heavy fog

Chapter 199

When the countries of the Moby Dick galaxy received the latest light wave communication, this cruel war to determine the fate of the two galaxies had already started for a whole day and night. The reinforcements from other territories of the Deep Blue Kingdom rushed desperately. Observing the starry sky can only detect cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves of different values.

It will take several years for the dazzling light produced by the explosion on the battlefield to be transmitted.

"Damn, what's the situation like in the war?" People asked each other anxiously, the airports of several countries adjacent to the Deep Blue Kingdom were extremely busy, and many wealthy businessmen took boats to transfer their property.

"The Holy Glory Empire has entered the Devil Star Realm! They actually have the ability to conquer the Death Star Realm. The Dark Blue Kingdom can't win, everyone run away!"

Rumors caused panic among people, and even those who were barely calm began to feel uneasy.

I heard that the most remote ray observation telescope found that a dwarf planet at the outermost edge of the deep blue galaxy exploded. The solid methane ice on this small celestial body was forced to sublimate, and the combustible ice released a large amount of light and heat in an instant. All the things turned into cosmic dust.

"Energy value... The battleship mechs with a shell defense level below 7 are all gone."

The technology of detonating a dwarf planet, half of the countries in the Moby Dick galaxy, but this is like nuclear weapons in the ancient earth period, how to restore the impact on the environment after detonation?How long does the explosion last to be most effective?

The former problem still has the commonality to be solved, and the latter problem must have superb technology to formulate a perfect plan for celestial bodies with different masses in different galaxies.

Just as no one wants to use nuclear weapons first, the defense of the galaxy will not actively destroy a planet when there are other ways.

"Even if the outermost dwarf planet in the galaxy disappears, its gravitational influence on the entire galaxy is limited!" People who firmly believed in the strength of the Deep Blue Kingdom tried to defend themselves, but before they could save the panic-stricken people, two more dwarf planets were detonated up.

There are a total of eight planets in the deep blue galaxy, and there are six relatively small dwarf planets on the outermost. According to their orbits, it is obvious that the dwarf planets close to the direction of the expeditionary force of the Holy Radiance Empire have been detonated.

The orbits of comet groups and small celestial bodies in the outermost part of the galaxy have been seriously disturbed.

The Holy Glory Empire did not stop, and the gravitational field lost control in a small area, which made their advance more stable. In the face of such a long-war expeditionary force, it was very difficult to defend a fixed territory.

On the third day of the war...

"It's not good! The first wave of reinforcements from the Deep Blue Kingdom was repulsed. The two sides fought on the main channel outside the galaxy, and more than a dozen space stations were destroyed. The battle situation inside the galaxy is still unclear, but the main transportation line will It’s related to supplies! The Deep Blue galaxy lacks troops in a hasty battle, and the Holy Glory Empire lacks supplies. Now whoever occupies the main air route can decide the victory!”

Fourth day.

"Cut it off! The troops in the Deep Blue Kingdom did not rush to the rescue, but blocked all the routes leading to the warring star field, and waited for it. In this way, it is useless for the Holy Empire to seize the transportation line. They sailed from afar , Concentrating firepower to attack the deep blue galaxy is the key, and it is impossible to expand the battlefield."

"My God, in this way, the capital galaxy of the Deep Blue Kingdom will be tantamount to being abandoned! It will become an isolated island... Is this order from the Kingdom's central government, or is it the self-assessment of the kingdom's administrative starfields?"

"Maybe Deep Blue Star has the confidence to defeat the enemy?"

"No, no, it's too scary. According to observations, the number of the Holy Radiance Empire's army has exceeded the number of the first expedition to the Moby Dick galaxy. It must be noted that they are the trump card army of the Holy Radiance Empire, and their combat effectiveness may be to destroy Moore. The combat power of the third army of the Wia Republic is five times, or ten times! It depends on the type and number of angel mechs, and the development of the technology of the Holy Radiance Empire in the past 100 years."

On the street light curtains of the major planets in the Beluga Galaxy, people like experts appeared to comment and discuss.

The first-hand image data on the distant battlefield cannot be obtained, so they use the various values ​​observed by astronomy to analyze the military weapons of the Red Spider Nebula in recent years, and most experts are pessimistic and terrified. look.

Corresponding to the light curtain is the sky with spaceships passing by constantly, as well as hovering vehicles rushing through.The prices of all kinds of daily necessities have doubled, and the value of real estate has plummeted.

In the international financial market of the Beluga Galaxy, the aviation energy per unit has been hyped up steadily.

This terrifying change reached its peak as the situation in the Deep Blue Galaxy became worse and worse.

"There are three six-winged Archangel mechas. I heard that they have all the strength of the Holy See's Judgment Hall. Archbishop Dai Leian went out in person! The battle line has already advanced to the giant planet in the middle of the galaxy!"

There are people who are eager to flee for their lives and sell their properties, and of course there are speculators who bet all their belongings, betting that the Deep Blue Kingdom will win in the end, and trying to collect real estate as garbage.

"Anyway, it's death! Once the Deep Blue Kingdom is defeated, the Moby Whale galaxy will be conquered sooner or later. If we win the bet, we'll give it away!"

As a result, half of the people on the major administrative planets desperately tried to find a way to escape from here, and some others were holding high-end drinks that they usually dare not drink, lying in a room full of luxury goods, holding a stack of land and mineral contracts, dreaming and dying.

"A group of dark blue star warships jumped to the southern star field, and they withdrew from the battlefield. I heard from them that all the space stations in the outer layer of the galaxy are gone, and it is difficult for the remaining jumping points to open a space channel stably in the flames of war. The remaining troops can no longer Retreat, all squeeze the satellite defense belt 30 kilometers away from the capital's deep blue star!"

"The Holy Glory Empire also suffered heavy losses, but their numbers are too many..."

"The Dark Blue Kingdom is over!"

100 years ago, it was the Morvians who fled to various countries.

Now it is time for countries to inquire about how to enter New Morvia. After all, there is the main army of the Beluga Galaxy there, and they can reaffirm the Beluga Galaxy covenant in the Red Spider Nebula.

All the air routes of the Beluga Galaxy are severely blocked, one administrative planet after another near the Deep Blue Kingdom has become empty, 70.00% of the people are fleeing, and even the army is migrating as a whole.

Some speculators did not withstand the pressure and quietly fled to the wild galaxy in small spaceships.

There are still lunatics waving large real estate deeds, laughing and shouting to get rich or get rich.It feels good to die in a room full of contract chips.

Only the real poor, huddled together trembling with fear, do not know what awaits them is a slave-like fate, or a destroyed death.

Seventh day of war.

In the core area of ​​the research institute, Wen Luan entered the control room of the King of True Knowledge, which was enclosed on all sides.

"Why is this shared vision weird?"

"The city defense system of Meredith, [-] observation points in space, I integrated it." Purson said, it also took care of Wen Luan and explained, "The internal problems of Andumari are led by Higgs. People solve it, mechs... I mean we are responsible for the external situation of the entire mobile city. Andumari doesn't have the ability to deal with complex problems. You use me to manipulate it, and you use me to understand the situation. In the words of the lost civilizations of the ancient earth, you can use me as a wiring board or a converter."


Wen Luan watched the battle situation ahead and remained silent for a long time.

The space junk suspended in the deep blue galaxy will probably be affected by gravity for N years after this war, unless a special cleaning spacecraft is dispatched to waste energy to drag it away.

A dazzling light suddenly burst out in the starry sky, and the tall black knight mech crumbled and cracked, and a seraph stood in front of it.

"Andos!" Wen Luan exclaimed.

"The flagship of the Night Feather Legion is too targeted, and Andos needs to die." Purson said in a cold mechanical voice, "As long as the core components are present, the Raymond Gayton Mecha will not usher in a real death."

"But... the people above!"

"Since there are such preparations, most of the people are of course not on the flagship, but..."

In order to paralyze the enemy, there are still a small number of permanent personnel on a battleship like Andos that is destined to be sacrificed. Before stepping on the spaceship, they already know their fate.

Veins popped out on Wen Luan's palm, he finally realized that this war was more cruel than he imagined.

"Choosing death is not that difficult, and Andos can't guarantee 100% that he can come back." The King of True Knowledge said to Wen Luan in the spiritual connection, "This galaxy, this planet... will no longer exist."

"I thought Cyrus was very sure." Wen Luan said to himself, but his body trembled more and more.

"That's something that has never been done before. Probability is unreliable in actual combat. 90.00% chance of winning, [-]% chance, when you only have one chance, the difference is not big. We can only Get two outcomes, success and death."

"Who told me that Cyrus will not do things that are not sure?"

Wen Luan tried his best to contain his anger, not to let the sensor wires on his body get entangled, trembling with anger, he didn't touch any button.

"You misunderstood the meaning of death."

Poulsen said in a low voice, "I'm talking about success and death, not success and failure."

Wen Luan was moved: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, if we fail, we will be buried with the Holy Glory Empire! This is a very sure thing no matter what."

"Get lost, that's not how you count." Wen Luan panted angrily, "What exactly is Cyrus going to do?"

"Dark Blue Star... yes, it has already started." Purson cleared all the screens.

The flares of the explosion, the flowing flames, the wreckage of the crash...

There is a hole in the area defense belt outside the capital.

The densely packed black warships of the Holy Glory Empire pressed in with force.The peripheral battle is still going on, but there seems to be no movement on this barren planet.

"Dodge, we will be found!" Wen Luan said anxiously.

"We're far away."

"They found out that the succubus is not there, so why don't they search for it in the depths of the galaxy?"

In fact, Wen Luan and the others landed on the dark side of the second planet close to the star, and there were satellites to block it.

"Who said the succubus is not here?" Purson asked back.

Wen Luan was terrified, and he saw almost invisible wisps of white mist emerging from the deep pit pulled out of Meredith City.

"The benefits of spiritual connection." The King of Knowledge said to himself, "If someone else is manipulating me, it will be difficult for me to find this so quickly."

The encrypted communication of the Holy Glory Empire was also sent back.

"The dark blue star is barren! The succubus may have absconded!"

"There seems to be a large pit at the northernmost end of the planet, like the ruins of a city..."

"Don't be deceived, this is an illusion created by the succubus!"

The orders from the Hall of Judgment and the Pope's Hall came at the same time, and the detection of the high-sensitivity mental wave equipment they carried was also correct.

"The Nightmare is on this planet, sending some of the four-winged mechs to prepare for landing, and the others are on standby. Do not destroy this planet. Gravity out of control will cause chaos, and it will be difficult for us to catch the demon in the form of nothingness! Bring the device that confines the mental wave, to prevent the succubus from abandoning its body and escaping!"

"Don't land on the ground, don't believe what your eyes see."

"Prevent attacks at all times! When you detect the range of the succubi, throw out a large number of interference restraint devices."

In the deep pit where the capital of Deep Blue Star was originally located.

The rock wall kept shaking, and the disappearance of a huge city triggered several large-scale earthquakes, and magma also erupted in some areas.

Several mechas came back one after another, lying on the stone wall in hiding.

"They're coming." Cyrus suddenly opened his eyes.

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