"The He family?" Ju Yao knew that this was a legendary family that had long since disappeared in the long river of history.

"Yes." He Xuanyu clenched her hands unconsciously, "Our family has inherited the behest of our ancestors for generations, so we have the continuation of the hunter organization. Unfortunately, the hunter organization today is different from the original hunter organization. gone."

Ju Yao asked, "Did He Jin defeat Dempsey?"

He Jin, this name appears on the signatures of letters and books in Christophe.


"It is said that Dempsey is powerful and has the power of thousands of years. I read it in the book. Dempsey is ambitious. How could she be defeated by a human?"

He Xuanyu explained: "Dempsey was the strongest of the blood clan at that time, and it was difficult to match. The ancestors of our He family wanted to defeat Dempsey and prepared for hundreds of years."

The appearance of Dempsey broke the balance between blood race and human beings. Dempsey is predatory, loves destruction, and is a completely lunatic character.

Due to the change of climate and environment, the werewolves who were the first to be affected and unable to adapt to the abnormal situation appeared. The werewolves encountered great difficulties in survival and reproduction, the number dropped sharply, and the werewolves were plagued by diseases. In order to survive and develop further, the werewolves were divided into The factions moved to suitable places to live.

"Dempsey first attacked the werewolves in his domain. At that time, Dempsey was only condemned. But my ancestors thought that the rabbit died and the fox was sad. After killing the werewolves, Dempsey might attack humans, so the United The werewolves in the human territory hope to get the 'power' similar to that of the vampires."

"Power" is an abstract word in the world. Blood races are more familiar with power, but now there are only a few blood races with power. Most of the blood races are very different from humans except for the difference in lifespan.

He Xuanyu said: "Werewolves are the only species that can compete with blood races in the past. Unlike blood races, werewolves can intermarry with humans and have children. But genetically, werewolf genes are at a disadvantage, and few werewolf characteristics are inherited. In addition, in order to adapt to social customs and reduce prejudice and other reasons, for example, werewolves will basically not actively reveal their identity as werewolves, and gradually disappear from sight."

"Dempsey's power comes from killing and bloodthirsty. Drinking werewolves will greatly improve her strength. My ancestors traded with werewolves and got the power of werewolves. The price is to protect their remaining clansmen. go down."

Juyao roughly understood what happened. Originally, the struggle between werewolves and vampires could maintain a peaceful status quo and check and balance each other, but the werewolves who were the first to be unable to adapt to natural changes caused the balance to tilt and destroyed the balance.The dominance of the vampire family will threaten human beings sooner or later. The human ancestors took precautions and planned for their future when the vampires and werewolves were fighting.

He Xuanyu: "He Jin is the strongest patriarch that the He family has never surpassed so far. She and Dempsey died together. According to the records left behind, Dempsey's strength far exceeds our imagination. Her death is simply a miracle. , we all suspect that Dempsey is feigning death."

"Fake death? If Dempsey is still alive, he will definitely come to take revenge."

"We thought so too, so the Hunter Organization has always been paying close attention to the powerful blood clans among the blood clans."

Ju Yao blurted out, "Lens?"

"Lengs is one of our suspects. Lengs Frost is a blood clan after the war ended thousands of years ago. No one knows her origin and family. She wiped out many old noble families by herself. , became the new leader of the blood clan. But then it did not develop in the direction we suspected. What Lengs adopted was the conservative old aristocrat's approach, unwilling to contact with humans, rather than the aggression of the radical old aristocrats like Dempsey , which is very different from Dempsey's behavior."

Lengs's conservative policies have only changed since Ender appeared.

"The Hunter Organization only started to cooperate with Ender hundreds of years ago. Since then, our direction has changed, researching ways to make humans live as long as the vampires, and even want to have the same 'power' as the vampires. "He Xuanyu's clenched fists continued to increase, and she stared into Juyao's eyes, "This is the experiment that your adoptive mother, Professor Tang, participated in. No, it should be the experiment that she is the person in charge of the main project."

"Professor Tang concealed the experimental data. After she resigned, we transferred the information to the new person in charge who accepted it. After half a year of research, they found that the data left by Professor Tang was completely wrong."

Ju Yao quietly looked at He Xuanyu.

He Xuanyu's emotions became a little agitated, but she still restrained herself.

Ju Yao's calm gaze made He Xuanyu calm down slowly, and the corners of He Xuanyu's lips twitched, "Look at your expression, you should know a lot of things I said."

Ju Yao: "Professor Tang's reluctance to continue the experiment is not only because of her physical condition, but she didn't want to participate in it from the beginning."

"That's right, I know that. I was still young at that time, and I also heard what my parents said." He Xuanyu said, "Your parents were the original person in charge. Professor Tang saw the death of your parents. That’s why I agreed to participate.”

"Is it an accident that they died?"

"Yes, it was an accident. We sent people to investigate. The car accident in the rain was not man-made. The driver was your father. He said that day that he wanted to withdraw from the experiment. He had a fight and was very emotional."

Ju Yao lowered his head, emotionally wanting to quit the experiment?

He Xuanyu's tone softened, with a little pity, "You should know why Professor Tang will give you regular inspections. Our genetic experiments have not been approved by the ethics committee and relevant departments. In order not to be discovered, we have not recruited volunteers. By."

Her gaze was always on Ju Yao, but Ju Yao didn't look at her.

The Hunter Organization has hired relevant scholars and researchers for so many years, and the project has been going on for nearly a hundred years. Finally, under Denninguo's insistence, it has come to this point.

Without medical ethics review, Danning insisted on conducting human experiments. After repeated failures, he turned to modifying genes in the process of in vitro fertilization.

"I am against this kind of experiment, but at that time I had not yet become a member of the hunter organization, and after your parents passed away, there were no children like you." He Xuanyu walked up to Juyao, "You never The physical condition data at birth have been stored all the time, and there are other failed children who all grew up healthy, but since Professor Tang’s experimental data was proved to be false, all the data she provided have been questioned.”

Ju Yao raised her head and turned her face away, "I don't want to know about these things. I don't know about these things. You suspect Professor Tang's data and want to find her, right?"

He Xuanyu's words were clear: "That's right, there was a dispute between us and Ander because of Professor Tang's departure, and Ander always wanted Professor Tang to join them."

Ju Yao's tone became serious, and he stared at He Xuanyu with black eyes, "Professor Tang was captured by the people behind Ander."

"What? Impossible, An De is obviously looking for Professor Tang too." After Professor Tang disappeared out of thin air, the hunter organization immediately suspected Ander.

He Xuanyu tried to find a trace of proof that Ju Yao was lying on Ju Yao's face, but to no avail.

"I'm not lying. Except for the people at Ender, no one knows about Professor Tang. Others only know that Professor Tang is an ordinary university doctoral supervisor and a member of the Institute of Biology. Besides you, who else knows about Professor Tang's affairs?" identity?"

He Xuanyu remained silent. It was true. The Hunter Organization's secrecy measures were not bad. The Hunter Organization appeared to be in decline, but it had a deep foundation.

Ju Yao went on to say: "Professor Tang suspected that he was being monitored by the blood clan before, and besides the blood clan who can quietly take away a person without being discovered, who else do you think?"

He Xuanyu thought, "Is Ander directing and acting on his own? He couldn't recruit Professor Tang to join him, so he used this method to confuse us, or is this the decision of the people behind Ander?" He Xuanyu was in contact with Ander In the process of learning, Ander has a behind-the-scenes helper to help him defeat Leng Si.

The specific situation can only be known by more than tannin.

On the day Professor Tang disappeared, the hunter organization discovered that many blood clans from Coster had arrived near Professor Tang's apartment, and their whereabouts were strange.In the kettle used by Professor Tang, a drug that was not available in the Human Federation was found. At that time, the hunter organization locked on Ender for the first time, but Ender insisted that he did send his men to arrest Professor Tang, but his men disappeared with Professor Tang. Instead, he blamed the hunter organization for taking away Professor Tang and his subordinates, which completely broke down the cooperation between the hunter organization and Ander.

"Didn't Professor Tang's information fall into Ander's hands? Damn it, it's a big disadvantage to us." He Xuanyu cursed secretly.

"Aren't you researching human longevity? What does Ender want these materials for?"

He Xuanyu shook her head, "I'm not in charge of this matter. I don't know much about it. Danning said that once the data falls into the hands of others, disaster will happen."

Annihilation, a serious statement.

He Xuanyu bit her lower lip, her heart was burning with urgency, she would never have thought that the situation would develop to this point, and it was really wrong to focus on Juyao during this period of time.

"If you are worried about the information, you don't have to worry about it."

Juyao's voice suddenly sounded beside her ear, and He Xuanyu thought she heard it wrong, "Why?"

"Because Professor Tang didn't take away the data at all. She didn't want to have anything to do with the experiment. How could she take the data away? She put all the data in an encrypted and hidden folder, in her so-called fake data .”


Yiman took the tablet that Juyao left for her in his hand, and arrived in front of the house where Juyao lived.

Juyao is not in the house.

Iman gripped the tablet tightly, and clicked on the memo on the tablet.After Ju Yao gave Iman the tablet, Iman just unlocked it and saw a sentence left in the memo.

Ju Yao said that if she went to the hunter organization and there was no news for a day, she could find her location through this tablet.

Yiman met Lan Shu just now after fighting with Tiyue on the beach. Lan Shu approached her as usual and told her that Juyao had joined the hunter organization.

Juyao, who has mental problems, forgot to tell Yiman that he was going to join the hunter organization. Yiman was worried about Juyao's safety, and Juyao had been away for nearly a day.

On the way back, Yiman ran into Bai Yi'an with dark circles under his eyes.

Bai Yi'an couldn't find Juyao in the morning, and planned to come over in the afternoon to try his luck.

The old guy Bai Li actually said that she would go home tonight, but she didn't want to, so he quarreled with Bai Li again.She was so angry that she couldn't sleep all night, but when she woke up during the day, Bai Li couldn't be found, she couldn't get through the phone, and she didn't even reply to a message.

Could it be that he was pissed off?


"All the lab data is here."

He Xuanyu led Juyao into a room, which is their data storage room, and the computer has more than 100 years of experimental data.

"How could Professor Tang's hidden folder not be discovered by others?" He Xuanyu wondered about this. After she turned on the host, the screen slowly lit up.

"Don't worry, I can find it."

He Xuanyu found the folder marked Tang Mengxi among the folders, turned to Ju Yao and said, "Come and see."

She gave up the seat to Juyao.

After sitting down, Ju Yao searched for keywords and found the folder she wanted. Among the densely packed files, she scrolled down and clicked on one of them.

"Look carefully." Ju Yao pointed to the screen, then got up and signaled He Xuanyu to sit down.

He Xuanyu sat down and couldn't wait to see what was going on. Before she could see the specific symbols, she was hit hard on the neck, and her head hit the table.

The brain was heavy and dizzy, and the front was blurred until it was dark.

People behind her attacked her.

"Sorry." Ju Yao quickly took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the hole.

She wants to destroy all the data inside.

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