
"In my life, the first meaning is our monarch, and the second is all given to that person."

He raised his hand to gently caress Diolotte's cold face, with a gentle expression and a soft tone.

"We've been together for tens of thousands of years, Diolotte." He repeated what he had just said.

"You know me best."

Diolot put aside his hand, lowered his eyes with a sad and indifferent expression.

"I won't help you, I will never help you."

Ronald just smiled, and the hand he had left behind fell on his shoulder and clenched tightly.

"You said you didn't want to see me destroy it?" he said with a smile. "I would literally die without you, Dio."


Diolot's body froze for a moment, and then trembled.

"No..." He pursed his lips tightly, struggling with pain.

Ronald was close to his ear, his tone was low and gentle, full of affection and trance.

"We can't be apart, Dio."

The person in his arms was stunned for a moment, and suddenly grabbed his shirt forcefully, buried his head in his neck, his voice choked slightly.

"We can't separate...can't..."

Ronald stared silently at the corridor in the darkness, with the smell of blood flowing from his breath, feeling attached and mournful.

"Do you know where the fetters born in our blood come from?"


At that time, the uncle smiled and stroked his fangs, his eyes were indifferent and gentle.

"Remember, Ronald, the fangs of our blood race only reach out to enemies and lovers."

"Why do you still have a lover?"

"Because... that is the person who can threaten you more than the enemy."

"...Then, are you and those three adults lovers?"

"Yes, Ronald, they are all my 'lovers'. They are the ones I will never be able to separate from my bond."

"But doesn't my lover mean your wife?"

"Heh... Ronald, you will meet the most important person to you, and she will have your love. And those who exchange blood with you to form a bond, you don't need to love them, but you can't lose them."

"They are also your lovers, you can lose love, affection, everything...but you can't lose them."

"None of you can lose."

"... Dio, let me give you my blood."


"We can't separate can we?" He smiled. "Dio, although I can't replace your younger brother, we are 'lover', right? Uncle said that if only bondage can separate us, then, give you my blood, Dio, so that I will never leave is you."

"You once said that you were afraid that I would leave..." Holding his cold fingers gently, Ronald smiled and kissed his fingertips.

"Actually, I've already said it."

"I'll never leave, Dio."

"...If you want me to believe you." Diolot stepped back out of his range. Under the night, his face was pale and almost transparent, but his lips were bright red.

The stunning figure slowly spread a smile, and Diolot stared at him and nodded slightly.

"it is good."

Go after what you want.I will help you.

The exchanged blood flowed in the cold corpse, it was you who brought me back to life.

The "lover" who has formed a bond...

——The roulette wheel of fate has begun to turn, nervous girl.Are you ready to place your bets?Hold on to your chips. ——Blood is tying everything up.

— next night.The nobles and second sons of the shadows, what exactly do they want you to see?The royal family of Wang Shou, the restless prelude to the banquet.This is a vampire's feast. —she has fallen into a swamp.

The Sixth Night Midsummer: The Beast of the Dark Word【Part [-]】

"Good morning, Miss Feng."

When he was woken up, his consciousness was faint and a little fuzzy.

Slowly opened his eyes, what greeted his eyes was an unfamiliar but still unbelievably luxurious room.

This is where?

The maid who was dressed in a dignified maid uniform with a respectful expression stood beside the bed and bowed slightly to her who opened her eyes, speaking in a calm and expressionless tone.

"Miss Feng, the master said that if you wake up, please go see him."


Feng Wuyang's consciousness suddenly came back, and he suddenly rolled over from the bed.

"Bury snow!"

Yes, she remembered.

If everything is like that, then she should be in the manor of the Rice family in Yorkshire, England now, right?

It was supposed to be a secret trip, but for some reason, it was targeted by those people and attacked, and Zangxue didn't know where to go...

Feng Wuyang jumped off the bed, looked around, and her thin eyes fell on the maid.

"Master Syl?" Although she had some clues, she was still not sure.

The maid didn't answer, but said respectfully: "Master, please see him after you wake up."

Strange servant... Feng Wuyang was distracted for a second, and quickly nodded. "Okay, I'll go right away."

The interior decoration of the manor is really luxurious to the extreme, and Feng Wuyang is a little bit unsure if this is the residence of Lord Shangxier.

If so, the lord doesn't like gorgeous people that much, does he?No matter how these decorations make her look like the ultimate expression of a nouveau riche's desire for expression.

Follow the maid through the dark red and gilt corridor. The stairs are finely carved with fine wood and covered with expensive bright red velvet blankets. They are comfortable and soft, so even if you accidentally fall, you won’t get hurt.The armrest is also bright and luxurious with gilt and inlaid jade, carved with extremely delicate and clear micro-carvings, which seems to describe the scene of a war.

Walking down the spiral staircase, the hall was brightly lit, and the gold and silver decorations reflected light, which almost blinded her eyes.

God, where did she come to...

A man was sitting on the dark red long sofa, drinking tea elegantly from a teacup. From her perspective, she could only see a delicate side face, which was a stranger.

The maid came down the stairs, bowing slightly behind the sofa. "Master, Miss Feng is here."

Feng Wuyang walked down the stairs slowly, the man on the sofa put the teacup on the tea table leisurely, then got up, turned to her, and smiled.

"You're finally awake, Miss Feng."

"... Ah... Thank you." She looked at the strange handsome face in front of her and didn't know what to say for a while.

Not my lord.So who is this?Who saved her, was it an enemy or a friend?

At this moment, the previous calm caused waves of uneasiness to surge in my heart.

As if aware of her nervousness, the man smiled kindly. "Please don't be nervous, Miss Feng. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Lanid York Rice. Lanian's father." He smiled and grinned, two sharp canine teeth gleaming under the luxurious light.

////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

"Ron, are you still awake?"

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and the voice of the visitor was cheerful and loud, piercing into the ears of the person who was still sleeping, and it was extremely sharp.

Diolot raised his head from the book, glanced at the person who walked into the room carelessly, and pursed his lips. "Go on, I'll prepare your funeral in three steps."

The person who was about to open the bedroom door paused, and stepped back obediently.Standing in front of him looked strange. "Hey, why are you here?" Still dressed so sexy?

Diolot, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book in a bathrobe, glanced at him lazily, curling her red lips. "Why can't I be here."

"This is Ronald's bedroom, right?"

The smile marks on the corners of the lips become deeper and subtler. "Oh?"

"I said..." The man suddenly took a step back and looked at him in shock. "You didn't come to seduce Ron, did you!"

The gorgeous smile on the corner of her lips froze immediately.

He was about to say something else, but the bedroom door was suddenly slammed open from the inside, and the cold and gloomy Ronald, with disheveled hair and misty eyes, came out barefoot and naked, staring at the man who was slammed into the door with a livid face. The sound startled the people.Gritted openings.

"You'd better say you have something to ask me, or I'll tear you to pieces immediately!"

Diolot watched with a smile on the sidelines, and looked up at the wall clock on the wall. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the blood race had just fallen asleep.

"Uh..." The visitor blinked innocently, shrugged his shoulders and smiled flatteringly. "That Ron, I didn't mean to wake you up, but..."

"Huh?!" Ling Lie, like a wolf or an eagle, half-closed his eyes and looked at him coldly, waiting for the next step.

"But didn't you say yesterday that you would go to the Golden Manor with me today..."

The corners of Ronald's eyes twitched violently, and his fingers loosened and tightened on the doorknob.

He took a deep breath, forced his anger to speak: "Baluoer... I don't seem to have promised you?"

Diolot smiled and raised his hand. "I testify that Ron didn't promise you."

Balor looked at Diolot miserably, and looked at Ronald pitifully. "But... but Master Xier said that you and I will go pick up Leinian..."

Ronald hooked his lips into a smile, and his half-exposed sharp bloody teeth hurt Balor's eyes.

"What does your sister have to do with me, eh?"

"But, but..." You clearly agreed!

Diolot couldn't enjoy reading it. He put down the book and walked slowly to Ronald, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then smiled and said to Balor, "Balor, Lord Syl just said that if Ron can escort you if needed...but it doesn't look like much right now."

"Why not!"

Diolot blinked. "Didn't your father go too?"

Balor was taken aback.

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