room every now and then...


It was Shi Xuli's shout, and Schiller slowly opened his eyes.

"They said they wanted to read Li's Ganges Sand Book, where did you put it?"

Schiller silently pointed to the top shelf of the bookshelf.

"Quick, quickly help me take it off." Shi Xuli said.

Schiller glanced at it coldly.Even Ye Mao and Ling were too frightened by the sight to make a sound.Shi Xuli hurriedly got down on the knees and apologized: "I was wrong...I'm sorry..."

In the end, Ling took the initiative to walk to the edge of the bookshelf and took down Li's Ganges Sand Book.

When she opened the book, Wild Cat's eyes sparkled. If Shi Xuli hadn't closed the book in time, her saliva would have dripped down.

"Actually, you came here just to read this book!" Shi Xuli was rather dissatisfied.

The wild cat snorted, and Ling smiled helplessly.

"What is the reason why you like other people's Ganges sand book so much? If you want to read it, go back and read it yourself!" Shi Xuli said.

"Hey, so you agree with me taking it back? Then I'll be impolite, hehehe."

"Hey, let go! I'm talking about you going back to read your master's book!"

Bell and Wildcat were about to say something, but Schiller spoke from the side:

"It seems that you still don't understand, Shi Xuli.—In this boundless school of learning, there is neither Tongtian Tower Library nor Ganges Sand Book. Of course, as a subsidiary rule, the bond between bookmark and owner, It no longer exists."

Shi Xuri looked at Schiller in surprise, and then at Wild Cat and Bell in surprise.

Ling smiled helplessly and said, "Yes, that's exactly what she said—I have always been an equal partner with Wildcat, we are in charge of South 19 District together, and we can't work without each other... In terms of qualifications, she It's my senior, but she seems very unwilling, and has always wanted to find a Ganges sand book, and then regain her own power."

The wild cat snorted: "Who said that? I really enjoy being a free citizen. Shi Xuli, you don't understand this kind of happiness, do you?"

Wildcat thought Shiori would fight back like before.

But not in Shi Xuli.It became very quiet all of a sudden.

"Shi Xuli, you... are you okay?" Wildcat regretted.

"Hmm. It's nothing...Actually, I don't really understand. About the bookmark... Li is no longer with me, and the Tongtian Tower is gone, and the rules here are different from what I remembered... Anyway, it doesn't matter. Well, as long as everyone is having a good time."

After finishing speaking, he curled up into a ball and surrounded his body with his big tail.

"Don't be like this! I, I'm actually...very...very envious that you can be so small!"

The wild cat said this sentence almost with all its strength, and then immediately covered its mouth, and its face turned red.

But Shiori just smiled slightly, and then continued to curl up into a ball.

Ling sighed helplessly: "It seems to have the opposite effect..."

Shi Xuli shook her head and said, "I'm fine. It's just that I suddenly feel... I don't know where I belong..."

Wildcat suddenly became serious.she says:

"Become like you were at Rossi. I'll take you to a place. Bell, you come with me. Now, immediately, immediately."

Shi Xuli looked at the wild cat in confusion, but she did as she said, and became the girl when they met.The wild cat immediately grabbed her hand and forcibly dragged her out of the house.Bell hurriedly saluted Schiller, smiled apologetically, and then left.

Be careful on the road.Schiller spoke to the empty room.


After walking out of the hedge maze, Wildcat, Shiori and Suzu finally stood at the gate of Tongtian Tower.

It was a very different door from Shiori's impression, because it opened on the new outer pavilion built around the old Tongtian Tower, with a modern art atmosphere.Ando Ju's masterpiece.

"This is the new library. We bookmarks call it the outer library." Wildcat said, "Let's go in together."

In the spacious and bright square room, brightly lit, rows of wooden dark bookshelves are neatly arranged in two rows, and there are several tables in the middle, where some students are sitting and reading.

"This is the place where Ling and I usually work." Yemao introduced to Shiori, and then said, "Ling, haven't you always wanted to know what the outer hall looks like in the eyes of the bookmark... Let her tell you Bar."

Shi Xuli was already stunned.

This place is not much different from the university library she saw in the next dimension.

"This is too common." Shi Xuli whispered.

"That's right. Ordinary, mediocre, even boring. This is the current outer hall. The original Tongtian Tower is much more spectacular and beautiful than here. Ling, the meaning of our bookmarks is to protect the Ganges River Sand Book, for Let people make better use of Babel. But now, we are all mortals, working in this mediocre library. Then, why do we still work here?"

The wild cat's voice drew protesting glances from the surrounding students.

Shi Xuli was silent.

Wildcat continued: "That's right, that's what I thought at the beginning. Always, always. Since I can no longer get power from the Ganges sand book, I have become powerless. Especially after my master retired, I almost felt like I couldn't keep working. Plus after seeing the bell, I was thinking, if only I were Lawrence's bookmark. At least, I can still maintain the power of the bookmark. At least, Lee Lawrence Not as useless as a bookmark."

Ling's expression was suddenly a little sad.Shi Xuli quickly said: "Please don't say that, Li is also very..."

"Please listen to me," said Wildcat, "do you remember what I said to you the last time we parted?"

"You seem to say that you are very grateful to Li..."

"Yeah." Wildcat lowered his voice, "This part involves some content that is forbidden to discuss...but it's a good prohibition."

Shi Xuli was a little unhappy: "'Good prohibition'... Li once said that when people set up academic restricted areas, they always use the name of good prohibition to deceive them. It's all lies..."

"Trust me. This prohibition is really good. The revolution failed, but in fact, it succeeded. Anyway, the bookmarks like to work in this humble library"

"This is too contradictory! If you really like this kind of life, why did you go to Rossi to find the Ganges Sand Book! And snatch Li's one!" Shi Xuli said.

"Ahem... It's hard to put it into words. It should be an obsession. I can't help but look for it when I hear about Ganges Shashu... But I really fall in love with this new life, and this place It's a new school. You'll only know it if you've worked here. So, would you like to come work here and give it a try?"

Shizuo opened her eyes wide.

"Also, I want to show you a book. Come with me."

Shiori and Suzu followed the wild cat through the library and arrived at a place that looked like an office.There were no such rooms in the past.Shi Xuli was surprised to find that the name of "Wild Cat" was written on one of the desks—does Wild Cat have her own desk...

Shi Xuli looked out of the window again.It was a ring-shaped patio, and the Tongtian Tower was on the opposite side.The body of the tower is older than the impression, and the windows on the first to third floors have been covered. It seems that it is indeed blocked... This all-dimensional city

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