The Reborn King of Hell loves farming

Chapter 47 Soul Destruction Lamp

Chapter 47:

"Dementor Lamp." Wei Yang's heart trembled, and he immediately hid his exposed body inside the wall.

All the gods, ghosts and monsters under the soul lamp cannot hide.Although these words are a bit exaggerated, they are true. The only condition is the quality and spiritual power of the soul-absorbing lamp. As long as the quality is high and the spiritual power is high, even hidden gods can be found by it.

Wei Yang felt the soul-destroying lamp through the wall, and it was a spiritual weapon-level soul-destroying lamp just like the feeling it had just flashed by.

Judging from magic weapon, talisman weapon, treasure weapon, spiritual weapon, fairy weapon, and divine weapon, this is a top-notch treasure.Although he can refine it himself, that's because of his own level, isn't it?There are not many people of such a high level as him in the world.

What are these guys up to?Wei Yang was puzzled, he was able to take out a soul-searching lamp of the spirit weapon level to say something, but the person holding the spirit weapon was really just an ordinary person.

This is not only a luxury, but also makes people dare not speculate deeply about the conspiracy of the master messengers hidden behind.

The two people who came in at this moment are two of the more than ten supervisors in the mine during the day (we will call them A and B for the time being). At this moment, each of them is carrying a soul lamp. The entire vault was carefully irradiated.

This kind of illumination is not ordinary light illumination, but a deep sensory search.

"Did it feel wrong?" After searching the vault and finding nothing wrong, Supervisor A doubted.

The other Supervisor B also had doubts on his face, but he still didn't give up searching. Even when shining on the wall, he carefully wanted to shine on the innermost part of the wall inch by inch. It's amazing, and I can't see through the object, so after a while, I said: "How can grandpa's baby go wrong. Little grandpa said before, even if our eyes go wrong, their baby will not go wrong."

So what's going on?The soul-destroying lamp didn't even have a slight abnormal reaction. Overseer A thought about it, and carried out the second search with the soul-destroying lamp, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find the ghost.

Wei Yang's soul is already a divine soul, if he returns to the peak state, it will be chaos, the original state of the world, as long as he wants to hide, no treasure in this world can find him.Of course, except for those innate treasures born in chaos.

The reason why Wei Yang hid in the stone at this moment was because he was not confident. He hadn't used his own body for thousands of years, so he might be forgiven if he wasn't sure.

It's just that now Wei Yang is listening to the conversation between the two, and while he pats himself on the chest in fear and blames himself, he is very curious about what the two of them said that can search for him.He didn't deliberately hide himself during the day, but the things in this world that can catch his trace, unless it is a treasure above the fairy weapon.

Could it be that there are fairy treasures in this construction site?

Not right!Wei Yang said in his heart, if there is such a treasure as a fairy tool here, it is impossible for him to come here for such a long time and still not feel it, unless, unless the category of that thing is higher than his current soul state.

But, is it possible?

The two supervisors, A and B, finally gave up after searching carefully three times, but the next scene made Wei Yang, who had been waiting by the side, extremely depressed.

Wei Yang felt that he was going to become Mrs. Xianglin. Damn, he calculated that the other party would use a formation like the five ghosts to transfer the gold, but he forgot that the other party can also have treasures in the storage .

MD!Why didn't I think of it?Wei Yang went crazy.

Seeing those two people taking away the gold in the treasury basket by basket, Wei Yang felt his heart was bleeding. By the way, he really wanted to know if there is any medicine for regret in this world.

During the process of loading and finishing the gold, the two supervisors stopped talking as if they had a telepathic connection. After they finished loading all the gold in the vault, they left the vault without saying a word.

"Damn it!" Wei Yang appeared in the empty vault, cursed fiercely, and quickly followed out, but this time he was more careful.

The two overseers seemed to be equally careful, going around in the labyrinth-like tunnel, and they walked with ease until the end without saying a word.After finally walking out of the tunnel in the maze, they looked at each other, and it was Supervisor A who said, "Should I report it to Grandpa and the others?"

"It must be reported." Supervisor B said without hesitation, "Although nothing was lost, but in case there is something, when the time comes..."

Supervisor B didn't tell the consequences, but Wei Yang, who was following them, saw the two men shudder at the same time. Thinking of the situation in the mine today, the consequences are probably very frightening.

As if to keep himself from being shrouded in fear, Supervisor Jia smiled and changed the subject: "I heard that people cannibalism is happening outside now, you said if we take the opportunity to get some people in from outside..."

"Hmph." Supervisor B sneered, "That's up to you. I heard from Ding and the others a long time ago, and the higher authorities have already taken action. However, people cannibalize... No matter how hungry you think, a person will Holding another person to eat?"

"This?..." Supervisor A thought for a while, and wanted to shake his head, but then he thought of something, and his eyes widened, "Could it be that Grandpa and the others made it..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, be careful that walls have ears. We can ask ghosts to do things for us, and so can others. From tomorrow, we will collect every three days instead of every day."

"Well, let's go, first go and report to Grandpa and the others. Today's harvest is the most in history. I don't know what reward Grandpa and the others will have."

"I don't care about other rewards. If Grandpa and the others can reward a set of exercises for cultivation, I'm willing to go through fire and water."

"What do you say, which one here doesn't think so. That's longevity." Overseer A shook his head. Although he also had such thoughts in his heart, he still had self-knowledge. He had been a supervisor with those grandfathers for ten years. , except for some pills for strengthening the body, and ordinary martial arts practice for mortals, those masters never mentioned the matter of practicing longevity skills at all.

In fact, even if those few people didn't mention it, they would understand it.Even if they are the confidantes of those grandfathers, the other party may not really put them in the position of confidantes, and they even know from other sources that it is impossible for them to practice exercises for them now that those grandfathers have given them these people to practice. They have achieved something. Ten years ago it might have been okay, but now the youngest among them is in their twenties, and the oldest is in their thirties.

He seemed to glance unintentionally at Supervisor B who was walking in front of him. This kid was three or four years younger than him, and he was the youngest in their team, so he still had illusions.

snort!Supervisor A sneered in his heart. He really thought that now the grandpas put you in charge of the main treasure, because they valued you, and when they wanted you to die, the other party would definitely not say anything.The number of people they originally came in was more than the current number, it was definitely more than a few hundred, what about now?Even when gunpowder is everywhere in the country, their side seems to be peaceful, but there are also many people who died.

Wei Yang followed the two supervisors to a place outside the mine where more than a dozen three-room wooden houses were built. Among these wooden houses, there was a seemingly larger wooden house. Twenty or thirty people have been waiting.

Wei Yang reckoned that except for the people he saw in the mine in the morning, the rest were probably similar to them.

However, after entering, what surprised Wei Yang was not the extra people in the house, but the things placed on the high platform made of stones and gold in the middle of the house.

"Soul search banner!" Wei Yang entered the room and saw the palm-sized small flag enshrined in the room, and unconsciously strengthened the concealment of his soul breath.It's just how could something from the quasi-artifact world be here?And it is still used as a high-grade spiritual weapon.

First there was the soul-absorbing lamp, and now there was a soul-searching flag. Wei Yang grinned and slandered what kind of treasures this group of people had.Really fucking rich.

"Little B, how is it over there?" After Supervisor A and B entered the room, a man in his thirties and 40s with a mustache asked with a smile.

Supervisor B shook his head expressionlessly: "Jiazai and I have searched carefully three times but found nothing, and there is no shortage of gold in the treasury." He said and looked at the soul-searching banner on the Jinshi platform, "Isn't it? Did this thing search for ghosts that floated here from other places?"

Float over from other places?Everyone in the room, you look at me, and I look at you.Finally, I thought of a possibility. After all, the soul-searching flag did not always show the situation of the ghost. Maybe Supervisor B was right.After all, not just anyone can come in their place, and now there are thousands of miles of starvation outside, and there are so many ghosts, it is estimated that the ghosts in hell don't have time to escort them.

After following the few grandfathers above, they also have an understanding of the ways of gods, ghosts and demons.So, after getting a reply from Supervisor B, I felt that the ghost must have drifted here somehow, and then it was lost because of the sun.

"Let's not talk about this, we won't use this treasure either. If grandpa and the others are here, maybe we can use this treasure to search again. In case of accidents, let's send the treasure to grandpa as soon as possible." Standing Overseer A on the side reminded.

The others didn't dare to neglect these words. After all, if something was lost, it would be their full responsibility, not one of them.

So everyone went to the middle of the main room, sat in a circle, held hands and closed their eyes, and chanted vernacular translations that were not human.

Wei Yang is no stranger to the scene in front of him - it's just a formation of invite gods, so he just watched the group of people "invoke God" with great interest at the moment. Demons and ghosts.

Wait, ghosts and ghosts?Is it possible that all the monsters are ghosts and goblins?impossible?You must know that cultivating immortals is not easy, little demons usually do not create all kinds of karma like the human TV shows, as long as they dare, they will definitely be struck to death by lightning.

As those people chanted, the air in the middle of the God Formation changed, as if the space was fluctuating.In fact, space is indeed fluctuating.

Shaoqing, a thin and exquisite figure about 1.7 meters tall appeared in the fluctuating space. As the figure became clearer and clearer, Wei Yang finally saw the other party's true identity - a monkey monster.

Of course, Wei Yang didn't think that such a large stall was made by this wild monkey. As the monkey monster fully arrived in this space, the smell of the other party in the air became more and more obvious.

It smelled like a snake, compared to the monkey monster, there was a snake monster beside it; in addition, it smelled like a fox, so it was definitely a vixen.There seems to be another smell, what is it...

The author has something to say: The Internet was disconnected at home, and I went to an Internet cafe once, sat there for half an hour, asked for gossip and asked for four or five yuan, and finally got angry. These days can be regarded as a rest for gossip, and I will double up later. more added.

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