Unknowingly attacking Noi?Is it really...they did it?What kind of deal did Noam Cole make with the shadow merchant...

"Please be calm, Your Excellency." And at this moment, the somewhat naughty laughter suddenly appeared behind the two of them, making both Diolot and Blood Sacrifice tense up.

The person who silently appeared in this place... is it...

"Gornroth... If you don't give me an explanation today, I will definitely let you be buried with the seal of the [cut point]!" Diolot, who had heard this voice before and reacted quickly, turned his head and dodged in front of him. Grabbing the uninvited shadow businessman, the face that was completely brutal and aesthetically pleasing looked at the innocent businessman viciously.

"Be quiet and stay calm, Your Excellency." Gornroth still maintained his decent smile as a businessman, and gently patted the sharp claws on his collar to soothe his mouth. "Please rest assured, the fallen bloodthirsty lady is not dead yet, so you can rest assured."

"Noy isn't dead?" Diolot narrowed his eyes. "But I can no longer feel her mental fluctuations."

"She just fell into an unconscious state because her soul was summoned by [Netherworld]. As long as she wakes up from this state, she will be fine." Gorn Rose said with a smile.

"[Netherworld] is calling her?" But this news was no different from what he thought it was before—it made him full of anger and worry. "What the hell did you sell to Noam Cole!"

Disclosing his transactions with others is obviously against the rules of businessmen, but Gornroth does not seem to intend to remind him, but to answer his questions instead.

The shrewd and cunning eyebrows and eyes were curved with a smile, and Gornroth's voice was light and mysterious.

"Do you know the Book of Mourning Angels... Your Excellency?"

No.20 Night Cracking Phantom Fang【Part [-]】

In the commonly accepted knowledge in this world, except for the human beings created by the gods by fusing the power of the three worlds, the most "normal" life basically exists in [Hell].Whether it is the angels that exist in [Heaven] or all the souls that may exist in [Netherworld], they are essentially a composition of energy.It's just that "angels" are embodied and very systematic energy.However, no matter how much they have groups and social relationships like humans, they are still energetic beings born through asexual reproduction.

Therefore, when these energy creatures "die", it is the process in which the energy of the soul returns to [the netherworld] and the energy of the body gradually decomposes.If it is the vampires who die the cleanest—they turn to ashes—then the angels are a cleaner death than the vampires—they leave no trace at all.

Because of these properties, angels have a notebook in which they record their lives and deaths, called the Book of Angels of Mourning.

This book uses the power that constitutes angels to record the real names of every angel born from the "sea of ​​feathers" in [Heaven]. When they are alive, those names are bright, but once the angel dies, the real name will be imposed The energy of the book will also collapse, and in the end, only a name that once existed will be left on the book.

If everything is so simple, then maybe this book is not good, but it has a reverse characteristic that makes the angels extremely worried about the existence of this book.

Because if someone forcibly strips the power of the angel's real name on the book, the soul of the angel connected to it will also be affected.Although it is not possible to return the angel's soul to [Netherworld] on the spot, it is almost the same.The compatibility between the soul and the body is reduced, and the consciousness cannot be awakened. In the long run, the soul will eventually return to the [Ghost], leading to the death of the angel.

The red angel is also a kind of angel, therefore, "The Book of Mourning Angels" can be regarded as the deathbed of all [heaven] lives.


"Do you know the Book of Mourning Angels... Your Excellency?"

As soon as Gornroth's words came out, Diolot and Blood Sacrifice were taken aback.Immediately Diolot yelled at him furiously, "Why did you get that kind of thing!"

The shadow businessman seemed very proud of this, but he still lowered his eyes modestly. "An excellent businessman is to meet all the needs of customers. Isn't it?"

"That's the sacred object of [Heaven]." Blood Sacrifice looked at him coldly and said. "Have you ever had a deal with [Heaven]?"

Gornroth turned his head and looked at him politely, smiling and nodding at him. "Although I have to admit that those creatures are difficult to entertain, I am honored that I am the first shadow merchant to have a successful transaction with [Heaven]."

After Xue Ji understood, he immediately turned his eyes away and looked elsewhere.Although he may not care about this person as a shadow merchant, his blood and race make him never have a good impression of this person and the smell that emanates from him.

Gornros understood his thoughts and didn't care, he turned his head and continued to stare at Diolot innocently.

Diolot looked at him vigorously for a long time, finally let go of his hand weakly, turned around and looked at the sleeping female knight in the stone pillar, his words were full of irritability. "Then how can I wake her up?"

After tidying up his collar, Gornroth said with a smile: "Just get that book and re-inject power into the real name of this lady knight. Half of her soul has been delivered to the darkness, so it's not completely Controlled by the Book of Mourning Angels, so rest assured she will last a long time."

"This time is what Nom Cole wants!" Diolot shouted back. "Of course he knows that the book won't kill Noi. Although he wants to kill her, it's not enough to have that kind of power, so just let her temporarily lose its effect for a while, and wait until they get the [cut point] It's all right!"

Gornroth was still smiling. "If you are eager to find a solution, I am happy to share your worries. As a businessman, if you want to get the "Book of Mourning Angels", it is not difficult."

Diolot curled up his lips and sneered. "Tell me your price, merchant. This time, you finally got your wish and got something from me in exchange."

Gornroth pursed his lips with a reserved smile, seeming very embarrassed. "Forgive me, Your Excellency. As a businessman, I have to satisfy the needs of all customers. Of course, so do you."

Diolot had heard enough of him.Ever since he traded with him the badge representing the glory of the Vanjo clan for a bright weapon capable of disfiguring himself, the two of them have formed an inexplicable "indissoluble bond".But in the tens of millions of years after that, he wanted to trade with him again and again, but was blocked by his trading conditions again and again. When he couldn't help getting angry, he would use this expression, this kind of expression Tone, even such a magic stick to respond to him!

He knew that no normal good things could grow in a place separated by an eternal mountain range!

But this time, it’s really impossible not to pay the price...Compared to Noy’s safety, what Gornroth wants...

He gritted his teeth vigorously, his face distorted ugly in the dim light, staring at the smiling Gornros and saying with all his might:

"You dare to sell my portrait to a man... I will make you never return to the Bloody Continent!"


For the blood race, even in a state of slumber like death, their five senses can still clearly respond to changes in the external environment. The only difference is that light sleep will respond accordingly, while deep sleep will ignore conditions that will not affect your own safety.

But when Ronald felt Diolot's breath and the touch of his fangs while he was asleep, he struggled to wake up.

"What are you doing?"

Diolot was lying next to him, biting him.

"I'm in a bad mood." The long eyelashes that were half drooping faintly fanned, and they didn't raise their eyes to look at him, just grinding their teeth with his hand.

"What's going on outside?" Ronald half stood up and glanced out the window. There was nothing in the dark, and he couldn't feel the breath of vampires. It seemed that Ansair and Crowe were very efficient. very high.

"The matter has been dealt with." Diolot saw his movements and replied. "They've gone back to sleep."

"Then why are you still lying here?" Ronald sighed helplessly, and stretched out his hand to comfort his head. "You have..." "Don't say it!" Diolot reacted fiercely and yelled.

Ronald was taken aback by him, and looked at him blankly. "...What's wrong with you...why..."

"Don't ask anything!" Diolot glared at him fiercely, then pulled off his coat and climbed into the bed to go inside him actively, pulling the quilt to sleep.

"Wait a minute, Dior..." Ronald pulled back the quilt hastily, "Why do you have the aura of a shadow merchant on your body just now..." "If you ask me again, I will bite you!" Diolot suddenly stood up to meet him He roared fiercely, and then lay down with his back to him. "Sleep your sleep!"

But this reaction is very strange.

Ronald sat by the side and thought for a moment, then turned his head to look at the back of the dark head clearly. "The person who came just now is Gornroth, right?"

no response.

He couldn't help laughing. "Okay, I won't ask." After speaking, he lay down and prepared to sleep.

But at this time, Diolot turned over again from embarrassment and anger, and a pair of bright red eyes shone like shining stars in the night.

"During this time

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