I am a man cursed by life.

In other words, I can't die.

Throughout the ages, how many people have pursued immortality, and the greatest pursuit of immortal people is to die thoroughly.It's an interesting paradox, but it's something I've been dealing with for a long time.

I mean, no one wants to die and come back to life and lose a memory.This is terrible, okay?I will forget what I have learned after accidentally dying, or I will not be able to escape at all when I want to escape from something.Only when people really encounter very sad things will they discover that death is actually a gift from life.

I've tried so many times that I'm almost forgetting everything I've learned and people I've met.When I try to organize my old things, there is always the illusion that I am actually my grandson sorting out my belongings.I had the habit of keeping a diary a long time ago, but I stopped writing after a certain incident.The bookshelf in my house is full of my own diaries, they are not complete, some have been damaged and lost over a long period of time, the latest one was terminated in 1987.

Where I am now is Naples in 1996, and everyone seems to have their place in the end-of-the-century wave.The happiness of people is not the same. I just feel that they are noisy when I just lost my job.The restaurant owner I worked for was heavily in debt because of his son's drug use, and eventually sold the shop and returned to his hometown. As an old employee for several years, I did not go back with him.

Even if the boss can still make money, the drug-addicted little bastard will still suck up all his value, which is not an exaggeration to describe it.But that's his child, the boss doesn't want to give up on him, so I can't be taken advantage of together.

I used to have a pretty good education, but I have experienced wars and long-term displacement, coupled with constant death, I can only judge that I should have a good education from the fact that I can speak multiple languages ​​fluently, and those I don't remember all the things I should have learned.This is my brain's mechanism to protect itself. If I remember everything, I'm afraid I won't face the endless life in a fairly healthy mental state.

Of course... this almost illiterate situation also made it difficult for me to find a good job.And because I won't grow old, I don't dare to stay in any place for a long time. God knows if some strange organization will catch me and take me to the laboratory for sectioning.My diary tells me that in the 20s, I was captured by the Germans as a test subject.I guess I didn't live anywhere long after that.

There is no point in thinking about the past now, I mean, I can only lug a suitcase full of diaries now, and the best thing to do is to find an empty bench in the park and sleep!Damn it, the money I earned in my last job was less than I thought. After paying the rent, there was almost no money left, and sometimes I would need to rely on the photosynthesis of a substitute to maintain nutrient intake .

Ah, yes, speaking of the sun, the weather has been bad for the past two days, and there is no sun for me to bask in, so I still have to spend my small amount of money to buy food.

It's really sad, starving to death is very painful, I must find another job quickly, and I don't get paid but only board and lodging.


Ahhh, damn Mafia, not only sells narcotics, but also collects protection fees everywhere, so that everyone is not recruiting workers now, and I am almost penniless!

Life is really unpleasant... I should save money.If I had savings, I wouldn't be so down and out now. Having said that, why don't I join Mafia directly, I must have something to eat, and if the organization fails, I'll just run away.

With a new plan comes new problems.How do I join the organization?Now Naples has more than one organization, which organization is doing well and which organization is about to fail, I have been a low-level wage earner before that, and I have no idea at all.Maybe I should give up on that idea and get another job.

I was strolling down the street with my suitcase, the bad weather that lasted for several days made me feel very bad, I could feel my double rage, in fact if I didn't get some sun or something to eat, I would It's possible to do something very illegal.My double makes me immortal and merges with me, which is not a good thing... I have to be in human society all the time and keep enough satiety.If I'm too hungry, my double will let me eat people - otherwise I won't be able to maintain my human form, and I will turn into a big vine-like thing, and hunt like a land octopus until it until full.So I don't actually hate war that much, at least "food" is very sufficient.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did I delay you?" Because I'm so hungry, it's a little difficult for me to maintain my body shape now, and it's enough to consume my energy not to stretch out my eight legs.The person I bumped into was very young and seemed to be thinking about something, neither of them looked at the road, so they bumped into someone on the sidewalk and turned their backs.I am penniless, and my only property is the old suitcase that has been knocked apart. As long as I slide and kneel fast enough, young people are generally embarrassed to ask me for compensation.

"Oh no, I'm fine, I should apologize, I didn't watch the way." He was very polite, and even used a double to help me clean up the scattered diaries.Uh, double?

Maybe it was too impolite for me to stare at his avatar, he put those notebooks in my hand, and asked me with some uncertainty if I could see his blue and white avatar.

Of course I can see it. In fact, I really like the double in human form. If my double can also be separated from my body, or if it is in human form, I won't be so strenuous to live.In recent years, in Naples, there have often been gang members using fancy doubles to fight in the dark. Sometimes one side uses doubles and the other is beaten blankly.When they fight, I will try to avoid them as much as possible, because I am very afraid of pain. If I am accidentally injured, the price of watching the excitement will be too high.

"Yes, your double is very beautiful. Thank you for helping me retrieve the notes, I will not bother you." I separated a vine to tie the suitcase with a broken lock, and then I need to continue to find A job, and then find a place to put my diaries.My journals are what I used to remember, and even though I haven't continued to write them for many years, they are still my only possession.

But the young man stopped me, and he even offered to buy me a meal, and wanted me to join him.

I don't have any objections, I go with whoever feeds me, there is nothing wrong with it.At the dinner table, I exchanged names with him, and I also learned his identity.Just when I was about to join the gang, I collided with a newly promoted team leader who needed members. It can be said that I would have a pillow when I fell asleep, and it was the only luck in my unlucky time.

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