Harry Potter and the Way of Reason

Chapter 55: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Part 5

Feeling the imminent disaster caused by being too close to the snake, he passed his hand over.A look of surprise flashed across her face, but she took the hand without saying anything.

Being able to help Bellatrix made Harry feel better, but not enough.

Because he saw the metal door in the middle of the corridor on this floor.

The woman's voice quieted as they drew closer; now that the Patronus was nearby, she would never have to go through her worst memories again.

Good, a voice came from inside him.This is the first step.

Harry's steps inevitably headed towards the metal door.


Now open the door—

...Harry goes on...

What do you think you are doing?Go back and get her out!

...go on...

save her!What are you doing?She is hurting and you must save her!

The Portkey in Harry's hand could teleport two people, only two, and a snake along the way.If they still have the Portkey of Professor Quirrell... But they don't, the Portkey is on Professor Quirrell's human form, and there is no way to get it out... Harry only saved one person today, at the bottom of Azkaban The only one who needs help the most...

"Don't go!" screamed a voice behind the metal door. "No, no, no, don't go, don't take it, don't don't don't—"

The hallway was brighter.

"Please," the woman's voice cracked, "please, I can't remember my child's name anymore—"

"Sit down, Bella," Harry said, his voice still lingering in a grim whisper for some reason, "I've got to deal with that." The Levitation Charm faded, then lifted.Bella sat down obediently.In the bright air, her bony body formed a black shadow.

I'm going to die, thought Harry.

The air then brightens.

After all, Harry doesn't have to die either.

He just might die, and aren't some things worth risking your life for?

The air then brightened, and the larger Patronus began to congeal around him, the bright human form blurring in the searing glow of the air, while Harry was filling the spell with life as energy.

If I kill the dementors, then even if I'm still alive, they'll know it was me, I did it... I'll lose my support, lose the war...

Yeah?said the voice inside him urging him, after you destroyed all the dementors in Azkaban?Actually, I think they will tend to take this as a proof that you are the King of Light, so save her, save her, you must save her——

Humanoids can no longer be considered separate entities.

The hallway is no longer visible.

Under the cloak, Harry's own body is invisible.

There is only one invisible point, exuding endless silver light.

Harry could feel life slipping away from him, the fuel of the spell; in the distance, he could feel the shadow of death tensing up.

I'm going to do other things in my life, not just this... I'm going to fight the Dark Lord, I'm going to merge the wizarding and Muggle worlds...

Noble goals seemed so distant, so abstract, that Harry wasn't sure there was anything more important than a woman begging for his help, something he could do here and now. Done.

Harry took a breath, probably for the last time in his life, and thought:

There may be other dementors outside of Azkaban... If I'm going to do this, I should act closer to the central crater, consume a little less life, so as to improve the possibility of survival, and then Destroy the other dementors... Even assuming this is the best option, if the best time and place exist, it shouldn't be here and now, not here and now!

What?Another part of him said indignantly, looking for counterarguments that didn't exist—

As the light slowly faded, Harry focused on the irrefutable fact, the most obvious truth, that they were not in the best place, nor could it be now...

The light faded slowly.

A part of Harry's life flowed back.

Part of it dissipated like radiation.

But Harry still had enough life left to support his body and maintain the light of the silver figure; and when he whispered "Wingardium, Leviosa" with his wand, the magic was obediently lost, helping Bellatrix stood up. (Because he's not expending mana, and his Patronus Charm never expends mana.)

I swear, Harry thought, trying to hold his breath in front of Bellatrix, with tears streaming down his invisible cheeks, I swear on my life and magic and my ability as a rationalist, by all I swear by what I hold sacred and all the happy memories that one day, I'm going to end this place, so please, please, please forgive me...

So, amidst the prisoner's screams and pleas for someone to come back and save her, they moved on.

Harry should have spent more time sacrificing this piece of himself in a ritual, but Bellatrix was right next to him, so Harry had to keep walking without stopping, without saying a word, breathing evenly .

So Harry went on, leaving that piece of himself behind.He knew that this piece of himself would stay here and now forever.Even if one day Harry comes back with someone else who can cast the real Patronus Charm and wipes out all the dementors; even if he melts down the triangular building and burns the whole island low enough for the sea to cover it , leaving no trace of this place once existed; even so, he would never be able to find this piece of himself again.


A group of shimmering creatures stopped staring down and began patrolling the metal corridors as if nothing had happened.

"Like last time?" Chief Burns snapped in Auror Lee's direction, and the young Auror replied, "Yes, ma'am."

The director suddenly asked the dementors whether they could find the target now. After a few seconds, the dementors gave a negative answer. The director didn't seem very surprised.

Emmeline Vance felt torn by her allegiances.

Emmeline is no longer a member of the Order of the Phoenix, they have been disbanded after the last war.And during the war, she knew, they all knew, that Director Crouch had acquiesced in their private fighting.

Director Burns is no Crouch.

But now they were after Bellatrix Black, who had been a Death Eater and must have been rescued by Death Eaters.Their Patronus was behaving strangely - all the bright creatures stopped, stared down, and then returned to their masters.And the dementors couldn't find their target yet.

In her opinion, this is really a good time to consult Dumbledore.

Shouldn't she have hinted to Director Burns that they should contact Dumbledore?But if Director Burns hadn't contacted him...

Emmeline hesitated for a while, maybe a good while, then finally made up her mind.Whoever it is, she thought, we're all on one side, and whether Director Burns likes it or not, we've got to stick together.

Thinking of this, her silver sparrow flew onto her shoulders.

"Hang at the back of the line, keep our backs," Emmeline murmured softly, her lips barely moving, "and find Albus Dumbledore when no one is watching you. If he's not alone, Wait until he's alone. Then tell him this: Bellatrix is ​​on her way out of Azkaban, and the dementors can't find her."

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