What is there in the adult world?It's nothing more than the same luxury, extravagant entertainment, and maybe a layer of whitewashing.

After everyone has passed the legal age and received their own checkbooks, no one will be waiting to question your affair the next day when you stay out at night, which shows that you really exist as an independent social person.In other words, your parents will no longer treat you as a newborn kitten—they worry about choking you even after drinking milk.They start to let you face the storms of life, instead of shielding you from the wind and rain like they did in the past 18 years.

Of course, the amount of time parents let go will vary according to the individual performance of the child.But at least in the Bass family, the kids are really starting to take care of their lives.

Chuck chose to live alone, he rejected the care and care provided by Lily and the others, and decided to give up college and devote himself to the career left by his father, but before that he needed to have a duel with his uncle; Na's decision to reunite with Dan is incomprehensible - the fact that their parents have been feuding lately and they have an older brother in common; Eric has no hope of breaking up the soon-to-be brother-sister couple , Even they themselves understand that their reunion may only last until Lily and Rufus' wedding.

The school is still the main body of their life, but what is left for the graduates is not only their studies, but also other graduation celebrations - a graduation drama performance called "The Age of Innocence", and the school generously invited famous New York rookies The director came over to direct the show.The entire graduating class has to participate in the performance, and even Eric—as a non-staff graduate, also got a small role—probably the authentic soy sauce with only one chance to appear?

Eric didn't care about his role, and he didn't even want to participate in the show. He didn't want to be caught in the middle of a group of people who were two years older than him—senior girls were half a head taller than him!

However, when the drama was still in the preparatory stage, the form of the whole school changed dramatically.The new Shakespeare literature teacher—this girl who looks younger than the students in the school offended the school’s queen, Blair, and a wonderful fight made Miss Carl bear the notoriety of fooling around with the students—although She had planned to seduce Serena's current boyfriend.

Eric reported through an informant and obtained photos of the parties dating in advance—the evidence of a single date after Serena introduced them to each other. The standard of peachy affairs.But on the night of the emergency Parent Council meeting, another email about Daniel Humphrey's overnight stay in Miss Carl's boudoir reached Eric's mailbox.

"Poor boy cheating on beautiful teacher" I don't know if such a title is hot enough?

The next day's "Insider" exclusively reported the incident, which sparked a storm of public opinion throughout the Upper East Side.As the best noble high school on the Upper East Side, Constance has received endless donations from these parents. They should at least ensure that their teaching staff is the best.But this time, some bugs have sneaked into the school, teaching their children badly under the guise of being a teacher!

And according to the news on the website, this guy surnamed Carl is approaching a male student with a plan and a purpose. I don't know where the current teachers have packed up their etiquette and shame?

Serena was probably the one who was the most surprised after reading the news. Her favorite teacher hooked up with her boyfriend!She and Dan had a violent fight, and the relationship that was already in jeopardy was exhausted.For the first time, she really got to know Daniel Humphrey, a man who couldn't help being seduced, formerly Georgina, later a short-lived transfer student, and more recently a young female teacher.Whoever she was, who was female, showed some affection for Dan, and he'd jump right in—whether Serena was still in his girlfriend's place or not.

Serena was very discouraged, she felt like a fool in this relationship.

Ms. Carl was resolutely dismissed by the parent committee, and was also blacklisted by the American education system. Her file probably also had a black record of seducing students—in short, she has no future as a teacher.Even the headmaster got a warning for this matter - because of her poor supervision.

Blair was probably the happiest bystander, her fabricated rumors became facts, even if Miss Carr tried to sabotage her college admissions before leaving, the words of people with poor moral records have no credibility!Miss Hodolph used this strong wind to drive away the pesky teachers and earn back her early admission.

The phrase "prosperous in the spring breeze" can't describe her high spirits now.

On the contrary, it was Daniel Humphrey himself. His teacher-student sex scandal almost made him lose his admission to Yale. It was Lily who used her influence in the school to help him suppress the rumors and barely guaranteed that Yale would admit him in the fall.

The next day flies by, the graduation presentation performance is successfully completed, spring break is over, and Serena brings back a boyfriend from Spain. He, Dan can't get a scholarship to Yale and Rufus can't afford tuition and refuses Lily's financial aid - he eventually loses admission because of Lily's new love affair, the Humphreys start popping up in high-end apartments - This is the worst thing for Eric. He can imagine that in the next few days, Jenny Humphrey will come and go freely in his house with her newly dyed light blonde hair, pulling down the entire building. The class of the building - of course, with his ability to learn, Jenny will soon be fighting his way back on the Upper East Side - as long as Lily shuts off the Humphrey name, she'll be richer than any girl in the school .This realistic circle will open the door for her, increasing her destructive power exponentially.

But all this has nothing to do with Eric anymore, because tomorrow is the last day of the entire high school career-the graduation ceremony.

Graduation is the most important day of your entire high school career, and it is true for every high school student.For the van der Woosen family, this day is especially meaningful.

Generally speaking, unless you have twins, few families welcome two graduates in one day.Originally, Lily was supposed to send her two children to the graduation podium within three years, but because Eric took the accelerator drug, she only had one chance to attend her children's high school graduation ceremony.Grandma, who lives in the Hamptons, and Scott, who is far away in Brown, will also come to this graduation ceremony.

This day is a big family reunion.

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