
Tan Taiheng was a little surprised, but quickly recovered his composure.

Lu Chengyang didn't know what kind of madness Tantai Yu had gone, and let his own figurines rob people here.

But after thinking about it, Tantai Yu might not be going crazy, but being controlled by someone.

I saw a long shadow of purple light appearing behind Tantai Yu, the purple shadow hit Wan Ce of Tantai Yu directly, and the sword appeared immediately.

The owner of this Ziling Sword is Yun Shenwan.

What Yun Chenwan was stepping on was the blue figurine, and when the Ziling sword was back in her hand, she jumped up and made a few moves with Tantai Yu.

A group of Chi Lei gradually surrounded Yun Shenwan and Tantai Yu into an airtight circle.

Tan Taiheng handed Zhou Wuyou to Lu Chengyang, and entered into the encirclement while it was still in progress.

A strong wind and thunderstorm swept over the figurines, and Lu Chengyang couldn't help closing his eyes.

There was a low laugh from behind, and he opened his eyes.

"Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Wuyou, who was leaning against Lu Chengyang, suddenly moved, and then backed away.

"Today's Xianmen is really disappointing."

Lu Chengyang turned around and saw "Zhou Wuyou" saying that.

The skin of "Zhou Wuyou" slowly melted like a thin layer of wax, and the person in front of him suddenly revealed a different look.

This person's white clothes fluttered, and his long hair fluttered in the wind, but he still didn't show his face, only a white fox mask was exposed.

"You died here in the previous life." The fox face seemed to smile, and then pointed to the sky, "Did reincarnation reset you here, or..."

The fox-faced man knocked himself on the head again, and said, "Is it because of people's intentions?"

The lip lines on the mask rose a little more.

Lu Chengyang said: "Your Excellency, why don't you show your true face?"

The fox-faced man suddenly chuckled again, and said, "True face? Which face do you want to see, a mortal image or a Dharma image?"

Lu Chengyang's face darkened slightly, and the scarlet flames in his hands had already risen: "That's not important."

"Then what is important, identity or name?"

The fox-masked man met Lu Chengyang's sword with his bare hands, turned the tip of the sword to one side, and brought the fox face closer.

The fox face suddenly fell off his face, and Lu Chengyang choked for breath.

"My dear student, what strength do you have in these years of cultivation?"

Qin Yunzi who suddenly appeared was asking him with a smile.

Lu Chengyang was filled with anger, his eyes were red.

"Clear eyes?"

"Qin Yunzi" let go of Chiyan's sword tip, and stepped back a few steps.

"My dear student, don't want this clear pupil, but the technique of transforming Qi."

Lu Chengyang sneered, and said: "The old man never called me a good boy, so don't be disgusting, you should change your skin to bluff people."

At the same time, several loud noises came from Chi Lei's encirclement.

The golden light interweaves with the thunder light, clanging duel, the fight is in full swing.

"Qin Yunzi" seemed to have encountered something nerve-wracking and scratched his head before saying: "Then let's do this."

"Lu Zang."

The face and figure of "Qin Yunzi" changed for a while, and suddenly became Xie Jing.

There was no smile on this face now, it just called again: "Lu Zang."

"Xie Jing" approached Lu Chengyang step by step, and happened to bring Xie Jing's unique fragrance like gardenia.

This scent was originally a scent that could calm Lu Chengyang's mind, but now it made him even more angry.

"Where is Zhou Wuyou?"

The blazing light on the red flames was fully visible, and Lu Chengyang's expression became extremely cold.

The man in white who turned into Xie Jing just smiled and said nothing, but still called: "Lu Zang."

"Why are important things always kept from me?"

"Why, Lu Zang?"

"Why do you refuse to tell me that you are about to die?"

Chi Yan's sword tip has penetrated the back of "Xie Jing".

At this moment, the smile faded from the skin, and a look of pity suddenly appeared.

Lu Chengyang's hand paused slightly at this moment.

He was no stranger to such a look, it had appeared on He Wenzi's face before, and it had also appeared on Xie Jing's face.

In his previous life, he almost thought that he was going to kill Xie Jing, but in the end he missed it.

The reason for his failure was that he already knew that his fate was approaching.

At that time, Xie Jing had such a compassionate expression.

And after that mysterious voice said "I don't complain, let alone hate", it suddenly said frantically: "Kill."

Tens of thousands of lotus lanterns were floating around, and he was the one clamoring to kill.

So whose life should he kill himself?

At the last moment of his previous life, the word "fate" heavily overwhelmed all of Lu Chengyang's thoughts.

In the end, the eight-edged fan pierced through his vulnerable defense.

"If you don't kill him, you will die."

Yes, that clear voice had clearly given instructions.

But if one must fight one's life with one's life, and fate is so unreasonable, then it's not a bad idea to put a talisman of termination here.

"The way of heaven is inaction, and the way of nature is natural. Contentment, knowing stop, knowing the constant, peace of mind, and sublimation of spirit."

"To help the common people, it is absolutely impossible for one person to do it."

"What you need is to think about it and raise your salary, to become a little bit of MSI, and that's enough."

What Qin Yunzi had said earlier was poured into his head at this moment, and he fell into boundless silence in an instant.

"If you don't kill me, you will die." The man in white slowly pulled Chi Yan away from his chest, "But of course you can't do it alone."

"Isn't the person you're looking for right there?"

He raised his hand and pointed, and disappeared like a gust of wind in an instant.

Zhou Wuyou was lying quietly on the ground at this moment, but surrounded by countless qi talismans.

This is exactly the technique of protection that Lu Chengyang once performed.

"So you are..." Lu Chengyang suddenly smiled in relief, "That child."


In Rongxing Village mentioned by Qiu Xianzhi earlier, there were many people with dragon scales in the early years.

The people in the village worship the dragon god and regard this as the punishment of the dragon god.

At that time, people in Xianmen often encountered evil dragons, and people at that time had many fears and awes about dragons, so they called it dragon blood disease.

People suffering from such a strange disease are actually the same as ordinary people on weekdays, except that "dragon scales" will reappear on their arms occasionally.

Some people only show such symptoms at birth, while others have frequent attacks, accompanied by mild pain and itching.

Later, because Lu Chengyang's technique of transforming Qi came out, and he was able to tame the demon dragon Qiuxuan and create an astonishing gate, new rumors suddenly spread from the fairy gate.

It is rumored that the blood of the dragon is the blood of the dragon he tamed, which can greatly increase people's spiritual power.

So countless people are flocking to the dragon's blood.

The group of people suffering from the so-called dragon blood disease in Rongxing Village got involved with this rumor, and they didn't dare to stay in the originally peaceful Rongxing Village, but scattered like frightened birds in exile.

However, mortals are no match for the immortals with spiritual power. For a time, countless Rongxing villagers not only died tragically at the hands of the demons, but also were persecuted by some immortal monks who were supposed to help the world and mortals who longed for immortality. .

The righteous men of the immortal sect headed by Xie Jing have been tracking and punishing those in the demon sect, but it is difficult to find out all the troublemakers in the immortal sect, and they have no right to deal with those greedy mortals.

Lu Chengyang didn't have that much patience, he just sent out a message, saying that the master of the Shocking Sect knew the secret of the dragon's blood and the shortcut to cultivation, and wanted to know the secret, they gathered in Rongxing Village.

He didn't expect much to attract these people, but he didn't expect that many people came in a team.

Rongxing Village, where there were not many people left, suddenly became very lively.

In the beginning, Lu Chengyang hadn't yet obtained the title of "Blood Clothes Immortal", he was still an astonishing sect master who was born in Buming Pavilion and later opened a sect by himself.

"Master Lu, I heard that you just entered the Buming Pavilion, and your spiritual power is beyond ordinary people. If you can share one or two today, we will be very grateful."

Lu Chengyang stretched out the leaf in his hand, brought it close to his lips, and blew quietly.

Those longing eyes just watched him patiently.

But he felt that these gazes seemed to be the most ridiculous believers in the world staring at an unfounded god, which made him feel extremely absurd and wanted to laugh out loud.

After the song was over, Lu Chengyang asked, "How many people did you kill?"

The person who first asked the question was stunned for a moment, and then smiled respectfully: "Master Lu was joking, how can we monks get blood on our hands and ruin people's livelihood?"

Lu Chengyang also laughed, but it was just a sneer without a smile on the surface.

He had never smiled like this before, but suddenly after leaving Buming Pavilion.

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

The monk didn't know why, but he still leaned forward.

Lu Chengyang said in a low voice: "How can you get real dragon blood without blood on your hands? Naturally, the more blood on your hands, the better. Tell me, how many people have you killed?"

The monk was a little frightened at first, but Lu Chengyang's voice sounded like a magic voice. Although there was a strange allure, it could make people calm down miraculously.

"Back to the master of Lumen, 16 people."

The leaf in Lu Chengyang's hand fell to the ground silently, and he asked the group of people in front of him again: "What about you, if you don't lose your life, you won't be able to practice the secret technique."

As soon as the word "Secret Technique" came out, people were in chaos.

"Return to the Lu Sect Master, seven people."

"ten people."

"six people."


Lu Chengyang couldn't help closing his eyes slightly when a series of numbers came up.

Everyone present has a few innocent and heavy lives in their hands.

When he opened his eyes again, the red color of his clear pupils immediately revealed a frightening color.

"Master Lu, what is that secret technique?"

That smile seemed to come naturally to this group of people.

Maybe it wasn't born with—

It's a scum raised by Xianmen.

Lu Chengyang exhaled lightly and said, "Where is there any secret technique?"

The headed monk stepped forward and asked: "Master Lu is already a master at a young age. I heard that when he first entered the Buming Pavilion, he had already practiced the art of transforming Qi to perfection. Is it true? No secret technique?"

Another monk also echoed: "That's right, Pavilion Master Xie of Buming Pavilion is also very talented, but a talent that doesn't come out in a hundred years. There must be something behind these two figures in this world..."

"there is nothing."

Lu Chengyang intercepted the monk's words, and then scanned all the monks in the circle.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when Xie Jing first inherited the octagonal fan, whether he was slaying monsters outside or practicing in Buming Pavilion, there were always disciples whispering.

"Obviously they are all orphans, why is it that Senior Brother Si Ting can join the Pavilion Master?"

"It's all due to talent. Although I'm not lazy, Senior Brother Si Ting will definitely get more."

"All living beings are equal, how can they be equal?"

"If I have the spirit veins of Senior Brother Si Ting, I will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd, so that I won't be at the end of the pavilion."

"That's right, didn't that senior brother leave the pavilion on his own initiative because Senior Brother Si Ting's aptitude was too outstanding?"

The disciple had just finished speaking when he was shot in the head by Lu Chengyang on the tree.

"If you have Xie Siting's spiritual veins, you still have to practice in such a boring way every day. Maybe you will taste something extraordinary, and you will stop moving forward."

"Before you formally enter the Tao, you are complaining endlessly, comparing everywhere, and you don't even have the qualifications to compare your spiritual veins with Xie Siting."

Lu Chengyang lay on the tree and gnawed dates while squinting at these disciples.

The disciples of Buming Pavilion didn't have bad intentions, they lost face, and after hearing his two or three words, they knew how outrageous they were, so they all took the initiative to meditate and face the wall.

"there is nothing."

Lu Chengyang repeated it again.

He whistled lightly, and suddenly there was a thick darkness pressing on the heads of everyone.

The demon dragon Qiuxuan let out a dull roar, and directly pulled out the head monk's heart with one claw.

Under the astonished expressions of everyone, Qiu Xuan killed a group of monks.

"Tell those who didn't come today, I will clean them up one by one, whether they are immortals or demons, people or ghosts."

Lu Chengyang left one alive.

The person who remained in the end lost his sanity, and was still picked up by Qiu Xuan and thrown out of Rongxing Village.

At that time, Lu Chengyang was also red-eyed. He still remembered that Xie Jing came to him when he was alone in Jiucheng looking for someone to clean up.

However, he was very hostile, and he couldn't remember the details of the attack.

In the end, in an abandoned city, several people were ambushing him, but they all became part of the corpse pile.

Blossoming red lotuses bloomed slowly along the bloodstains. He seemed to be a ghost in purgatory. His body was full of the smell of killing, but he had a tired beauty.

The blood stains condensed into strands of red silk, covering up the anger that had almost disappeared.

At the same time, a person who was not discouraged ran out of the abandoned city with his last strength, and shouted loudly to the monks of Xianmen who rushed over: "The blood-clothed fairy, the blood-clothed fairy!"

After Lu Chengyang walked the long scarlet road, a small figure suddenly appeared, staring at him with a pair of clean and bright eyes, and looked at the blood on his hands and the ground. There was no fear in his eyes, but his body was fixed. In place.

The child suddenly had difficulty breathing, his small face wrinkled in one place, and he tightly covered his heart.

Lu Chengyang's hostility faded slightly, and he saw that the child was suffering from heart disease, but there was a strong spiritual power in his body.

He injected a bit of spiritual power into the child's spiritual veins, but it seemed like a stone had disappeared without causing any waves.

But at this moment, the child's pain seemed to have eased a little, and he suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "Daddy, Daddy."

Lu Chengyang said wearily, "I'm not your father."

The child cried with aggrievedness, and said persistently: "Daddy, Ah Zhou is in pain."

Lu Chengyang asked, "Where does it hurt?"

Ah Zhou flicked his sleeves and said, "Here. It's starting to grow again. It hurts so much."

Lu Chengyang suddenly woke up, and there were dense dragon scales growing on the child's arms.

And this is the real dragon scale, not the scale-like thing shown by the dragon blood disease he has seen.

"Daddy, Ah Zhou hurts so much."

The child named Ah Zhou shook his hands and said aggrievedly.

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