Like a special kind of seal, it has various patterns and patterns that are complicated and implicitly regular. The chain passes through the diamond pattern in the center of the pattern, and the surrounding patterns are arranged around it to form several seemingly unrelated patterns. Nuoyi couldn't understand the meaning of the imaged graphics, but she could perceive that what was sleeping under them was an extremely huge power.

Just like the entire [cutting point], it is filled with different forces, and finally condenses into a seemingly peaceful but actually powerful force.

She has been standing here for a long time, barely moving, but she doesn't really care about it, because her body is like the silent and introverted hall in front of her when the seal is not released, no matter what happens little change.

Although she was in the dark, her eyes were still as bright as a mirror and as cold as ice and snow, and she didn't put in the slightest bit of darkness and depth here.The chained arm hangs by the side, and the black and dark gold patterned chain dragging on the ground is like a sleeping but still vigilant vigilant snake.

After a while, her eyeballs moved slightly, and her ears moved as well, as if she heard something.But soon the voice disappeared, and the sealing room was still as quiet as ever, and she was still the only one——

Not always.

There was a icy chill in the icy eyes, Noy moved his arms slightly, and his light silver lips moved slightly:

"In his name, have mercy on me—Ansyria."

"Click." The chain fell off her wrist with an insignificant sound, and before the heavy chain fell to the ground, Noy's figure had disappeared in place.

"Get out of here." The next moment she appeared behind a certain rune stone pillar, half of her blood-red wings spread out, and the cold wind that fanned out carried the same fierce killing intent as her whole body, viciously Throwing something into the surrounding wall.

That thing hit the wall and fell to the ground. It should be a person. He stood up quickly and slowly, and a voice that didn't feel any pain sounded in the darkness.

"That's right, the person who guards the seal is indeed..."

"—Bloodthirsty." He stood up straight, his blood-red pupils were like two lamps in the darkness, looking thoughtfully at the person in front of him.

"No, it's the Corrupted Bloodthirsty," said another voice correction who suddenly appeared.

"Yes, that's right, a strange smell of blood." The previous voice affirmed.

"..." Noy looked at the person in front of her coldly. The darkness in the sealed room was not just a natural lack of light, so even with eyes that could see through the night, she couldn't fully see what was in front of her eyes, but she knew the intruder from the voice. It's a female... no, maybe two.She heard two voices, though only saw one.

"So, who's coming?" "They" spoke again.

"Don't worry, the people above won't have time to take care of this." Another replied.

Noy moved his fingers, and cold air erupted from his whole body, and a thick layer of ice spread under his feet, quickly covering the entire sealing room.Only the silver chain at the center of the seal was not frozen, and everything else, including the 29 rune stone pillars and the engraving at the center of the seal, were all wrapped in ice.The place became much brighter under the light of ice and snow, leaving Noi's vague shadow on the ice.She noticed that there was no shadow under the feet of the weird woman opposite.

The woman with two faces stood on the ice, and the ice and snow did not touch her at all, even though she had stood on the ground before and never floated in the air.Her posture was as proud as if she was standing in a noble's social arena instead of a dead and silent sealed room with only two people.

Noy also saw that her body was not frozen in the slightest. She couldn't analyze the situation in front of her more carefully. She didn't know much about the vampires and their innate abilities, but all that she showed was enough to show that she stood in front of her. It is a powerful blood family who will never be afraid of her and is very likely to fight her.

The woman spoke slowly at this time. "Then, let's begin."

Then her black figure drew a vague afterimage on the ice, and quickly approached Noy.

The two figures met for a moment and bounced away, but at that moment, Noy didn't notice that his own shadow disappeared on the ice at some point.

Fitz raised his arm. The arm hidden in the wide sleeve of the robe didn't seem to have much strength, but when he swung it down, Blood Sacrifice noticed the strange sharp silver light hidden under the cloth. His figure flickered slightly, and the opponent's The attack failed, but in the air that was streaked by the silver light, he saw a thin black gap appearing in the air for a few seconds and then disappearing.

It is definitely not their claws that can divide the space.

Sensing his gaze, Fitz smiled lightly and raised his arm, the sleeve slipped down from his thin arm, revealing pale and slender five fingers. There was no weapon in his hand, and it was also the claw of a vampire, but his long nails It can be seen at a glance that it is not the same as other blood races.

Those were not sharp nails that naturally grew out of the blood race, but several silvery blades that seemed to protrude from the flesh and blood of his fingertips.

Blood Sacrifice's eyes were even colder and more dangerous.

"[Snake Blade]. You lost a hand."

Fitz smiled nonchalantly, he also has a delicate and beautiful face, that face is different from the more beautiful Diorot's face, his face always has a bright smile, even when he is angry The traces of the facial features are also like smiling, he always gives people a sunny feeling, this feeling sometimes even confuses other people, making them forget his danger.

Although it is not the head of Sabat's [Heavenly King], but that is just the judgment of those who were deceived by Sabat, and the blood sacrifice will never happen.

A person who is more powerful than anyone present, besides the treasured magic weapon he wears, he also hides a real blood sacred weapon in his hand.

[Snake Blade], extremely sharp steel claws.It was melted into his right hand by him.

"Don't care about these small details." The fine steel blade slowly retracted, and Fitz put a finger on his lips and squinted his eyes and smiled, "We're going to speed up, [Slayer], your friends are going to block it." Can't stop."

Blood Sacrifice looked down slightly.In the back garden are Ronald and the puppets of [Puppeteer] who have not appeared so far, and in the front yard are Ansair and Cheryl standing on a hidden height.Although they are weak, they are very suitable for this kind of work of resisting large-scale invasions. All vampires and low blood races were firmly stopped by them.

What about Diolot...

Blood Sacrifice searched subconsciously, and before he could think anything, there was a sudden roar from the Eagle Castle below, and a part of the castle collapsed. As the smoke and dust scattered, he vaguely saw a pale thing passing by.

An inexplicable sense of unease began to well up.

"Oh, it's such a pity that the Centennial Eagle Castle was destroyed like this..." Fitz also saw it, but he just covered his lips and let out a serious sigh, with a smile still on his brows and eyes.

Blood Sacrifice's heart moved, and the figure rushed up, murderous like a fierce tide.

"It's best not to worry too much about it now, Fitz."

The sound of the castle collapsing made Ansair, who was standing in the front yard trying to resist the vampires and the lower vampires, stunned for a moment. In this short moment of ecstasy, the vampires who were still far away rushed up quickly, as if When he was about to hurt him, he was suddenly pierced by an arrow flying down from a dark height, and he was knocked back into his own camp.

He suddenly came back to his senses, and looked back at the ghostly Eagle Castle in the darkness where there were no lights on.I can’t see where it was damaged from the front, but I can vaguely find a little metal light spot that is easy to ignore from behind a certain high window. It is the tip of the wound arrow, which belongs to the blood in Cheryl’s hand. device.

With a soft sigh in his heart, Ansair withdrew his thoughts and continued to devote his energy to the seemingly continuous attacks of minions in front of him.These heinous vampires, who were not strong but in large numbers, seemed to be insane. Their only purpose was to break through and enter Eagle Fort.It seems that they are controlled by others, otherwise such a large death and the coercion from the strong would be enough to make them flee.

Sherrill, standing upstairs in the shadows, noticed this too.The battle outside seemed to never stop, and the energy fluctuations from the battle above made people uneasy. Although he was also in the castle, he was a little at a loss as to Diolot's location.He caressed the beautiful longbow in his hand with his fingers, and occasionally pulled the bowstring and released a sharp arrow to help Ansair below. For the rest of the time, he had been releasing his mental power to perceive the surrounding world.Because of his talent, even the energy released by the blood sacrifice and the powerhouses like Fitz won't cause much damage to him, so he also gained a lot of energy that he usually doesn't have in Camarilla anyway. possible secrets.

Is this a corner of Divandale's strength?He couldn't help feeling a little worried.Although I know that there are many such powerhouses in Camarilla, and the strength of the four [Saints] will not be worse than Ronald, but some things cannot be determined by personal strength... …

"Mana, maybe we have to re-evaluate our attitude towards Divandale when we go back this time." Sherrill patted the blood vessel in his hand lightly, retracted his scattered thoughts, and began to stand behind Ansair wholeheartedly Backstabbing.

The black figure was slammed down from mid-air by the blood-red wings, and hit the cold and heavy ice.

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