Harry Potter and the Way of Reason
Chapter 64: OMAKE File 4, Parallel World
If you're five hours past bedtime and you're still reading this, why don't you go to sleep?This novel will still be here tomorrow...well, unless something happens to this page tomorrow morning and it becomes a 404[1], leaving you with a fading memory and regretting for life that you didn't last longer Will go to bed again and finish this while I still can.But how likely is this?
The Word of Reason has spread through blogs, tweets, word-of-mouth recommendations, likes, forums, and recommended book lists.Remember, if your previous readers hadn't taken the time to do these things, you probably wouldn't have had the chance to discover this novel.If you're still not motivated to promote after hearing all this, I'd say Hermione will be sad if you don't want to help spread rational thought.You don't want Hermione to be sad, do you?
Also don't forget to read the above series of articles on LessWrong.This novel is just a shadow, those articles are the real existence.I recommend starting with the How to Really Change Your Mind series.
All worlds, then, belong to their original creators.Please enjoy:
Extra Story 4: The fan you are reading may still be
Ring of Reason[2]
Frodo looked at everyone, but no one looked at him, and everyone in the council lowered their heads, as if in deep thought.He felt a heavy weight in his heart, as if he was waiting for the sentence of death, but secretly hoped that he would never hear the end.All he wanted in his heart was to stay by Bilbo's side forever and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in Rivendell.Finally, he opened his mouth very reluctantly, and he himself doubted whether he could hear the voice coming out of his mouth.
"We cannot do this," said Frodo. "Certainly not. Can't you see? This is just what the Enemy expected. All this he expected."
All faces turned to him.The faces of the dwarves were puzzled, the faces of the elves were gloomy, the eyes of the men were determined, and the eyes of Elrond and Gandalf were so piercing that Frodo could hardly bear them.It made it hard for him not to hold the Ring in his hand, and even harder not to put it on and face them only as Frodo.
"Have you not doubted?" said Frodo, his voice as light as a breeze, swaying in the air, "you have chosen, against all odds, to send the Ring back to Mordor; should you not think ?Why did it become like this? Did we choose the one that the enemy most wanted among all the options? Maybe Mount Doom has strong enough guards, even Gandalf, Elrond and Glorfindel combined can block It's okay. Maybe the Lord of Mordor has cooled the lava and let Rikai just sink in, so he only needs to wait for the ring to be thrown in and then fish it out." At this time, an unusually clear memory flowed into Fro Much thought, and a dark laugh.A thought popped into his mind: that's exactly what the devil would do.It's just that the idea came in this form: If I really wanted to rule the world, it would be fun to do so...
Those present exchanged puzzled glances.Groin, Gimli, and Boromir looked at the elves with more suspicion, as if they had just woken up from a dream made of words.
"The Devil is cunning," said Gandalf, "and often weighs and calculates all things on the scales of his wickedness. But he has only desires in his heart, and therefore he measures all beings by desires. It never occurred to him that anyone should To be able to reject the Ring, and we who hold the Ring in our hands want to destroy it—”
"He will think!" cried Frodo.He tried his best to find words, trying to convey what he once understood very thoroughly, but gradually disappeared like ice and snow melting. "If the Demon King thinks that all enemies act only out of desire—then he'll guess wrong, guess wrong over and over again. Then the creator of the precepts will see this, and he'll realize where he's erred. Mistake!" Frodo held out his hands imploringly.
Boromir stirred, his voice full of suspicion. "As an enemy of the Demon King," said Boromir, "you think highly of him."
Frodo fell into a hopeless confusion, opening and closing his mouth; for Frodo knew, he knew the Man was mad, but he could think of nothing to say.
Then Bilbo spoke, and his old voice fell silent in the room, and even Elrond, who was about to speak, was silent for it. "I'm afraid Frodo is right," whispered the old hobbit. "I remember, remember what it was like--what it was like to see with dark eyes. I remember. The Enemy would think we might not trust each other , the weak among us will propose to destroy the precepts so that the strong cannot get it. He knows that even the not-so-kind people may shout to destroy the precepts and make a false appearance of kindness. And the devil will not rule out the meeting to make this The possibility of such a decision. You see, he doesn't trust us to be smart enough." A chuckle rose from the old hobbit's throat. "Even if he did rule out—ha, he'd still protect Mount Doom, it's a small cost, after all."
Now even the faces of the elves and wise men showed ominous premonition.Elrond frowned, and Gandalf's sharp eyebrows showed furrows.
Frodo stared at them all, and felt a rush of impulse, of despair.Just when his heart became cowardly, a shadow entered his field of vision, a darkness, a wave of shaking.Frodo saw Gandalf through the shadows: saw that his strength was his weakness, his wisdom his folly.Because Frodo knew—and the ring on his chest became a little heavy—that when Gandalf said that the devil had only desires in his heart, he didn't take into account all the history and legends, and didn't remember how Sauron made the efforts of the glory days. The Manors are dying and depraved.Likewise, it did not occur to Gandalf that the Enemy could understand good enemies by seeing them.
Frodo's eyes turned to Elrond, but there was no hope there.What Yingyi sees in her vision is neither the answer nor the way out.Because Elrond asked Isildur to take away the ring that should have been destroyed from Mount Doom, the price is the current war.He did not do it for Isildur's good, nor out of friendship.Because Li Jie ultimately caused Isildur's death, and he may have a worse fate.But the disaster caused by Isildur's behavior was a misty and distant future to Elrond at that time; while the price of hitting the back of Isildur's head with the hilt of a sword was an immediate necessity...
Frodo turned feebly to Aragorn, the weather-beaten man who had put on for the meeting the clothes that had become tattered in his travels.He was the king's son, but he spoke softly to the hobbits.But a second image appeared in Frodo's eyes, and in this shadowed image, Frodo saw a human who had spent too much time with elves as a boy, and learned to wear gold hazel Among the jade-clothed throng he clad himself in mean, shabby garments: he knew he could not match them in wit, and he could only hope to outwit them by an appearance they would not imitate...
In the vision of Lijie—that is, the vision of the Lord of Lijie—all noble things turned into tricks and lies, and turned into a dull gray-black world.Whether it is Gandalf, Elrond or Aragorn, their choices are not made out of consciousness, but out of impulse hidden in their own dark corners.Lijie clearly showed this dark hiding place to Frodo's eyes.If they cannot understand themselves or the reasons for their actions, how can they overcome the Shadow of Mordor?
"Frodo!" whispered Bilbo sternly.Frodo regained his senses, and stopped the hand that was moving towards the ring on his breast.The ring hung heavily around his neck like a boulder.
Just raise your hand and grab the precept.All the answers are there.
"How did you bear it so long?" Frodo whispered to Bilbo, as if they were the only two in the room, though all the council looked at them. "All these years? I can't imagine .”
"I locked it in a room, and only Gandalf had the key," answered his uncle, "and whenever I think how to force the door, I think of Gollum."
Frodo shivered, remembering the story.That horrible creature in the Misty Mountains, always thinking, thinking in the dark; ruling goblins from the shadows, setting caves full of traps.None of the dwarves would have escaped life if Bilbo had not put on the ring for the first time.Now, as Legolas the Elf had told them, Gollum had given up sending his men to the Shire, and at last found courage to leave the Mountains and seek the Ring himself.This is Gollum.Frodo would have suffered the same fate if the Ring had not been destroyed.
But they couldn't find a way to destroy the precepts.
The Enemy had anticipated every move they might make.He almost--Frodo still could not imagine how it was done, how the Enemy contrived it--almost caused the Council to send the Ring straight into Mordor, with only a small escort.They would have done it if Frodo and Bilbo had not been there.
Even if this quickest path to destruction is not chosen, failure is only a matter of time.Gandalf had delayed too long, had taken so long to organize this operation.Things would have been a lot easier if Bilbo had started 80 years ago.If only Gandalf had told Bilbo of his suspicions, if Gandalf's heart hadn't silently escaped the possibility of embarrassingly wrong...
Frodo's hand twitched across his chest.His fingers raised unconsciously again, and moved towards the heavy thing hanging on the chain on his chest.
Just put the ring on.
As long as this is done, everything will be clear.His mind would emerge from the morass of slowness, and all possibilities and futures would appear before him.He will see through the Demon King's plan, and devise a way to counterattack that cannot be dealt with——
—and he could never take off the ring again.The will remaining in his body is unlikely to allow him to take off the ring a second time.The time when he had put on the ring was a fading memory for Frodo, but he knew it would feel like death: the tower of thought would crumble in an instant, and only Frodo would be left.That feeling was the same as death: even if he had only a little memory of what happened to Fengyunding, he could remember it.If he did wear the ring a second time, he'd rather die wearing it, ending his life while he still had himself.Because Frodo knew he couldn't bear the consequences of wearing the ring for the second time, after the sudden loss of the sense of seeing everything...
Frodo looked around at everyone in the meeting, looking at the poor and helpless wise man who had lost his backbone.He knew that these people could not defeat the Demon King on their own.
"I will wear it for the last time," said Frodo, his voice broken.Because he'd known from the start that he'd end up saying those words, "One last time, to find answers for the meeting. Then it's up to the other hobbits."
"No!" screamed Sam, rushing from his hiding place; and Frodo, swift and sure as the Ringwraiths, had pulled the Ring out of his coat; but Bilbo knew not how, He had already come to the front and stuck his finger in.
Before Gandalf had raised his staff, and Aragorn had not raised his broken hilt; the dwarves cried out in amazement, and the elves were bewildered.
"Of course," began Bilbo, and Frodo began to cry, "I see, I understand at last. Listen. Listen, and hurry, all you have to do is—"
The Witch's Wardrobe[3]
Peter carefully watched the camped animals: centaurs with bows, beavers with long daggers, and talking bears in chain mail.He leads them, for he is one of the mythical sons of Adam, and sits on the highest throne of Narnia.But the truth was that he didn't know much about camping, weapons and patrol arrangements.All he could see was that everyone on his side was proud and confident.Peter could only hope they were right: if you don't trust your own people, there's no one else to trust.
"If it was me they were dealing with, I'd be terrified," Peter said finally, "but I don't know if it's enough to defeat...her."
"Do you think that mysterious lion will show up and help us?" said Lucy.Her voice was very low, and she didn't want the animals around to hear, "It would be great if it could come, don't you think? Instead of making others think that we are sent by him to take care of things."
Susan shook her head, and the magic arrow in the quiver behind her also shook. "If it existed," said Susan, "he wouldn't let the White Witch put the world in a hundred years of winter, would he?"
"I had a very strange dream," said Lucy.Her voice became softer, "In the dream we didn't need to organize these animals to persuade them to join the battle. The lion was already here when we came, and the whole army was ready to go. He rescued Edmond directly, and then we were by his side Towards a great war together, he slew the White Witch..."[4]
"Is there any moral to this dream?" Peter asked.
"I don't know," Lucy blinked, looking confused, "what we did in the dream didn't seem to make sense."
"I think it may be that the land of Narnia is trying to tell you," said Susan, "or it may be that your own dream is trying to tell you that if there were such people as lions, we are of no use."
My Little Pony: Friendship is Science[5]
"Applejack, you told me my mistakes directly. This represents the spirit of honesty!" Ziyue raised her head higher, her horsehair fluttering around her neck like the wind in the night sky, "Rourou, you Approaching the manticore and finding the spines on its paws. That represents the spirit of investigation! Pinkie, you realize those scary faces are just tree shadows. That represents the spirit of alternative hypotheses! Rarity, you solve for the python This represents the spirit of innovation! Rainbow Dash, you see that the opportunity to realize the inner desire is actually an illusion. This represents the spirit of analysis! Mary Susan[6], you agree with us Before we go together, ask us to convince you that we are right. This represents the spirit of peer review! When all these elements are ignited with the curiosity we all have in us, a seventh element is born - science - "
A wave of energy hit like a wind in a moonless night sky.Mary Susan was hit before she could even move.Before the other ponies could raise their front hooves in surprise, Mary Susan disappeared without a trace.
From among the broken thrones of all elements, a black figure barely recognizable in the shape of a horse uttered a voice.The sound seemed to pass through everyone's eardrums, burning like a cold flame, and appearing in the brains of all ponies.
Do you think I'll just stand there and watch you finish?
Ziyue stared at the clearing where the unicorn Mary Susan was just now, there was no trace at all.She—she just—she—in the back of her mind, she knew Rarity was screaming, even though she wasn't listening.
That is not dissociation.Nightmare's voice said, I just sent her away.
Rarity's screaming stopped abruptly.
Zi Yue felt that her own screaming had just begun.seven horses.Seven ponies are required to use the Quest element.Everyone knows that no matter how honest you are, how hard you investigate, how innovative you are, how accurate your analysis is, and how curious you are, the moment your research becomes scientific is the moment you publish it in a prestigious journal.Everybody knows.Will there be more than one peer review element at the same time - how long will it take to find another one - and Nightmare won't stand and watch them find it -
"Where?" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Where did you send her?"
I sent that pony to where I trapped my sad sister, right in the center of her sad sun.
"She will die!" Rourou looked at the nightmare in horror, and shouted, "It's too hot in there, she will burn!"
Oh don't worry.The power of Nightmare envelops your little friend, keeping her safe and cool without needing food or water.She's just bored.
A dark silhouette stepped from the throne, taking each slow, exaggerated step, past the remaining six ponies.
...as long as the power of nightmare is not destroyed.Like, because of some of my sister's backup plans that you probably know about.In that case, she would be evaporated immediately.Friendship, what a lovely concept.What a useful blackmail material.Save the searched elements.You don't want anyone to use it against me, do you?
"I don't want to." Zi Yue whispered.The horror gradually became clear in her heart.
Something seemed to crawl over her skin.Nightmare walked past her, and the deadly force caressed her body coldly.
I'll go first then, ponies.I am going to rule the eternal night.
"Think about the amount of calculations required to control more than 100 shadow clones," the genius of the Uchiha family said calmly. Big mistake in thinking. 'Lucky' is just a name people give to ignored data."
"But it can only be said to be good luck!" Sakura exclaimed.She worked hard to stabilize the words into the precise pronunciation that a rational ninja should adopt.It would be bad if the people she likes think she is an idiot, "As you said, the amount of calculation required to control more than 100 shadow clones is terrible, and it can be called a large-scale superintelligence. Naruto is the class The tail of the crane. His mind is not even comparable to that of a Jonin, let alone super intelligent!"
Uchiha's eyes flashed, similar to when he activated Zhilunyan[8]: "Naruto can control more than 100 clones that can act independently, and he must have enough raw brain capacity. However, usually , is there something preventing him from using the computing power efficiently, as if... something in his brain is fighting with himself? We now have reason to believe that Naruto is somehow connected to a superintelligence. And as a just The graduated Ninja, he is only 15 years old like us. Sakura, what happened 15 years ago?"
It took Sakura a while to understand this, and then recalled, so she understood.
The attack of the nine-brained demon fox.
It's just a small snow-white animal with long ears, a long tail and bright red eyes.It's no more powerful than a normal fox, and it doesn't breathe fire or shoot lasers of any kind.It has no chakra, nor any magic, but its intelligence is nine thousand times that of a human being.
Hundreds of people were killed and half the buildings collapsed.Almost the entire Mystery Village was destroyed.
"You think Chubby [9] is hiding inside Naruto?" Sakura asked, and after a while her mind automatically filled the theory with obvious corollaries, "and Naruto half the time acted like A nonsense idiot, but can control more than 100 shadow clones because of software conflicts between them. This actually... makes sense... Actually..."
As a person who came to this conclusion independently without being prompted by others, Sasuke nodded slightly arrogantly.
"Uh..." Sakura said.It was only because of so many years of rational training that she was able to transform the feeling of screaming out of panic into a practical behavior option, "Should we... tell someone? For example, within five seconds?"
"The grown-ups already knew." Sasuke said deadpan. "From what they've done with Naruto, that's the obvious explanation. No, the real problem is that this played a part in the Uchiha's strategy." What effect."
"I don't see how this can help—" Sakura began.
"Sure!" Sasuke's voice showed a bit of crazy emotion, "I asked that man why he did that, and he said I'll understand everything when I know the answer! This thing must be in the middle of all that !"
Sakura sighed softly.Her personal hypothesis is that Itachi just wants his brother to become paranoid.
"Yo, boys," the voice of their rational teacher came over the radio, "Boren Village wants to build a bridge, but I don't know why the bridge keeps breaking down. Meet at the entrance of the village at twelve o'clock at noon. This is your first meeting." A C-level analysis mission."
(Velorien was inspired to write an extended version of the fanwork, "LightingUptheDark")
Erdash the Chained[10][11]
"Anita, how can you do this?" Richard's voice pressed tightly, "How can you co-write the paper with Jane-Claude? You are studying undead creatures, not co-writing the paper with them!"
"What about you?" I spat at him. "You and Sylvie co-wrote a paper! You can go around collaborating, but I can't?"
"I'm the dean of her house," growled Richard.I could feel the science emanating from him, and he was angry. "I have to cooperate with Sylvie, but that doesn't mean anything! Anita, I thought our research topic was special!"
"It's special." I felt so helpless because I couldn't explain it to him.He didn't understand the thrill of being a polymath, couldn't see the new world that opened up before me. "I haven't shared our project with anyone else—"
"But you thought about it," said Richard.
I didn't say anything, but I knew the look on my face said it all.
"Well, Anita. You've changed." Richard said, looking slumped. "You know the monsters have started joking about Black counting? I used to be your everything partner, but now—now I'm just a werewolf with a black number of one."
Smart Cat[12]
"I've had enough!" roared Lioncat. "Enough of having to come here once a week[13]! Cat, our race can even do interstellar travel, I know how much energy it takes! There's no way you can't build a nuke or hit an asteroid or whatever to blow up that goddamn pyramid!"
Rational Giant - Seaman[14]
I can summon mystic knowledge for myself, just by holding up my spellbook and saying a spell: "Bayes' Theorem manifests!"
This body is the core of thought.
Faith as body,
And the choice is blood.
The revised judgment has reached more than a thousand.
Don't be afraid of losing.
I don't know what to get.
Accompanied by constant pain to cultivate oneself,
Wait for the truth to come.
This is the unknown road. [16]
this life is
"Infinite Bayesian theory!"
In the Name of Reason[17]
When the 11-year-old boy who would become a legend—dragon slayer, king slayer—approached the Sorting Hat to begin his practice of the occult, he had only one thought in mind.
Don't be Ravenclaw, don't be Ravenclaw, don't be Ravenclaw...
But the brim of the ancient felt magic prop had just slid over his brow—
The people around the blue table started to applaud him, and he made his way to the ghastly long table where he would sit for the next seven years.Coworth winced a little inwardly, waiting for the inevitable.And it happened almost immediately, just as he had feared.He didn't even have time to sit up.
"Hey!" An older boy showed a happy expression on his face as if he had thought of some clever idea, "'But I'm a' little crow[18]?"
Tianyuan breaks through Honglian Rational 40K[19]
I am sure I have made a wonderful time-travel fan[20], but unfortunately the space here is too small to write.
Utilitarian Twilight[21]
(I wrote this paragraph before I heard that Alicorn was writing a Twilight fanfic, but hadn't read Luminosity. If you're in the same league, you'll get it.)
"Edward," said Isabella softly.She reached out and stroked his cold and shining cheek. "You don't need to protect me from anything. I've listed all the advantages and disadvantages, assigning consistent relative weights. It's clear that the advantages of becoming a vampire outweigh the disadvantages."
"Bella," Edward said, swallowing desperately, "Bella—"
"Immortality. Perfect health. Awakened psychic powers. It's easy to live on animal blood if you try. And beauty, Edward. There are people who would give up their lives for beauty. Don't call them shallow, you haven't tasted it." Ugly. Do you think I'd be intimidated by the word 'vampire'? I'm tired of your unreasonable ethics of obligation[22], Edward. The entire human race deserves the same For the fun of it, tens of thousands of people die in the moment you hesitate."
The gun in the lover's hand was coldly pressed against his forehead.It won't kill him, but it will immobilize him long enough to—
Jasmine and the Magic Lamp[23]
Aladdin was a little bit reluctant, but his face was determined.This new-look street kid is speaking his last words to the mighty blue creature as he prepares to give up his temporary fortune and hope for his friend. "Spirit, I'm about to make a third wish. I wish I could make you—"
Princess Jasmine's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth half-opened as she watched all this.She was so startled that she could barely stay still, and snatched the magic lamp from the boy before he could finish the fatal sentence.
"I'm sorry," said Molly, "dear Aladdin, do you know that you are cute but a fool. Don't you realize that Jafar gets his three wishes when he gets the magic lamp?— —Oh, forget it. Elf, I hope that everyone can stay young and healthy forever; I hope that those who don’t want to die can live forever; I also hope that everyone’s IQ will increase at a rate of 1 point per year. She threw the magic lamp back into Aladdin's hand, "Go ahead."
Rationalist Hamlet[24]
(The original author is Histocrat on LiveJournal, thread number 13389. His id on LessWrong is HonorDB.)
(Authorized by the original author.)
Ha unexpected guest, stop this strange trick.Stop using the blindness of my grief and the kindness of my dear friend Horatio.Otherwise, if your name is really worthy of the appearance of this dear one, answer me: After playing with the slingshot when I was six years old, what graffiti did I present to King Hamlet?
A unicorn in full armor.
Oh my god.
Ghost listen to me.
Ha father, I listen.
The time is almost near when I must plunge into the miserable brimstone fire.
Ha you are being tortured?
Ghosts are, and so are all those who die without repentance.
Ha like all Danes, I learned these too.But as far as I think, such a willful approach should not be the work of the Almighty.Are people who die unattended and not cared for by God's chosen priests punished by the injustices of the world?
Guiwo was killed not because of the injustice of the world, nor because of an accident.
Ghost, if you really loved your father, you will avenge his murder which is against humanity and nature.
Ha ah God!
Damn my time is running out.Do you want to hear this story?
Ha do not listen.
What the hell?
Ha's love for my father demands that I avenge you, but today I hear of deeper crimes.If all the people who were killed and didn't repent because they just didn't have time went to hell, and if basically good people also suffered horribly at the hands of God, then I would object to God's plan.Dear Ghost, you dwell beyond the Veil, and you know things we mortals can hardly imagine.Tell me: Is there any potion or machine that does not belong to the category of nature but can be realized in nature, so that people can escape the clutches of death?
ghost you want to escape hell?
Ha I'm going to let everyone escape hell!So is heaven.Now that God has gone mad, I suspect that heaven doesn't make much sense either.I will make the earth a neighbor of heaven and I am its eternal king.
Hell I don't care about that.Death and hell have taken away all my desires, except for vengeance on the man who killed me.
Ha I won't avenge you unless you swear to me: If I remove your murderer, you will promise me a way to kill the god of death
The Word of Reason has spread through blogs, tweets, word-of-mouth recommendations, likes, forums, and recommended book lists.Remember, if your previous readers hadn't taken the time to do these things, you probably wouldn't have had the chance to discover this novel.If you're still not motivated to promote after hearing all this, I'd say Hermione will be sad if you don't want to help spread rational thought.You don't want Hermione to be sad, do you?
Also don't forget to read the above series of articles on LessWrong.This novel is just a shadow, those articles are the real existence.I recommend starting with the How to Really Change Your Mind series.
All worlds, then, belong to their original creators.Please enjoy:
Extra Story 4: The fan you are reading may still be
Ring of Reason[2]
Frodo looked at everyone, but no one looked at him, and everyone in the council lowered their heads, as if in deep thought.He felt a heavy weight in his heart, as if he was waiting for the sentence of death, but secretly hoped that he would never hear the end.All he wanted in his heart was to stay by Bilbo's side forever and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in Rivendell.Finally, he opened his mouth very reluctantly, and he himself doubted whether he could hear the voice coming out of his mouth.
"We cannot do this," said Frodo. "Certainly not. Can't you see? This is just what the Enemy expected. All this he expected."
All faces turned to him.The faces of the dwarves were puzzled, the faces of the elves were gloomy, the eyes of the men were determined, and the eyes of Elrond and Gandalf were so piercing that Frodo could hardly bear them.It made it hard for him not to hold the Ring in his hand, and even harder not to put it on and face them only as Frodo.
"Have you not doubted?" said Frodo, his voice as light as a breeze, swaying in the air, "you have chosen, against all odds, to send the Ring back to Mordor; should you not think ?Why did it become like this? Did we choose the one that the enemy most wanted among all the options? Maybe Mount Doom has strong enough guards, even Gandalf, Elrond and Glorfindel combined can block It's okay. Maybe the Lord of Mordor has cooled the lava and let Rikai just sink in, so he only needs to wait for the ring to be thrown in and then fish it out." At this time, an unusually clear memory flowed into Fro Much thought, and a dark laugh.A thought popped into his mind: that's exactly what the devil would do.It's just that the idea came in this form: If I really wanted to rule the world, it would be fun to do so...
Those present exchanged puzzled glances.Groin, Gimli, and Boromir looked at the elves with more suspicion, as if they had just woken up from a dream made of words.
"The Devil is cunning," said Gandalf, "and often weighs and calculates all things on the scales of his wickedness. But he has only desires in his heart, and therefore he measures all beings by desires. It never occurred to him that anyone should To be able to reject the Ring, and we who hold the Ring in our hands want to destroy it—”
"He will think!" cried Frodo.He tried his best to find words, trying to convey what he once understood very thoroughly, but gradually disappeared like ice and snow melting. "If the Demon King thinks that all enemies act only out of desire—then he'll guess wrong, guess wrong over and over again. Then the creator of the precepts will see this, and he'll realize where he's erred. Mistake!" Frodo held out his hands imploringly.
Boromir stirred, his voice full of suspicion. "As an enemy of the Demon King," said Boromir, "you think highly of him."
Frodo fell into a hopeless confusion, opening and closing his mouth; for Frodo knew, he knew the Man was mad, but he could think of nothing to say.
Then Bilbo spoke, and his old voice fell silent in the room, and even Elrond, who was about to speak, was silent for it. "I'm afraid Frodo is right," whispered the old hobbit. "I remember, remember what it was like--what it was like to see with dark eyes. I remember. The Enemy would think we might not trust each other , the weak among us will propose to destroy the precepts so that the strong cannot get it. He knows that even the not-so-kind people may shout to destroy the precepts and make a false appearance of kindness. And the devil will not rule out the meeting to make this The possibility of such a decision. You see, he doesn't trust us to be smart enough." A chuckle rose from the old hobbit's throat. "Even if he did rule out—ha, he'd still protect Mount Doom, it's a small cost, after all."
Now even the faces of the elves and wise men showed ominous premonition.Elrond frowned, and Gandalf's sharp eyebrows showed furrows.
Frodo stared at them all, and felt a rush of impulse, of despair.Just when his heart became cowardly, a shadow entered his field of vision, a darkness, a wave of shaking.Frodo saw Gandalf through the shadows: saw that his strength was his weakness, his wisdom his folly.Because Frodo knew—and the ring on his chest became a little heavy—that when Gandalf said that the devil had only desires in his heart, he didn't take into account all the history and legends, and didn't remember how Sauron made the efforts of the glory days. The Manors are dying and depraved.Likewise, it did not occur to Gandalf that the Enemy could understand good enemies by seeing them.
Frodo's eyes turned to Elrond, but there was no hope there.What Yingyi sees in her vision is neither the answer nor the way out.Because Elrond asked Isildur to take away the ring that should have been destroyed from Mount Doom, the price is the current war.He did not do it for Isildur's good, nor out of friendship.Because Li Jie ultimately caused Isildur's death, and he may have a worse fate.But the disaster caused by Isildur's behavior was a misty and distant future to Elrond at that time; while the price of hitting the back of Isildur's head with the hilt of a sword was an immediate necessity...
Frodo turned feebly to Aragorn, the weather-beaten man who had put on for the meeting the clothes that had become tattered in his travels.He was the king's son, but he spoke softly to the hobbits.But a second image appeared in Frodo's eyes, and in this shadowed image, Frodo saw a human who had spent too much time with elves as a boy, and learned to wear gold hazel Among the jade-clothed throng he clad himself in mean, shabby garments: he knew he could not match them in wit, and he could only hope to outwit them by an appearance they would not imitate...
In the vision of Lijie—that is, the vision of the Lord of Lijie—all noble things turned into tricks and lies, and turned into a dull gray-black world.Whether it is Gandalf, Elrond or Aragorn, their choices are not made out of consciousness, but out of impulse hidden in their own dark corners.Lijie clearly showed this dark hiding place to Frodo's eyes.If they cannot understand themselves or the reasons for their actions, how can they overcome the Shadow of Mordor?
"Frodo!" whispered Bilbo sternly.Frodo regained his senses, and stopped the hand that was moving towards the ring on his breast.The ring hung heavily around his neck like a boulder.
Just raise your hand and grab the precept.All the answers are there.
"How did you bear it so long?" Frodo whispered to Bilbo, as if they were the only two in the room, though all the council looked at them. "All these years? I can't imagine .”
"I locked it in a room, and only Gandalf had the key," answered his uncle, "and whenever I think how to force the door, I think of Gollum."
Frodo shivered, remembering the story.That horrible creature in the Misty Mountains, always thinking, thinking in the dark; ruling goblins from the shadows, setting caves full of traps.None of the dwarves would have escaped life if Bilbo had not put on the ring for the first time.Now, as Legolas the Elf had told them, Gollum had given up sending his men to the Shire, and at last found courage to leave the Mountains and seek the Ring himself.This is Gollum.Frodo would have suffered the same fate if the Ring had not been destroyed.
But they couldn't find a way to destroy the precepts.
The Enemy had anticipated every move they might make.He almost--Frodo still could not imagine how it was done, how the Enemy contrived it--almost caused the Council to send the Ring straight into Mordor, with only a small escort.They would have done it if Frodo and Bilbo had not been there.
Even if this quickest path to destruction is not chosen, failure is only a matter of time.Gandalf had delayed too long, had taken so long to organize this operation.Things would have been a lot easier if Bilbo had started 80 years ago.If only Gandalf had told Bilbo of his suspicions, if Gandalf's heart hadn't silently escaped the possibility of embarrassingly wrong...
Frodo's hand twitched across his chest.His fingers raised unconsciously again, and moved towards the heavy thing hanging on the chain on his chest.
Just put the ring on.
As long as this is done, everything will be clear.His mind would emerge from the morass of slowness, and all possibilities and futures would appear before him.He will see through the Demon King's plan, and devise a way to counterattack that cannot be dealt with——
—and he could never take off the ring again.The will remaining in his body is unlikely to allow him to take off the ring a second time.The time when he had put on the ring was a fading memory for Frodo, but he knew it would feel like death: the tower of thought would crumble in an instant, and only Frodo would be left.That feeling was the same as death: even if he had only a little memory of what happened to Fengyunding, he could remember it.If he did wear the ring a second time, he'd rather die wearing it, ending his life while he still had himself.Because Frodo knew he couldn't bear the consequences of wearing the ring for the second time, after the sudden loss of the sense of seeing everything...
Frodo looked around at everyone in the meeting, looking at the poor and helpless wise man who had lost his backbone.He knew that these people could not defeat the Demon King on their own.
"I will wear it for the last time," said Frodo, his voice broken.Because he'd known from the start that he'd end up saying those words, "One last time, to find answers for the meeting. Then it's up to the other hobbits."
"No!" screamed Sam, rushing from his hiding place; and Frodo, swift and sure as the Ringwraiths, had pulled the Ring out of his coat; but Bilbo knew not how, He had already come to the front and stuck his finger in.
Before Gandalf had raised his staff, and Aragorn had not raised his broken hilt; the dwarves cried out in amazement, and the elves were bewildered.
"Of course," began Bilbo, and Frodo began to cry, "I see, I understand at last. Listen. Listen, and hurry, all you have to do is—"
The Witch's Wardrobe[3]
Peter carefully watched the camped animals: centaurs with bows, beavers with long daggers, and talking bears in chain mail.He leads them, for he is one of the mythical sons of Adam, and sits on the highest throne of Narnia.But the truth was that he didn't know much about camping, weapons and patrol arrangements.All he could see was that everyone on his side was proud and confident.Peter could only hope they were right: if you don't trust your own people, there's no one else to trust.
"If it was me they were dealing with, I'd be terrified," Peter said finally, "but I don't know if it's enough to defeat...her."
"Do you think that mysterious lion will show up and help us?" said Lucy.Her voice was very low, and she didn't want the animals around to hear, "It would be great if it could come, don't you think? Instead of making others think that we are sent by him to take care of things."
Susan shook her head, and the magic arrow in the quiver behind her also shook. "If it existed," said Susan, "he wouldn't let the White Witch put the world in a hundred years of winter, would he?"
"I had a very strange dream," said Lucy.Her voice became softer, "In the dream we didn't need to organize these animals to persuade them to join the battle. The lion was already here when we came, and the whole army was ready to go. He rescued Edmond directly, and then we were by his side Towards a great war together, he slew the White Witch..."[4]
"Is there any moral to this dream?" Peter asked.
"I don't know," Lucy blinked, looking confused, "what we did in the dream didn't seem to make sense."
"I think it may be that the land of Narnia is trying to tell you," said Susan, "or it may be that your own dream is trying to tell you that if there were such people as lions, we are of no use."
My Little Pony: Friendship is Science[5]
"Applejack, you told me my mistakes directly. This represents the spirit of honesty!" Ziyue raised her head higher, her horsehair fluttering around her neck like the wind in the night sky, "Rourou, you Approaching the manticore and finding the spines on its paws. That represents the spirit of investigation! Pinkie, you realize those scary faces are just tree shadows. That represents the spirit of alternative hypotheses! Rarity, you solve for the python This represents the spirit of innovation! Rainbow Dash, you see that the opportunity to realize the inner desire is actually an illusion. This represents the spirit of analysis! Mary Susan[6], you agree with us Before we go together, ask us to convince you that we are right. This represents the spirit of peer review! When all these elements are ignited with the curiosity we all have in us, a seventh element is born - science - "
A wave of energy hit like a wind in a moonless night sky.Mary Susan was hit before she could even move.Before the other ponies could raise their front hooves in surprise, Mary Susan disappeared without a trace.
From among the broken thrones of all elements, a black figure barely recognizable in the shape of a horse uttered a voice.The sound seemed to pass through everyone's eardrums, burning like a cold flame, and appearing in the brains of all ponies.
Do you think I'll just stand there and watch you finish?
Ziyue stared at the clearing where the unicorn Mary Susan was just now, there was no trace at all.She—she just—she—in the back of her mind, she knew Rarity was screaming, even though she wasn't listening.
That is not dissociation.Nightmare's voice said, I just sent her away.
Rarity's screaming stopped abruptly.
Zi Yue felt that her own screaming had just begun.seven horses.Seven ponies are required to use the Quest element.Everyone knows that no matter how honest you are, how hard you investigate, how innovative you are, how accurate your analysis is, and how curious you are, the moment your research becomes scientific is the moment you publish it in a prestigious journal.Everybody knows.Will there be more than one peer review element at the same time - how long will it take to find another one - and Nightmare won't stand and watch them find it -
"Where?" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Where did you send her?"
I sent that pony to where I trapped my sad sister, right in the center of her sad sun.
"She will die!" Rourou looked at the nightmare in horror, and shouted, "It's too hot in there, she will burn!"
Oh don't worry.The power of Nightmare envelops your little friend, keeping her safe and cool without needing food or water.She's just bored.
A dark silhouette stepped from the throne, taking each slow, exaggerated step, past the remaining six ponies.
...as long as the power of nightmare is not destroyed.Like, because of some of my sister's backup plans that you probably know about.In that case, she would be evaporated immediately.Friendship, what a lovely concept.What a useful blackmail material.Save the searched elements.You don't want anyone to use it against me, do you?
"I don't want to." Zi Yue whispered.The horror gradually became clear in her heart.
Something seemed to crawl over her skin.Nightmare walked past her, and the deadly force caressed her body coldly.
I'll go first then, ponies.I am going to rule the eternal night.
"Think about the amount of calculations required to control more than 100 shadow clones," the genius of the Uchiha family said calmly. Big mistake in thinking. 'Lucky' is just a name people give to ignored data."
"But it can only be said to be good luck!" Sakura exclaimed.She worked hard to stabilize the words into the precise pronunciation that a rational ninja should adopt.It would be bad if the people she likes think she is an idiot, "As you said, the amount of calculation required to control more than 100 shadow clones is terrible, and it can be called a large-scale superintelligence. Naruto is the class The tail of the crane. His mind is not even comparable to that of a Jonin, let alone super intelligent!"
Uchiha's eyes flashed, similar to when he activated Zhilunyan[8]: "Naruto can control more than 100 clones that can act independently, and he must have enough raw brain capacity. However, usually , is there something preventing him from using the computing power efficiently, as if... something in his brain is fighting with himself? We now have reason to believe that Naruto is somehow connected to a superintelligence. And as a just The graduated Ninja, he is only 15 years old like us. Sakura, what happened 15 years ago?"
It took Sakura a while to understand this, and then recalled, so she understood.
The attack of the nine-brained demon fox.
It's just a small snow-white animal with long ears, a long tail and bright red eyes.It's no more powerful than a normal fox, and it doesn't breathe fire or shoot lasers of any kind.It has no chakra, nor any magic, but its intelligence is nine thousand times that of a human being.
Hundreds of people were killed and half the buildings collapsed.Almost the entire Mystery Village was destroyed.
"You think Chubby [9] is hiding inside Naruto?" Sakura asked, and after a while her mind automatically filled the theory with obvious corollaries, "and Naruto half the time acted like A nonsense idiot, but can control more than 100 shadow clones because of software conflicts between them. This actually... makes sense... Actually..."
As a person who came to this conclusion independently without being prompted by others, Sasuke nodded slightly arrogantly.
"Uh..." Sakura said.It was only because of so many years of rational training that she was able to transform the feeling of screaming out of panic into a practical behavior option, "Should we... tell someone? For example, within five seconds?"
"The grown-ups already knew." Sasuke said deadpan. "From what they've done with Naruto, that's the obvious explanation. No, the real problem is that this played a part in the Uchiha's strategy." What effect."
"I don't see how this can help—" Sakura began.
"Sure!" Sasuke's voice showed a bit of crazy emotion, "I asked that man why he did that, and he said I'll understand everything when I know the answer! This thing must be in the middle of all that !"
Sakura sighed softly.Her personal hypothesis is that Itachi just wants his brother to become paranoid.
"Yo, boys," the voice of their rational teacher came over the radio, "Boren Village wants to build a bridge, but I don't know why the bridge keeps breaking down. Meet at the entrance of the village at twelve o'clock at noon. This is your first meeting." A C-level analysis mission."
(Velorien was inspired to write an extended version of the fanwork, "LightingUptheDark")
Erdash the Chained[10][11]
"Anita, how can you do this?" Richard's voice pressed tightly, "How can you co-write the paper with Jane-Claude? You are studying undead creatures, not co-writing the paper with them!"
"What about you?" I spat at him. "You and Sylvie co-wrote a paper! You can go around collaborating, but I can't?"
"I'm the dean of her house," growled Richard.I could feel the science emanating from him, and he was angry. "I have to cooperate with Sylvie, but that doesn't mean anything! Anita, I thought our research topic was special!"
"It's special." I felt so helpless because I couldn't explain it to him.He didn't understand the thrill of being a polymath, couldn't see the new world that opened up before me. "I haven't shared our project with anyone else—"
"But you thought about it," said Richard.
I didn't say anything, but I knew the look on my face said it all.
"Well, Anita. You've changed." Richard said, looking slumped. "You know the monsters have started joking about Black counting? I used to be your everything partner, but now—now I'm just a werewolf with a black number of one."
Smart Cat[12]
"I've had enough!" roared Lioncat. "Enough of having to come here once a week[13]! Cat, our race can even do interstellar travel, I know how much energy it takes! There's no way you can't build a nuke or hit an asteroid or whatever to blow up that goddamn pyramid!"
Rational Giant - Seaman[14]
I can summon mystic knowledge for myself, just by holding up my spellbook and saying a spell: "Bayes' Theorem manifests!"
This body is the core of thought.
Faith as body,
And the choice is blood.
The revised judgment has reached more than a thousand.
Don't be afraid of losing.
I don't know what to get.
Accompanied by constant pain to cultivate oneself,
Wait for the truth to come.
This is the unknown road. [16]
this life is
"Infinite Bayesian theory!"
In the Name of Reason[17]
When the 11-year-old boy who would become a legend—dragon slayer, king slayer—approached the Sorting Hat to begin his practice of the occult, he had only one thought in mind.
Don't be Ravenclaw, don't be Ravenclaw, don't be Ravenclaw...
But the brim of the ancient felt magic prop had just slid over his brow—
The people around the blue table started to applaud him, and he made his way to the ghastly long table where he would sit for the next seven years.Coworth winced a little inwardly, waiting for the inevitable.And it happened almost immediately, just as he had feared.He didn't even have time to sit up.
"Hey!" An older boy showed a happy expression on his face as if he had thought of some clever idea, "'But I'm a' little crow[18]?"
Tianyuan breaks through Honglian Rational 40K[19]
I am sure I have made a wonderful time-travel fan[20], but unfortunately the space here is too small to write.
Utilitarian Twilight[21]
(I wrote this paragraph before I heard that Alicorn was writing a Twilight fanfic, but hadn't read Luminosity. If you're in the same league, you'll get it.)
"Edward," said Isabella softly.She reached out and stroked his cold and shining cheek. "You don't need to protect me from anything. I've listed all the advantages and disadvantages, assigning consistent relative weights. It's clear that the advantages of becoming a vampire outweigh the disadvantages."
"Bella," Edward said, swallowing desperately, "Bella—"
"Immortality. Perfect health. Awakened psychic powers. It's easy to live on animal blood if you try. And beauty, Edward. There are people who would give up their lives for beauty. Don't call them shallow, you haven't tasted it." Ugly. Do you think I'd be intimidated by the word 'vampire'? I'm tired of your unreasonable ethics of obligation[22], Edward. The entire human race deserves the same For the fun of it, tens of thousands of people die in the moment you hesitate."
The gun in the lover's hand was coldly pressed against his forehead.It won't kill him, but it will immobilize him long enough to—
Jasmine and the Magic Lamp[23]
Aladdin was a little bit reluctant, but his face was determined.This new-look street kid is speaking his last words to the mighty blue creature as he prepares to give up his temporary fortune and hope for his friend. "Spirit, I'm about to make a third wish. I wish I could make you—"
Princess Jasmine's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth half-opened as she watched all this.She was so startled that she could barely stay still, and snatched the magic lamp from the boy before he could finish the fatal sentence.
"I'm sorry," said Molly, "dear Aladdin, do you know that you are cute but a fool. Don't you realize that Jafar gets his three wishes when he gets the magic lamp?— —Oh, forget it. Elf, I hope that everyone can stay young and healthy forever; I hope that those who don’t want to die can live forever; I also hope that everyone’s IQ will increase at a rate of 1 point per year. She threw the magic lamp back into Aladdin's hand, "Go ahead."
Rationalist Hamlet[24]
(The original author is Histocrat on LiveJournal, thread number 13389. His id on LessWrong is HonorDB.)
(Authorized by the original author.)
Ha unexpected guest, stop this strange trick.Stop using the blindness of my grief and the kindness of my dear friend Horatio.Otherwise, if your name is really worthy of the appearance of this dear one, answer me: After playing with the slingshot when I was six years old, what graffiti did I present to King Hamlet?
A unicorn in full armor.
Oh my god.
Ghost listen to me.
Ha father, I listen.
The time is almost near when I must plunge into the miserable brimstone fire.
Ha you are being tortured?
Ghosts are, and so are all those who die without repentance.
Ha like all Danes, I learned these too.But as far as I think, such a willful approach should not be the work of the Almighty.Are people who die unattended and not cared for by God's chosen priests punished by the injustices of the world?
Guiwo was killed not because of the injustice of the world, nor because of an accident.
Ghost, if you really loved your father, you will avenge his murder which is against humanity and nature.
Ha ah God!
Damn my time is running out.Do you want to hear this story?
Ha do not listen.
What the hell?
Ha's love for my father demands that I avenge you, but today I hear of deeper crimes.If all the people who were killed and didn't repent because they just didn't have time went to hell, and if basically good people also suffered horribly at the hands of God, then I would object to God's plan.Dear Ghost, you dwell beyond the Veil, and you know things we mortals can hardly imagine.Tell me: Is there any potion or machine that does not belong to the category of nature but can be realized in nature, so that people can escape the clutches of death?
ghost you want to escape hell?
Ha I'm going to let everyone escape hell!So is heaven.Now that God has gone mad, I suspect that heaven doesn't make much sense either.I will make the earth a neighbor of heaven and I am its eternal king.
Hell I don't care about that.Death and hell have taken away all my desires, except for vengeance on the man who killed me.
Ha I won't avenge you unless you swear to me: If I remove your murderer, you will promise me a way to kill the god of death
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