heavy fog

Chapter 12 Accident

A silver-white airship rushed out of the blizzard on the ice field, the luster of the metal shell fluctuated, and the perfect mimicry was activated.

It is hidden in the dense dark clouds, concealed in the darkness, there is no energy fluctuation around the airship, like a leaf blown by a strong wind.

"It's still 10 minutes away from the Deep Blue Star Civilian Port, please be prepared."

The avatar of the silver-armored knight on the screen disappeared, and at the same time, the lights inside the entire airship dimmed, "After landing, the power of Syr is reduced to [-]%, and I only keep in touch with you on the spiritual wave. I look forward to your good luck, master."

As soon as Shier finished speaking, the airship sank suddenly, sweeping a strange S shape in the wind and snow.

Wen Luan couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground: "Didn't you say that there are still 10 minutes..."

"Warning, the Deep Blue Star government may have discovered my disappearance. There are mechas of the same level as me or even higher, and the search system has been activated."

Damn it, sure enough.

"What should we do now?!" Wen Luan got up, thinking blackly, he couldn't even understand the instrument panel of this mecha!

"My IQ setting is higher than that of Andros, but my escape speed is theoretically faster than all mechs."

Xier mechanically said: "The energy transfer of the thinking module, the external connection of the optical brain is closed, the navigation system is canceled... all programs are closed, and the full output of energy is speed, confirm!"


The airship shook slightly, and rushed out like lightning. It wasn't going in a straight line, it was almost catching up with the speed of light. The 9-minute flight distance was shortened to less than one second, and it appeared in the open dark blue star port.

Wen Luan's whole body seemed to be thrown away by a strong force, his eyes were completely dark, he only heard a loud sound of falling into the water, and then he didn't know anything.

The narrow blimp crashed precisely into the stormy waves at the edge of the port.

The communication waves of the entire port made a low buzzing sound, and snowflakes appeared on the screen, but they came and went quickly. The moored merchant ships and the port staff blinked, and all the instruments were back to normal.

"It's time for your machines to be replaced, miser, one day's tax revenue at this port is enough for you to replace them with brand new equipment!"

A stout man standing on the passageway of the port cursed very unpleasantly. This small malfunction just now interrupted the inspection of his spaceship entering the port, and he had to do it all over again.

There are 50 identical passageways next to him. The entire hall is 3000 meters high, and its length and width are more than [-] meters. There are at least hundreds of spaceships waiting in line to enter the port.

The ground is smooth, the walls and the top of the high hall are transparent, and one can see the blizzard outside, as well as the constantly churning waves hitting the shore. Waves, such a spectacular and horrifying display of terrifying natural power, made many people who came to Deep Blue Star for the first time feel novel and frightened.

"Hey, this planet has only one piece of land, so the height of the huge waves coming across the vast sea is quite amazing."

On the other side of the hall is the VIP channel, which is specially provided for nobles, officials or wealthy businessmen with status.

At this moment, a young man excitedly began to brag about his knowledge of this famous city to his girlfriend. He was driving a small space shuttle. This thing is like a yacht in the 21st century. It is exclusively for the children of the rich and suitable for traveling in the star system. .

"You can't imagine how great this dungeon is, with all the entertainment you can think of, and all the entertainment you can't think of! Meredith City is the most wonderful paradise, as long as you have money, damn it, yes... as long as you have money, don't care Is it me, or the smugglers and interstellar pirates who are entering Hong Kong, can find a suitable place to spend entertainment!"

The young man opened his hands and finally sighed, "Unfortunately, only citizens of the Dark Blue Kingdom can live in Meredith City, and outsiders are only allowed to stay for 30 days... Oh, my dear, what did you say? Meredith On the ground of Diss, haha, that is the political center of their kingdom, as well as the military jurisdiction, after all, this is the capital of their country, hey—"

The young man stared blankly at the transparent wall, and there seemed to be a silver-white object in the waves.

Is it a fish?

Spaceships and merchant ships slowly move upwards into the berth of the port, which is even bigger, and there is an elevator leading to the underground every 500 meters. The tall robot stood there, and tourists kept running over. After paying, they excitedly got into the robot, and then jumped into the waves outside.

"Using the first-generation ground amphibious combat mecha to play surf diving can only be done in the Deep Blue Kingdom. The mecha with this configuration is only used by the army and the police in our place. They have all been eliminated." Exclaimed.

Even though the weapons on the mecha had been dismantled, those tourists who had never used the mecha could not refuse such an exciting experience, and there was a long queue around it.

Wen Luan was awakened by the commotion.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and found that in the deep sea water around him, there were constantly mighty metal robots swimming clumsily, breaststroke, dog planing, and unable to control the direction, being overturned by the waves like dead fish. past.


Is this the pursuit force?Come to hunt down their kingdom elite?

Where did I go wrong——

Wen Luan shook his head in a daze, and suddenly realized that he was also a robot—no, he was also inside a robot of the same kind.

Through the mask, the eyes can clearly see the rough limbs.


"The mimicry program has been activated, the imitation object..." Seier reported a series of codes without emotion. This is the type code of the robot nearby, and it reminded Wen Luan: "Please go ashore as soon as possible and leave the port within half an hour. The power furnace is shut down and will not be found for a short time."

"Why are we in the sea?"

After three seconds of silence, Seir said seriously: "Although 'our journey is a sea of ​​stars', sometimes we will fall into the sea."


Throw away this bastard mecha!What a shame to be hunted down by the kingdom for it!

Wen Luan took a deep breath, and then he found that the mecha is not difficult to operate at all, the mecha can complete whatever movements he makes.

The issue is!

He can't swim!Where did the environment in Meteorite Town allow him to learn to swim?

So even though he was wearing the highest-tech mech in the Deep Blue Kingdom, Wen Luan was still like those tourists, throwing himself desperately in the waves. Shier calmly and calmly described the port situation, but it just read it according to the information, what about southeast, northwest, Wen Luan It's still in the sea, how could it be possible to tell the difference?

"Accident..." Shier said the word slowly, then nodded, "Understood, even for mechas with a high IQ at the beginning, there will always be accidents. We only have three or ten minutes to escape from the port , I 'accidentally' discovered that you may need 10 minutes to learn to swim."

"To shut up!"

Wen Luan got blue veins on his forehead and roared, "Don't nod your head indiscriminately, I can't see the direction clearly."

At this moment, Wen Luan felt a powerful wave sweep across the sea, and his body froze instantly.

But this detection wave didn't find him, passed by, and extended in another direction.

"Another guy with a higher level than me." Shier said calmly, "My master, if you can't learn to swim, we're done."

"...Learning to swim in such a heavy mecha! Is there anyone more unlucky than me?"

"Deny, I have an anti-gravity device, and my original weight was three tons."


Wen Luan hit his head heavily with his metal arm, gritted his teeth and said, "Leave a little more weight."

"No, one hundred kilograms is the normal weight of this kind of amphibious combat mecha, if I change it or make extra moves, it will be exposed."

Wen Luan had the urge to vomit blood.

His potential was indeed good. After 13 minutes, Wen Luan finally jumped ashore from the seabed which was only seven meters deep.

The staff at the surfing and diving department spoke to Wen Luan with a smile on their faces.

"Yes?" Wen Luan anxiously whispered.

"He said please take off the mecha."

"... Take it off?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter. According to the information, there are many foreign tourists in the port, not to mention those who wear snow wolf fur, even the people who wear leaves."

The sound can only be heard inside the mecha, and the staff outside still maintain a professional smile.

"What about you?"

"There is monitoring here, you leave first, I will find a chance to transform."


Wen Luan walked out of the robot with black hair, and immediately there were tourists waiting in line to play.At this moment, the red light on the chest of the robot that Syer turned into kept lighting up, which was a reminder that energy needs to be replenished.

The staff immediately apologized regretfully to the tourists, and used the mechanical hand to pull Shier into a bunch of robots that had also run out of energy.

The spectacular sight of the port berth made Wen Luan's scalp tingle, everything was in order, and if he wanted to find a spaceship to sneak out, it was as difficult as taking a plane without a ticket, it was simply impossible.

Wen Luan turned his head three times and walked away. He wasn't worried about Xier, but -- bastard, he didn't even have a translator with him, how could he escape?


Wen Luan didn't look at the road, and bumped into someone heavily.

Then he was roughly grabbed by the shoulders. The opponent was at least two meters tall, with a bald head and a bright red tiger head tattoo on his left cheek, staring fiercely at Wen Luan.

Wen Luan subconsciously stared at the opponent's neck, and with a movement of his arm, he directly hit him hard with an elbow hammer.

In the end, this guy was like an iron tower, not moving at all, but his expression changed from ferocious to a little puzzled, and he said to himself: "It's strange, why does it look familiar."

Wen Luan couldn't understand what he said, but the image of the other party was too obvious. Wen Luan's memory hadn't been frozen by the cold wind of the ice field, so he blurted out: "Jim, is it you?"

English made the bald man turn blue instantly, and immediately put Wen Luan down to look carefully.

"Jim, how could you—" Wen Luan's mind was buzzing. Jim is the head miner of Meteorite Town. He is very rough and often uses his fists to reason.

Why is this guy here?

The fierce triangular eyes of the bald man twitched in horror, and he also blurted out: "Wen?"

Really Jim? !

It's so bizarre!This is the civilian port of the third kingdom of the Beluga galaxy, the capital of the dark blue star, after 2000!

Wen Luan couldn't help but widen his eyes, the air around him trembled slightly, and a thin layer of fog appeared that was completely impossible to appear in the spaceship parking lot.

A row of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the bald man, he immediately grabbed Wen Luan's shoulders, and whispered in English: "This is not a place to talk, we need to leave Deep Blue Star as soon as possible, believe me, it's - damn it God, look at the piety of Father De Ferre of the Meteorite Town Church, your friend—of course, it was not a friend before, but it must be now, follow your friend Jim, hurry up!"

After speaking, he dragged Wen Luan towards a spaceship with a bumpy appearance.

"I want to leave the port urgently!" Miner Jim shouted at the port staff.

"Sir, please line up, you need to wait." The port inspector said coldly, "Also, there is no such person in your entry record, he is not your companion!"

"Damn it, we're going out, not coming in..." Jim suddenly felt a heavy weight on his arm, he trembled and looked back at Wen Luan, and sure enough, he found that Wen Luan had fallen down unconsciously.

The inspector's eyes were in a trance, and the entire port fell silent at this moment. Everyone turned into puppets, maintaining the movements just now, looking ahead blankly.

Jim cursed in distress, scratching his head frantically.

The east side of the mooring is the entrance, and the west side is the departure checkpoint, which leads directly to the exit.

The bald man opened the hatch, carried Wen Luan up, then hurriedly drove the spaceship, slammed into several shuttles, and rushed out.

He didn't notice that the spaceship sank slightly during the collision, because a silver metal ball flew out from the pile of robots and stuck to the top of the spaceship.

The moment the spaceship left the berth, the hustle and bustle of having been pressed the pause button resumed.

As if everyone didn't realize it, the inspector looked at the parking space in front of him in a daze, and crossed out the registration record in his hand.

Ten minutes later, the maintenance worker who filled the robot with energy blocks was in a daze: "It's strange, why would you take an extra block?"

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