Leng Si watched Ju Yao go around one after another blood noble men and women, and came towards her from not far away.

Maybe this little human who spreads love like a dandelion has found a new beauty in his eyes.

He casually hooked up with a single, young, and beautiful blood noble lady, and made the noble lady blush and cover her ears with embarrassment, even Caroline's childish and boring tricks were ignored.

Caroline should learn etiquette in Atala's castle. Even if she attended the banquet, she didn't come to show her tricks.

The curtains are strung together by drop-shaped crystals, which collide with each other when they are opened, making a crisp sound.

A smiling face appeared in front of Leng Si.

"Hello, beauty." When approaching, Juyao smelled a cool fragrance from Leng Si's body, which was exactly the same as the beauty Hejin in the castle.

Leng Si raised his eyes, and his indifferent Bing Tong lightly glanced at Ju Yao.

It seems to be thinking whether this philandering human being who regards beauty as a collective name for women has recognized himself.

Ju Yao sat opposite Leng Si.

Leng Si said lightly: "You pursued another human being, and instead of helping her, you chatted with other blood races."

Ju Yao thinks that this "other blood" refers to the beauty herself.

"It's okay, the problem will be solved, and I'm not capable of dealing with Belin."

'This human being has really found many excuses for his fascination, and he has never denied his fascination with other women. Lance lifted the cloak and hat, revealing long hair that was more beautiful than Yuehua.

No, it's shameless for this human being to be affectionate and flirt after seeing Xiu Rui. He dared to do such a vulgar and indecent act in front of Prince Lengs.

'The human body will be separated sooner or later, and the reason is to show mercy. '

Leng Si had already considered the ending for Juyao, so Juyao opened the handbag and put it on his lap.

"I always think you're here, beauty." Ju Yao reached into her bag, "Why are you here?"

The beauty who has never been separated from the castle actually ran out. Could it be that the charm of this blind date banquet is too great to estimate?

Lance looked out of the curtain.

Caroline is performing her sixth trick, holding a deck of cards.

The rest of them held their breath, watching Caroline nervously, anticipating her next surprise step.

'Hide the things that are going to be transformed in advance, there is nothing to be surprised about. Lengs has no interest in staying here any longer, noisy, worthless emotional fluctuations, blind worship of all trivial skills.

Atala was also injured, and his breath was slightly unstable compared to usual.

Leng Si, who was about to take a look at Atala, smelled a light scent of flowers.

Ju Yao followed Leng Si's gaze and looked at Caroline on the stage, "Let me just say that Caroline's performance is good."

Leng Si didn't take it seriously, she just didn't want to see this unsightly little human being.

From the corner of the eye, I saw that the little human turned his palms upwards, slowly changing from horizontal to vertical, facing each other, and fingers together.

A burst of exclamation came again.

Caroline drew a card that wasn't there.

'A childish trick, this is a magic trick performed many years ago. Lance retracted her gaze, and a red-sleeved rose appeared in her sight.

The bottom of the flower is light yellow and white, and the top is a light pink, like a girl's layers of skirts. The color gradually deepens, and when it reaches the edge of the petals, it gathers into a thick and deep pink.

Everything has been prepared long ago, and the things hidden in advance will be brought out.

"Here you are." Ju Yao held a flower branch in her hand, her eyes curved.

Like last time, it's all roses.

However, it was defeated by the props of the magic hat at that time.

Leng Si put his hands beside him and didn't take it immediately.

"A flower that withers quickly." A flower that falls cannot last forever.

"It was in full bloom when I delivered it to you." Ju Yao's voice was clear, she shook her wrist, and the flower seemed to dance with it, "It's in full bloom when you receive it."

Leng Si lowered his eyes halfway, and took the beautiful red-sleeve rose that was blooming.

Really out of place with her, how does this little human feel that this flower matches her.

"Do you like roses that bloom and fade for a long time?" Ju Yao remembered the sea of ​​flowers that made her discover the castle. When she opened the window in the castle, she would see a sea of ​​red romantic flowers. Come bursts of flowers.

Although she sleeps in the castle most of the time.

"It's not like I like it." Lance just added a little embellishment to this ugly forest.

"But I see you take good care of those flowers."

Leng Si took the red-sleeved rose in his hand, weakening the inhumanity in his body.

Leng Si gently pinched the flower branch, "You are obviously still sleeping."

This little human is more suitable for deep sleep than any blood race. If he is not hungry or going to the toilet, he can stay in bed for a lifetime.

Ju Yao propped her hands on the table and held her cheek, feeling that the other side's face was quite pretty.

In the early morning, He Jinmei will go to the garden, look carefully at the flowers, and take care of them carefully.

"You cherish these flowers very much, otherwise you would not care about them."

Leng Si said coldly: "Ugly things should not appear in my sight, I will dispose of the garbage."

Ju Yao opened her eyes wide in surprise, "So, you don't think I'm ugly and conform to your aesthetics, do you?"

Leng Si believes that there should be no more words with this human being.

She took the rose in the other hand.

Caroline finished her wonderful magic trick.

The applause rang out like mountains and seas, and everyone gradually focused on the three gossip protagonists who should have caused a sensation in the audience.

The last thing Xiu Rui wanted to see happened.

A blind and meddly guy asked Belin—"Is this human being the one who meddled in your marriage with Master Xiu Rui?"

Bellin still answered with her impeccable tone, demeanor, and words.

Bai Yi'an raised his jaw proudly and fearlessly, accepting or rejecting many malicious eyes and extreme words directed at her.

Xiu Rui couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Belin: "Enough, why do you want to talk about these things with others?"

Belling responded obediently, "Okay, I won't say anything."

This appearance is even more pitiful.

The noble ladies who had always been on good terms with Bellin were even more furious, "Xu Rui, what are you? Bellin endured so much grievances for you, and you still want to target her like this, it is because Bellin is too weak that you will Is it right to bully her like this?"

"That's right, just look at the arrogance of this human being. Either because of Xiu Rui's defiant attitude, or because he is a domineering guy, he is completely different from Miss Belling."

"It's too bad, actually facing a human being, does Prince Lengs know about this?"


Ju Yao heard the noise not far away, thinking that if Bai Yi'an was unlucky enough, Leng Si should appear here, very disappointed with Xiu Rui, and hated human beings.

The beauty on the opposite side also cast her eyes outside, her eyes were as cold as usual, and compared to the white cloak, her face was still as white as snow.

Juyao realized that the beauty's complexion was paler than when she was in Christophe, and she looked more like a vampire.

The only vitality reflected is the rose in the hand, the edge of the bright red petals is just like the red lips on the white and soft face that grabs the sight.

Ju Yao moved her gaze to Leng Si's lips.

It seems... the beauty is not very happy.

Ju Yao tacitly agrees that the beauty's unhappiness has nothing to do with her.

"Stupid Shuri."

Lance spoke suddenly.

Ju Yao subconsciously agreed, "That's right."

Then he found out that this was true, and nodded firmly, affirming: "That's right."

Leng Si glanced at Juyao, this little human hasn't realized that she is stupider than Xiu Rui.

A human named Bai Yi'an was found by Belin to put a bag on top of a small human named Juyao, and of course Belin would not let it go.

Anser was reckless and impulsive, and there were a few rare clever moves, all of which were planned by Belin behind the scenes.

Bellin is not a textbook noble lady in the eyes of the world. She not only understands basic etiquette, but also has the ambition and ability to get what she wants.

Juyao will not end well when he meets Beilin, but this time, it will be beneficial to Juyao.

"What do you think Xiu Rui should do better?" Ju Yao asked.

Leng Si didn't have the heart to help Xiu Rui deal with it, and he wouldn't be so stupid as to lower himself and assume what he would do in this situation.

Only Xiu Rui can lead to this ending.

Incapable, but ambitious, very much like Ander.

Xiu Rui is more suitable to be Ender's heir. In some political views, Xiu Rui also tends to Ender.

But these are small flaws, and Lengs doesn't mind, as long as Xiu Rui is not so ignorant as to stand on the opposite side of Prince Lengs, trying to grab something that only belongs to Prince Lengs.

Ju Yao didn't expect the other party to give her an answer, and guessed that with the beauty's character, the trouble would get worse.

Xiu Rui became angry, "Belin, I have always disagreed with the marriage between you and me, and my mother has never admitted this marriage in any public place or in front of most nobles, please don't do it again. Hold on to the marriage."

Belling expressed understanding, "I know Xiu Rui."

"I have already told my father, let him not misinterpret Lord Lengsi's meaning. Of course, Lord Lengsi hopes to find a better person to be your wife Xiu Rui. I also told Lord Lengsi that in terms of ability, I If there is something lacking, it may be difficult to become the perfect daughter-in-law in her mind."

"I like you, Xiu Rui, but I admire and admire your talent more than restricting you. Besides, in the field of full blood, there are many excellent blood girls, such as Miss Caroline." Bellin looked To Caroline, who was wearing a magic suit on the stage, "Miss Caroline and you have known each other much longer than me, and the two of you have always had a good relationship. I think Miss Caroline is stronger than me."

She maintains a decent smile and is full of understanding of Xiu Rui. She appears in the textbook and the etiquette teacher said that she will never be surprised, calm and elegant. The standard smile is engraved on her face, which has never changed.

The hall became quiet all of a sudden, deeply moved by Behring's words.

Juyao was on the scene and realized Belin's ability.

When she faced Belin just now, Belin's state was far from that.

Does Belin look down on her Juyao?Still look down on Atala?

Lance also listened to Belin's sincere words.

She knew very little about Belin before, and Belin was very smart, knowing that she didn't like people who talk too much, and always kept his words and actions in front of her.

Belling's speech was very purposeful, seemingly out of bounds emotional expression, in fact every word was conveying information to others - the marriage is what my father thought, I can see clearly; I have long been with Leng Si The prince talked about it, and she didn't have any dissatisfaction with me; my feelings for you are sincere, but it doesn't matter if you are not sincere to me; expand the range of rivals from human beings to the realm of blood race, especially those around Xiu Rui, tell All the vampires present who have thoughts about Xiu Rui, don't compete with me.

Lengs likes such smart people. Compared with any other blood lady, Bellin is indeed insurmountable.

She glanced at the little human in front of her who didn't seem to understand the situation. There was a huge gap between the two.

What does Xiu Rui like about this little human?

A weak human being, his face was red with cold, as if he had been cut by the wind.

Is there such a thing as an ointment in Christophe?

She obviously asked Atala to raise the temperature of the hotel a bit.

Ju Yao's attire was completely different from usual.

The straight black hair that had been messed up was curled up, she wore a silver-white headdress, shed off her long and heavy overcoat, and put on a light red dress with thick bottomed lace and wavy patterns, with lantern sleeves and a gold bracelet on her wrist.

It was the very common dress of noble lady Snow, but her words and deeds did not change in any way.

Ju Yao suddenly raised his lips and smiled, Leng Si blinked his eyelashes twice.

'Like a cunning little fox. '

"Do you think that Bellin has the chance to win? Everything must follow her development, and her words can't find any problems." Ju Yao's cheeks bulged, and she couldn't hide her smile between her words.

Leng Si leaned gently on the back of the sofa, "Isn't it?"

"To deal with smart people, if you can't be smarter than them..." Ju Yao pointed at herself, "Then feel at ease and be a fool."

The moment the words fell, when others were still immersed in sympathy for Bei Lin, reprimand for Bai Yi'an, and anger for Xiu Rui, Caroline picked up the microphone and said to Xiu Rui: "Long time no see Xiu Rui, Did you miss me?"

Xiu Rui was puzzled by Caroline's actions. It was true that they hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they came here together today.On the way, he wanted to find His Majesty Mother, but Caroline was still reluctant. When he saw Her Majesty, Caroline's decadent body suddenly became energetic, her back was straight, and her speech and behavior were so elegant that Belin could be overshadowed.

The focus of the gossip returned to Caroline.

"Belin! Thank you for your compliment." Caroline was responding to Belin's previous words, "I admire you, you are a very good blood nobleman."

Bellin smiled, thinking something was wrong in his heart.

Caroline and her have always been at odds, especially when she was immature in the past, she did a lot of childish actions for Xiu Rui.

If Caroline wants to expose what she did back then, it may have a negative impact on her image, but it's not a big problem, and she can be fooled by her youth and ignorance.

Caroline continued: "Xu Rui has always kept in mind the teachings of Prince Lengs, and never put his mind on love. As Xiu Rui's friend, I can testify to this."

Beilin quickly glanced at Bai Yi'an.

"Belin, I thought you were madly in love with Xiu Rui. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I misunderstood you. I thought you were narrow-minded. As you said, to love someone is to make him better, so I It’s decided—I’m going to improve myself.”


More than one blood race had this question, and the person involved was no exception.

Bellin was the first to understand Caroline's smile, and Caroline wanted to...

"Since Bellin and Xiu Rui's marriage has not really been settled, and they are not in love with each other, Xiu Rui still puts all his heart on Frost's affairs, Bellin, you also think of Xiu Rui..."

Belling interrupted Caroline with a smile, "Do you like Shuri, Caroline?"

Caroline stopped what she said later, stared at Belin, and gave her a smile that she just learned today, "Yes."

The exclamation below was no less than the magic show just now.

Ju Yao was so excited that he tugged on Lengsi's sleeve, "He Jin, the most exciting part of this banquet is coming."

Lengsi looked at this little human who didn't seem to be behind the scenes calmly.

They thought they could turn the situation around by relying on Caroline, but if they were not careful, they would implicate Caroline and give Behring a better reputation.

Caroline walked down the steps step by step and came to Belin. She was taller than Belin, "So are you happy? There are blood races better than you who like Xiu Rui, and they won't affect you like this human. Xiu Rui, according to what you said, you should be happy from the bottom of your heart."

Bellin looked up at Caroline, and the cracks in his smile healed quickly, "Of course, I can see that the relationship between you and Xiu Rui is very good."

The rest of the vampires who attended the banquet quickly forgot about Bai Yi'an, and they discovered an even more exciting story.

Prince Atala's younger sister actually likes Xiu Rui?Bellin had no chance of winning at all.

"We can't kidnap Xiu Rui. I think liking is liking. There is no such pressure as you said by Belin. If I say that I like Xiu Rui, which affects your liking and makes you give up, then Xiu Rui may not meet you. I like you more." That's it, isn't it?" Caroline continued.

Bellin smiled and said nothing, she was getting more and more confused about what Caroline was going to do.

According to the past, Caroline should have ridiculed her in public.

I haven't seen her for so many years, Caroline's behavior has changed too much, or is it because someone is giving her advice behind the scenes?

"So, Bellin, you don't have to be depressed. I have a slightly different idea from yours. Even if I like Shuri, other blood sisters can certainly like him. Everyone is right."

The topic was thrown to the public, and those who were closest to Caroline met Caroline's gaze, looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.

"Yes, yes, Miss Caroline is right."



Caroline is used to performing in front of people, and knows how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience and create an atmosphere.

She said something more, in a tone similar to Behring's, but with a very different point of view.

Ju Yao sighed faintly, "Caroline still restrained herself a bit. Originally, she was supposed to be showing passion tonight. Now she looks a bit like Belin, but it's understandable, because her performance tonight will be completely unchanged. Report to Atala, in order to save a few days from learning etiquette, Caroline used her ability to see."

Leng Si stared at the center of the rose. Such a naive idea was really thought up by a little human.

I want to try to disintegrate the "view of love" that Belling created for everyone.

Once Bellin's view of love is expressed, most or even all blood clans will think that Bellin is the most suitable wife for Xiu Rui, no matter in terms of character cultivation or family background.

If a blood clan lady who likes Xiu Rui comes out later, she will be accused or persuaded by other blood clans.

Bellin is good at swearing sovereignty indirectly. On the surface, he expresses that only the best blood can become Xiu Rui's spouse. He is not that good. In fact, he is secretly instilling a point of view in others - you are not good enough so you are not worthy of Xiu Rui .

There are two ways to disintegrate. One is to directly deduce and prove that Behring’s words are wrong. The difficulty of this method is that Behring is good at debating and guiding, and cannot ensure that the audience will accept the opposing viewpoints of Behring. Logic and strong reasoning.

The second is that Juyao's simplest and rude behavior made a blood noble with a higher status than Belin speak.

Caroline is the best candidate. Caroline hates Belin, and the two don't get along with each other. Lance has heard this for a long time.

Caroline throws out her point of view, and then conveys it in her own way. There are always some vampires who prefer the speech of vampires with higher status. What's more, Caroline's statement is beneficial to the rest of the vampires. There are not a few Rost family marriages.

The most important thing is that Caroline has high morale and can answer every sentence when it comes to Bellin.

Leng Si only felt noisy after listening for a long time.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Ju Yao saw Leng Si pinch the bridge of his nose, obviously tired.

"Can you shut them up?"

Ju Yao nodded. Any method has its drawbacks. In fact, she is not sure what Caroline can do. After all, she has never personally contacted Belin before.

She stepped out of the curtain and listened to the private arguments of the vampires—they were discussing whether Miss Caroline had gone too far, or whether Miss Behring had ulterior motives.

Ju Yao suddenly shouted at the top of his voice - "Xu Rui, say something!"

After speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

Some blood races looked back for the source of the voice, but more blood races turned to Xiu Rui, who had been neglected for a long time but was the source of the dispute.

Both Bellin and Caroline were quiet.

Originally, Xiu Rui didn't want to participate in this dispute, but he recognized Ju Yao's voice.

"I don't have any plans to get married right now."

These words are directly clearing up the relationship with Belin.

Caroline wanted to whistle, but she gave up abruptly considering that a lady would not do such a coquettish act.

Bellin clenched his fists and was about to speak when Xiu Rui stopped her, "Since you brought what you thought were your human friends, why haven't you introduced any new friends to her yet?"

Caroline answered at the right time, "Then I'll introduce her to my precious Sandy, after all, she is such a cute human sister." She pulled Bai Yi'an who was really ignored, and took Bai Yi'an away from the banquet center.


Ju Yaoguang also ran away, and called his own beauty before leaving.

As soon as she went out, the cold wind blew past, Ju Yao quickly took two steps back, and when she returned to the hotel, the automatic door closed instantly, blocking the strong wind that could freeze her to death.

'Sure enough, they are fragile little humans. '

"Where are we going?" Ju Yao turned her head and looked at Leng Si with a red nose.

'Like a homeless kitten. '

’ But Prince Lengs will have no mercy. '

Lance said, "Christopher."

"I'm going to freeze to death when I go there." Ju Yao folded his arms, "Do you have some special skills, such as teleporting me there?"

'What is she wishful thinking, is this how the power of the strongest blood clan is used? '

"Forget it." Ju Yao rubbed her hands, "Beauty, you go back first, I'll look for you tomorrow afternoon."

'Why does this human think that Prince Lengs wants to go back with her. '

Juyao called Caroline, and she could ask Caroline to help.

When the phone was connected, Ju Yao immediately drooped her face, as if she had been beaten by Shuang, "Caroline, save me, the only one who saves me now is you..."

Leng Si narrowed his eyes slightly. There are so many options for this human being, and he doesn't know who he should be asking for the most.

"...What?" A thunderbolt came from the blue sky, "You can't protect yourself? What's wrong with you?"


The phone hangs up.

Her lips, covered by the cloak, fluttered imperceptibly.

There is one most fatal flaw in the little human's ghostly idea - the presence of Atala.

If Caroline knew that Atala was there in advance, she would never admit that she "likes" Xiu Rui.

Of course, Xiu Rui will not feel better, she can feel Atala's urge to unscrew Xiu Rui's head in the hall.

Xiu Rui accepted Caroline's love, Xiu Rui's head was in danger, accepted it, but his head was still not safe.

"This..." Ju Yao's eyes reflected the bright lights above his head, shining so brightly that it seemed to contain a clear lake, staring at Leng Si, he opened his mouth cautiously.

'It was only then that I thought of Prince Lengs, but there was no chance. Leng Si thought to himself, tomorrow she will come to harvest the corpses of little humans.

"What do you think I'm going to find Prince Atala?"

'Atala will directly throw you, a little human, into a [-]-degree furnace. '

Although the beauty didn't say a word, Ju Yao still understood the other party's contempt, even if it wasn't contempt, it was not a compliment.

Ju Yao wanted to squat on the ground, but her skirt was too long and would touch the ground. It's not that she loves cleaning so much, it's just that she can't afford to pay for it.

"Then I'll secretly sleep on a sofa in a certain lobby of this hotel. I'm hiding in the toilet now, and I'll sneak out after the lights are turned off..." Ju Yao was thinking about her grand career, and her arm was slapped Hold on.

When she raised her head, she was an expressionless beauty.

"Hiding in the corner, it's the dirty mouse that comes out at night. Prince Lengs will not tolerate another mouse hiding in a dark corner in Christophe." '

With a flash in front of his eyes, Ju Yao found himself in another place.

Beauty can really teleport, which is not something ordinary vampires can do.

It's just that she didn't arrive in warm Christophe.

The familiar gust of wind blew past, which was more piercing than outside the hotel.

Is beauty lost?

Looking left and right from Juyao, the majestic castle is hidden in the mountains, and there is a dark mass at the crenel, which is the cannon that Atala likes.

She is in the castle complex of Atala.

"He Jin, beauty, are you there?"

"Don't abandon me."

Ju Yao tried to speak, even if it was just an ordinary volume, it echoed in the mountains, extremely loud.

She walked down the mountain, and the castles where she lived were all down the mountain.

The road is dark and overgrown with weeds, and this road has never been traveled.

"Are you there, beauty?"

There was no response, Ju Yao thought about it and realized the beauty's intention.

The beauty wanted to send her directly to Prince Atala and Caroline, it was so considerate.

Ju Yao figured out Leng Si's intentions in a crooked manner, but the difference was that it had nothing to do with caring.

' The little human didn't realize that it was impossible for Atala to take her in. '

'After Atala drives the little human out, Prince Lengs will consider whether to take her away. '

'However, small humans are afraid of the cold. It just so happens that Prince Lengs doesn't take too long to think about it, and blood races with poor thinking ability will study for a long time for a little thing. '

Just as Leng Si was thinking, Juyao had already come down the mountain.

She is fast.

Lengs believes that a human being cannot reach this level of speed.

Juyao swaggered to the illuminated castle, and didn't even see a servant inside. It was as deserted as Caroline said.

She texted Caroline, but she didn't reply.

After a while, Atala came back as if wrapped in wind and snow, with air-conditioning spreading all over her body, and Caroline followed behind her, with her head shrunk like a poor puppy.

"Why are you here?" Atala thought of Caroline's plan to show love and this human named Juyao as a staff member, and even looked at Juyao with some frost.

"I'm here to find..." Ju Yao wanted to say that she was looking for Caroline, but in this situation, she was undoubtedly looking for death, so she immediately changed her words, "I'm here to find you, Prince Atala."

"Looking for me?" Atala found it ridiculous. "Do you know guns very well, or are you familiar with the history of cold weapons, or do you have unique research on high-tech weapons?"

Ju Yao touched her cold nose, she knew nothing about weapons.

"I have a thick skin and a poisonous mouth. Prince Atala, are you interested in considering researching language weapons? You should know that in this society, especially the development of the Internet, language has become a tool for killing people. According to statistics, every year there are ..."

Whether other people's tone of voice is a weapon, this human being must be.

"I will ask the servant to arrange a room for you, and you will stay here, but I warn you not to come into contact with Caroline."

Ju Yao was overjoyed, it was so easy?It turns out that Atala is the real one who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, with duplicity in his mouth.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince."

Even Caroline is full of surprises. Is her sister transgender?

Not only Caroline thought so, Leng Si, who was hidden, also turned his displeased eyes to Atala.

'Atala easily allowed a human of unknown origin to stay in her castle, acting foolishly. '

'Is it possible that this little human really has some special charm that can confuse Atala? '

Atala asked Caroline to go upstairs to wash, and the lady couldn't stay up late, although it was time for the lady to go to bed.

"How did you get here?"

"A beauty sent me here."


"A great beauty, you should know that I shouldn't casually reveal her identity, what if you covet her?"

Atala knew that this human being couldn't say good things.

"Tell me who brought you here."

Her dark brown eyes are as sharp as eagles, like the eagle with wings embroidered on her belt, staring at her prey on the ground.

Juyao still looked up when looking at Atala, this feeling of being overlooked was even more oppressive.

So, the timid Ju Yao sat on the chair.

' So Atala had to bow his head. Leng Si commented, it seems that the little human still has some remaining wisdom.

Atala snorted coldly, "You are from the Black Forest, have you been to Christophe?"

"Yes." Ju Yao said honestly, "Prince Atala, why don't you send me back?"

go back?

Atala had never heard such a request that he was not afraid of death, let alone that he should not be called back, but should be called to go.

There is the castle of Prince Lengs, which existed before Atala was with Lengs.

This sentence is comparable to Caroline's initiative to say that I want to learn etiquette, no, it is more terrible than this.

"What is your relationship with the people inside?"

She pressed the question in the tone of interrogating a spy in the army.

Ordinary people and blood races would be so frightened that they would dare to say anything.

Ju Yao lowered her head, stroking her head coyly, and suddenly touched the hair bun that had been combed carefully for an hour, and almost lost the precious jewelry.

"Don't say that, it makes my mind crooked."

Ju Yao's naive appearance is extremely hateful in Atala's eyes.

"I accidentally thought of something inappropriate for children."

Atala thought she should have sent someone from the army who specialized in interrogating undercover spies instead of interrogating herself.

This human being is suitable for throwing into the deep mountains to have a relationship with the cold wind.

Atala moved slightly, and glanced somewhere in the living room.

For a moment just now, she seemed to feel the breath of Prince Lengs.

No, how could Prince Lengs sneak into the castle secretly? My lord is arrogant, disdainful of shrinking his head and tail, let alone revealing his aura easily.

"How did you get into the mountains."

There are no guards in the castle complex, and the servants live step by step under her training, and never ask about other things, but a large area outside the mountains is a military garrison, and the entry and exit of outsiders need to be strictly checked, including the nobles from Frost.

"The beauty teleported me here." Ju Yao said, "She may have lost her way, and of course there may be other reasons."

Atala's gaze towards Juyao began to produce a qualitative difference.

It is really Lord Lengsi, this human being has an unimaginably intimate relationship with Lord Lengsi, and has won the trust of Lord Lengsi.

It's unbelievable that this human being is better-looking than Belling, but far inferior to Mr. Lengsi. His image is greatly reduced when he speaks. He has no aesthetics or elegance, and he doesn't have any ability to command or manage.

Finding advantages in this human being is even more difficult than researching high-tech weapons.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is - being taken by Mr. Lengsi.

She thought of what Master Lengsi had taught her many years ago.

Master Lance criticized her, saying that she always draws conclusions from the appearance of some things.

Like an inconspicuous thing that could be a time bomb that can destroy itself.

This human being called Juyao must have something extraordinary that she has not yet discovered, and has a brilliance that can make Master Lengsi trust.

Atala followed Leng Si's lead and obeyed. After clarifying the relationship between Juyao and Leng Si, Atala showed a little more respect for Juyao.

'Atala didn't even refute the absurd slander of "lost" in the mouth of the little human. '

Leng Si has not yet criticized Ju Yao's inappropriate wording, and Atala's eyes on Ju Yao have changed.

It seems that in the past, Atala finally recruited a satisfactory weapon expert in the blood race field.

No, more exaggerated.

'Is it possible that the little human has advantages that even Prince Lengs failed to discover? '

Leng Si fell into doubt rarely.

You shouldn't judge others by their performance, Juyao's heart is more unsightly than the appearance.

She needs to give Atala some ideological education. Since she fell into a deep sleep, Atala's mind has become extremely dull.

Atala sat next to Juyao, her shadow was shot on the floor like Juyao, one big and one small.

"You can just call me Atala from now on, Miss Juyao."

The sudden friendliness made Ju Yao unbelievable.

It turns out that it is true that the outside is cold and the inside is hot.

Atala is so kind.

Seeing her such a lovely and pitiful human being, he kindly took her in and called her by her first name in a friendly way, and asked her to call her by her first name directly.

"Okay, Atala, you are really a good blood, no wonder you can raise such an excellent sister." Ju Yao has never been stingy with Rainbow Fart.

Atala really felt Lord Lengsi's breath now.

Powerful and unpredictable, frightening oppression.

It seems that Mr. Lengsi is even secretly protecting Miss Juyao.

'Atala actually called the little human by his name, and let the little human call himself so affectionately. '

' The little human called Atala so naturally and without pressure. '

'Obviously the first day we met, we were talking and laughing with each other. '

Leng Si wanted to leave directly, since this little human didn't need her at all, but this kind of behavior of fleeing in despair and in a panic was not in line with his status.

She stared at Juyao's relaxed and happy smile, "The little human must be very happy, and will not even go back to Christophe." '


Atala arranged a room for Juyao on the second floor of the castle, and Caroline lived on the third floor.

The interior of the house was simply decorated, and Juyao opened the curtains, and saw that the opposite castle was also lit up, but it was still pitch black when she first arrived.

Someone knocked on the door.

Atala asked the servant to tell Juyao that there is a hot spring behind the castle, which is not usually used.

Half an hour later, Juyao's whole body

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