heavy fog

Chapter 160 Consciousness Struggle

The Deep Blue Star scientists headed by Caput almost fainted from surprise after the war.

Because of victory?

No, it was the countless warship mechas that Baimeng abducted.

The overwhelming material can be studied casually, anyway, it will be disassembled and remodeled in the end.Back then, the ruling party of the Deep Blue Kingdom nearly fought for a four-winged Joffel Angel Mecha. Now there are more than three for one person, and the other two-winged Angel Mechas are too numerous to count.

It's no different than taking a foodie to a fancy buffet or a cheapskate to a coffer.

Alsila VI and the Restoration Party just stared at the "trophies" parked on one planet after another through the porthole like this, with bitterness in their mouths and even bitterness in their hearts, and they didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

A group of Raymond Gayton mechas wandered leisurely among the battleship mechas.

"This is a good model with the toughest case!"

"I don't understand. The most essential part is the engine...Look here, this spare engine has a higher technological level than our Deep Blue Kingdom. I was lucky enough to swallow one during the war. Come and share the data with you."

Next to it, there are gun barrels hitting the parts of the battleship with bang bang.

"What is the composition of this alloy?"

"I haven't eaten, how about a piece?"

This bustling scene is like entering a self-selected supermarket.

"Hey, hey! Don't move the spoils!" Dan Talin jumped angrily, but unfortunately its size is too small for the full mechs, and there is a griffin-like mech that spreads its wings quietly, " "Accidentally" sent Dan Tallinn flying.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't turn on the radar scan."

The mecha at the back imitated the example, with its head on top, pretending to turn over, moving its body, pumping Dantalin like a ping pong ball and spinning around in the air.

"My instrument is malfunctioning."

"There's something wrong with the nervous system, I can't control it."

Dan Tallinn screamed and hit the white mech tens of meters high, catching it with one hand.

"Are you okay?" This kind of mixed sound with countless noises is of course the Lord Archangel Baimon.


Dan Tallinn was so angry that the pages of the book were trembling, and he yelled viciously at the mechas who turned their backs and pretended to know nothing, "I am the deputy commander of the Storm Starfield's defense line. Without my permission, you don't want to go to the battlefield! If Without this war, you would all be lying in the warehouse under the dilapidated church on Deep Blue Star, comparing your qualifications with me?"

Once Tallinn jumped twice, he realized that he was squatting on Baimon's palm.

It was upgraded again, and it was still a bit short of the king-level mech, so it quickly closed the page with a snap: "Dear..."

Stuck, Baimeng is a new king-level mecha, not to mention the name, no one even installs the communication system.

Baimeng's original body was more than ten meters long. After this war, even the Raymond Gayton mech that used to live in the warehouse took the opportunity to devour metal to expand itself. How could Baimeng miss this good opportunity.


Without the basic design drawings of the scientists of the deep blue star, there is always something nondescript.

The wings spread out on the back of Baimeng are wider, and the appearance is still the appearance of the archangel of the Holy Radiance Empire. The lines of the body are smooth, holding a lightsaber, but the exposed arm parts have an extra layer of protective shell, Baimeng cleverly constructed it into a robe appearance, but its aesthetics went wrong again, and the face of the filled mecha turned out to be very delicate and beautiful.

Baimon used the wrong database. There are many outstanding cemetery statues in the Deep Blue Star Royal Cemetery. Although the Deep Blue Kingdom does not believe in God, these themes are still used freely in oil paintings, operas and sculptures. People only appreciate them as works of art. There will be no admiration.The wrong model Baimon used came from a princess in the Deep Blue Kingdom 600 years ago. Her cemetery statue is a girl who looks like an angel, with sad eyes and eyebrows.

Of course, the cold and powerful main body of the mecha will not give people a slender and slender feeling, but if it does not move, it can still camouflage the metal statue, and with the wings on the back, this kind of dislocation between male and female is not too outrageous, but has a special appearance. The singular allure of fit, because angels are neither male nor female.

"This—" Dan Talin was dumbfounded.

"Cough, I chose the wrong reference map." Baimeng said helplessly, "I lack experience, so I won't do it next time."

"..." Next time, the appearance changes every day?

"Capult said it can be used, so I don't bother to change it." Baymon's words were expected by the mechs. Thinking about it, it doesn't repair such a broken communication system. The so-called energy and materials are all " There is a place where it is more needed" as a reason to move to upgrade others, and continue to use this broken voice.

"And this form also has advantages."

Even the Holy Glory Empire can't recognize this Lord Archangel anymore! !

Baimeng raised his head imitating the haughty posture of the king-level mecha, but his appearance destroyed everything. Even the humans on the battleship flying past the planets couldn't help saying "Is this the function of inducing trek"?

Beautiful is beautiful, but it's a pity that this beauty can't speak...

"I can't look directly at it." Dan Talin muttered.

Baimon doesn't care at all, the appearance is the same as the sound system, as long as it can be used, do you need to consider other things?It is wholeheartedly striving for the title of the strongest mecha.

Originally, the target was Asmodeus, but it turned out... well, let’s not talk about it.

"This is all my trophies." Baimon announced the ownership.

"Hey!" All the mechas were immediately unconvinced.

Who is Baimon?It was remodeled, and it came halfway, hum!

"I want to form these trophies into a legion completely under my control. In the next war, I will be able to defeat and capture more Holy Glory Empire warship mechs." Baimon didn't care at all in the face of the passionate protests.

"The Holy Glory Empire has a vast territory. The ones who came to attack this time are just the vanguard. It will take at least 50 years to completely defeat their expansion plan in the Moby Dick Galaxy. If they want to destroy them, they will not be able to escape for hundreds of years—— And that's assuming everything goes well and we're lucky."

The mechas looked at each other's data brushed out of each other's eyes.

"...Are you still afraid that there will be no battles? Not enough energy and raw materials?" Baimeng easily sold the Dantalin in his palm, "In order to increase strength, as long as there is a chance, Cyrus will definitely let you go Battlefield!"

"Oh!" All the mechs became interested.

Baimon continued to add the last sentence: "Not only will I have a legion, every Raymond Gayton mech will have it!! The legion will also have a number, and there may be more than one!"

"Oh!" Now even Dantalin, who had been sold before, couldn't help but shine.

Mecha, the light on the display is really unambiguously bright.

A ray of blue faintly bright, those who don't know it almost think it's a reflective code.

The Deep Blue Star scientist who received the feedback from the mecha: ...

"I think we need to increase our vigilance against the Holy Glory Empire!"

A random mecha has been modified without touching the original database. As a result, it can be full of God and freedom to the Holy Empire, and it can quickly gain favorability with Raymond Gayton's mecha companions. It's full of provocative power!

"Archangel Lord, isn't he good at spreading the teachings of God in religion?" Caput asked uncertainly.

Her colleagues looked at each other, speechless.

None of the other Raymond Gayton mechas have this trait, so this must not be the cause of the mecha programmers, the problem lies in the Holy Radiance Empire?

"Ahem, I agree!" Someone raised his hand to signal, "The captives of the Holy Glory Empire should be imprisoned on a completely enclosed and desolate planet. It is required that there should be no intelligent life there, except for the control of their mental power. Be on guard, and be wary of their ability to confuse."

"Surrender or kill!"

"Pulson?" Everyone was startled by the sudden voice.

Caput hesitated even more and said: "Well, it's not good to kill the captives directly!"

"The population of the Holy Glory Empire is at least ten times that of the entire Beluga Galaxy, and the highly developed unified galaxy civilization far exceeds our expectations." The king of true knowledge wrapped around the snake shadow said coldly, "Anything that can reduce the enemy's strength All methods must be adopted. The supernatural beings of the Holy Radiance Empire can control ordinary mechas, and they pose a threat to the mind control of ordinary people in the Beluga Galaxy, so what are they left for?"

Caput and the others fell silent.

Scientists who study how to make weapons only know the lethality of weapons. It is a bit beyond the limit for them to witness a bloody massacre or order it themselves.

The Deep Blue Kingdom has only had political struggles for many years, only small-scale conflicts, not even wars...

"Okay." Caput breathed out with difficulty.

The captives of the Holy Glory Empire are unlikely to surrender. Everyone knows what Caput's approval means.

The atmosphere was still too stiff, Caput quickly changed the subject: "How is Cyrus?"

After the war ended, the prime minister did not appear in any public places, or even saw anyone at all. It can be said that no one knew about Cyrus except Purson, who was the main body of the spaceship.

The projection of the King of True Knowledge was blurred, because it was a virtual projection, so it could show a vivid expression of thinking.

This caused everyone to be surprised, and made Poulsen think, which in itself symbolizes tricky, difficult, bad...

"what happened?"

They were also very reluctant to see Xier's collapse and death, but since the mecha was gone, a second one could be built, and Xier kept shutting down, so they didn't have a deep relationship with them.

But the man who controls Seir, according to Asmodeus, is Cyrus' lover.

All the people present were single and lonely, and they had never been in a relationship even when they were so cruel. They couldn't understand, and they didn't have the experience to comfort Cyrus, but they believed in Cyrus' ability and felt that he would definitely be able to get out.

Could it be that they guessed wrong and underestimated the magic of love?This conclusion caused everyone to look at each other even more.

"Cyrus is in trouble." Purson explained seriously, "The trouble that can only be solved by himself, no one can help."


What the King of True Knowledge said was implicit.

Cyrus was not only in trouble, but in very bad shape.

The succubus who found himself exposed did not come out to quarrel. In this regard, the succubus is completely different from the tapir. It is very patient and calm. It just keeps making trouble when Cyrus is thinking, inserting some ideas into it. .

"Get rid of the Dark Council, they are out of control, they are variables."

"Why bother, it's much easier to lure the Holy Glory Empire into a dream than to fight a war."

"Why don't you go to the Holy Glory Empire to construct a dreamland! What is the Prime Minister of the Deep Blue Kingdom? As long as he succeeds, he may directly become the bishop of the Holy See and the emperor of the empire next time... There is no one in the world who has no desires and madly pursues the glory of God, isn't it? A desire?"

The most brilliant thing was that everything the succubus said was true, and Cyrus would have thought of it when he thought about it, but it was just an idea to dismiss.

Clenching his fingers tightly, Cyrus threw away the star map, closed his eyes and sat in the empty cabin.

He was very tired, because once he was in a trance, he would not know which thoughts belonged to him and which belonged to the succubus.

Can't sleep, can't relax vigilance.

——Even though thinking will bring a heavy burden, he still has to continue thinking and prepare for the second wave of attack of the Holy Radiance Empire.

"Go to the contact list Karabi! It's useful... Well, it's better to summon the Caput. Regarding the magic key, the scientist who once deciphered Raymond Gayton is the one who knows best. If you want to find out the problem quickly, use this magic key. Key, of course you have to come by yourself... Maybe Wen Luan can come back..."


Cyrus finally lost control, his eyes became more bloodshot, and after taking a deep breath, he regained his composure.

No confrontation with the succubi, no angry shouts.

After pausing for a while, the Dream Demon continued to focus on his presence: "The prophecy says that the person who responds to the magic key is destined to become the speaker of the Dark Council, and Wen Luan's death will definitely bring benefits to the Dark Council, otherwise the prophecy will not stand. .”

As a result, what the succubus got this time was not shielding silence, and Cyrus actually followed its words and continued to think: "What is the problem with the position of the speaker of the Dark Council?"

The Dream Demon saw that this thinking was going wrong, and quickly pulled it back: "Wen Luan is dead, and the blood prince is still anxious to find the magic key. The problem lies in the key. Take it back and have a look."

Cyrus: This proves that the key is very important to the Dark Council.

The Dream Demon continued to work hard: That's right, it's even more important than the speaker!

Cyrus: What is the magic key that can determine who the speaker is?Is it related to the history of the Dark Parliament?Why did Raymond Gayton fit the formulas analyzed by science so well, and why did the mech manufacturing go so smoothly?

Nightmare: ...

Cyrus: Does prophecy have anything to do with time?The key is a counterfeit...

He couldn't continue thinking, because the Dream Demon couldn't take it anymore, and began to recall Wen Luan's bloody body lying in the emergency cabin in his consciousness. Unexpectedly, Cyrus just stopped for a second, and then continued his original thinking .

"Wen Luan can't just die like this!"

"Yeah." Cyrus said casually.

The Dream Demon was about to lose his mind, and resorted to his trump card: "If the one who came back was Tapir, not Wen Luan, what should we do?"

"It's definitely not Wen Luan."

"Then why don't you care?" The Dream Demon finally lost his voice.


This time, even the consciousness space was dead silent.

The Dream Demon realized that he was defeated, and before he could say a few words to save the situation, Cyrus continued to think about the inevitable connection between time and prophecy.

The succubus, who was completely ignored, could only interfere with it desperately, but this time no matter how much it yelled and killed Wen Luan, Wen Luan would never exist again, Cyrus ignored it and continued to reason about time.

"How the dark creatures came to the Moby Dick galaxy is still a mystery." The succubus finally couldn't help but participate in the thinking.

"It makes sense." Cyrus answered this time, "Then why did the genuine Raymond Guyton key break?"

"How do I know this?!" The Dream Demon was furious, it didn't have the knowledge of Cyrus.I don't know anything about high-dimensional space, so I can't even talk nonsense.


The consciousness space is dead silent again.

The dream demon silently sank into hibernation.


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