heavy fog

Chapter 139

Single Karabi plunged into the tail of the comet, using a large amount of ion gas to interfere with the search of the pursuers.

The original golden shell of the five-pointed star tends to be white, and a large amount of cosmic dust is condensed on it, completely hidden in the hundreds of millions of kilometers long tail of this periodic comet.

Sitting in front of Zhang Sen was a group of Morvians with strange expressions.

——Now it’s on the way to escape.

The base was completely destroyed, and this monster mecha even entrenched in the base and swallowed three spaceships of the Holy Radiance Empire one after another. This was not enough, and the third echelon of the empire that searched for that star system was also gnawed.Facing the belated pursuit of the Holy Glory Empire, everyone in the Dan Karabi Space Fortress had their hearts hanging in their throats.

That's right, Shan Karabi is now divided according to the standard of body length, and it is definitely a space mobile fortress.

Remembering that when Zhang Sen came back with this guy in his arms, it was still a five-pointed star that was about the size of a penguin and walked like a penguin.


As long as these mechs are given enough time, enough energy and materials, can they evolve into brutal weapons of war?It was known before that the Deep Blue Kingdom was the hidden boss of the Beluga Galaxy, and no one dared to provoke it. They really wanted to steal technology and develop it back, but the reality gave them a blow.

——This kind of mech is stolen back, and it needs to be fed to a base, twelve Holy Radiance Empire spaceships, who can afford it? !

I'm afraid that even the Deep Blue Kingdom couldn't afford to support themselves, so they piled up all the mechas in the warehouse, and Zhang Sen just picked them up and brought them back!

It is estimated that the labels given to these mechas in the Deep Blue Kingdom are "dangerous goods" and "do not move".

The military leader who sent Zhang Sen to the Deep Blue Kingdom had already died for his country, and no one could take responsibility for it.

Point the finger at Zhang Sen?

Forget it, they are all in the belly of this mecha, and the future of Morvia may depend on this dangerous product.It’s just that many people are a little bit unwilling: they only heard that the creatures have a chick plot, but they didn’t hear that the mechs also have a good impression of the humans they saw at first sight!Could it be that Zhang Sen brought it out of the Deep Blue Kingdom, enough for the allegiance of a heavyweight and dangerous mecha?

If I had known this before, I would have rushed to become a diplomat in the Deep Blue Kingdom if I said anything!


In the open hall, only one screen is bright, and two curves dance up and down on the three-dimensional star map, one of which represents the trajectory and speed of a comet, and the other is a schematic diagram of a single Calabi flight.

Through unremitting efforts to calculate, more and more parts of the two curves overlap, and the difference gradually becomes smaller.

Three red dots suddenly appeared on the star map, and the Morvian's heart tightened suddenly.

No one dared to speak. About ten minutes later, the red dot was gone, and when they left the area, people breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from their foreheads limply.

No matter how stupid people are, they know that there is no option to surrender now. Even the most pessimistic and most unwilling to believe in a single Karabi Mulvian official can only silently hope that they will not be discovered and captured by the Holy Glory Empire, otherwise there will be no real choice. alive.

"The countries of the Moby Dick galaxy have signed a common covenant... In order to resist the invaders from other galaxies... All countries have publicly stated that they are willing to accept the citizens of Morvia who were exiled due to the war..."

After the red dot disappeared, the communication channel was turned on again, intermittently playing the declaration issued by the Beluga Galaxy dozens of years ago. Because of the long distance and inaccurate positioning, most of the time there was only a chirping sound, and it was difficult to hear the content clearly.

But this is the only way they can know the situation outside...

If Wen Luan was here, he would definitely feel like this group of people was hiding in an underground air-raid shelter during the war bombing, listening to the news with the tape recorder on with trepidation.

"Shan Karabi, is there no updated information?" Zhang Sen asked.

He was still not used to the five-pointed star that would slap on the ground when he walked, and suddenly expanded to a multi-layered space fortress that could hold thousands of people.

"Buyer is going to interrogate the prisoners." Pentagram said slowly.

With the single Calabi smart program turned on, Starfish Bujer can only gain the initiative for a short time.

Although Zhang Sen still felt that the five-pointed star was closer, the base Morvian described the terrifying starfish Bujer, which gave him chills when he thought of it, but now he was fleeing for his life. We run for our lives?"

"Gudu, Buyer is not good at flying, Buyer..." Pentagram thought for a long time before finding an appropriate answer, "Buyer was built on my body, and I can use many basic functions better .”

"..." There is always a sense of sight of plant grafting.

"The Holy Glory Empire must be closely monitoring the borders of Molvia. We want to leave. It will be very difficult to successfully rendezvous with the Beluga Galaxy coalition forces." The old general in Molvia who strongly opposed the surrender said, "All space jump points may be Being monitored, at the current speed, it may take us 200 years to reach the Storm Star Domain."

Zhang Sen finally thought of a key question: "Carabi alone, how much energy do you have? How long can you sustain the flight?"

"About two days... hungry."

Pentagram is hungry all day long. At first, he had nothing to eat, but now he eats too much.

Zhang Sen's hair stood on end.

What can you do in two days without risking your way to the space station and into the jumping point?In such a boundless place like the cosmic starry sky, it is impossible to fly out of this star system in just two days!

"What should I do?"

Running out of energy in the universe is no different from declaring death.

"Could it just be a fight!" People commented in panic.

"Shan Karabi, you have no plan?" Zhang Sen asked, his body had just recovered, his face was pale, and when he got anxious, he even began to breathe quickly.

"Hungry." Pentagram said aggrievedly, "Buyer won't let me eat!"


"Data exchange." Dan Karabi replied quickly, "Buyer said that if the prey does not fly close, we will be in trouble if we eat it, and Zhang Sen will be in danger. The spaceship that is alone can be considered."


The Morvians in the entire cabin are silent, what about their existence?Are they background?

"Wait, this star map... you are not going to the Storm Star Region, where are you going?"

The comet's tail happened to sweep across a planet, and Calabi landed silently, deep into the craters on the dry and cracked planet's surface, the five-pointed star gradually returned to golden yellow, and many heavy digging tools appeared on the edge, throwing away thick rocks.

"Paji." Pentagram gnawed on the passage he opened.

In just a few minutes, it dug away a large pile of raw ore.

Pentagram re-launched to continue searching for a comet that would temporarily shelter it.

"Hematite, energy mine..."

Dan Calabi pointed out the planets one by one, and the route has indeed deviated from the straight line to the Storm Star Field, and it circled half a circle, almost reaching the edge of the Beluga Galaxy.

Pentagram muttered, "Hungry, Red Spider Nebula, there is something to eat."

In the face of an energy crisis, no one dared to raise an opinion.

The edge of a huge galaxy is often a place densely populated by comet groups, and the stars here are very young and active.It didn't take long for Calabi to find another comet that was slightly smaller, curled up into a ball and rolled into the comet's tail to continue sailing synchronously.

The tails drawn by comets get longer as they get closer to the stars. They can only be said to be common at the edge of galaxies, but they cannot hold up to a large number. Some comets have more than one tail at all, and some comets have similar orbits and have fusion tails.After Dan Calabi covered the outer shell with a layer of camouflaged gas ions, he quietly followed the comet's trajectory, brushing past and passing by.

The comet trajectory curves on the screen are added one after another.

Zhang Sen was already dizzy after seeing it, but Dan Karabi happily changed seats, just like a child who rides a bus for free, jumping off this hitchhiker and taking another route.

The speed is constantly adjusted, and the ion gas camouflage of the shell of the pentagram is more perfect. The comet has a lot of impurities. In this huge group of comets, even if you see a single Calabi drilled in with your own eyes, you will soon lose its trace.

"Zhang Sen, the shell defense of this mecha..." the old general asked tremblingly.

Don't look at the five-pointed star is having fun and running smoothly now, once it gets close to the star, the comet may shatter and turn into a meteor shower, it's no wonder that the five-pointed star is not smashed into sesame cakes!

"I'm looking at the road." Dan Karabi said very unhappy.

It doesn't follow the comet's tail to the stars stupidly.

Periodic celestial bodies, in addition to running away, of course, also come back-Shan Calabi is just passing by. In such a barren newborn star system, the energy mine has not yet been fully formed, and it is not buried deep in the ground, which is especially easy to find.

"A day and a half of energy reserves."

"Swallow X tons of alternative energy gas, the quality is impure, and the conversion consumes XX energy reserves, and the current stock is two days."

Dan Karabi hung the numbers on the energy scale in the hall, and people's eyes followed the pointer up and down, feeling happy and sad.Pentagram ran for a day and swallowed a lot of things, but the amount of available energy was still fixed at two days.

"...Don't upgrade, save energy!" Zhang Sen was in a hurry.

"No." Shan Karabi resolutely refused, "I want to upgrade the main guns and weapons. Buyer is not a combat mech. I want to protect it and Zhang Sen."

what? !

That ferocious starfish is not a battle mech, what a mistake!

"You...you want to upgrade weapons and equipment for Buyer?" Zhang Sen asked tentatively.

Pentagram grunted angrily and ignored Zhang Sen.

At this moment, a green light spot suddenly appeared on the star map scan.

All the Morvians stood up excitedly. According to the general rules of the galaxy, the green dot is the army of their own country, the red dot is the enemy, and the yellow dot is the army of other countries with unknown positions.

"Where is the army, quickly use the communication to ask for the number!"

The old general was especially happy. The Morvian army was either fleeing or being destroyed. Of course, he was more than happy to meet his compatriots at this time. In times of crisis, even former political enemies can ignore past suspicions.

But Zhang Sen came to his senses and shook his head at the general with a stern expression: "Not from Morvia! Think about where we are!"

The faces of everyone's joy receded like a tide in an instant.

For the mechs of the Dark Blue Kingdom, what else can the default green dots have?

Misfortunes never come singly, and six red dots appeared on the other side of the star map, which were the patrol ships of the Holy Radiance Empire, and they flew straight to the green dot, and Dan Karabi, sadly, was in the middle of the two.

"Change direction quickly!" Everyone jumped up.

The Holy Glory Empire and the Dark Blue Kingdom are terrifying!

"Pay attention... Oh! My God!" The comet trajectory curves are all concentrated in the middle, and it is impossible to move it out without being noticed.

And something even more terrible happened. Not only did the lonely green spot of light not turn around and run away, but it sped up its speed, heading straight towards the patrol ship of the Holy Radiance Empire at a speed that was unimaginable to the Morvians.

What's happening here?

Zhang Sen clenched his fists nervously, Pentagram did not turn off the engine, but sailed in the direction of the green dot.

"Stop!" cried the Morvian,

Zhang Sen was also sweating anxiously: "Wait! Dan Karabi, this is very dangerous. You left the Dark Blue Kingdom with me without authorization!"

It was too late, the green dot was getting bigger and bigger, and the scanned image also appeared on the screen.

It's not a spaceship, it's a humanoid mecha.

Stretched wings, smooth lines, the main body of the mech is more than ten meters high, with a sword in his left hand, and a black muzzle at the connection between the elbow and shoulder on the right.The boots on the feet are beautiful and have wings, and the image is majestic. No matter how you look at it, they are the angel mechs of the Holy Glory Empire——

"Did you go in the wrong direction?" Zhang Sen's first reaction was that the scanning system of Pentagram was malfunctioning.

From a closer distance, it can be seen that the appearance of the angel is a bit bad. The main body is burnt black, and several pieces of the left arm are missing. The cross-decorated helmet symbolizing the Holy Glory Empire is missing, and the face and chest shell are severely damaged.

—to meet a disfigured angel on the road is a surreal sight.

When the angel mecha brushed past the comet group, its head suddenly twisted.

Was, found, found, got! !

Zhang Sen held his breath in his throat, and his nerves were almost broken.

The angel mecha did nothing, and flew directly over. It was less than ten kilometers away from the hiding place of Shan Karabi. In the universe, this is already a terrifyingly close distance between the enemy and the enemy.

The screen showed that the green dot met the red dot, and there was no attack, and the patrol ship of the Holy Radiance Empire merged with the Angel Mecha.

The Morvians in the five-pointed star did not dare to breathe.

"Eh?" Zhang Sen suddenly saw that the red dot marked as the battleship of the Holy Empire was missing one.

He almost rubbed his eyes, but the red dots that disappeared one after another made his raised hand freeze in mid-air.

After the green dot stayed for a few minutes, it flew towards them again at high speed.

When they saw the majestic angels dragging six damaged warships on the screen, Zhang Sen and others opened their mouths wide and were completely speechless.

"Come out, little one."

The sound coming out of the communication channel was sharp and piercing, like a hundred big drums beating at the same time, mixed with dozens of out-of-tune trumpets and cellos.

Zhang Sen covered his ears reflexively, and some people with weak nerves had already collapsed in pain.

"Who are you? Dan Karabi is not a little guy." A projection of a teenager with a five-pointed star above his head appeared on the screen. When it spoke again, the frequency of its voice changed, "Shan Karabi, don't talk! Hello, I am Buyer, are you the new mecha made by Cyrus?"

"Take it and eat it, little one."

The angel carelessly stretched out his palm, passed through the comet gas, and pressed directly on the shell of the pentagram, pushing all six warships to Calabi.

The energy scale increased tenfold in an instant.

Dan Karabi was extremely happy, even though it was ten times the size of the angel mecha, it still happily curled up, poking the angel's back wings with its curved horns.

"Tier [-] secret, this encounter is not allowed to be questioned or leaked."

"Understood." Buyer raised the five-pointed star above his head and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with your voice?"

"Oh, they didn't install a sound system for me. I swallowed two spaceships after I came out. I made it up on my own without a design, so it's a bit bad." The angel mecha smiled kindly, and the echo was extremely terrifying, "Goodbye, yes The little ones of the two intelligent programs."

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