Ju Yao woke up to the sound of unfamiliar conversations.

The physical exhaustion has not dissipated, Ju Yao lay sideways on the ground, opened her eyes, and saw the metal cage pillars that imprisoned her, twisting and reflecting her slightly embarrassed appearance.

Surrounded by a completely unfamiliar indoor environment, with classical decoration and low temperature, she curled up, trying to keep warm.

Her gaze was fixed on the front, her eyelids were half-lidded, and she remained motionless.

"Anser, you hide human beings here." The woman who spoke happened to sit at the end of Juyao's field of vision, crossed her legs, and looked at the man who respectfully replied to her.

No reproach, questioning or shock could be heard in the words, Earl Anser still bent his waist deeply, "My lord, please forgive me for making my own decisions, but it is about the marriage of my beloved daughter Belin, and I have to solve this obstacle myself .”

Ju Yao, who was called an obstacle, twitched her eyebrows and closed her eyes.

Helen chuckled and slowly got up from the chair.Anser lowered his head to his thighs, his thick voice trembling, "I'm sorry, Lord Hellen, I shouldn't have acted without permission, especially when Prince Ender signed a new peace agreement with the Federation."

Xillen turned a deaf ear to his apology, stepped on the buckskin high-heeled boots, and buckled them on the mahogany floor, like a drum echoing in Ju Yao's ears.

She stopped in front of a long metal cage big enough to hold a grown man.

A birdcage-like portable cage traps a fragile girl with a human aura. The girl is sleeping on her side, with black curly hair messily covering most of her face, and a slender white hand near the edge of the cage.

"What a weak human being." Helen brushed her long blond hair, feeling Juyao deliberately imitating the breathing rate when she was asleep, her green pupils splashed with sly ripples, and she was about to expose this "cautious" person Miss Terran, the corners of her raised lips were pulled back in an instant.

Caught off guard, he met a pair of obsidian-like eyes.

Sitting up, Ju Yao brushed aside her newly permed hair, revealing her beautiful face. She moved back slowly, leaning her back against the cold metal cage.

She raised her right hand, stretched out her index finger and thumb, and pointed the tip of her index finger at Heron who was in astonishment.

Xillen looked at the leisurely Ju Yao inquiringly, "Looks like he's a bold kid."

Ju Yao pressed her thumb, "biu."

Blinking, her voice was a little hoarse when she just woke up, "Hello, the beauty you can see when you open your eyes."

Heron froze.

Hieren's crisp laughter echoed in the quiet inner hall.

"It's a lot more courageous than I imagined."

Earl Anser looked disgusted, and warned in a cold voice: "Do you think you can seduce Lord Hellen like you seduced that boy Xiu Rui?"

Ju Yao withdrew his hand, folded his hands in front of his abdomen, stretched out his legs straight, and lazily glanced around.

If one ignores that she is in prison, this leisurely appearance would make it appear that she is the master here.

Helen held the silver cage bar thicker than Juyao's arm in one hand, "You are so calm because you are sure we will not hurt you, right?"

Ju Yao covered her lips and yawned leisurely, her eyes were bleary, she ran away all night, and finally she was exhausted, so she gave up and urged the blood clan who captured her to take her away quickly, there was no need to throw her into the cage, she went straight in, Fall down and sleep.

The retro grandfather clock on the opposite wall showed that the time was [-]:[-], and it bumped all night. Calculating the time, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

The wine-red curtains were not drawn, and through the window she could see a day without sunlight, and a dark green coniferous forest that would not appear in the federal capital where she lived and studied.

It looks like she's already in the bloodlands of the cold north.

No wonder the room is so cold.

"Cold?" Hellen asked.

Ju Yao nodded, "Can you turn on the heater?"

Anser sneered: "You might as well just ask if you can let you go."

"It depends on the mind of the beautiful Xi Lun." Ju Yao rested her chin on her hand and looked at Xi Lun, "How is it? I have to go back to catch up with the mid-term homework. If I don't finish it, my final will be miserable."

There was no pleading in the dark eyes, but there was a reassuring agility. Xillen replied in a negotiating tone: "This is not possible."

Ju Yao immediately brushed her long hair, put her right foot on her left leg, and changed her posture with a happy face.

"Then please lock me up longer, at least after the final, I don't really want to prepare for the final exam."

Anser took a step forward, "Master Xillen, you must not believe her sweet words, I spent a lot of effort to catch her, she is more cunning and despicable than you imagined."

Prince Ander, who has been advocating peaceful coexistence with mankind for nearly a hundred years, is signing a peace treaty with the federal head of state in the federal capital of Saskatchewan. The main content of the peace treaty is tariffs and international trade.In this era of frequent civil and commercial exchanges, these two matters are of great importance, and more than [-] relevant meetings have been held back and forth. Now is the critical period for the two sides to reach a peace agreement.

At this juncture, it would not be wise to send Bloodskins to the federal capital to capture humans, and he had to proceed with caution.

The first batch of Strigoi to be dispatched can always be sneaked away to places with dense crowds and a lot of media.

The second batch of vampires were almost taken to the Federal Security Bureau by Juyao.

The blood clan sent by the third batch bumped into the hunter organization for some reason, and almost couldn't return.

This time, he managed to catch Juyao, and she ran away once on the way.

Obviously Juyao is just an ordinary student at the Federal University.

The biggest variable is that Prince Hellen came to him specially and found that he was arresting human beings privately.

"Don't be too calm, little friend." Helen didn't know if he had listened to Anser's words, and said quietly, "This is the territory of Prince Lengs."

Ju Yao narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is not good.

In her memory, blood races and human races have long coexisted peacefully, and scary vampires only appear in some horror works.

In the highly cosmopolitan capital city of Saskatchewan, blood races can often be seen on the streets, and there are many blood races who come to study in the Federal University where she is.

The territories of the blood race and the human race are not distinct. The two races have frequent civil and commercial exchanges such as marriage, business and tourism. With the innovation of transportation methods and breakthroughs in information technology, they are inseparable from each other. Peaceful exchanges are the general trend.

In terms of the government, the blood clan, which has long been conservative in the relationship between the two parties, has taken a major step under the reform of Prince Ander. It can be said that Prince Ander, as the leader of the peaceful and friendly faction of the blood clan, has contributed a lot.

In stark contrast is the conservative Prince Lengs. As the strongest of the blood clan, even the respected and loved Prince Ander cannot compete with Lengs.

Ju Yao's mood became extremely bad. It was like frantically memorizing and reviewing the day before preparing for the exam, only to find out that the exam was not about the review content at all when he arrived at the exam room.

The conservatives refused to sign any form of exchange agreements, and believed that the blood race and the human race should keep a distance and not contact each other.

The field of conservatives represented by Lengs is strictly hierarchical, and the internal classes of the blood clan are distinct, not to mention the status of human beings in it.The laws here do not protect foreigners, and there is no agreement signed with humans. If Ju Yao dies here, there will be no sparks. Even if people from the Federation want to come in and investigate, they have no authority.

However, there has been no news about Leng Si in the past hundred years. It is rumored that as the oldest blood race, Leng Si has entered a period of sleep a hundred years ago and will not wake up again.

Pressing his temple with his thumb, Ju Yao showed Hellen a sweet smile, "The beautiful Prince Hellen will send me back to the Federation."

Hellen tried to find a look of panic on Juyao's face, and replied with a smile: "Humans who came here will not go back safely, my dear."

"That's it." Feeling lost, Ju Yao lay down again, with her right elbow as a pillow, and fell asleep with her eyes closed under the watchful eyes of Hellen and Anser, "Then I'll continue to sleep, you guys continue chatting."

It's really random.

Helen withdrew her gaze, "Anser, what are you going to do with this human? If Prince Lengs finds out that you have brought humans into her domain without authorization, the consequences will be disastrous."

When Anser thought of Leng Si's attitude towards human beings, he couldn't help but feel a little scared, and he said comforting words, "I'm thinking about the marriage between Xiu Rui and Belin, Lord Leng Si will understand me. As for this human being, since he brought When we arrive at our territory, there will be no problem if we kill her. People from the Federation are forbidden to enter your territory without Mr. Lengsi’s permission, and it was for this reason that I brought her to Mr. Lengsi’s territory.”

Helen asked casually, "What about Xiu Rui? Are you not afraid that he will settle accounts with you?"

Anser sneered, "Break up with me for a human being? If Xiu Rui is so stupid, Master Leng Si will be the first to let him go."

The girl in the cage was still sleeping peacefully, isolating everything, as if the surroundings had nothing to do with her.

Hellen said lightly, "I watched Xiu Rui grow up, the person he likes, how could I be willing to hurt him."

Anser's face changed, and he looked at Hellen's outstretched hand, reluctantly taking out the key to the cage lock.

In the blink of an eye, the girl who was pretending to sleep heard the sound of the chain being taken off, sat with her legs crossed on her lap, like a cute bunny, and said to Helen who opened the door: "Thank you, beauty."

"Don't wander around, in case Mr. Lengsi finds out about your existence, you..."

The door was pushed halfway, and Helen swallowed the second half of the sentence, and Anser behind him even trembled with his legs, shaking so much that he could hardly stand still.

"It's no wonder that as soon as I came to the gate of the castle, I smelled disgusting."

The cold voice, without any emotional ups and downs, fell straight into the bottom of the glass like a piece of ice.


"Prince Lengs."

Helen and Anser bowed their heads respectfully, not daring to face Shang Lengsi's extremely cold expression at the moment.

Juyao's back was numb, and she put one hand on the door, ready to leave the cage where she couldn't even stand up straight, but now she didn't know what her next move was.

Unfortunately, Leng Si, who had disappeared for nearly a hundred years, appeared here by chance.

Ju Yao bit the bullet, just as Helen said, and boldly looked over.

She first saw a pair of black high-heeled boots with wine red soles, slender and straight legs, and pure black silk gloves of the same color as the clothes.

The only eye-catching color is the golden scepter inlaid with rubies in Lance's hand, which looks like a shooting star gliding in the dark night when he walks.

Looking up, I didn't see the condescending figure looking down on her as I imagined, and there was no undisguised disgust and dislike.

Leng Si's gaze did not stay on Juyao for a moment, her face as cold as frost and snow showed her attitude, and her tone of voice was the same as hers.

Those who are really dismissive will get dust and be profaned if they look at it for a moment longer.

Leng Si sat alone in the main seat in the hall, Anser stood still, and Helen walked up to Leng Si, "My lord, what brought you here?"

"If I knew that you were hiding a human being here, I would naturally not come here."

Helen gestured for Anser to pour tea with his eyes, and said affectionately to Leng Si: "Didn't we send you a gift to celebrate my sister's awakening. Do you like beautiful humans or sweet-mouthed humans? This child are all satisfied."

Anser held up the tray and presented the hot black tea in front of Leng Si.

Lance picked up the teacup, "I like dead humans."

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