heavy fog

Chapter 196 Political Class

After Meredith City left, the Deep Blue Star dream was completely broken.

A small mech, which was secretly spying outside the Red Sail Galaxy, stopped suddenly, and then, without hesitating to expose its whereabouts, quickly swept towards the direction of the expeditionary force of the Holy Empire in the Red Sail Galaxy.

The alarm was triggered immediately, and soon the army scattered outside the deep blue galaxy received "the enemy is already exploring the attack route" and "the war may break out within three days."

The tight time made everyone a little out of breath.

Various military supplies and combat plans were not put aside just because the capital can fly.The bargaining chips held by the government of the Deep Blue Kingdom are limited, and now at best it is just an extra hole card, or in other words-the battle plan can be flexible and changeable, and there is no need to deploy a solid defensive circle for the capital. Where is it now? If you are safe, you can fly wherever you want.

"Your Majesty! We want to propose to the Institute!"

"We can move the capital to the southern border. As long as we are given enough time, all the troops in the kingdom can be mobilized—and troops from neighboring countries can also be recruited!"

"Enough!" The king resolutely stopped everyone from speaking impatiently.

When the ground shook violently just now, because he couldn't stand stably, he sat down on the chair belonging to the prime minister in the center of the Congress, but his expression was even more tired than before.

This is a kind of discouragement, and it seems that I have given up on something.

——For the restoration, the royal family has been working hard for hundreds of years. The king knows that many nobles secretly whisper behind his back that his luck is too bad. If his political opponent is not Cyrus, the restoration has already been successful.

The king himself scorned such criticisms, because others could say such things, but he himself could not think so, which was a vain excuse for comforting himself.

Even a few days ago, the king admitted complete defeat, arranged everything, and waited for the ruling party to issue an order to kill himself.The king still doesn't think his life's work was in vain.

But now, he finally couldn't stand and collapsed.

With his arms precariously propped up on the table, and his upper body leaning against the table, when Alsila VI heard the specific changes that happened to Deep Blue Star, his whole body seemed to have been taken out of his soul, his eyes were empty and he was in a daze.

At this moment, a group of people were clamoring in his ears. After the king came back to his senses, he immediately yelled out of control.

There was silence in Congress.

Ashira VI leaned there powerlessly, smiling wearily.

He has lived on this planet for more than 200 years, and the royal family has continued for 2000 years. He once held power. Even now he enjoys a respected status, but he never knew that the beautiful planet under his feet was an illusion.

Is the secret interrupted during inheritance?Or has Deep Blue Star never really been controlled by the royal family?

What hit the king even more was that the entire capital rose from the ground and moved. He could easily think of the tricks played by Cyrus and the others, the construction of this city, the reinforcement over the years...the glowing eyes on the buildings.

Alsila VI's body trembled, both angry and helpless.

He has long been wary of political opponents installing hidden bugs in sculptures, so huge statues and artworks are not allowed in the rooms of the palace, and even small statues are not allowed in the king's living room and small living room.For so many years, even he felt that he was thinking too much, because there was no evidence that the Institute had used its ingenuity to this, and the result was even more terrifying than he expected!

Columns on all building facades!

It's really a big deal, it's really a cover-up surveillance.

"How is it in the city?" The king felt that his voice sounded hollow.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is to find that your life's hard work is just a joke in the eyes of others.

"A large number of cracks appeared on the ground of several streets, and several water supply pipes burst. The urban patrol team has been sent to repair it." A congressional clerk said tremblingly, "This is an order from the... Institute."

The bigwigs in the kingdom's political circles confronted each other, and they would be scared to death for such little people who eat public office.

There are powerful enemies outside, and the flames of war are imminent. If the decree is still divided into Congress and Research Institute at this time, it will be embarrassing to death.

"Oh, that's good."

Alsila VI slowly turned his head: "According to the original instruction, get the staff and all legions ready..."

Seeing everyone's hesitant expressions, the king added the last sentence: "The command authority belongs to the staff department. Those who must make decisions must be reported to the research institute first. If there is no response, then declare the whereabouts and report to me."

"Your Majesty?" the diehard restorationists were anxious.

"All military operations should be coordinated with...that side." King Ashira VI finished speaking heavily.

Everyone except the Restoration Party heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly quit to get busy.

The king raised his hand to stop an old nobleman from speaking anxiously: "Your Excellency, I remember that there is a unicorn statue in your study?"

"Ah?" The nobleman was almost confused by the question, and replied instinctively, "It also has a clock, which is a very precious work of art."

The king nodded to him, and said weakly, "Go back and see if it's there."

The nobleman's face turned pale suddenly, and he was not so dull that he couldn't even understand such hints—how many secret conversations were held in the study?There are too many statues in the house, and there are such tasteful things even in the garden.

Seeing the faces of his subordinates turning pale with horror, and their calves trembling, the king sighed and comforted him: "Don't be nervous, it's impossible for every one of them to have problems...even those statue pillars on the outer wall of the building will not They are monitoring all the time, which consumes too much energy, Cyrus and the others will only have selective monitoring."

In the end, it was fine if he didn't say anything, but when he couldn't, some of them were so frightened that their legs went limp.

——What they are afraid of is not their own political stance. This is something that has been stated long ago, nor is it their own privacy. You have to go around twice, even if you talk to your own people, you still use hints.As for corruption and bribery or personal indulgence, who is doing it at home?Everyone goes to the dungeon, the standard mask and cloak, who can recognize it?

What they are afraid of is the gossip they gossip about when they vent their anger on a daily basis, such as how a group of poor people live in poor clothes in the institute. The object of ridicule on this topic is Caput, the finance minister. people slept.

Also, why didn't the family dismantle the research institute, or just kill these guys with laser gun fire?Did the soldiers take advantage of it? What kind of benefits can a group of poor people who can't even eat eat... At this point, the topic began to turn to slander and pornography.

Another example is how the ruling party successfully submitted the application and became a legal party.

Programme, members, leaders... They are not lacking, but the Deep Blue Kingdom was about to break out of civil war at that time, how to get the permission to sign by means is also a topic worth pouring black water on.Threats of poisoning, threats of secret force and control are good-sounding words, as for bad-sounding... You see, Prime Minister Cyrus is really good-looking, let alone Deep Blue Star, and it’s hard to find it in the entertainment circles of the Beluga Galaxy in 2000 To this extent, it is a pity that all the aristocratic families and party members who controlled the political situation of the kingdom were all dead, and no one knew who had enjoyed this advantage.

The above are purely oppressed words to vent their anger. They don't know how many times they have said, or how many people have heard them say.At the beginning, I knew it was purely malicious speculation, but later on, I even wondered if it was true.

Now as long as Mitchell of the Secret Intelligence Service issues an order to thoroughly investigate these long-standing rumors, most of the people present may be dragged into prison-the evidence must be solid.

The king had no idea what they were afraid of.

He closed his eyes, stood up without trying to avoid suspicion, and still sat in the seat that didn't belong to him.

Because he has never been so clear-headed: Cyrus doesn't care who takes this position, and the ruling party doesn't care that the king comes out to preside over the overall situation... No one can shake the position of the Deep Blue Star Research Institute.


"Mentor, the military allocation report from Congress."

The bald old man raised his head with a complex expression, and it took a long time before he sighed softly.

"Isn't this great?" Mitchell grabbed a few data cables and said doubtfully, "The king always knows where he should be, so it's very worry-free. What do you have to worry about, mentor."

"Stinky boy!"

Higgs swung the solar panel and stopped when he almost hit Mitchell on the forehead.

——Actually, this is a blood prince, and he is one of the most powerful princes in the secret party. He is so strong that his body temperature is similar to that of a normal person, and his heart is beating. Prince Settra does not have this ability yet.


No matter, it has been smashed N times before and this time is not bad.

The undead creature Higgs calmly gave Prince Mokavi a heavy blow, and shouted loudly: "Move your brains! Political enemies are human beings, not mechas that have been programmed. At the time, no one knew what crazy choices they would make."

Mitchell rubbed his head, squatted down aggrieved and muttered: "I know, isn't this just talking... God, the tutor used to only teach research classes, but now he even teaches politics classes."

Cyrus wasn't there either, and he was the only one left to be targeted. It was so miserable.

"Besides, isn't this what your mentor said? It doesn't matter if we don't go to Congress, the king will definitely take care of it, and he will definitely not cause damage and hinder us, and he will even cooperate with us..." Mitchell can't wait to take out the recording To prove his innocence, "Cyrus agreed, everyone thinks it makes sense!"

"Get out!" Higgs felt that even if he died once, he would not be able to catch up with Mitchell's brain circuit.

Next, while he was busy with his work, he sighed secretly, laughing at himself that he wanted to be a spy and sympathize with the enemy, but he was not qualified enough.

"However, Teacher, why do you think the king always looks so pleasing to the eye?"

The bald old man kicked Mitchell and said angrily, "Because people with principles deserve respect."

Mitchell nodded vigorously, well, being pleasing to the eye means being respectable.

"Then why didn't he despair? Like suicide?"

"He won't let himself die worthlessly!" The bald old man hesitated for a moment, perhaps without the overwhelming army of the Holy Radiance Empire, the king would have returned to the palace to commit suicide silently.

Well now, the king will not die until the war is over and the crisis is not resolved.

——The Holy Glory Empire made an expedition and sneak attack, and King Ashira VI of the Deep Blue Kingdom committed suicide in fear.How many people will be alarmed by this news?At the moment when they are working together to resist the unprecedented crisis of the Deep Blue Kingdom in the past 2000 years, even if the king collapses again, he will not let himself die.

"In the eyes of King Isila VI, the Deep Blue Kingdom is more important than the restoration of the royal family, and restoration is more important than his own life." Higgs patted Mitchell again, "It's easy to understand, because both Cyrus and I It is such a person that the kingdom is more important than research, and research is more important than ourselves."

"No, mentor, you must have made a mistake."

Mitchell pointed out the mistake seriously, and said loudly: "Cyrus has a lover! Even if his lover died, he still kept the body for 100 years. I think his lover's body is more important to Cyrus."

The entire busy laboratory was dead silent.

Everyone looked back at Mitchell foolishly—after all, Cyrus was the head of the research institute in name, and he was working on a secret project that no one knew about.Analyzing the genetic technology of the Holy Glory Empire, most researchers didn't know what it was for. In fact, only Cyrus knew the password to the place where Wen Luan's body was sealed, and no one else had entered it.

And when Mitchell was talking, the door behind him slowly opened, and Cyrus paused when he walked in, narrowing his eyes dangerously at the lifeless Foreign Minister.

"What's wrong?"

Mitchell also asked stupidly: "What are you all doing standing up? Caput, your eyes are cramping?"

Caput was frustrated, turned his head and continued to upgrade the mecha.

Wen Luan pushed Cyrus who was in the way, walked directly behind Mitchell, and patted his shoulder, "Hello! Do you know who I am?"

"Hello!" Mitchell put on a nervous smile, and then quietly asked the people next to him, "This guy is sick, he doesn't even know who he is, and he came to ask me."


In fact, most people present also wanted to ask, who is Wen Luan?

This is the core laboratory of the Deep Blue Star Research Institute, there are no strangers, and Wen Luan doesn't even have an identification tag on him, which is really strange.

"It looks familiar." Someone who had seen Wen Luan in Port Royal Meredith murmured.

"Hey, let me take a look." Mitchell looked at Wen Luan carefully again, "It seems a little familiar."

Wen Luan felt that his smile was almost distorted, he pressed Mitchell's shoulder viciously, and slapped vigorously: "It must be familiar! I am the corpse that Cyrus collected!"

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