heavy fog

Chapter 190

Since Wen Luan "woke up", he was first brought to the Dark Council by Seier, and then caught up in the cross-time and space jumping trek, and has never rested.He lay down in the sleeping cabin, ignored the outside situation, and soon fell asleep in this real dream.

In an undisturbed dream, as time passed, in the narrow grocery store, things gradually began to crumble and turn into white mist.

The shelves, as well as the products placed on them, are all silently smoked.

This process is quite slow - the unconscious eating of tapirs while resting is just an instinct, and being in a dream is more comfortable than any other environment.In particular, there is no succubus breath in the dream.

A quiet, safe place without danger...

The villain on the candy jar and the cleaning robot in the corner are slowly disappearing, which makes the dream scene a bit scary, broken shelves, robots with half of their bodies missing, the floor is full of cracks, and the ceiling is covered with deep caverns. Heikou, it seems that it is about to collapse.

If someone strays into the dream at this time, ahem, the result will be wonderful.

A dark grocery store that you can’t get out of. At the end is a narrow room that looks like a black hole. There is a dilapidated sleep cabin inside. The lid is half-open, and the vain mist flows into it gently—— even fools can see that the terrible The monster of the spectacle lay in the sleeping pod.

"Not bad." Shier stretched out his head to read it, and slipped out again.

Crocodile Vasago wondered, "What are you doing?"

"Can it be recorded?" The silver armored knight was eager to fight.

"Do not……"

A snowflake is displayed on the screen.

"It's a pity." Shire squatted in front of this cabin regretfully. In front of it was a large cloud of white mist, and there was a door separated from Cyrus' research institute. Come to the dreamland.

"This real dream is not very stable."

Syer has also turned on the camera and light wave recording functions, but it is a pity that it can only get blurred and incoherent images when it stands in a dream, the shaking shelves, and the incomplete cash register, just like an old-fashioned video tape that cannot be played.

"Yes, it will collapse at any time, but Deep Blue Star is quite stable."

"Nonsense!" Shier strode away and closed the door again. It regretfully shrugged to Simonli who was waiting outside, "What a pity, I plan to make a film and sell it to the Dark Council."


"The brave knight broke into the city occupied by evil, and found the source in an inconspicuous grocery store on the side of the street, so it took great risks to step into this house that was about to collapse!"

Simonli rolled away silently.

"What are you going, I haven't finished yet! Then the knight discovered the demon hiding in the sleeping cabin. The dark house collapsed completely and turned into dust. The knight fell to the ground helplessly injured and swore allegiance to the awakened angry demon. " Shier spread his hands and said in an intoxicated voice, "The title of the film is The Apostle of the Devil——The Legend of How I Became the First Speaker of the Dark Council. You can continue filming later, what do you think?"

"..." It's really a movie unfolded by God.

But the title is so attractive to dark creatures!

Simonli thought about watching a movie with such a headline, whether the dark creatures on the dark blue star would jump up in anger.Rioting in anger, protesting against the Raymond Gayton mecha who played with emotions to defraud money?

"Hehe." Simonli laughed dryly twice, and resolutely rolled away.

Wen Luan had no idea that he had almost become a prop in the biographical movie of Seir, and he slept with great peace of mind: whether it was helping Cyrus with research, or helping Vasago, who was lost, to find his way, there was nothing he could do, and he could do nothing while awake. Worry, why bother?

In the starry sky, the crocodile detours to avoid space cracks one after another.

Immediately after it discovered Raymond Gayton's new function, which can predict unstable spatial regions, the brass key began to vibrate slightly several times, and Vasago immediately retreated decisively, successfully avoiding a suddenly appearing in front of him. cracks.

Just like what Cyrus said, most of the wrecks drifting in the star field are engulfed by this sudden crack. These wrecks are pulled by the star's gravity and wander in a fixed area.

There are very few celestial bodies in the devil's star field, and some planets are even broken.

The stars are sparse, the darkness is deep, and there are no comets... This is the realm of death.

"Vasago, how long can your energy last?"

"All the routes we have traveled have been recorded. According to the blue aperture calculated by Cyrus last time, we are only in the outer layer of the fan-shaped area, which is not too bad." The crocodile checked the energy scale, "The original flight combined with space jumping The consumption is four months, and now it’s just a normal flight, and we can last for another five months... with luck, it’s enough for us to find the right direction and leave.”

"No, you must retain the energy that will return 5 years later."

"Yes, I have." Vasago replied with a good temper, "I will never forget this."

Seir touched his chest with a heavy face, then opened his energy storage place, and said to Vasago in a deep voice, "Come on."

The crocodile stretched out its robotic arm and hesitated for a moment: "After you shut down the machine on your own, what is the command to trigger it?"

"When my master is in danger." Shier said without hesitation.

"Understood." Vasago took away 90.00% of Seir's energy reserves, and at the same time, the brightness of the silver armor knight's electronic eyes flashed lower and lower, and finally remained motionless.

Simonli also rolled into the corner, lying next to Beagle's coffin.

"Well, I need hibernation too. It's been a damn long adventure."

The crocodile continued to walk through the starry sky. When it encountered wreckage, it no longer dragged it. The star map recorded more and more records. Vasago kept adjusting the explored green area and predicted how far it was from the territory of the Deep Blue Kingdom. .

Finally, Wen Luan woke up completely hungry.

He found himself back into nothingness again, the grocery store was gone, he was lying in the rescue pod like stuffed jelly, he floated out, found a door in the wall and went straight through.


The silver armored knight leaned against the bulkhead, with his head down, motionless, like a corpse on the battlefield.The breastplate is opened, revealing various wires and precision meshing gear parts inside.

Wen Luan hurried over in horror, and suddenly saw Cyrus lying on the floor again.

The dull golden long hair was tied in a knot and messy, the clothes were draped over the body, there was not enough water for cleaning in the interstellar voyage, and there are usually disinfection rooms on the spaceship and mecha, the result of long-term disinfection by the nozzle is His clothes were wrinkled, his complexion was frighteningly white, and he smelled of disinfectant mist.

"Cyrus?" Wen Luan exclaimed.

What's going on, did everyone get wiped out after he fell asleep?

"Vasago! What's going on?"


Several screens lit up in the cabin, changing the star map and route, and the mechanical sound came out steadily.

"The smart program is being activated, the Vasago communication system is loading, and the ten-second countdown..."

As the countdown sounded, Cyrus sat up reflexively, and when he saw Wen Luan, he slackened back and said, "It's you... um, you're awake?"

Wen Luan looked down at him speechlessly, and found that Cyrus really had a lot of capital as a succubus.

The clothes were unbuttoned, no, I probably thought it was a waste of disinfectant spray, so I didn’t even wear a shirt, I just put on a pair of trousers, my bare chest was directly exposed, I could clearly see where the clothes weren’t covering, I was thin Strong muscles, a flat belly above the hips, and a tense waist.

Without shoes, I don't know where to throw the socks.

The right foot is bent and arched, and the left foot is straightened.

There was no dust in the mecha cabin, the soles of the feet to the insteps were still clean, the ankles were half-supported, and Wen Luan could still see a bare calf when he lowered his head.

"Cough." Wen Luan quickly raised his head.

The blond hair was a little dry from the medicine mist, covering Cyrus' forehead.When he spoke, his eyes were still closed, and his voice was hoarse and vague.

"How long have I been asleep?" Wen Luan said to himself.

Cyrus has tossed himself into this kind of virtue, how long has he been doing research?

"Three hours and five minutes to 64 days."

The answer was Vasago, in order to save energy, it only started the necessary programs: the program used to avoid space cracks, the program to observe space stability through Raymond Gayton’s abnormal reaction, and the navigation and positioning records.

"Have you found your way yet?"

"Yes..." the crocodile quickly defended after finishing speaking, "but the intensity of the rays here has weakened a lot."

"What happened to Syer?"

"It gave me the energy reserves, and Simonli is also dormant."

Hearing this reply, Wen Luan, who wasn't worried about the excursion before, suddenly felt heavy.

"Cyrus?" The situation is so bad, why don't you wake up and think of a way?Do you want to continue sailing like this?

Hearing Wen Luan's shout, Cyrus just slightly opened his eyes.

His face was full of tiredness, and there were even stubborn shadows under his eyes...

"Hey, what are you doing these days, self-torture?" Wen Luan yelled blackly.

Vasago probably hasn't activated the smart program to think for many days. After counting the items in a swish, it reported a bad news: "Master Cyrus, my compressed water and food nutrient reserves are no longer enough. Too much, I only have three months’ worth in my emergency warehouse.”

"You ate three months' worth of food in two months?" Wen Luan shouted in disbelief.

A certain person just raised his eyelids, and it took him a long time to barely regain consciousness, and said weakly, "Vasago... lock Wen Luan up."


"Wait, what are you doing?"

Wen Luan looked at the cage that appeared on the ceiling, which was similar to the outer shell of the Holy Glory Empire's mecha.

"Keep us apart..." Cyrus murmured.


Cyrus pulled the corner of his mouth, as if he was smiling: "Can't you see... I'm so hungry that I'm about to lose consciousness? Anyway, I'm still a succubus..."

If you eat only human food, you will still be hungry!

Like the tapir, the succubus was so hungry that he didn't know what to do!As long as the subconscious mind determines that there is no food within the search range, they will fall into a long sleep like death-but now the old enemy is by their side!

Cyrus was really worried that he would "eat" Wen Luan completely by accident.

Or tear the tapir apart, kill...maybe strangle it to death.

The succubi's domain is too strong, and Cyrus really can't guarantee what will happen when he loses consciousness.

Wen Luan was so bitter that he couldn't speak, he had no choice but to take a few more glances at Cyrus before the metal cage was completely closed.

"Vasago, continue sailing, save my body..." Cyrus sat up unsteadily again, climbed onto the instrument panel, and fumbled for the input area with great effort, "There is still the last step in the calculation and deduction, if I If you don't last until the end, you keep these..."


Vasago let out a high-pitched cry.

Cyrus almost slipped and fell to the ground as soon as he loosened his hand. Before he could ask, he heard the crocodile shout in surprise: "I saw it! What appeared in front...is the Red Sail Galaxy! The barren land on the border of the Deep Blue Kingdom."

Cyrus' eyes lit up.

"Vasago, keep going... After you find a suitable place, immediately start a space jump and enter the Red Sail Galaxy. You can see the outer area of ​​the beluga vent that is familiar with the star map. According to the records of the Deep Blue Kingdom, it can support a small-scale space jump. .”


Cyrus half-supported on the instrument panel and didn't move for a long time. The long passage just now was completed with spiritual connection.

So Wen Luan, who was locked in the isolation cabin, only thought wildly for an hour, and suddenly felt the bulkhead vibrate violently.


"Good news..." The crocodile realized that he forgot to inform Wen Luan, "We have left the Devil Star Field, and the Raymond Gayton program is starting, and we are about to return to the Deep Blue Kingdom—ah!"

Wen Luan felt that he was overwhelmed by Vasago's screaming.

"What's going on? We got lost in the high-dimensional space again, and another accident happened? Or another antimatter shell?"


The ten-meter-long crocodile stopped in front of the space crack it just jumped out of.

On the right is a large number of red light spots - the Holy Empire really bypassed the Moby Dick galaxy and ventured through the outer star field of the vent to attack.

On the left is a relatively sparse number of green dots, led by Andos' Night Feather Legion, a knight in black armor standing in the starry sky with a sharp sword in his hand.

How to jump to the front of the two armies to break...

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