Kuroro quickly left the battlefield and stunned everyone on the scene, especially the Phantom Brigade.

The knight looked in shock at his team leader who had left the battlefield. Although he was no stranger to him, he had witnessed Kuroro being hammered by Qi in the temporary base, causing multiple fractures all over his body. On the battlefield, Kuroro was defeated again.

No one disturbed Qi anymore, the golden arrow had penetrated two-thirds of his body, and a dazzling white light shot out from his body.

Everyone at the scene was disturbed by the light until they stopped fighting.They all stared blankly at the young man floating in mid-air.

"...This is really—" It has nothing to do with people.Seeing Qi's appearance at this time, Mi Ji whispered subconsciously.

Behind Qi who floated into the air, a huge purple vertical pupil appeared. He himself seemed to be ignorant of this, and was looking at the people on the ground in panic.

He didn't know whether it was the power of the arrow, or the magical power in his body had undergone a new round of recovery, and he felt that his body was full of power.

But at the same time, the light bursting out from the purple vertical pupil behind him distorted the space.

An invisible force began to drag Qi into the space, first the feet, then the legs, and then a little bit upwards.

Mi Ji stared blankly at the scene in front of him, he subconsciously wanted to catch Qi, but Qi stopped him loudly, "Don't come here, Mi Ji——!"

Miji's footsteps paused, and the whole person became sober, "...you won't be dragged in and die, right?!"

"Of course not!" Qi struggled against the force behind him, wanting to stay in this world for as long as possible, "I just want to go back to the world I am in."

But when Miji was in a trance, his opponent Finks seized this gap, and seeing that he was about to succeed in a sneak attack, Qi's expression suddenly turned cold. He raised his right hand and pointed at Finks's face with his index finger. Direction, a shock bomb with tremendous force hit Finks directly in front of the toes, stopping his smooth offensive movement instantly.

Mi Ji thought for a while, and immediately ran towards Qi's direction, and the rest of the brigade also noticed Tiangong Yuanqi's situation, and they knew that this might be the time for him to leave here.

Therefore, all the members of the leading group who were still fighting rushed towards Qi's direction.

"Hey! Are you a god!" Mi Ji shouted at Qi while running.

Qi couldn't laugh or cry, he was overwhelmed by the ridiculous thinking, "I can't figure it out myself!"

"I think you are!" Mi Ji immediately said, such a magical power is completely different from the ability to read, he doesn't think there are humans in this world who can have such a weird ability, "Will you come again?"

Qi was slightly taken aback, "I will definitely find a way."

Mi Ji smiled, and then he turned around abruptly, directly stopping the members of the Phantom Troupe who were rushing over, "In this case, hurry up——! I can't delay for a few seconds!"

Qi hardly hesitated, and immediately gave up resisting the power behind him, allowing it to instantly pull him into another distorted space.

Because Mi Chi really has no way to resist the brigade for too long, instead of struggling to delay the time, it is better to solve the source problem as soon as possible and let Mi Chi get out of danger as soon as possible.

"Next time—make up all the missing signatures—!" After being completely swallowed, Qi heard Mi Ji's last words.

...he will make it up.

Qi's consciousness was groggy, he seemed to be floating in a viscous liquid, and his ears were full of noisy voices.

"Arrow, find the arrow—"

This voice is like the compound voice of countless people, sharp and piercing, but repeating the same sentence over and over again.

Qi knew that he hadn't opened his eyes, he was like a floating soul floating in the air, without a body, only consciousness, overlooking the earth from a new and wonderful angle.

He was in total darkness right now, surrounded by the sound of viscous liquid surging.This place gave him a very familiar feeling, where did he see it?

His consciousness seemed to be engulfed by something and kept going downwards. With this completely uncontrollable feeling, Qi finally slowly remembered where this familiar feeling came from—the feeling of falling into a maelstrom.

He kept sinking like an unconscious puppet, and when he reached a limit, he suddenly saw a dazzling arrow, which was nailed to the bottom of the maelstrom.

This is known as a place that no one can reach, but it is actually a hiding place for an arrow.

Just when Qi wanted to control his conscious body to approach it, the flowing black mud around him blocked his progress as if consciously. They blocked the arrow shining with golden light tightly, allowing him to He couldn't move an inch.

When the trace of the arrow disappeared completely, Qi's consciousness was pulled away, and he began to float upward rapidly, passing through the thick black mud during the process.

During this process, a golden, dazzling arrow slowly merged with him.This is the arrow he got in the funny world.

This feeling was very strange, he felt as if there was a sudden emptiness in his heart, and he clearly felt that a large amount of his emotions were being pulled away.The anxiety that was originally caused by his consciousness being controlled by other forces suddenly dissipated when the arrow melted into his body.

His strength strengthened again, and the missing memories were looming, and strange voices always sounded in his mind. Even though he swallowed the arrow, Qi still couldn't piece together the fragmentary memories.

But to his surprise, he found something in his body... something like a spell.

The black mantra was embedded in his body finely and densely, just under the ribs close to the heart.It seems to be the pattern of a lock, whenever Qi wants to think of something, the black mantra will overflow with red light, smashing the memory fragments that are finally reorganized.

In the process of repeated reorganization and repeated shattering of this memory, Qi's consciousness finally returned. He opened his eyes in a daze, and looked hard for two seconds, only to realize that the top of his head was not the sky. There is also a dark curtain between them.

And he himself was floating on some kind of strange liquid, he struggled to turn his head, and found himself... actually lying dead in the black mud of the maelstrom.

Qi: "..." What a sinful fate this is.

Just when he was struggling to pull himself out of it, a familiar figure came first.

Gojo Satoru, who has always been suppressed above the maelstrom, came to Qi's side almost instantly. This was also the first time that Qi saw Teacher Gojo's face faded from the expression of ease in the past, and he was almost a little flustered. Hugged out of the black mud.

...It's strange, he always feels that the other person's appearance is not unfamiliar at all, but he is usually the most out-of-shape person. When did he see the other person's expression that is in line with ordinary people?

I don't know if he just crossed the world, Qi felt that his body was very weak, and he was easily brought to the edge of the maelstrom by Gojo Satoru. There, a group of familiar faces sat around with a dejected look. .

After they heard the movement, they raised their heads in twos and threes. However, after seeing the person in Gojo Satoru's arms clearly, the originally silent air exploded in an instant.

"...Pray—?!" A series of voices called.

"...I'm back." Qi Yong whispered in a slightly weak tone.

Gojo Satoru glanced at him, then at the people around him, and finally put him down slowly in silence.

Then, Qi was surrounded by a group of people.Everyone was pulling him into their arms with varying degrees of strength.

Because of the number of people, he looked like a poor guy with octopus entanglement, with other people's arms all over his body.It was obviously a moving scene of goodbye, but because someone was squeezed to the edge and couldn't hug and pray for anger, he was angry.

Hearing everyone's angry voices, Kilian fell asleep again with a smile.

"...Wait, wait?! What's going on—!"

"That is to say, I have disappeared in this world for two months?" Qibi looked at the flow rate of the two worlds, and after getting the score in his mind, he began to ask his partners about their current situation.

He knew that falling into the vortex must have frightened them badly.

However, after learning of the group's glorious feat, Qi couldn't help it.

"...You all jumped off?!" Hearing the experience of his partners during his disappearance, Qi was frightened, and he asked anxiously, "Are you all right after you jumped off? Really?" Is there anything wrong?"

The expressions of the elders and Giorno were a bit strange, and Yuzu Yuhito fell into deep thought. Only Chuuya looked around and said vaguely, "It's nothing."

Looking at Chuya's performance, Qi knew that something must have happened. He decided to use another person to attack, but he scanned the surrounding people, but he did not see his best friend Osamu Dazai.

"...Where is Aji?" Qi asked suspiciously, was he sent by Mr. Mori to perform a mission?

Unexpectedly, when Qi asked this sentence, Chuya's expression froze for a moment visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Yu Zhang Yourito stood up, and he chose an extremely blunt way to change the topic, "Actually, all of us who jumped down saw the legendary evil god."

Sure enough, Qi's attention was pulled away in an instant, and he quickly asked: "Then did it do anything to you?!"

Knotweed Yuhito shook his head hesitantly: "No, but... it seems to want to entice us to sign a contract with it."

"The evil god who signed the contract with Diablo is probably the one." Giorno added.

Qi nodded with a serious expression, "I see, you haven't been affected in any way, have you?"

Everyone shook their heads.Seeing their reactions, Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Zhong Ye breathed a sigh of relief, Qi asked suddenly: "So, where is Azhi?"

Zhong Ye: "..."

Just when Nakaya was in a difficult situation, Gojo Satoru, who had been standing at the farthest point from the crowd, replied flatly, "He's missing."


Lost, lost?

What did Aji do during his absence? !

"But don't worry, the leader has already grasped the relevant clues." Zhong also said angrily, "Since you are back, then I can deal with Dazai's affairs."

Qi asked in confusion: "This should be a very serious matter, right? Why do you feel that everyone's reaction is so calm...?"

Zhong Ye clicked his tongue slightly, and frowned slightly, "The problem now is that we don't know whether he was tied up voluntarily, or if he was really tied up."


Thinking of Osamu Dazai's IQ, Qi also fell into deep thought. This is indeed a good question.

The author has something to say: Gently kneel down... kuang kuang! ! ! ! (the most standard posture

I'm sorry everyone woo woo woo woo...but I'm back!Lie flat and scold! ! ! QAQ! !

Don't get stuck! ! !Don't get stuck! ! !Updates will resume after that! !


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1.8 meters of slugs;


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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