heavy fog

Chapter 129 Dark Decision

A pirate with professional ethics who has changed from a robber to a patrolling prosecutor on a space station in the galaxy.

"This is the energy block that your country provides to the front line?!" Wearing a space suit, the pirate, who could not tell what kind of intelligent race he was, stepped on the box and yelled so loudly that all the officials from various countries waiting to check the supplies heard arrive.

"Tsk, this color!" The pirate took out a vacuum-packed energy block from the box, and threw it back casually. This bold action made everyone take a step back subconsciously, and some of them couldn't help but cover their eyes. .

The ground of the space station is made of alloy. If you are unlucky, the energy block will be dropped and the packaging will be broken, and sparks will appear, so you have to watch the fireworks on the spot!

Fortunately, this was only a false alarm.

Another pirate stretched out his hand nimbly, without even raising his head, he caught the energy block that flew in front of his eyes, then weighed it casually, and then sneered: "D-grade goods, the mine leader collected them and sold them to the interstellar transportation company." The breed that earns rags-to-riches extra money!"

The pirate who checked the cargo box had already picked up the escort officer from that small country, and roared fiercely with round eyes: "Your country doesn't want to mess around anymore? Don't you know that the supplies are sent to the front-line theater? The success or failure of the war is related to my uncle. Can't continue to be a pirate freely!"

The poor escort officer was shaken so dizzy that he struggled and cursed:

"Our country does not produce energy! Damn it, you group of galaxy locusts, dare to treat me like this, who gave you the right to spot check the goods?"

"Tsk! Of course it is our leader's favorite Prime Minister Cyrus of the Deep Blue Kingdom."

This fault-finding pirate is not a creature of darkness, so he has no chance of knowing the truth.

Next to the little pirate leader, an orc with black lines all over his head, coughed several times to no avail.

As for people from other countries who passed by the space supply station, they were completely dumbfounded—could the news in the social news gossip be true?The head of the pirates in the Moby Whale galaxy is having a twitch, planning to pursue the boss of the Deep Blue Kingdom?

Everyone can scold the pirates of the galaxy, but the Deep Blue Kingdom is an existence that can only be slandered in the heart, especially when the defense line and the route, you can see the spaceship of the Deep Blue Kingdom from time to time.

In the third kingdom of the Beluga galaxy, there is no war all year round, but the number of troops is not small at all!Everyone is very surprised by this. Although the Deep Blue Kingdom is rich, but to support so many legions, do the citizens have any objections?

In the end, the answer made all countries want to vomit blood—those troops with new models of warships and bright weapons are just the reserve force corps of the local planets of the Deep Blue Kingdom. In short, they are not considered a formal military establishment. Engage in patrol and logistics is a good hand.

"Master Settra said that the Moby Dick Galaxy Covenant has been signed, and there must be no problem with the supplies sent to the front line!" The pirate continued to shake the escort officer with a smirk, "You want to shoddy, there is no way!"

Seeing that the escort officer's eyes were turning white and his tongue was almost sticking out, the officer of the Menchala space station hurried out to stop him: "Quickly put down the people of the Red Fire Federation, what are you locusts going to do?"

"What? I said you were from the Scarlet Fire Federation!" The pirate put on a shocked expression, quickly put the poor escort down, and even took the initiative to pat him for ashes—although these follow-up actions directly captured the escort On the ground, but the attitude of sincerely admitting mistakes is fully revealed, which makes the people around them bewildered. The Red Fire Federation is one of the many small countries at the bottom of the Moby Dick galaxy. Is there a secret weapon that the interstellar scourge pirates should avoid?

The escort officer sat on the ground, his expression obviously still in confusion.

This powerful pirate snatched the energy block from his companion, stuffed it back into the box, and restored everything to its original state. Then he patted the escort officer on the shoulder, almost knocking him down on the ground.

"Every time I go to snatch your country's spaceship, the loot I get is not enough for the energy we consumed on the way, the wasted physical strength, and the spiritual loss caused by loss! It's really not easy to be so poor and keep alive! You must take the treasury It’s all empty, this firm spirit of supporting the Beluga Galaxy Covenant is really worth learning from other countries! Keep busy, we’re leaving!”


The escort officer of the Red Fire Federation was buried so that his face turned blue and white, and found that the people around him were also smiling bitterly. He got up angrily, squeezed through the crowd with the box and rushed to the exit. They ran away with this batch of support goods.

As soon as he left, the scene immediately burst into laughter.

"Haha, this Red Fire Federation! It's poor and stingy, its reputation is over this time!" A diplomat almost choked out of laughter.

"I can't bear to come up with decent things... I don't want to be so poor, who has nothing to do to trick them!" Several other officials from various countries who have dealt with the Red Fire Federation also beamed, and said cheerfully, "That's it! The things in the national treasury are similar to the broken garbage sold by mine supervisors! The lace news must be all the members of the Red Fire Federation, still wearing the sackcloth clothes of the barbaric era, I don’t know if they need to light a bonfire to keep warm when they have meetings!”

"In other words, they shouldn't take the opportunity to run away and not send anything!"

"Hey, don't worry! Where does a small country have the guts to violate the covenant of the Moby Dick galaxy!"

"That's right, they're going to take advantage of the large amount of supplies and stuff them in there, and it's over! When they escort the supplies from the country alone, the logistics inspector of the Deep Blue Kingdom sees the garbage, and won't you turn your face immediately?"

There was an uproar in the space station because of this joke.

All the countries in the Beluga galaxy have some good things that are under the box that they don’t want to take out, but they don’t dare to make them too ugly. This is a galaxy where wars break out all the time. All countries have hoarded a large amount of war materials. No one dares to shamelessly say that our country has nothing.

The Scarlet Flame Federation, which is filled with rubbish, has always been so weird in the world. Others despise it from the bottom of their hearts, but they still have to show diplomatic face. Now they are elated, and some idiots who don't like it are punched by another hooligan who doesn't like it. It's so refreshing!

The little goodwill gained by the pirates will soon be exhausted in the next few days.

Who knows the financial power of the countries in the Beluga Galaxy, whether official or private, and can even rank them in detail?

Who is very clear about the spacecraft structure and technological level of the countries in the Beluga Galaxy, and can't name the technical terms, but can tell them how much they are worth?

The Intelligence Agency of the Deep Blue Kingdom will not do this kind of investigation, and the Republic of Moldia does not have this capability, only pirates!

The pirate organization that has been robbing the Moby Dick galaxy for hundreds of years knows every country well!He also has a sharp eye on the quality of various materials, and he can't get away with cheating. He jokes that pirates sometimes have to deal with smugglers, how poisonous his eyes are!

"The Deep Blue Kingdom is really disgusting, use this swarm of locusts to humiliate us!" This is the official complaint of various countries, but privately, the more they think about it, the more they become afraid. Could it be that this is also deliberately arranged by the Deep Blue Kingdom?Put the pirates on the rear supply line instead of stuffing them into the front line as cannon fodder, just to supervise them?


Sil Space Fortress was dismantled into five parts, and divided into a ring-shaped battle defense formation, quietly staying in the boundless starry sky, each part was connected by pipelines, and spaceships were constantly coming and going, very busy.

In the semi-circular fortress in the middle, there is a rotunda with a width of more than 100 meters, where the members of the Dark Council, pirates, and blood race orcs who have not been stationed on other planets in the dark blue star are sitting.

Shier differentiated into a silver-armored knight, with his helmet lifted up, revealing a handsome face with cold lines, with the back of his hand behind him holding a knight's gun with a blue arc flashing upside down, and his dark eyes of truth kept scanning everyone in the hall.

It stood behind Wen Luan's seat.

Tapir's ability only exists in dreams, Wen Luan is not that stupid, thinking that he is the speaker of the dark council, and exposed himself to a group of dark creatures defenselessly.

It may be difficult for a small town bus driver to sit in the middle of the hall as if nothing had happened—the layout is similar to that of the headquarters of the Dark Council, but there are no high and low steps. The third elder of the Black Cat insisted that the Dark Council is used to this way of meeting, a symbol of democracy and peace It was the round table (Wen Luan almost ordered Shier to grab its cat tail and throw it out).

But for the tapir, there is no pressure. Wen Luan has seen too many nightmares in his memory, such as zombies besieging the city, werewolves attacking the town, giant spider Godzilla, and even the scene of marching in the jungle surrounded by ants and gourmet mermaids. In case, it can be said that Xier is behind him, everyone is in Xier's body, and Wen Luan has no fear!

He sat lazily on a comfortable soft-backed chair.

He was fiddling with a big brass key-shaped object in his hand. This was the "symbol" that he got from the Dark Parliament. It was said that only the speaker could take it down. It was a legendary imitation of Raymond Gayton.

Although the necromancer great elder is very tricky, he doesn't seem to be lying on this point. At least those dark creatures who came to meet the "Speaker" in spaceships, after seeing this thing, they endured it and said nothing.

"All the representatives are basically here!" The black cat jumped onto the chair, and the hall fell silent immediately.

The black cat wagged its tail and looked serious: "The current situation in the Moby Whale galaxy must be understood by everyone! The Holy Glory Empire is handed over to the Nightmare and the Deep Blue Kingdom to deal with it, and the hidden power of the Dark Council in all countries must be mobilized—we cannot Defeated!"

There was no objection, and the hall remained silent.

"Cough!" Prince Settra stood up and said on behalf of the pirate organization and his own family, "The speaker means to open up another battlefield to try to destroy or drive away the demon party! Let the traitors of the Dark Parliament not be able to influence this war !"

Now the expressions of the dark creatures changed, the wizards whispered to each other, the vampires frowned, and the orcs raised their voices and didn't know what they were shouting about!

Wen Luan threw the key on the ground with a bang.

The voice was very soft, but the eyes of the dark creatures followed, and then they closed their mouths.

"Who knows the Dark Council best? Your enemies! Do you want to leave them to the Holy Glory Empire?" Wen Luan directly regarded those strange-looking guys as sculptures, so as not to hurt his eyes.

He didn't even bother to stand up, Wen Luan didn't see himself as a member of the Dark Council (in fact, it was very difficult to admit that he was a member of this neurotic organization), he neither wanted to blend into this group, nor did he care about it What do dark creatures think of him.

Only interest is the most eternal in the world!

Wen Luan talked about his interests. With these days of contact, he knows this group of dark creatures mainly composed of blood clan secret parties. He is a bit stubborn and conservative. He likes entertainment more than improving his own strength. He lacks aggressiveness. These are two complete extremes.

Like pirates, it is difficult to persuade them to work hard if it is not something that interferes with their own interests.

"You guys know what the Holy Glory Empire can do!" Wen Luan said in a threatening tone, which was Tapir's specialty.

Just because dark creatures are not on the recipes of succubi and tapirs doesn't mean they won't be affected.

The dark creature that can sit here is at least two or three hundred years old, and of course it cannot be easily shaken by a few threats. Wen Luan was about to continue working hard when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a light mist around him.

The fog was too thin, only Tapir and Seir's eyes of truth could detect it.

"...The Dark Blue Kingdom doesn't exist. How could the headquarters of the Dark Council survive the attacks of the Demon Party and the Holy See?" Wen Luan said while wondering where the fog came from.

Cyrus is tens of thousands of light-years away. Only succubi have the ability to create dreams, tapirs do not, and tapirs only eat ready-made ones.

"Yes! You can say that besides the deep blue star, the Beluga galaxy has a vast star field! And then?" Wen Luan was puzzled, and he did not let go of the business. He sneered and kicked the key aside. He also stepped on one foot very cooperatively. This action caused a few old-school necromancers and blood dukes to whistle like a bellows leak, and their eyes were burning when they saw Wen Luan.

"You can only hide in Tibet! How strict is a country completely covered by religion? You who are familiar with the history of the ancient earth know better than me! Secret parties, wizards, orcs, wake up! Do you think the technological strength of the Deep Blue Kingdom is sufficient? Can you resist the Holy Glory Empire, which monopolizes a galaxy? You follow the concept of avoiding the world, not becoming bereaved dogs!"

Leaning on the chair, Wen Luan laughed and said, "Don't expect the Devil Party to fall out with the Holy Glory Empire. They will cooperate until you are completely destroyed and there is resistance in the Moby Whale Galaxy! For those who believe in God, there is What is more convenient than demons killing each other? It is a joke to hope that the enemy makes mistakes instead of fighting hard! Are you still inferior to the humans of the Deep Blue Kingdom?"

The mist crept in silently.

It can't create dreams smoothly, but it can make Wen Luan's voice intentionally conjure up in everyone's minds a future in which the power of the Dark Council is taken away by the Demon Party and they flee in embarrassment.

Wen Luan finally figured out where the fog came from.

In the tapir body!

The last time I had contact with the Nightmare itself, I left it to him! !

——It’s not just the effect of that. When they lived together in the dream before, when they were close and tentatively contacted, there was a small amount of power exchanged and merged. Although they couldn’t completely become a part of themselves, the power of the other party was indeed exist!

So the last time Cyrus was in the twin stars, when he created a dream, he could still make the attackers of the Holy Radiance Empire fall into a terrifying nightmare!

Wen Luan's expression was grim for a moment.

The dark creatures who didn't understand the truth were successively affected by the power of the succubi + the terror of the tapir, and seeing Wen Luan's expression, they all mistakenly thought that it was worry and anger about the future.

"I support." An old orc raised his hand.

"I agree." Then came the head wizards of other countries in the Beluga Galaxy.

The black cat tilted its head to think, and the last one slowly raised its paw.

Wen Luan tried his best to forget someone, and pointed at the starry sky with a twisted grimace: "Let's focus on the Storm Starfield, Xier, come out with your trap plan!"

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