Brother, don't pinch your face!

Chapter 53 Unexpectedly, This Expansion (2)

Li Jun felt that he was sweating coldly, he lowered his head silently, his whole body was stiff, as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Why don't you speak?"

Li Xuan continued to press, with an oppressive tone.

"Brother... I... I was wrong..." Li Jun's voice was still nasal, and he seemed a little cautious.

"What's wrong?" The tone seemed to be calm, but revealed a coercion that could not be ignored.

"...It's all wrong." Li Jun still lowered his head.

There was a silence.Li Xuan stared at the child for a while, then suddenly said: "That's fine, you go to sleep."

After speaking, he got up, picked up the coat he had taken off, and strode towards the door.

"Brother, woo woo..., where are you going?!" Li Jun jumped up from the sofa in fright, rushed to Li Xuan, wanted to pounce on him, but stopped in front of him timidly, looking at Li Xuan with tears in his eyes. Xuan.

Li Xuan was unmoved, "Since you don't say anything, I have nothing to stay."

"I... I'm here to find my brother! So you can't leave!!" Li Jun suddenly yelled while twitching.

Li Xuan seemed surprised for a moment, but it was really only that moment.

He immediately regained his composure, put his clothes on his arms, and quietly waited for Li Jun's next words.

" wallet was stolen..." Li Jun was sobbing, not daring to meet his brother's gaze, "I got off the train halfway...the train" So I How can I come back by car if I have no money!asshole! ! !

Li Jun really wants to explode, but these small thoughts are just in his heart.

Although he is very, very aggrieved now, he can only bear with his elder brother's rigid and serious face. He has a very bad premonition in his heart, fearing that his elder brother will walk away if he doesn't like it. Let Li Jun, who usually lives the life of a son and son, taste the unspeakable bitterness and uneasiness.If my brother doesn't care about him now, he really probably doesn't care about anything, just sit on the ground and cry.

"You lost your wallet?"

Nodding, "Yeah."

"You got off and the train left?"

Nodding sharply, "Yeah."

"So you lost your wallet first and then went out to get some air when you have nothing to do?"

Li Xuan's voice was raised a lot, obviously revealing uncontrollable anger.

Li Jun's voice was as low as a mosquito, "I got off the bus at a stop halfway, and then I lost my wallet."

"So what did you get out of the car with your wallet?"

The elder brother is worthy of being an elder brother, and he immediately sorted out his thoughts from Li Jun's irrelevant and illogical words.

Li Jun was silent for three seconds, then murmured: "I'm going to buy food."

"What to buy?" is the calm before the storm.

The silence lasted longer, and Li Jun finally had to answer hesitantly under the pressing gaze, "Grilled sausage..." After finishing speaking, he added, "It's hot..."

"Li Xiaojun!!!"

Li Xuan angrily threw the heavy black coat in his hand to the ground, the clothes caused the cold wind in the air to howl, which made Li Jun tremble, lowered his head and sobbed: "I know I did something wrong...but I didn't expect the train... ...Hey, hey...then leave soon..."

Li Jun whimpered, not to mention how wronged he was.

"You! I..." Li Xuan didn't know whether he was speechless or helpless. He covered his eyes with his hands and his voice was suppressed.

Forget it, didn't he know it all the time, why insist on asking him to say every sentence, so angry that he vomited blood.

In the end, he recovered his mood and looked at the lovely and pitiful child in front of him.It's not that he didn't see the blue and black under the eyes, but who can understand the panic and fear that he couldn't get through to the child's phone? He thought that the little guy turned off the phone on purpose because he was angry with him.

Who knew that in the end, he found out that this guy had set foot on the train back to City S. To be honest, he was very happy.But it was long past the arrival time of the bus, and there was still no news about the child, and the phone was always turned off, so he felt flustered.

He had thought about the worst-case scenario, and he, who was always calm, was about to go crazy.

The moment he heard the news about him, he was surprised and angry at the same time. He really wanted this unreliable guy to be locked in a small dark room forever, tied tightly to him for the rest of his life, and would never let him go no matter what. Don't let him escape from your sight.

He knew that he was very afraid that this situation would happen again, and he would not be able to help releasing the devil's desire to control that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart.

Fortunately, so far, he has covered it well.

Gently put down his hand, Li Xuan said in a forbearing voice: "Don't do such stupid things in the future."

Li Jun looked up at Li Xuan, a little unresponsive.

How could he feel that his brother's anger had disappeared, replaced by deep powerlessness and helplessness.

For some reason, he could feel something heavy in his brother's heart.

"Hey, go to bed early and sleep soundly."

"Brother, don't you want to talk to me..."

Li Jun looked at his elder brother who had picked up the clothes on the ground and walked to the door, with a trace of pleading and eagerness in his voice,

Li Xuan paused, but did not turn his head.

"Don't think too much, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

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