In the fifteenth month, no one died, King Huai was overjoyed, but Lu Chengyang and his party knew very well that the disaster had not been resolved.

Zhou Wuyou repeatedly told the people of Prince Huai's mansion, and then decided to leave the mansion temporarily and recuperate in the surrounding area first.

Cheng Bushi felt sympathy for Lu Chengyang who was tied up like a lobster, and he didn't make any new complaints on the way.Tan Taiyu, on the other hand, began to read more than three times more Survival Sutras than the disciples in the health care center and Shantang.

"My father said that nothing in the world is more important than life and death. When a person dies, it's all over. You were depressed that day by the lake, and now you're hurting yourself again. You have to think about the best, at least you Or a disciple who cultivated in Buming Pavilion..."

Lu Chengyang felt that Tantai Yu must have eaten more than one chatterbox when he was young.

The storyteller at the resting place spoke well. Since Lu Chengyang couldn't recover his spiritual power for the time being and was somewhat curious about the haunting shadows, he didn't want to leave the team of juniors and listened to it for several days in the building to kill time.

It's just that I don't know what book I'm talking about today, there are so many audiences, he didn't occupy an empty seat, and he couldn't eat the green tea seeds on the seat.

The storyteller has been spitting all over the place for a long time: "...I saw the blood-clothed fairy ride the magic dragon leisurely, the night lights of the golden light hall in Tianyun Mountain suddenly ignited, then turned off again, a barrier immediately covered the boundary of this place, the fairy gate It is difficult for a hundred families to enter."

Lu Chengyang's ears caught an extremely strong sense of ominousness.

"Ke Zeqing Immortal Venerable was the number one apprentice of the first master of the Buming Pavilion back then, and he held an octagonal fan. With his profound spiritual power, he broke into the barrier alone and faced the blood-clothed fairy..."

The storyteller shook the broken fan in his hand, sipped his tea, and slapped the gavel in the other hand: "This ancient artifact, the octagonal fan, is not a mediocre thing. It is made of keel bones. Imbued with spiritual power, the radiant divine light pierced the sky, and immediately broke the aura of the blood-clothed fairy."

"The blood-clothed fairy lost a lot of her spiritual power, and the corner of her mouth was bleeding, but she was muttering..."

Most of the people who listened to the book involuntarily leaned forward slightly, looking forward to the following.

The storyteller drooped his two beards, pretending to be melancholy and compassionate, and said: "Brother, you are so cruel."

Lu Chengyang couldn't help but touch his forehead, mother, how about making up such a nonsense for a dead person?

In other words, is it okay to just make up about the current Pavilion Master of the Buming Pavilion?

The storyteller didn't pay attention to the collapsed expression of the people upstairs, and continued to speak vividly: "I saw the snow flying all over the sky, rustling down. Immortal Zeqing wanted to take it into his arms, but he could only touch it suddenly. falling snow."

"The Bloody Immortal turned into snowflakes at this time, Zeqing Immortal Venerable can only get nothing."

"In the 15 years since then, the north has experienced severe cold every year, but there has been no snowfall in the south. But later, the corpse turned into a snow prison and imprisoned the magic dragon in the Beizhou mountain mansion!"

When everyone heard this, they all sighed.Lu Chengyang pricked up his ears, but he wanted to care about where the mount was sealed back then.

"Every year in midwinter or when the flowers are blooming in spring, Zeqing Immortal Venerable will always go to Tianyun Mountain Mansion to stay for three to five days to pay homage to this old man."

"Speaking of Zeqing Immortal Venerable, for this Bloody Immortal, it's an old love affair, love and hatred intertwined..."

Unexpectedly, the storyteller became more and more crooked, Lu Chengyang couldn't listen anymore, and was about to go back to his room to try to be quiet, when he bumped into Zhou Wuyou head-on.

Zhou Wuyou first asked: "Junior Brother Pei, is the wound still serious?"

"It's alright." Lu Chengyang pondered over a "behaved" expression, "Brother, the storyteller downstairs is talking about the pavilion master and that... blood-clothed fairy. I heard that the magic dragon was sealed in our mountain mansion." ..."

Zhou Wuyou frowned slightly, and said: "All the disciples in the pavilion taught it like this, but I was young at the time, so I didn't see it with my own eyes. I haven't heard anything about it for so many years."

He thought about it for a while, and continued: "I only know that the body of the blood-clothed fairy turned into flying snow, and the master even erected a grave for the blood-clothed fairy."

Lu Chengyang thought to himself, it seems that the storyteller is not completely making up.

But——what did Xie Jing do for him?

Sure enough, I still want to pinch all the possibilities of his resurrection.

At this time, the story downstairs seemed to be almost over, and applause rang out again and again, and the little apprentice held the tray, bowed and continued to reward the money.

"Thank you all, thank you very much."

The storyteller smiled festively, and took out a set of tea sets in a blink of an eye.

"Today, what we present in our shop is the same teacup porcelain cup used by Zeqing Xianzun. It was consecrated by the ancestors of Buming Pavilion and refined by real fire..."

The storyteller took a picture of the gavel: "Today, you are all predestined people. You only need five hundred coins, and this set of tea sets can be brought home!"

"Brother Zhou, is this kind of porcelain cup used by Zeqing Immortal Venerable?"

Tantai Yu who popped up suddenly asked Zhou Wuyou.

Zhou Wuyou shook his head: "I don't know, Master usually doesn't let others enter his mansion."

Lu Chengyang nodded along with the words, thinking about Xie Jing, who loved to ignore people in his early years, and he probably still has the same unpleasant temper for many years, and he will not change.

Being able to accept an apprentice is also considered unprecedented.

"Senior Brother Zhou, get rid of the evil this time, let's find a way to heal Junior Brother Pei's mind." Cheng Buyi, who came out with Tantai Yu, became concerned about Lu Chengyang's intellectual problems.

Zhou Wuyou glanced at Lu Chengyang and nodded.

As night fell slightly, Lu Chengyang leaned against the window lattice after meditating, staring at the not-so-round moon covered by a few rolling clouds.

There has been no movement around for a few days, but the black shadow is definitely not something to dismiss, and it is estimated that it will make a comeback again.

The spiritual power of Pei Miaomiao's shell was low, and the original owner disappeared at this time, being occupied by his soul, the spiritual power did not increase but decreased, but just now it seemed that there was a familiar spiritual power floating in the sea of ​​qi.

He has no experience in such things as resurrection, and it is expected that no one will be too experienced.

Lu Chengyang couldn't tell if it was his own spiritual power.If his ability can be restored in this body, the alchemy will be very fast.

Lu Chengyang turned around and adjusted his breath for a while. The sound of the broken window next door was so obvious that even ordinary people would be startled.

Close your eyes and think, probably that kid Tantai Yu rushed out with Wan Ce.

Lu Chengyang first opened the window and glanced, and sure enough——

The shadow appeared again.

At this time, the black shadow was not as rampant as it was on a full moon night, it was just like a vague shadow, looking weak, as if it had changed from a fierce tiger to a lying dog.

In short, something is wrong.

On the night of the fifteenth day, the black shadow showed up before the third watch, but this time, the black shadow came earlier.

In other words, they fell into a misunderstanding at the beginning, thinking that this thing is evil, and they like to pick the time of night to come out to make troubles, and they appear on time at three o'clock.

But what is certain is that the full moon can boost its power, and the original talisman that restrains evil also increases its power to a certain extent.

If it is not really evil, why can it control the wind demon?

But this time, there was no sign of Feng Yao nearby.

Zhou Wuyou and Cheng Buyi also reacted quickly, and they also noticed the counterproductive effect of the talisman. This time, they only cast the barrier first to isolate the surrounding people, and fought with their swords.

But the black shadow faded away, it was just a blurry mass, and now it gradually turned into a layer of dark clouds and tulle that seemed to fall from the moon.

This layer of "black veil" floated in the air, showing no obvious attack posture.

Tan Taiyu took the lead, and the strong spiritual power surged, and Wan Ce turned into several short blades, and stabbed straight at the unknown thing.

But the short blades of the mass hair just passed through this layer of black veil, and could not fix it.

But the unknown thing swooped down like a flowing arrow in the next second, and that direction was exactly Lu Chengyang.

Sombra's target turned out to be him.

Lu Chengyang jumped out of the window and ran crazily while stepping on the ridge of the roof.Tantai Yu withdrew Wan Ce's instant Soul-fixing Blade, and flew up to the eaves, but was trapped by the face of Feng Yao who suddenly appeared halfway.

Afterwards, Zhou Wuyou and Cheng Buyi rushed over with their swords, but were stopped by the new Feng Yaoren.

Feng Yaoren's mouth was open, and he was very hungry for the monk's spiritual power.

Seeing that he was about to hit the barrier, Lu Chengyang turned sharply, and accidentally slipped his foot. He grabbed the eaves with one hand, and the black veil was floating on the roof. When he raised his eyes, he seemed to be able to see through the This layer of shadow looks at a pair of eyes in the void.

"Is it a person or a thing?"

Lu Chengyang narrowed his eyes, and a wave of heat surged up in the sea of ​​air.

He suddenly felt strength in all his limbs, supported the eaves with his hands and rolled over, gathered the churning spiritual power in his hands, and suddenly reached for the layer of black veil.

When touching this seemingly ethereal object, Lu Chengyang felt as if he touched a piece of fine silk.

The "black yarn" in front of me seemed to be "docile", and changed its shape in the blink of an eye——

It is a long sword.

What Lu Chengyang held in his hand was the hilt of the sword.

It's just that for some reason, the shadow of the long sword faded away, as if it was about to blend into the night.

But in an instant, what Lu Chengyang grasped was just a handful of air.

And the shadow of the long sword appeared in front of him three feet away, just as a ray of clear moonlight fell, the sword shadow suddenly expanded to three times its original size, and the tip of the sword pointed at Lu Chengyang.

Lu Chengyang gathered spiritual power in his hands, but the sword shadow suddenly turned around and stabbed at the waning moon in the sky.

At this moment, two white shadows appeared in the sky, blocking Jian Ying's path.

The two shadows instantly merged into one person again, and the long sword in this person's hand was blown away by the wind, making the sword shadow also stagnate in place.

Immediately, the eight-edged fan used to spread the barrier was taken into the hands of the visitor, and the body of the fan turned into an eight-faced long talisman, which was instantly nailed to Jian Ying's body.

At this moment, the sword shadow in the air trembled suddenly.

Lu Chengyang also felt a powerful spiritual force coming from the other side.

Someone wants to take back Jianying.

But for Xie Jing, no matter how powerful his spiritual power was, he couldn't lure the sword shadow away from him at this moment.

Jian Ying couldn't escape in the end, and was taken back into the lock by Xie Jing.

But at this moment, Lu Chengyang felt depressed and coughed up blood, so he covered his mouth and sat on the roof for the time being.

A light and floating shadow covered the little light above his head.

Lu Chengyang looked up, only to see Xie Jing stretching out a hand towards him.

Probably no matter how incomparable a person is, he will still feel a little bit afraid of the person who took his last breath with his own hands.

Lu Chengyang is no exception, not to mention he is not as bloodthirsty as the legend says, heartless and ruthless.

He had already changed out of the dirty Buming Pavilion door uniform, and now he was only wearing coarse clothes, his eyes seemed to dodge, but finally met Xie Jing's gaze.

High-level monks always have a radiant appearance, and Xie Jing is no exception.

Fifteen years of time may only have covered this person with an inexplicable calm demeanor, but it can't wear away the breeze and moon like it was back then.

At this time, Lu Chengyang had bruises around his eyes, but his eyes were very clear. Anyone who saw him would be a harmless young man.

He seemed to be in a daze, and Xie Jing also seemed to be looking at him, the two of them stared, and Xie Jing's hand just stretched out like that, it seemed to be frozen.

Zhou Wuyou, who finally cleaned up the wind demon, Cheng Buyi and Tantai Yu hurried over at this moment, seeing Xie Jing who was close to him, Zhou Wuyou, the leader, bowed respectfully and said: "Master, this person is The outer sect disciple in the pavilion, surnamed Pei and surnamed Miaomiao."

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