'Sure enough, a stupid human being with only these things in his head. '

Leng Si announced from the bottom of his heart that Ju Yao would no longer be qualified to know about the electrical installations in the castle.

This little human with no eyesight and wisdom is more suitable to go outside to collect firewood every day.

Ju Yao put down her hand, it seemed that she said something wrong.

"I have proved with practical actions that there are indeed no old nobles, let alone classical beauties."

Leng Si tasted regret in Ju Yao's words.

'She is more sentimental than a human being who is sad about spring and autumn, and the temptation of beauty to her is really too great. '

"He Jin, don't you want to leave here? Why do you stay here?" Ju Yao asked this question before, but the other party didn't answer.

Now is no exception.

The same question does not need to be asked repeatedly, not to mention that it is still a worthless question.

Leng Si felt that the little human is not a smart person, so he asked this time, and there will be a third time.

In order to prevent this little human who is always obsessed with some stupid things without aesthetic feeling, and then play stupid dramas in her ears, Leng Si thinks it is necessary to say——

"This is my castle, why should I leave?"

"Don't you want to see the outside world, such as traveling? You have been in this castle for many years, right? Now technology is developing rapidly, and the outside world is changing super fast. You will definitely find something you like."

Although the hall was dimly lit, Ju Yao couldn't see the beauty's expression clearly, but she could still guess that the beauty was full of disdain for her words. Of course, the beauty's cold face would not show obvious emotions.

She tried to speak as sincerely as possible to increase the allure of the colorful world outside, "For example, the Commonwealth, there are many beautiful scenery, southern islands, sunny beach bikinis, and big beauties with sun-tanned skin. We can go surfing on the sea together, lying on the beach. Soak up the sun on the beach...”

'Poor little human beings, full of such useless things. Lance glanced at the empty wine bottle on the table, maybe the drunk little human has a higher IQ than when he was sober.

Ju Yao talked about her heart, but considering the heat of the island, she regretted giving up.

"If you don't like the Commonwealth, there are also beautiful places to travel in the blood race." Juyao recalled the travel strategy found on the Internet, "Coster is advanced in technology, and there are holographic technology in it to experience the city. You can choose freely or design your own scene Maple has the most beautiful maple leaf forest in the world, you can go there in autumn. Snow I visited, and it feels average. In terms of architecture, it is not as good as other fields, but Snow tourism is developed, not as conservative as Frost But Frost probably has no good places to play, it is said that they are all a group of old antiques, the climate is very cold, and the temperature is low all year round, so there is no need to consider it.”

'Coster is the domain of Ander. This hypocritical and foolish young nobleman betrayed the Prince Lengs who promoted him. No matter how advanced the technology is, it is difficult to save the shine on his head. '

'In order to see a maple leaf forest, he ran to Maple, which is under the jurisdiction of Hieron. It seems that this little human doesn't know that there are countless human corpses buried under the large maple leaf forest that Hieron planted. '

'Atala's development of tourism is only because she loves heat/weapons and she succumbs to the peace faction headed by Ander. Apart from researching weapons, Atala does not have any ability to develop Snow. '

Before dawn, the darkness still shrouded Ju Yao and Leng Si.

' This human being, unable to speak wise words, despises the greatest realm of Frost. '

'No, this is the words of the little human beings venting their anger towards Frost, who rejects and prohibits human beings from entering. '

Through the darkness, Leng Si saw Ju Yao's disgust when he mentioned Frost.

She sneered in her heart and said, "There are many places in Frost where salons are often held, including literary salons, art salons, etc., and there will be beautiful nobles in costumes."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ju Yao leaning forward with a slender waist, his eyes wide open, his fine eyelashes fluttering like wings, and the upper and lower eyelids together outlined a beautiful and smooth arc, meeting the slightly raised corners of his eyes.

Leng Si took back what he said before, and the little human could barely pick out a place that could be called beautiful.

Juyao's eyes were full of joy: "I have long wanted to go to Frost, we can go together, you really want to go to the salon, I am not good at literature and art, is there any paddling salon? Just go in and pretend, actually In a salon where each other shows off their clothes and experiences. When I enter, I must criticize this pretentious atmosphere!"

Before this, Leng Si had never imagined that a righteous tone and a lustful expression could appear on one person at the same time.

'Sure enough, this is a human being without principles, or in other words, this is just a human being who only yearns for beauty, and Prince Lengs can easily change her mind. '

However, Leng Si didn't feel elated because his words made Ju Yao really fragrant, and this human being's excited expression was particularly annoying.

'The beauty in her mouth is simply a general term for women. '

"He Jin, you are from Frost, right." Ju Yao restrained her expression.

The noncommittal attitude of the other party made Ju Yao affirm the guess, "Look, whenever I say that Frost is not good, you rush to defend Frost."

Leng Si sneered in his heart, and even used "anxious" and "justification" to describe her.

This is clearly tempting ignorant little humans to step into Frost beyond their means.

Not to mention other conservative nobles, Anser alone, even small humans can't deal with it.


The hall on the first floor became warm under the toasting of the fireplace.

Ju Yao half-lyed on an easy chair, and fell asleep with the gentle rocking of the easy chair.

Lance went out to take care of the garden outside the castle, and saw such a scene when he came back.

The little human slept deeply, his hair was pressed behind his back, part of it fell down, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he was having a sweet dream.

Lance noticed a flower in the garden that had been artificially picked off.

A daring human must have plucked her roses as wildflowers, and perhaps put them in the hearth for fuel.

Ju Yao slowly opened his eyes, dimly, and saw a touch of silver.

The cushion of the easy chair is very wide, Juyao moved to the armrest on the other side, patted the vacant space, "Shall we sleep together?"

The indifferent soft hum made Ju Yao sit up all of a sudden.

Ju Yao quickly glanced at the wall clock on the wall, the hour hand was approaching the Roman numeral one.

"good afternoon."

Lance said, "It's night now."

Ju Yao rubbed her hands, "No wonder I said I was cold again, so I slept for so long."

The hungry Ju Yao used the food he brought back to process in the kitchen, making two plates of hot noodles with a fried egg with a round yolk on top.

Juyao prepared a copy for Leng Si. She didn't ask the beauty in advance, and once she asked, there was no result.

If the beauty doesn't want it, she has the appetite to eat two servings.

"He Jin!" Ju Yao thought of asking He Jin to come down from the second floor. As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, he saw Leng Si standing in the corridor.

Leng Si looked away from the landscape painting on the wall, and glanced lightly at Juyao.

"I made an extra serving, let's eat together."

After cooking, Ju Yao's cheeks were pink, and the broken hair on her forehead was pasted on her forehead.

'This human being is always full of energy for some reason, obviously lazy and casual. '

The dining table was very long, and Ju Yao was sitting opposite Leng Si, using a fork to fork up the noodles not quite used to.

Lance didn't want to eat, but this was the result of the little human beings working in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

She watched the little human use the kitchen equipment unfamiliarly, letting the smell of noodles gradually linger in the kitchen.

She also lamented that a thin human can put down so many noodles at once.

"Let me tell you what happened to me after I left the Black Forest." Ju Yao didn't have a good habit of keeping silent when eating.

She told the story of her being arrested at the police station, and then said with emotion: "Fortunately, nothing happened, and finally came out safely. It was too thrilling."

'The little human probably happily entered the police station to charge his mobile phone. '

Leng Si didn't believe that Ju Yao would be afraid.

She took a bite of the noodles, very ordinary taste.

She took another bite, and it was indeed nothing special.

But there are still merits.

"Then do you know who I met? Caroline, a magician!" Thinking of Caroline, who is very different from her appearance, Ju Yao sighed from the bottom of her heart: "I like her so much."

Leng Si suddenly felt that the taste of the noodles was too bland, but he ate it because of the hard work of the little humans, and there was no shining point at all.

At the beginning, Juyao put down the fork, and shared with Lengs with high spirits: "Caroline is a world-renowned genius magician. In addition to superb performances and superb skills, Caroline also has a fascinating ability. "

'It's just a kid who follows Atala. He often fights with Xiu Rui and is fined to clean up the pond. Lengs picked up the noodles and put them gracefully in his mouth.

Ju Yao rested her left elbow on the dining table, pressed her fingers to her forehead, shook her head intoxicated, and fell into memories. "That is the elegance and beauty of her every move during the performance, in a white suit, as gentle as jade, ascetic and gentle."

'You didn't see Caroline's brutality when she fought, and the wayward look of Barand's remaining hair. '

Lance thinks that this little human sees everything too superficially, and Caroline has nothing to do with elegance, just like the little human in front of him.

"And she specially performed several unpublished magic tricks for me. It was very interesting. I watched it all day."

'Stupid human beings spend their precious time looking at meaningless falsehoods and illusions. '

All day long, no wonder we didn't arrive outside the castle until early in the morning.

Leng Si put down the knife and fork, and the noodles on the dinner plate had been eaten. She wiped her red lips with a towel, watching her every move so pleasing to the eye.

Juyao's admiring expression made Leng Si feel better. It is necessary for Leng Si to let the little human know what is true elegance.

"He Jin, you must not miss Caroline's performance, it's really wonderful."

This sincere compliment fell on him like a caterpillar.

'Little humans don't know what true beauty is.It’s okay to deceive a simple and ignorant child like a small human being. It’s impossible for Prince Lengs to go to a boring magic show, let alone a show by Caroline, Atala’s little follower. Even if she performs in front of her, she won’t Have a look. '

Juyao suddenly remembered something, pushed out the chair, ignored the noodles on the table, and ran into the hall to find what she asked Caroline to give her.

She put on a mysterious smile, put her hands behind her back, and returned to the dining table.

"Let me perform a trick for you—"

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