heavy fog

Chapter 41 Elopement in Progress

Due to years of mental exhaustion, Cyrus never dreamed, or in other words, he was far away from the age when he was young and had dreams - he didn't feel sorry for this, because the ideal of that young researcher had already been realized.

Political struggles in a country never cease, but as long as the people are not affected, and as long as the ruling party is capable of solving the problem quickly, coups are no big deal. Just like in medieval Europe, the best medical treatment for illness is bloodletting.

Cities can be rebuilt after being destroyed, weapons can be rebuilt after a little consumption in internal fighting, proper bloodletting can eliminate the rebellious factors accumulated in the kingdom, and of course it will inevitably damage the good parts, all of which are worthwhile.

The people only know what the people should know, and they never need to worry about national power and diplomacy.Soldiers only do what soldiers are supposed to do. Unless they have ulterior motives, they don't need to worry about factional struggles in line, and don't need to worry about the distribution of military supplies. The weapons issued by the Deep Blue Kingdom are always just the tip of the iceberg of its huge technology.

Let the non-ruling class live the life they want, without having to re-calculate living expenses and transportation expenses because of national policies, and do not have to choose hard jobs that they hate but can earn more money (robots do the dirty and messy hard work).There is no need to waste time on living and running, there are fixed social benefits, those who are lazy and lazy can barely eat and wear, and hardworking people can display their intelligence and talents.

This is not a utopia where everyone is happy, but it is a city where everyone wants to live.

A group of scientists from research institutes originally hoped for such a beautiful life of uninterrupted work.They worked hard to create such a deep blue star, but there is only one support behind all the tiny freedoms: a strong country.

But where there is light, there will be darkness, and there are certain things that can never be imagined.

Cyrus looked suspiciously at the bustling dungeon in a dream that he hadn't seen in decades.

His dreams have always been a strange bystander attitude.

People wearing masks riding in carriages, enjoying operas or hugging singers, their figures are covered by thick cloaks, and their faces are covered by gorgeous masks. Maybe the credit card machines at the entrances and exits of entertainment places and passages can know that they are foreigners. People are still residents of the Deep Blue Star, but which machine can see through the essence under the cloak mask?

The farce on the floats has attracted the attention of a large number of tourists, and there are also people on the balconies on both sides of the street who are eager to watch, not to mention those people who don’t have much money in their pockets and just want to watch the fun. They are crowded and can’t wait to step on The stone carvings on the side of the road want to occupy a good position.

In the dark alleyway, a hand quietly stretched out, and firmly caught a tourist who was squeezed out. The other people who squeezed out cursed and walked around in circles. Looking back, I want to say a word of thanks - the speed was breathless, the sharp fangs pierced the blood vessels on the side of the neck, and when the cloak fell, it was like a drunk person being supported by a friend to rest temporarily in the narrow alley.

The tourists who came and went looked at the carnival city excitedly, and only glanced at the two resting on the side of the road.

Under the cloak, there was a soft swallowing sound, and then the fangs left the warm skin, and two black and blue holes appeared on the neck, and the blood-stained tongue licked vaguely, and the cavities disappeared quickly .

The victim gasps softly, arms dangling unconsciously.

The vampire's sharp fangs retracted, and the camel hair feather mask on his face was bright red in color. He put his prey down against the wall, moved away silently, and disappeared into the carnival crowd.

After 1 minute, the dizzy victim woke up, his memory was blank, he leaned against the wall and complained that there were too many people, and hurriedly found a small cheap bar to enjoy the singing and dancing.

as if nothing had happened—

The dream scene changed drastically, just like Andumari's bird's-eye surveillance map, expanding from a corner of the street to the entire block, with abnormal blood-red dots dancing among the crowd.

With the help of building shadows and exploding fireworks, black bats that quietly appear or disappear ride the night, silently looking for prey. The fangs under the mask are sharply pierced into the skin of the prey, and the blood color slowly seeps in. Vampires The pale skin without temperature also became slightly rosy.They revel like wanton tourists, lurking deep, deep...

Cyrus didn't know that it was impossible for him to dream. What he saw was the real situation in this dungeon at this moment.


The people who knew nothing about the coup in the surface city looked at the lights in the building strangely.

The house seemed to be shaking a bit, but they were not afraid. The kingdom government had issued a notice that there was a particle storm in the solar system in the past few days, which affected communications and space navigation, and the Deep Blue Star port was closed for ten days.

Probably the celestial activity also caused the formation of the deep blue star to be active, and a small-scale earthquake broke out.

This is a high-tech era, a strong energy protection cover can withstand most of the natural forces, and the limit of troubles caused by earthquakes is at most the level of fragile items at home.

Only the vampire thrillers stalking their prey look up.

The rivers, streets, and stone streets that run through the dungeon have undergone slight changes. The buildings in the distance are somewhat blurred, but they only flickered for a while, and then became clearer again, because the hungry blood clans who ignored the order of the Dark Council to hide and came out to hunt quietly felt a sense of fear. There was a cold breath sweeping over him.

They were too stiff to move.

After a brief shaking of the ground, the breath disappeared. The blood races rushed to the dark corners in embarrassment, turned into bats and scattered, and some were so frightened that they went straight into the sewer—they were not afraid of Cyrus, but Fear of exposure due to disobedience to the orders of the Great Elder, the consequences are very serious, the Dark Council is not a democratic dictatorship.

There is no sky in the dungeon, no sunlight, so there is no such thing as a city that never sleeps. Carnivals, singing and dancing are endless day and night, salutes are fired one after another into the sky, and the virtual rain of golden rose petals keeps falling.

Behind the bustling block is the residential area of ​​Deep Blue Star that tourists cannot enter. It is very quiet here, and the water waves emerging from the river have photographed the stone bridge, causing many people to look sideways.

The waves of the water gradually subsided, and they swirled in the river with white foam, and soon disappeared again.

"This earthquake is not small." The owner of a grocery store stretched his head and said to his neighbors.

Of course, he didn't know that there was a small silver spaceship lying on the bottom of the river. The metal on the surface was constantly changing, refracting light by itself. Even if he stood by the river, he couldn't see anything underneath.

"Ah... There is a deviation in the landing point, file the data, and correct it next time." Seier muttered.

Beret unhappily disassembled the scepter, pulled it away from the console, and maintained the shape of a three-inch villain, looking suspiciously at Wen Luan who was lying motionless on the ground.

"Oh, the shock wave that broke through the passage was too big, and I'm dizzy." Seir replied, the virtual image of the knight in silver armor appeared on the screen of the spaceship, and he used the data to form a small notebook, grabbed a pen and began to record , "I don't have enough experience in space jumping, so I won't do it next time, tsk tsk, human beings are so fragile."

"Seer..." Beret's voice was a bit wrong.

"Your Majesty, I'm here! Think about it, you're still in my body, I'm sure I can hear you, please speak if you have something to say." The silver armored knight continued to write without raising his head.

"...Look at Your Excellency Cyrus."

"Huh?" Shire looked up strangely, and then got stuck just like Beret.

Cyrus sat leaning on the ground, his golden pupils were unfocused, straight, not in a daze, but as if he saw something through the bulkhead, with a cold expression.

A small arc of electric current flashed across the console, poking Beret: "What's going on?"

"I don't know..." Beret was at a loss and depressed.

"Hey, how can you not know? That is your master, and your manipulator again! Didn't the spiritual connection tell you the answer?" Xier said dissatisfied.

Sancunding glared at him fiercely.

——How could it be only its master, obviously the master of everyone, this rebel Shier! !

"Very strong, very strong." The metal villain muttered.

As a king-level mecha, it is also very sad, because it requires more evolutionary materials, consumes more energy, and especially requires a higher spiritual level of the operator, so Beret always feels that the day when he can fully activate it is far away.

But why is Cyrus's mental fluctuations constantly rising?

Before human beings die, they will reflect for a while. I have never heard that spiritual energy will double!

Especially Cyrus's eyes were straightened, as if he didn't see the state of the two mechas around him, it was obviously abnormal——

"It's already strong enough to activate you 100%, and activate me 60.00%! It's still growing..." the villain glanced at Seer.

"Oh!" Shir understood as soon as he heard it. It pondered for a few seconds, and said with reservations, "Dear Your Majesty Beret, this happened to me, I have also encountered it!"

The three-inch Ding Beret's eyes were full of disbelief—it was a mecha, which could turn the word "disbelief" into data and show it to Seir in the electronic eyes.


Xier felt that the improvement of Wen Luan's strength must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

The glory of a mecha also includes comparing itself with its master...

"What should we do?" Sil turned off all those thoughts and asked Beret modestly.

Beret has no idea either. It knows nothing about the inside story of Deep Blue Star. The plan it made before is how to properly keep the remains of Cyrus after his death (to protect Raymond Gayton’s chip). Your Excellency the Prime Minister’s wish is to The chip was handed over to Foreign Affairs Secretary Mitchell.

The leader of the ruling party is Cyrus, but others may not be willing to obey Mitchell, which requires Beret's strong deterrence.

Just let Mitchell get the chip and everything will be fine.

The internal contradictions of the ruling party are not big. They are not politicians themselves, but a group of mad scientists.But that kind of conflict is not much different from the impulsiveness of kindergarten children. No matter who Cyrus leaves the chip to, they will make a fuss. In comparison, Mitchell, who is schizophrenic, is the one with the lowest hatred. , it is stable.

The most confidential and important order left by Cyrus is to closely monitor the Deep Blue Star in the next ten years. The target is of course the strange creatures lurking in the Deep Blue Kingdom.

——No matter how unwilling, a person who is about to die cannot find the truth with a sigh of relief.

But not checking doesn't mean that Cyrus doesn't want to think about it anymore. This is the thought that he had pent up before he died.Now that he is abnormal, it is obvious that he is deeply conscious.

The devil hidden deep in his body, angrily found the bats in his own domain.

The food of the succubi is human desires, all kinds of greed, jealousy, distortion, and indulgent lust.

If you want to lure more human beings into the trap, of course you must first construct beautiful and wonderful dreams to attract more people to come and make them not want to leave.

The dreamland is the domain of the devil, and it is also its dinner plate. Now a nest of sneaky bats has been mixed into the dinner plate, and it may have been hiding in the dinner plate for a long time... The succubi is furious!

So the dungeon swayed a few more times.

The fleeing bat was even more frightened, knowing that this time it was a big mess, it couldn't hide it!They will definitely be severely punished by the family. In severe cases, they may lose their lives. In the lightest cases, they will be thrown out of the Deep Blue Kingdom and sent to other countries in the Beluga Galaxy to dawdle.

The blood race loves a luxurious life, leaving Deep Blue Star, where else is better than here, in the eyes of the blood race, they are all tasteless rural places!Uncomfortable sleep, bad architecture, nowhere to even enjoy an opera - this is serious!

The river was constantly turbulent, and Hedi Shier asked with difficulty: "...Can I throw Your Excellency Prime Minister out?"

The bulkheads of the spaceship were all shaken by the powerful energy so that they burst into flames.

Beret glared at Sel, and the silver armored knight immediately shut up.

"Hmm." Wen Luan, who was lying still on his stomach, was tossed and moved a bit.

Xier felt that Wen Luan's mental fluctuations were beginning to double, and he immediately looked at Beret proudly, ready to prove that he didn't lie just now.

Unexpectedly, the Nightmare's reaction was more sensitive than Ser's.

Cyrus quickly turned his head and stared at Wen Luan on the ground.

"Natural enemy..."

"What did he say?" Beret, who couldn't understand English, asked Shire.

Seir hadn't translated yet, but Cyrus had already closed his eyes and slid down against the bulkhead without moving.

Without the stimulation of the arrogant natural enemy, Wen Luan's deep consciousness paused for a moment, slowly covered his stomach, and muttered vaguely: "It's good."

A dream-eating creature, when it is about to die, will turn a blind eye even if the succubus is by its side.Just imagine what kind of ferocious creature will hunt after eating?Even if people are full, they don’t want to watch the cooking of a super chef—they can’t fill their stomachs, but they still want to watch delicious food that is full of color, fragrance, and taste. Isn’t it a sin?

So Wen Luan also fell back with a snap.

"It hurts!" The ordinary man Wen Luan woke up from the impact, and rubbed his forehead as he got up, "Did we escape?"

Beret was startled by this bizarre scene and the program stopped.

Shier didn't have any adverse reactions, and answered smoothly: "Yes, master, this is a dungeon."

"Why don't you space jump and leave Deep Blue?"

"The coup d'état of the Deep Blue Kingdom has been purged, and the entire star system has been blocked. I'm not sure that I'll be able to withstand such a strong space attack firepower." Xier replied, even if there was Beret, Beret would not agree to help hijack Sai Luce left Deep Blue Star.

"It seems that we will continue to flee. This is really bad news." Wen Luan suddenly saw the three-inch man on the console, and pointed in surprise, "What is this?"

"Ugh, high tech!"

Beret was irritated by Seir's answer, swung his scepter, and wanted to say something haughtily. Cyrus on the ground moved his fingers and slowly opened his eyes.

The villain flew over immediately and hovered in front of Cyrus.

Wen Luan gestured with his eyes, and asked Sier with a spiritual link: So it's this guy's high technology?

Syer nodded vigorously.

"Where is this, why am I here?" Cyrus asked weakly.

Beret told him seriously, Prime Minister, you have been kidnapped by a diplomat entourage, yes, it is your one-night stand before, the one who claimed to appear too late in your life.The above is bad news, but the good news is that that guy still doesn't know that you are the Prime Minister of the Deep Blue Kingdom.


Cyrus, who couldn't die peacefully, forced a wry smile, and reached out to touch his face.

Although the Prime Minister of the Deep Blue Kingdom doesn’t show up very often, and the signal transmission in the interstellar era is affected by the galactic barrier, Cyrus’s appearance is not well-known, but as a diplomat or spy, he doesn’t even know his appearance. It is definitely a fake, it is really a missing population!

"You escaped? You can just go by yourself, why did you come to me?" Cyrus didn't know how Wen Luan hijacked him, so he could only say vaguely.

"Oh, high-tech!" Wen Luan will always remember that the other party used this word to take advantage of him. Now that he can get it back verbally, of course he won't miss it. Aren’t several people the same? No matter how high the room opening fee for Shakes-Aventure in the Jungle is, it can be paid back for saving your life, right?”

Is this a life saver?This is kidnapping, it's tossing the remaining life of Your Excellency the Prime Minister!Beret thought angrily.

"It's elopement! Master, I think this word is better than jailbreak!" Shier said seriously.

Wen Luan's eyelids twitched and he punched the console.

Well done, Beret's liking for Wen Luan increased by one percent.

"You don't need to make such a fuss." Cyrus closed his eyes, "I think...you can tell that I don't have much time to live."

"It's different. Dying in prison and being able to be buried outside are two different concepts." Wen Luan also felt that Cyrus' complexion was gray, and he understood it as a terminal heart disease, so he frowned and asked, "Technology is so advanced in this day and age. , is it cured without medicine?"

"Men die," Cyrus said quietly.

Wen Luan was right when he thought about it, if everything could be cured, the population would explode.

"Okay, what country are you from, where is your hometown, what's your name, and do you have any relatives?" Wen Luan asked earnestly. Now he no longer regards Cyrus as an accident in his life, but a mistake. He realized that he would feel sorry for the person who watched him die. Death can always smooth out small conflicts and make Wen Luan forget the imbalance in his heart caused by being oppressed.

Although he didn't know each other well, he felt that he could still be a competent friend at this moment.

Reaching out to support Cyrus, Wen Luan continued to ask: "Or, what else can I do for you?"


Cyrus wanted very much to say: You just send me back.

However, he couldn't tell.

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