heavy fog

Chapter 46-Awakening

"What did you say?"

Wen Luan was horrified to find that his voice was sneering uncontrollably: 【Inkabas, you asked me to go? ] "Crack!" The silver light brain slipped from the cloak and rolled to the side of the shelf.

The optical brain expands as a whole and expands into a sphere, with hands, heels and feet protruding from the sphere, ready to transform into a standard cleaning robot.

Wen Luan stood unsteadily against the wall, his expression looked dazed, and the black part of his pupils gradually deepened.

Shier, who was in the middle of the transformation, jumped up instantly, and the silver fragments spurted wildly from the ball, forming a fully armed state of the silver armored knight in half a minute.

The villain Beret on the candy jar glared at Shire hostilely.

The silver-armored knight didn't even look at it, and took a step forward holding the knight's lance, and the low shelf was knocked and shook.Cyrus frowned belatedly, and instinctively ordered Sil: "Stop, what are you doing?"

"The manipulator's spiritual domain expands, and the energy increases..." Seier Machinery replied, the electronic eyes flickered, and Wen Luan's normal human-shaped projection in its eyes began to distort, like the reflection of a broken water surface, under the scanning of the mecha's real eyes, The detected powerful energy had a form, as terrifying as something trying to break free from Wen Luan's body.

Beret's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Cyrus. With a swing of the scepter in his hand, a pale golden energy mask was drawn.

"The energy detection response is beyond the norm, Your Excellency, let's get out of here."

Cyrus shook his head slowly, and asked back, "Beret, who tampered with him?"

"Insufficient information, so I can't answer." The three-inch man stared at Xier closely. After all, in the eyes of the mecha, only the companions of Raymond Gordon's mecha are the most threatening.

"Connect to the mentor for me."

"No, the energy fluctuations are generated by the target itself." Beret vetoed the claim that someone had tampered with Wen Luan.

While speaking, Wen Luan was already trembling all over. He raised his head in pain, and finally a black smoke visible to the naked eye appeared between his brows, followed by his whole body being wrapped in thick black smoke.

"Crack!" Metal confinement rings appeared on Wen Luan's knees and elbows again.

"Beret?" Cyrus asked in surprise.

Holding the scepter, the three-inch man said angrily, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency. The imprisonment ring has never been removed. I just made Xier mistakenly think that it cracked the code, and then left the key core turned into a tiny metal buckle." On the joints...I promise it's not painful, the target won't even notice."

"That's not the kind of explanation I need." Cyrus frowned.

"He is very dangerous, sir, you can't be careless!" Beret said forcefully, "A person who shares the soul with you, his existence itself is a threat. Deep Blue Star's technology research doesn't know much about this field. I Sudden accidents must be prevented! For example... right now!"

"I don't like anyone advocating for me, including you, Beret."

Cyrus stopped the three-inch man from continuing to speak, and stretched out his hand to touch Beret's forehead. The metal man reluctantly shut up, threw the scepter, and turned into dozens of strange metal parts, suspended in the air. The outer layer of the defensive cover.

"Beret 40.00% activated..."

Before the mechanical sound finished, all the shelves over there collapsed, and the goods were scattered all over the place. The poor fat boss who had been forced to sleepwalk recently escaped because he was lying on the counter and sleeping soundly.

Wen Luan felt that he had fallen into a terrible illusion, because everything in front of him was distorted.The floor is like a boiling cauldron, the shelves have become curved unknown pipes, and the ceiling is even more terrifying, like a whirlpool that is constantly spinning.

His eyes widened in horror, his fingers subconsciously tightened, trying to grab something.

"Ellen?" Wen Luan shouted with all his strength.

But he couldn't hear his own voice, only screams and sighs from nowhere, like someone playing more than ten horror movies in his ears at the same time, sharp screams and deep despairing sighs appeared in turn .

His forehead began to sting, tearing like an explosion.

is there something...

Something lurking in the depths of his soul...something...

Wen Luan's body slowly slid down the wall. Cyrus originally wanted Beret to rescue Wen Luan according to the scanning situation, but when Cyrus saw Wen Luan's fingers deeply penetrated into the inner wall, he There was silence.

"Beret, can the small-scale space transfer function be activated?"

"Sorry sir, I haven't upgraded this function yet." The three-inch man replied in panic, "The energy response is improving, and the attribute cannot be detected..."

"Crack." As Wen Luan pulled out his hand, uniform cracks appeared on the entire wall from the hole wall.

Still with black hair and black eyes, there is a whirlpool of shimmer in the depths of the pupils, "Wen Luan" raised his head proudly, and said contemptuously in a strangely inhuman manner: [Cowardly succubus, you are hiding again! Woke up? ] "..."

Cyrus looked coldly at Wen Luan who stood up again.

——This is not the Wen Luan he knew at all!

"Vampire?" This is the only alien race of the dark blue star that the prime minister knows.

"The energy response is different." Beret was restless, and the smart mech would feel a strong desire to repel and destroy all unknown things that were out of control.

"The unknown threat condition of the external environment has passed, and the power has been increased..."

"Beret, stop!"

"Denied, the match between the enemy's strength and the environment of the Deep Blue Star has reached 100%, signs of space collapse have been detected, the highest authority order has been rejected, and the core principle of Raymond Gayton's mecha has been followed - to protect the Deep Blue Star! Beret's 60.00% activation, the ground Combat form, confirm!"

There was a loud bang and the entire grocery store disappeared.

The grocery store is the first floor of the building. Its disappearance caused the entire building to collapse. Fortunately, the layout of the dungeon is different. There.

On the ground floor, there are only two broken load-bearing walls standing there.

The smoke and dust scattered, and Wen Luan's figure gradually appeared. He looked in surprise at the silver Pegasus that shielded and protected him. The sharp metal wings unfolded to isolate all the gravel, followed by a slight "pop" sound, which was so dim that it was almost invisible. The protective cover that could not be reached was broken like glass, and the silver armored knight on Pegasus held his spear tightly.

"Warning, the level of the energy shield is not enough for the opponent to attack twice, and the manipulator is requested to enter directly."

[What are you... a strange species without life. 】Wen Luan looked at Ser, in fact, when "he" was looking for his old enemy in the grocery store, he did ignore Ser and Beret, and Cyrus was tightly protected by Beret's defensive shield, so he didn't notice either. .

"Warning! The enemy is less than 100 meters away from us!" Seier switched on the combat mode, ignored Wen Luan's abnormal reaction, and just reported the situation dutifully.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a tall figure appeared on the opposite side.

And it's an amazing coincidence.Beret's mount is also a vigorous white steed. Its metal texture and smooth lines are even more outstanding, enough to compete for the title of the most magnificent artistic statue of this century.

What is more advanced than Sil is that the horse has a neat and gorgeous rein, and a row of thick purple crystals are inlaid on the side of the saddle. There is also a hexagonal hollow gold ball in the center of the bridle, and other fine gems form complex patterns. .

"Highly concentrated energy crystallization!" Shier exclaimed, shaking the knight gun in his hand. It finally understood why it took three years for the Deep Blue Kingdom to produce a mecha in the late stage of Raymond Gayton's mecha manufacturing!

These condensed energy crystals alone are enough for half a dark blue star's annual civilian consumption.

My God, the Deep Blue Kingdom must have discovered a high-purity energy mine somewhere!These crystals can be used to buy a small country of medium power in the Beluga Galaxy!

The bridle is a high-grade wire that transmits energy between the parts of the mech. Judging by its thickness, more than half of the alarm lights of the Syer core processor are already on.

This terrifying rein is gently held in a metal palm that is almost skin-colored, because the action of controlling the rein is just a procedural gesture, and the wire actually extends from Beret's wrist. Even if he lets go, the wire will not will leave.

The gorgeous metal scepter is held in the other hand. It is five meters long and is dragged backwards. The crystal on the top is pitch black, like a night sky full of stars, and there are more and more golden lines outlined by the conductive lines. complex.

——No wonder it is called a king-level mecha, which means that all the wealth can be worth an ordinary country!

Xier turned his head with difficulty, and sincerely suggested: "Master, let's run!"

[Who is your master? 】Wen Luan asked strangely, he suddenly seemed to remember something, 【By the way, you...you gave me food.The dreams of those guys are delicious, did they encounter something terrible before they fell asleep?Ha ha. ] Xier couldn't hear what Wen Luan said at all, and the Eye of Reality told it that Wen Luan was no longer Wen Luan, and the humanoid projection was replaced by a strange black vortex.

"Analysis and judgment, it's a kind of soul energy!" Beret looked directly at Wen Luan, his hostility soared, "The shattering of space is spreading...may sweep the entire block! Your Excellency, we... Your Excellency?!"

Beret panicked and found that Cyrus behind him also fell to the ground slowly, his cloak was undone, and his blond hair was speckled with bright red blood.

"Can't you hear that voice, Beret?" Cyrus turned his head weakly and slowly raised his hand.

"Your Excellency!" Beret hurriedly bent down, but it was a step too late.

Cyrus had closed his eyes, and his hands dropped heavily.

In the next second, the entire ground began to shake, and Beret's thinking module collapsed twice in a row. In the end, he could only turn off the scanning system, and asked Syer angrily, "What's going on?"

"Do you think... there are things that human beings can hear, but we can't." Shier bravely resisted Beret's powerful energy coercion, and even at this time, it insisted on showing its advantages in wisdom and philosophy .

The two mechas confronted each other, and Beret said in a deep voice, "Life? Soul?"

"I'm very glad to have reached a consensus with you." Syer said, "If my master's vital signs are the same as your Prime Minister's, then they probably have the same secret. I can't interfere, and you can't stop it."

Berrett furious: "Don't you feel the space of the whole block is collapsing?"

"I only see it showing its true colors." Shier said disdainfully, putting on a noble and arrogant look.

As if to verify Shier's words, with the confrontation area as the center, thick fog rolled over. Wen Luan stood there motionless with a sarcastic and indifferent smile. The fog quickly receded like a tide, revealing an unrecognizable street.

A rigid, coffin-like composite building.

There are no rivers, just abandoned tunnels, no retro European-style lampposts, not even comprehensive interlaced flying saucer tour tubes, no air corridors and green plants, only black and cold machinery that replaces the air.

It looked like any mining star city in the Deep Blue Kingdom, where the kingdom's lowliest people and criminals did their coolies.

This gloomy, rigid area is still expanding, swallowing up the gorgeous buildings higher up in a blink of an eye, and the stone bridge in the distance, presenting a mechanical city with only a basic framework.

"What, what's going on here?" Beret was so shocked that he didn't even hold the scepter.

【Hahaha! 】

Wen Luan laughed wantonly, his expression filled with a kind of cruel joy of destruction.

Throwing away his cloak and even his shoes, he casually walked on the unrecognizable road, enjoying himself like a king even more comfortably than Beret.

【Uh...】Suddenly he stopped, looking suspiciously at the end of the dilapidated block.

A leisurely voice came out strangely: 【Can you eat it? 】

Wen Luan suddenly turned around, staring fiercely at the place where "him" saw nothing.

Beret was so stiff that even the joints of the parts made cracking noises, he looked down at Cyrus behind him.

The long golden hair was floating in the air weirdly, the elegant and perfect silhouette was like an ivory sculpture, the complexion was bloodless pale, and a large amount of mist shrouded him, making Cyrus' figure hazy and strange.

But in the eyes of "Wen Luan", the mist showed the appearance of a hidden enemy: [Coward, are you afraid that I will eat you?As long as you stay still, you'll be safe until I've had enough fun. 】The corners of the colorless lips curled into an ironic arc, and the succubus was laughing:

【Are you satisfied with what you see? 】

【What? 】Wen Luan asked cautiously.

[A... very big dream, beyond your imagination. 'Water will put out the fire, but a glass of water will meet the fire that burns this house', my poor old enemy! 】The Dream Demon smiled with great malice and said, 【I have foreseen your fate, just like that glass of water, it can only be dried up! 】【This is impossible! 】

Wen Luan was shocked and angry, the expansion speed of the black smoke increased, and he heard more screams from the residents of the Deep Blue Kingdom, but he still hadn't touched the end of this dream, and the broken real area had three A Meteorite Town is as big as it is, but the pressure around it clearly proves that this is still the central area of ​​the dream.


The squeeze of the dream on this real area made Wen Luan hug his head in pain, and fell to his knees uncontrollably.

Cyrus walked out of Beret's defensive cover, and the king-level mecha was shocked by this strange change, and the third thinking module collapsed.

[How long have we known each other...Thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years?Since human beings can dream and have all kinds of desires..." The succubus said angrily, 【You always destroy the dreams I have worked so hard to construct. If you want to eat, I want it too. Without beautiful dreams, how can human beings be willing? Stay here, contribute greed and desire to be absorbed by me? But you destroy my territory and scare those humans away in order to eat more delicious nightmares?] [Yingka... Bass...] Wen Luan intermittently Said, glaring at the succubus.

【You disgusting tapir!At first you just came here by chance to sabotage, but then you didn’t leave, you just lived in my dreamland, eating and taking, and finally threatened to eat me?No matter where I escape, as long as the dream is successfully constructed, you will appear along with it—] The Dream Demon gnawed his teeth in hatred, and kicked Wen Luan.

When the mist on his body touched Wen Luan, it was absorbed immediately.

[Oh, can you still eat? 】The Nightmare took a step back, his golden pupils smiled indifferently and ironically, he clasped his fingers, and stood leisurely on the dilapidated street. authority.

The Dream Demon nodded proudly, as if deciding Wen Luan's fate:

【Eat, as much as you want... Until you die, you won't be able to eat one ten thousandth of this dream. 】Countless mist rushed towards Wen Luan, and Wen Luan tried his best not to fall down.

The real scene in the distance gradually became blurred, the calm river, baroque buildings, and retro street lamps reappeared, and those panicked people who were frightened by the accident stood still in place one by one, waiting for everything around them to recover When I was in the original state, I continued to live in a daze and ignorance.

【I do not want to eat? 】The Dream Demon looked at the thick fog that never disappeared, and smiled maliciously, 【But you are a tapir, eating dreams is your instinct, just like human beings breathe, vampires want to suck blood, can you control your instinct?Hehe, I'm not in a hurry, I can wait slowly, slowly...] Well, I'll hold you to death slowly.

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