The time in the ancient city is indeed faster than the current world.

Thirty days passed by like flowing water.

The day that everyone is looking forward to sailing by sea ship is also today.

Most of the monks packed up and left with their swords, but there were still a few who stayed on Xuanling Mountain to practice, some just to witness the result of the trip to the east.

The only accident during this period happened to Fu Xiaozi.

A few days ago, Fu Xiaozi proposed to withdraw from the trip to the East because his sword was broken.

That sword is not a supernatural weapon, it is the first saber that Fu Xiao personally crafted. Although it looks ordinary, it has been used for many years.

It was not an auspicious sign that the sword that was carried with him suddenly broke.

No matter how much other people persuaded him, Fu Xiao still firmly said that he would not go, and guarded Xuanling Mountain together with Yun Qi.


"The sword was broken for no reason, and it has been kept for so long. It is a blessing for the sword to receive the high fragrance in Muyin Mansion."

Lu Chengyang originally thought that there could be some earth-shattering truth behind the broken sword in Mu Yin Mansion, but now it seems that there is no big deal.

Perhaps Fu Xiaozi's non-participation in this trip to the East was a matter of destiny.

Xie Jing said slowly: "The five sects are now one, I don't know when they separated."

Lu Chengyang thought for a while and said, "It should be soon."

At this time, they boarded the spare ship together with the other monks chosen for Lingwu.

This sea ship is roughly the same as the previously damaged sea ship, but it uses more spiritual stones, and consumes a little more spiritual power when it is activated.

When Guangling and Lingwu also boarded the boat, the sea-going ship began to move forward.

According to the original agreement, everyone took turns using spiritual power to steer the ship.

Guang Ling was the first to control the ship.

After the Spirit Stone Center was officially triggered, the ship slowly lifted into the air, and the monks below looked up at the departing ship, and saluted in unison to express their blessings.

The sea ship flew up to the sky at first, and when the countless oars and sculls were first propped up, the hull of the ship was still a little swaying, but it soon became very stable, and after a while, it flew over the Xuanling Mountain boundary, as well as countless high mountains and plains.

In the small palace on the ship, Lu Chengyang gnawed on the peaches prepared on the ship, and concentrated on flipping through a set of picture albums on the ship.

This picture album is quite interesting. Flipping through the pages quickly, the front and back pictures are coherent, as if constructing a moving picture of the characters painted on it.After a few volumes, it is a story.The text on it is somewhat similar to the ancient Yangwen.

"Xie Jing, look, I didn't expect this kind of thing to exist, and I haven't seen it in this world."

Xie Jing picked up a volume, looked at it, and said, "It's true, but no one drew it anymore."


"Probably because no one appreciates it, or it's hard to make a living."

After finishing speaking, Xie Jing closed the booklet and put it back in its original place.

Lu Chengyang had finished reading the brochures in front of him, so he put the albums back together, and said: "Xie Jing, you know this, maybe you used to read these a lot before, and you didn't tell me what to say."

Xie Jing replied: "You know how to have fun better than me, so I don't need to tell you this."

After a moment's pause, he went on to say, "No matter what time it is."

Lu Chengyang smelled a hint of subtlety in his tone, and then suddenly smiled and said, "You wanted to play with me before, didn't you? Ah, you've never been angry about breaking a cup, right? Isn’t it Buming Pavilion?”

Lu Chengyang suddenly realized: "You are jealous."

Xie Jing did not deny it, picked out a few volumes from the picture album, opened them and closed them again.

At this moment, Lu Chengyang came up to him and said, "Why are you jealous with Yundu and the others? You have been different from them since before, very...very special..."

Only then did he realize that it was probably because of this "specialness" that he deliberately pestered Xie Jing at some point in the past.

But he didn't know that a long time ago.

Xie Jing said: "What's so special?"

Lu Chengyang couldn't speak for a moment, he just opened his mouth and said, "They don't smell as good as you do."

Xie Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "I told you, it's just an ordinary scent of flowers and plants."


Soon after, the hull began to fall steadily, and finally touched the surface of the sea.

Seven or eight monks pushed open the door of the palace one after another, overlooking the endless sea.

However, because the sun was about to set at this time, the sea breeze was blowing, which was especially damp and cold, which made people feel chills on the back.

Not long after they all returned to the palace, the ship suddenly shook violently.

Someone exclaimed: "It seems to have hit something!"

Lu Chengyang and Xie Jing moved to the place where the monks gathered, and heard another heavy muffled sound.

The hull did hit something, stopped moving, veered a bit, and the deck began to crack.

They couldn't see that thing, but when everyone threw their swords into the air and cast some light and shadow, they saw the reflection of themselves and the sword not far away.

Guangling flew to the bow of the ship, and Zong Lanxian stabbed forward, but saw a slight crack not far away, but the crack disappeared quickly.

What blocks them is the huge mirror lying across here.

"Who's singing?"

A low-pitched singing voice came from all directions, Ling Wu turned around and said to the crowd: "Everyone, please shut down your hearing!"

But in this short moment, the weird singing sound bewitched the four monks.

The eyes of the four monks turned blue, they took off their outer shirts one after another, and they were about to rush into the sea.

Lu Chengyang immediately dragged one of them, but his strength was too great, and he almost dragged him into the water together.

However, a powerful purple light barrier soon formed around the ship, and the monks who were bewitched by the singing could only keep rushing towards the barrier, but they couldn't enter the sea.

Lingwu was sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat at this time, behind her was a phantom in the shape of a dragon, secretly emitting a purple halo.

Xie Jing, together with many other monks, used spiritual power to protect this huge protective barrier.

And Guangling is trying to break through the mirror with mysterious methods.

However, this situation did not last for more than half a moment. After a short while, many waves suddenly sprang out from the water, and a human form slowly emerged.

This is not a rare evil, it is just a very common water ghost in Yangcheng.

However, the water ghosts here are different from the shrunken water ghosts in the city of Yangcheng.

The water ghosts surrounded the giant ship, and then attracted waves, attacking the barrier frantically.

The spiritual power here is too thin, even with the blessing of many people's spiritual power, Ling Wu's barrier did not last long and began to collapse.

Lu Chengyang was doused with sea water, and he couldn't help sighing: "The water ghosts in the past were so fierce."

Blocked by the mirror surface, under the siege of water ghosts, the worse thing is——

The hull is gradually sinking, and the sinking speed is very fast.

The sea of ​​ghosts is really a sea of ​​ghosts.

Guangling turned Lanxian back, and Lingwu repelled the water ghost on one side, but couldn't care about the other side for a while.

Although the cultivation bases of all the monks were not bad, many monks were immediately dragged under the water when they encountered the dense vines that suddenly protruded from the water.

At this moment, Xie Jing only had time to form a few protective shields to protect Lu Chengyang, whose spiritual power was temporarily sealed, and the two or three monks nearby.

However, the vines attacking from all directions were more terrifying than the water ghost, and they were dragged into the water together with the dharma shield.

One second Lu Chengyang could only hear Xie Jing calling him, but the next second he was already in the bottomless blue.


The underwater tide is surging, and there are still bursts of singing faintly not far away. Although there are layers of water barriers, you can still feel the ethereal and melodious sound of the sound.

The initial feeling of suffocation disappeared as a ray of purple light melted into his fingertips. Lu Chengyang looked down, and the Taoist seal in his palm was faintly glowing, and the inexplicable vines were still wrapped around his waist, but in this sea water However, it seemed extremely docile, and it only quietly led him to drift towards the deeper sea.

Soon he saw something different in the endless blueness——

It is the top of the stone statue.

The thousands of floating vines turned out to be not simple vines, but the "hair" of the underwater stone statue.

These vines gradually shortened, and quietly followed the outline of the stone statue.

The size of the stone statue is the same as the stone statue on Shenling, but its face is very rough, and only its facial features can be vaguely seen.

And what can be seen at this time is only the upper body of the stone statue.Surrounding it is the flat seabed facing the faint light.

Guangling came after Lu Chengyang.

Guangling's fingertips also faintly glowed with purple light, but his face was still in shock.

He said, "Brother Lu, it's lucky that you're fine."

"It's a pity..." His face seemed a little shocked, "It's a pity that other people..."

Lu Chengyang's eyelids twitched: "Others?"

Guangling said: "Everyone in the company... was buried here before they could meet Lingwu's breath."

Lu Chengyang said firmly, "Impossible."

Guangling was puzzled, and said, "How do you know? Did you see other people besides Lingwu?"

He immediately noticed the shimmering light on Lu Chengyang's palm, and said: "This seal, this seal is the talisman between you and Brother Xie. Since it is still there, it proves that he is fine, so it is very good. "

But the haze on his face didn't improve at all.

Guangling looked at the statue in despair, and said, "So, twenty people are still too many."

"Then please tell me, to whom the Heavenly Gate can only be opened."

He seems to be facing the statue, but also seems to be facing the silence.

Lu Chengyang looked up at the huge statue again, only to see that after a long silence, the statue really moved.

Still a pair of eyes.

The eyes of the stone statue opened slightly, emitting a golden light.The light slowly condensed into a human form, and a voice came out: "The gate of heaven is about to open, and your catastrophe is coming."

Guangling seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and said anxiously: "Can the gods please save those sixteen dead souls?"

Lu Chengyang saw that the god was silent for a while, and then said: "It's just a matter of days, I can't do anything about it."

"This world lacks everything, except people who believe in gods." The god said slowly, "But you will never be able to save everyone. It's not because you don't want to, but no matter how powerful a god is, there will be limitations in power. hour."

As soon as her words fell, the golden light disappeared without a trace, and a gap appeared in the deep blue. From the gap, there were countless undersea wind generals in golden armor.

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