
it is good.


Do you regret it?

no way.

He heard the scream again.From the hall above, or beside, or beneath your feet.

someone is coming.

His ears were raised slightly, and his head resting on his forelegs leaned closer to the ground, carefully listening to the only silent sound among the countless calls.

footsteps.steady.Accompanied by another deep sound of hitting the ground, step by step, very even.

He closed his eyes, which he was about to open, and lowered his ears.

The slightly cold wind swayed past the fence, like the afterimages of those thoughts that jumped in his mind, he didn't want to be captured by him, but they were always teasing him.


The footsteps that stopped outside his prison door brought the tone of others as clear as water, like a pool of water, clear and cold yet deep and dark.

what are you waiting for?

What is he waiting for?Gently rubbing his head on his paws, the shackles that bound freedom also bound his spirit bones, making him too lazy to resist.So curl up passively and languidly to minimize fatigue.

Then wait for that time to embrace, stare at, and bear the guilt with all your strength.

Are you here to read the verdict?He opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of eye-catching red, and then slowly faded into various blacks and those pitifully few other colors.

If not, you don't have to tell me anything.

I won't tell you anything.The cane tapped lightly on the wet and cold floor tiles, making a very soft sound, like those calls that gradually faded away.Syl stared at the black railing in front of him and him behind the railing with his cold and indifferent eyes after seeing the vicissitudes and cruelty of the world.

Ron, are you ready?he asks.Maybe soon, you'll have to pay for what you've done.

pay the price.He raised his head, and the chain around his neck made him feel heavy, not the weight of the body, but the weight that came from within the body, beyond the deepest part of the core, those dark and gloomy souls felt.

Only those who have done wrong should pay the price.

Are you doing it wrong.

I do not know.

So what are you waiting for now.

He looked beyond the cage, beyond Syr, beyond this prison, beyond the screaming hall outside the prison, he was looking, he was looking for the man standing in the snow.

What is that person waiting for now?

I did wrong.Finally, he said.

Are you wrong.


Why are you wrong.

He closed his eyes, lowered his head to rest on his limbs, and bent his body in an arc.Between that small arc is the last world he left to that person.

A warm, safe, pain-free world.

uncle.There was tiredness and melancholy in his voice.He couldn't answer his question, couldn't.

He admits his mistake, he cannot admit his mistake.

Syl's cane left shallow dark scratches on the wet ground, and he stared at the chains extending from the wall, which would eventually wrap around the sinner's body and bind an unruly and unrestrained soul.

Until those sharp shapes were ground into submission in countless bloody and stern times.

Will the man in front of him give in like that?

Turning his heels, he turned around and filled the world in his eyes with the darkness soaked in blood. The sound of the cane hitting the ground went away with the sound of heavy footsteps. Only the infinite echoes spread violently from the ground. The air is screaming.

Think it through.

Your time is running out.


I love you.

I know.

He stepped on the ground.Dragging the hem of the pure white clothes.

It was a frightening darkness, blood-red, with the shadow of sin remaining, and roaring with resentment.

He can't hear anything.

His skin, like crystal, seemed to emit a soft warm light. His fingers touched the moisture in the air, and the thin ice crystals on his fingertips condensed.

Do you know what color white is, it is the dirtiest color in the world.

That person once passed him by, and suddenly looked back and smiled at that moment.

Do you know how many tears the color was washed and dirty before it appeared.You know that white was once the color of death.

You put on the most filthy thing in this world.

right.Perhaps this way, that person can not bear more.

your sin.his sin.

He saw him.He is very quiet.He is sleeping.

An indifferent attitude, an aloof attitude, a gentle attitude.

What was then is what is now.

When he walked down the stairs, the hem of his clothes gently pulled over the broken wall, his body paused, and then he continued to walk forward.Unstoppable, unstoppable.

The sound of the soles of shoes hitting the slate was crisp and harsh.

He woke up.



Through the darkness, through the bars, through the chains, his voice.

He stopped.before the prison.outside the prison.


I come to see you.

I want to see you.

Ronald stood up.It was a black wolf.The bound prison locks rattled, making a heavy and crisp sound.His eyes were blood-red in the darkness, and the blood from behind the infinite darkness was like silk threads entwining his pupils and flowing silently.When he stood up, all the muscles in his body were pulled, and all the bones in his body stretched out.

Even though his soul and flesh are bearing a huge burden at this moment, his steps are still vigorous.

He approached the railing with the sound of the chains struggling, and the black wolf's kiss was still able to reach out from the gap between the railings, touching Diolot's face lightly.

The breath that can be felt by closing the eyes is still as clear and cold as the forest field after fresh snow in winter.




Did he hear the sinful cry from the depths of fate?

Has everything from the first encounter to the end of the last death shed enough blood to feed the seed of this thorn?

Can you live well now, Dio?

Have no fear, Dio, it will be over soon.

He raised his head, gently stroked the warm wolf's head with his fingers, and nodded with a smile.

Just stay there...and wait for me.

He pressed his face against the warm fur, rubbing it nostalgicly.Love to hug you, Ron.

come in.In fact, the door was not locked.

A cell that was never locked.

What imprisons us is the commandment other than the precepts.

Until you have the ability to break free from it completely, even if you can escape, you cannot escape.

The cold fingers stretched out lightly, and the fingertips touched the cold and wet railing, making a hoarse and old creaking sound. The metal rust peeled off on the ground was like a worm soaked in corpse fluid, making a sticky sound when stepping on it.

The wolf stood in front of him, and he lay down again, but he still looked up at him with his head up, and there was a gentle and lingering smile in his flickering eyes.

He smiled and lowered his knees, knelt down in front of him, and hugged his head tightly with his hands.

I'm not afraid.


I'm waiting for you.


you will be back.



Never forget that what ultimately imprisons us is the shackles called "love".

The deep sins in the darkness have already entangled the whole body, and the pain of skinning and bone erosion is an addition to fate.To face or not to face, to bear or not to bear, the reality has already made a choice.

That's the shackles.

There is no end to the inescapable shackles.

I will continue to gaze at you in the dark and love you, my flesh contains our sinful seeds, and it relies on flesh and blood and blame to grow slowly in death and immortality.

Regardless of love or hate, the other half of the bones that cannot be thrown away is with you, covered by your blood vessels and muscles.It ends up being you.

——My you.

I would love to go back to Ramasad.

we'll go back.

It should be spring by then.The Ramasad Valley must also be thriving.There is a sisolo tree, whose flying flowers bloom in spring and fill the valley.

It must be beautiful.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep in his arms.Maybe asleep.


He fell asleep.




Dio, when the Sisolo flower tree is in full bloom, if we can return to Ramasad, please let me ask for an eternal contract between you and me in the name of God the Father.

His fingers gently grasped his claws, and the warmth was conveyed through the close body, in the depths of the frost-carved body.

In the dark, his face was soft and gentle like jade, quiet and fresh like the first fresh snow falling in the dark night.

Ronald put his head on the ground and bent his body in a soft arc.Under that shadow, it was him.

is his lover.

He closed his moist wolf eyes, and at that moment, the sound of gentle breathing came from his ears.


He fell asleep.




Ron, I love you.

Ron, I have never been afraid of death, I have never been afraid of separation, and I will never be afraid of forgetting.

Ron, let me be your only companion in this life. In the name of God the Father, sign a contract called eternity.

Just like we once held hands and promised each other——

Let you and I exchange our blood and tears under the witness of Father God Cain.Regardless of rank, regardless of clan, regardless of blood, they will all rely on each other.Even if the sun at noon burns my body, I still swear to you in the name of eternal night-I love you.I will be with you until forgetfulness and the sin of jealousy eat away at my sanity and my love.Depend on each other until death.

Until the time of our most irresistible original sin befalls, we will not hesitate to push each other away.This is how I love you - is how I love you in the name of blood

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