After Qi came out, several of his Italian elders used their size advantage to squeeze others, rushing to come to him.

In a burst of warm greetings, he was dragged by the elders to sit down at the dining table.

It was filled with hot food, Qi glanced at it, almost all of them were his favorite things.

"Eat something, you haven't eaten all day." Bugarati handed him the tableware.

Qi took it with some embarrassment, and subconsciously looked at the other people in the living room, "Is there anyone else who hasn't eaten yet? Don't you want to eat together?" Who knows, Gojo Satoru and Nakahara also avoided him subconsciously. Giorno and Yuzu Yuhito also sat on the sofa with solemn expressions.

Only Fu Heihui and Dazai Osamu calmly raised the bento box in their hands, indicating that this is enough, and they will not participate in their family ethics drama.


After thinking about it, he tentatively said, "Did something happen before?"

Mista asked without answering: "Can you remember anything else? Something about that black vortex?" He explained nervously, "Of course, this is not to put pressure on you, just forget it! Anyway, I don't necessarily need you Remember."

Qi was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "Well, I remembered something, and I roughly understand my situation."

I just wanted to tell the parents that I am not a real human being. When I was just a human-like unidentified object made of arrows at first, I found that they didn’t seem to care about these things, or they didn’t seem to care about these things as early as when I was in a coma. , they already know.

Their performance is the same as before, and they still play the role of Qi's parents with all their heart and responsibility.

Seeing their performance like this, Qi lowered his head almost instantly, blinking the mist in his eyes vigorously.

"Actually, there is one thing. After we discussed it, we decided that we need to discuss it with you." Bugarati said in a calm tone.

There was a trace of seriousness in his voice, and Qi subconsciously adjusted his sitting posture, waiting for the next important topic.

I don't know why Bugarati deliberately dismissed Giorno, leaving only a group of dignified elders.

And Mista's behavior was also very strange. He sat beside Naranca, with his hands resting next to his ears, as if he would block his ears if something went wrong.

"...What?" Qi asked cautiously.

At this time, many possibilities appeared unconsciously in his mind. Did something happen in his eyes?

Then, he heard Bugarati say calmly: "As for your choice of spouse, after our unanimous discussion, we don't recommend that guy named Gojo Satoru very much."

After Bugarati's voice fell, there was a long silence on the entire round table.

At that moment, all the worries and sorrows disappeared, and at this moment, only puzzlement remained in Qi's mind.

He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise, how could he hear such words.

...mate choice? !If it wasn't for not drinking water, he would definitely let the elders here know the taste of his Tiangongyuan brand watering can.

After dozens of seconds, Qi finally lost his composure, "...Did I hear it wrong? Is there something wrong with what you just said?"

Who knew that none of the elders was responsible for answering his questions, but continued talking on their own.

Naranja punched the dining table, "We've all heard that, that guy is the scum who left you in Italy!"

Mista said excitedly: "That's right! This kind of person is out!"

Fuge added calmly: "And if you choose him, you will end up living in Japan, right? Tsk, I heard that he is the head of some ancient family. This kind of person is definitely not acceptable."

"...No, wait, it's all here..." Qi said weakly.

But it was ignored by a new round.

"In the same way, the guy with Knotweed Yujin can't do it, right? It is said that he swallowed the fingers of some dirty thing," Apaky frowned unconsciously when he said this, "It is said that he will be slaughtered after swallowing twenty. From a security point of view, it is not recommended." Apache made a final decision.

Mista's eyes wandered a bit: "It's not impossible."

The rest of the elders glared angrily.

He quickly waved his hand and said: "Think about it! When he is gone, can I find another one? Wonderful!"

Praying for the remaining four people: "..."

This is really a mediocre logic genius.

But in the end, Mista's proposal was rejected.

"...Wait, you—" Qi tried to speak again.

However, his old father, that is, Bugarati, interrupted him first this time, "As for the Central Plains——"

As soon as Bugarati opened his head, Apache clicked his tongue lightly, frowned and said, "He can't."

After two rounds of candidates' discussions, Qi has gradually been able to keep up with the thinking of the parents. After giving up struggling, he wanted to get closer to the spiritual world of the parents. For this reason, he worked hard Synchronized the brain circuits of myself and the parents, and then asked curiously: "Why?"

Except for Naranja at the dining table, the rest of the parents showed the same sad expressions.

After a long time, Fuge said slowly: "...his wine taste is too bad."


It turned out that during the period when Qi was unconscious, everyone chose to have a drink because they were too dull.

However, this drinking caused a problem.

Not only did they know from Zhongya Zhongyuan that they had been hit by a substitute attack called a love contract, but they also learned that it took a while for this guy to realize that he was not affected by the substitute attack at all.

Not only that, but also read a psychology paper written by Giorno during the chaos, and since then began a journey of rationalization of self-strategy.

Unexpectedly, on the eve of wanting to make a clear statement with Qi, Qi unfortunately disappeared; finally came back, and went to rescue Dazai Zhi without stopping, but encountered Xia Youjie, and his frank behavior was hindered again.It dragged on until now.

When he cracked the table at the bar with one punch, and then fell directly unconscious, the elders made a sound.

"Are you so innocent?!" Mista stared at Chuya, who was drunk and crazy, with rounded eyes.

"What! You've got the point wrong! He obviously didn't like Qi very much at first!" Nalanga growled.

Apache's brows twitched in pain, "Forget this kind of dull guy." He concluded again.

Fugo directly raised his hand and pinched his forehead, "...No, I am even more shocked that he actually saw the psychology paper written by Giorno and believed it to be true. This is a very unintelligent expression."

Everyone: "..."

"So, let's give up the Japanese guys. Before, I always thought that Giorno was not the best candidate, but now—" Mista muttered to himself.

There is harm only when there is a comparison.

"...Or Giorno? At least the distance is short." Fugo asked tentatively.

But at this moment, a voice that did not belong to the elder He Qi suddenly came out, "The distance is not a problem at all, is it?" When everyone turned their heads, they found a young teacher who was nearly two meters tall squatting beside the dining table , He didn't know how long he had been listening, one hand rested on his knee, supporting his right cheek, he said lazily: "It's just that kind of distance, I can get there very quickly."

There was silence at the table.

After a while, Bugarati asked calmly, "How long have you been here?"

Gojo Satoru scratched his face, "Hmm...from hearing my name?"

Everyone: "..."

Isn't that just starting from scratch——!

Mista forced a smile on his face, resisting the urge to pull out the || gun and blow the man's head in the next second, "Please leave at this time, we are discussing very important things."

"Huh? I know. I'm just explaining my advantages. The situation you mentioned doesn't exist at all. I pray that I can choose where I want to stay."

"...Wait?! You entered the drama too quickly?!" Does this person know what role he is assigned by the parents? !

Qi can't help opening the mic with passion.

"Don't you understand? You, the client, please stay away at this time!" Nalanja was furious.

"Eh?" Gojo Gota was shocked, "You can't even recommend yourself? You guys, are you really so dictatorial?" He said, looking at Qi, as if you may have suffered a lot these years expression.

Veins popped out of the foreheads of all the elders almost at the same time.

Fuge looked at Qi seriously, and asked, "Does he usually talk like this?"

Qi nodded heavily.

Fuge said thoughtfully: "It seems that he is really strong, otherwise he would have died a long time ago." Having said that, his eyes became sharper, "It seems that conventional means can't kill him, since that's the case, Just let me poison him with purple smoke."

"Come on, Fuge! Poison him to death, so you don't have to worry about Qi staying in Japan in the future!" Nalanga shouted behind him, waving the flag.

Mista immediately continued: "Since this is the case, how about poisoning his students too! Weeds must be eradicated! There is no risk of staying in Japan forever!"

With Wujo Satoru, the eavesdropping guy, the others finally couldn't help but join together.

Zhong Ye looked around vigilantly, and finally asked: "I seem to have heard my name just now..."

Kunzhang Youroto raised his hand: "I heard mine too."

Osamu Dazai: "...But I don't seem to have heard mine?" He also looked shocked.

The parents turned their heads away with a guilty conscience. It was not because the guy's behavior of jumping the vortex with Qi was too extra points, so they didn't dare to include this guy on the candidate list.

In this way, the previous topic was forced to end, everyone crowded around the dining table, and the topic was already heading in an uncontrollable direction.

The room was so lively that it was New Year's Eve. Everyone knew how far away they were from danger, but no one wanted to cast a shadow over the good times.

In such an atmosphere, Qi performed impeccably, and left the lively living room on the grounds of going to the bathroom.

He didn't give himself too much buffer time, he quietly came to the dark terrace, and then called Mori Ogai.

It is not difficult to persuade Sen Owai to help him, just tell him that the vortex continues to swallow, and the mafia in his hometown port will be gone.

Yes, until this moment, Qi made up his mind completely, he must stop the expansion of the maelstrom.

And the way to stop it, only he can do it.

Because everyone is so gentle, they knew that their affection for Qi might not be normal at first, but they all chose to trust him and continue to stay by his side.

Qi intermittently informed Mori Ogai of his intention to come, and asked him to contact someone from the Supernatural Secret Service Division. Tomorrow, when he found that the vortex had shrunk to a certain extent, he could start to seal it.

It is impossible to expand the vortex to a certain extent, but if it shrinks to a point where it can be regarded as intervention, and the power is really declining, then the people of the Supernatural Secret Service Section can do it.

After listening to Qi's plan, Mori Ogai remained silent on the phone for a long time.

"Qi Jun, are you very concerned about the fact that you can influence others?" After a while, Mori Ogai said this.

Qi opened his mouth, but made no sound.

"Although I don't know what you think, but I think you don't have to worry about it. Sometimes, people do need some soft emotions. Even I won't reject it."

In a gentle elder tone, he inexplicably gave Qi a little comfort, "What's more, whether it is normal or not, and whether it has been manipulated, presumably after so long, they already have their own judgment in their hearts."

In the early morning of the next day, Zhong also woke up with difficulty to the ringing of the bell. It was strange that he rarely slept so soundly. A sense of sobriety.

With amazing perseverance, Chuya struggled to open his eyes from his sleep.

In fact, the remnants of the dream were still echoing in his mind-he dreamed about his appearance when he lost his composure after drunk, and Tiangong Yuanqi was like a spectator, sitting aside and watching him quietly.

Until now, Chuya's mind is full of Qi's complicated eyes, which seem to say: "So you are such Chuya."

...Wait, that's totally wrong!That is clearly a small probability event!

Thinking of this, Zhong also pressed the call button with difficulty.

"Good morning, Chuya-kun." Mori Ogai's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

With the ringing of the bell, the "corpses" scattered in different places in the living room slowly recovered one after another. The lucky ones got up from the sofa, and the unlucky ones raised their heads from the corner of the dining room.

Zhong also greeted Mori Ogai on the other end of the phone with some embarrassment, and began to reflect on his inappropriate behavior.

Until this moment, his brain was still running very slowly, and he had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

He subconsciously looked around at the people around him, and found that everyone was in a similar state to him at the moment.

"Go to Leibo Street with Dazai-kun, there are official people there, and they will start to seal the vortex soon." Mori Ogai issued an order.

"... Seal the maelstrom?" Zhong Ye repeated subconsciously.

The rest of the people looked at him suddenly.

While on the sofa, Gojo Satoru also received a call from the Supernatural Secret Service Division. The content of the phone call was exactly the same as what Mori Ogai said, and at the same time it was a little more enriched-a large number of people appeared on the vortex of Leibo Street. The magic spirit urgently needs a magician to go.

"How did you find the way to seal it? Isn't it expanding all the time?" Zhong Ye asked in a daze.

"Because it has already begun to shrink on its own, and at a very high speed," Mori Ogai paused, "I believe that this vortex will be completely closed in the near future. The official ability users only want to use it after it closes. The place of birth, strengthen the seal."

At that moment, Chuya suddenly sat up straight, he finally knew what was wrong, his blue eyes looked around, and the person who should be in this place disappeared.

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