heavy fog

Chapter 19 The Failed Mecha

"What it is?"

The pirates stared at the screen in horror.

In the Beluga Galaxy, only the Deep Blue Kingdom advocates lost civilizations, and only the Deep Blue Star can see retro buildings and sculptures. These highly educated pirates can only search hard in their memories.

"It looks like a human being on the outside, and he is riding a Pegasus. Really, I heard that there are such creatures in the Unicorn Galaxy."

"Can he survive directly in space?" A little pirate leader roared, "Don't be stupid, have you seen the height of this guy? With his size, how much does he have to eat in one meal?"

"There is a prehistoric lizard on our planet..."

"Go away, what lizard can compare to an asteroid?"

Finally, a pirate who had been to the Deep Blue Star exclaimed: "Boss, this is the pillar on the other side of the Deep Blue Kingdom. I have seen it before, but the horse on which it is riding has no wings—oh."

The pirate was also kicked away.

"Alert! Level [-] alert, the space fortress of the Deep Blue Kingdom has launched an attack on us!" The little pirate leader pulled the communication microphone and screamed, "Attention everyone, open the shield of the battleship! Attention allies, our lighthouse has fallen! !" There was chaos in the communication channel, and many dumbfounded pirates came back to their senses, jumping and shouting: "Our money! Our stuff, our warehouse!"

More people chased and shouted, how did you know it belonged to the Deep Blue Kingdom?

Some pirates who were far away and hadn't seen the whole process of Syer's transformation asked anxiously, why the lighthouse's defense measures were not activated, and where did the lighthouse go now? "

"It, it swallowed our lighthouse!"

"Impossible! With the size of this guy?"

If you want to open the hatch and drag the pirate's floating mobile base inside, this kind of space fortress must be at least five times the size of the base!

And what is the shape of this space fortress?

The pirates are well-informed in the Moby Dick galaxy. They have seen all kinds of spherical hemispherical cylinders, etc., including the space fortress with irregular three-dimensional geometry!No country has ever made this thing like a statue.

What are the horse's wings for?Navigation in space depends on power furnaces, and it doesn’t mean that a pair of wings will speed up the flight. Whether the attack power is strong depends on the weapon configuration. At least it must be a planetary destroyer. What’s wrong with this kind of knight gun?Not scientific at all! !

It's no use telling pirates they look good, they won't appreciate it.

Besides, the races are different, how can the aesthetics be the same?The only aesthetic that is not differentiated by race is probably money.

In the endless darkness, the silver-armored knight slowly raised his arms, and the Pegasus under his mount also opened his eyes. All the spaceships trembled slightly, as if encountering a particle storm, and many detection instruments smoked. .

"Could it be that there are so many energy blocks in the Deep Blue Kingdom that they can be used to lay floor tiles?" the pirates howled in disbelief.

The huge silver-armored knight and Pegasus are shining with bright blue light spots all over their bodies, making the silver-white metal shell even more dazzling. This is the reaction produced by the fusion of many energy blocks. The high temperature and high heat can be said to have become one Giant star system bomb.

The merchant ship, which was surrounded by pirates before, was so frightened that it fled far away.

But when they arrived at the space jump point, they found that the equipment was not working, and the jump positioning could not be carried out at all.They can only increase the output of the power furnace, hoping that the farther away from here the better.

"No, this guy is using the energy block we put in the lighthouse!" The pirate quickly discovered the problem.

Before they could come up with a solution, the pirate warships closest to the Silver Armored Knight were sucked out of control. As soon as they approached the blue light area on the surface of Sier's body, the entire warship began to disintegrate, breaking into pieces and sinking into the knight's body. .

——The big room filled with pirates, followed by a bunch of pirates hugging sponge seats, terrified and thinking that they would be vaporized alive.They hit the Caesar octopus and cursed angrily, and the guy who was lucky not to be knocked unconscious was also sent flying by the octopus tentacles.

There was only one guy who didn't fall in along the slide. He turned into a little golden bat in mid-air. His fluttering wings passed through the hideous tentacles of the Caesar octopus, and he landed firmly on Jim's bald head: "In the end! what happened?"

"Prince Settra, I don't know either. Everything went well..." Jim was completely stunned by the accident, and stammered, "Wen Luan has fallen asleep, I'm going to see if he's okay. While breathing, suddenly—the walls bent, the ceiling flew, and the floor collapsed..."

Thinking of the situation where his battleship was forcibly pulled in just now, the claws of the golden bat trembled: "Metal predatory?"

"Ah?" Jim grabbed the bat off his head in a daze, "My lord, what did you say?"

The blood prince directly transformed into a human form, and grabbed Jim's neck fiercely, as if he wanted to smash him against the opposite wall, but even though he was a prince of a family, his physical strength was limited compared to the orcs, so he could only hold on to the painful pain. Curse: "You idiot! Are you blind? Not only did you let the Eastern Devil come out with food reserves, but you also let him bring mechas? Raymond Gayton series mechas representing the highest technology in the Deep Blue Kingdom?!"

Prince Settra was so enraged that the dark magic power leaked out of his voice continuously, and all the half-dead pirates fell down in a daze, only the Caesar octopus was still holding on with circled eyes.

Jim was confused by the yelling, and instinctively said: "What are you talking about, what is Raymond Gayton... Satan! Raymon Gayton?"

The leader of the orcs turned over and jumped up from the ground. Of course, he remembered the things he fought with a group of guys in Meteorite Town and failed to grab something. He even remembered the last one found in the ruins of the room after Wen Luan disappeared Brass key.

Raymond Gayton, the legendary key that can open the gates of hell.

Legend has it that King Solomon has a special ability to summon hell demons. He introduced the method of sacrifice in detail in one book, and used another book to record the identities, classes, status, and characteristics of these hell demon gods.The first book is called the Key of Solomon, and the second book is called Raymond Gayton, also known as Solomon's Little Key.

These two books are widely circulated, and every wizard in the Dark Council has two copies, and even humans know the general contents of these two books.The scope of popularity is the same as the Oxford dictionary. The problem is-even if you follow the book 100%, you can't summon demons.

For thousands of years, this has been one of the most profound research topics of the Dark Parliament, just like the Goldbach conjecture of human beings.

Could it be that hell demons like human souls, so they ignore dark creatures?

So the dark creatures set up a magic circle and coaxed an absolutely pure human with noble blood to summon the demon, but nothing happened.

Could it be that these two books are all fake, to coax children?

But the legends of human beings are false, how could the records of the Dark Council be false?The principle of the magic circle is very profound. As long as you study it deeply, you will feel like you are facing a vast and powerful force, but you can't touch the key...

The final deciphering conclusion is that there is one crucial thing, which is the core of the magic circle. Without this thing, no one can successfully summon the demon.The dark creatures called this thing Raymond Gayton. It took many years to deduce a common magic resonance fluctuation from countless magic circle calculations, and then forced all members of the dark council to learn to distinguish it.

In this way, year after year, hundreds of years... finally found Raymond Gayton, still in Meteorite Town!

Thinking of this "difficult" search history, Jim felt a toothache, a headache, and a stomachache. He always felt that this was because the vampires and wizards were full. It's not that he's interested, but that everyone is fighting for it, so of course he has to go too.

"Why does the Deep Blue Kingdom have the 'Ramon Gayton Series Mecha'? What is that? Was the real Raymond Gayton destroyed in the nuclear war flagship of the ancient earth?" Jim stared in horror. He has not been in the Deep Blue Star all year round. This guy is automatically blocked for things that have nothing to do with him.

Prince Settra really wants to blow this guy up!

"Idiot! There are fragments even if they are destroyed! The Dark Council sacrificed several blood princes and almost all the dark great wizards to successfully keep these fragments. They have always been in the hands of the Dark Council."


Prince Settra gritted his teeth and said: "What else? Then, the headquarters of our Dark Council is on the Deep Blue Star. Of course we must use the resources we can use. Human technology is also developing rapidly! They are all studying Raymond Gayton’s compatriots, and the thinking of human researchers can expand them!”

"So, this is the result of Raymond Gayton's research?" Jim was stunned for three seconds before screaming.

Their dark creatures believe in Satan, but no one has ever seen Satan!

According to the Bible, all those who are against God are Satan!It is quite difficult for dark creatures to find someone to believe in. Put up a summoning magic circle, whichever one comes out, the dark creatures don't care, really!

But the problem is, human beings take their information about summoning hell demons, use the high-tech of the new era to decipher and interpret, regard the algorithm of the magic circle as the formula of new energy and new materials, and regard the magic resonance reaction as the effect of energy fusion?Then, based on this, the mecha was built?

What kind of misplacement is this?

Jim snapped, and fell face down—with his mighty orc heart, he couldn't accept the fact.

"Do you know how the seven families that ruled the Deep Blue Kingdom were destroyed? How did those stupid humans die?" Prince Setra didn't give Jim a chance to faint, and he stepped on this guy, grimly Sen said.

Jim rolled his eyes on the ground and said, "Isn't it a new weapon created by Cyrus? What kind of city defense system, none of the coup d'état guys escaped. Cyrus is—Shit, from a research institute?"

"The process in the middle is very complicated. In short, you should remember that it was the research institute that deciphered all the fragments and created the highest-tech product of the Deep Blue Kingdom, which happened to be named after the 72 demon gods recorded by Solomon! And all the fragments were re-fused and transformed into one piece Chip, that thing is still named Raymond Gayton by humans, because it has the highest authority of those mechs, like a key that can open the gate of hell..."

Before Prince Setra finished speaking, the whole room shook violently again.

"Wen Luan only brought a silver metal ball, and he said that it was the latest optical brain of Deep Blue Star. Alas, that metal ball really called him master! He also said that he was called Xier!" Jim screamed, "Idiot!" The prince was trembling with anger. He knew that orcs didn't like to read books, and they couldn't even remember the names of demons!

Seir, this name is exactly——

"That mecha is called Master Wen Luan! Damn it, did Wen Luan steal that broken chip?" No matter how stupid Jim is, he still has common sense.No matter how much the origin of these mechs makes the dark creatures collapse, but the high-end weapons must be well hidden and well protected. Can a time traveler just abduct it?The Eastern Devil can't do it either, he only eats dreams, and mechs don't know how to dream!


The blood prince stepped on the bald-headed Jim, roaring with bloodshot eyes, "Do you know where the chip named Raymond Guyton is? At that time, the kingdom was in chaos. In order to ensure that high-end weapons were always in their hands, the people in the research institute Implanting the chip directly into Cyrus' heart, how is Wen Luan going to snatch it? Do you want to say that he stole Cyrus' heart?"

Um?This sentence sounds a little strange.

At this time, within Seier's body, which had grown in size by an unknown number of times, scattered parts were being assembled everywhere by themselves.

A small research institute of the Deep Blue Kingdom, of course, cannot provide all the energy and evolution materials for mechas like Seer. The research institute is too poor to build high-end weapons. The ultimate goal of giving mechas an intelligent center is—hope They evolve by themselves.

Just like Pandora's box, when these demon-named mechs are 100% activated, they start to plunder all the resources they need.It is not easy to evolve from a five-meter-long small airship into a space battleship.

But Syer's luck is very good, here is the pirate warehouse, it has everything, and it directly swallowed the temporary base of the pirates.

Now the state of Xier is still unstable, just like the frame of a house that has just been built. It looks okay on the outside, but it is very uncoordinated on the inside. The quality of metals in the same area is different. Slow replacement and transformation, now, the standard is that it can be used.

"The status has been determined, Seir is waiting for instructions."

The mechanical sound resounded in a very complex space with countless golden lines connected to each other. Wen Luan was floating there. In front of him was a very high chair, but the complicated structure of the armrests, steps and back of the chair seemed to need to be lifted. Arms and feet are stretched in, and a dome like a light brain is suspended above it, closely connected with the top of the space.

Wen Luan's eyes were empty and his arms were drooping, as if he was completely unconscious.


【Seier...you are, I remember...you are Xier. 】

"Raymond Gayton analyzes the planned creation, number 70, Ser is waiting for instructions." The mechanical voice repeated.

Wen Luan suddenly shook and fell to the floor.


Shier is actually very curious, it is waiting for Wen Luan's reaction, there is a difference between the spiritual wave connection and the full control of the mecha mode, according to Shier's evaluation, Wen Luan's mental value is very strong now, and he can completely control it. level armor.

Spiritual communication, maybe it can discover Wen Luan's secret, Seier was very interested.

In the end, Wen Luan, who was lying on the ground, could only murmur vaguely: 【Order? 】

"Yes." Syer's excitement index kept rising.

Want to go back to Deep Blue Star?Want to make an enemy of the whole kingdom?It is still necessary to smash and loot vigorously and then flee to the end of the world (Sier's three views were taught badly by the script of the lost population of the blood for the first time, and the second time was taught bad by the pirate logic of Caesar Octopus).

[I want... Humans, catch me a lot of humans!Threatening, not giving them food, forcing them to sleep...] "Ah?" Seir's thinking module got stuck.

【……I am starving! 】


Syer's diary: Today, I fully activated it for the first time, and turned on the evolution mode for the first time, but I was not happy at all, because my master gave me instructions to arrest many people and force them to have nightmares!I don't have this feature option! !

The author has something to say: the prince's hunger policy is right, but he didn't know that Wen Luan had already met Cyrus—a tragedy, it's like telling a cute creature that there is nothing to eat, so it can only hibernate. The food environment, so the cute things hibernate.But your cute thing secretly opened the refrigerator before and found that there was food in it [Hello] Well, the above is an inappropriate example ╮(╯_╰)╭

In fact, putting it in front of Wen Luan is such a choice, there is a big meal in the distance.Of course, to eat a big meal, you need to be hungry and full [Imagine eating a buffet] But the problem is, what if you are too hungry to stand up and walk to the place where the big meal is?What if big meals are more difficult to handle than crabs and need to be dealt with manually?

This, I can only fill my stomach first, so that I can have some physical strength to deal with the big meal.

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