heavy fog

Chapter 8 Who Are You?

Six months was enough time for Wen Luan to thoroughly get acquainted with this ice field with a snowstorm blowing.

Where there are ice rocks, there is still land under the frozen ice layer, and further ahead is the sea.It is close to the city's energy shield, and as the warship transport ships come in and out, the warmth flowing out can relieve the severe cold, but the depths of the ice sheet are terrifying, and the blowing snow blows so hard that people can't open their eyes.

Besides, what was the use of him going to the sea?

Could it be possible to cross the sea and run to a deserted island to survive?

Wen Luan stepped out of the grotto against the strong wind, the outside was pitch black, the sound of the wind was shrill as if countless ghosts were laughing shrilly, but Wen Luan felt refreshed, and his consciousness that had been dizzy due to hunger was also awakened.

He looked around vigilantly.

There are many grottoes that can live here, and refugees from the ice field rarely appear in this direction, but he is still very concerned about the safety of his temporary residence. After all, after the cruel winter, the cracks at the bottom of the grotto where he lives can be covered with moss again.

Relying on his intuition, Wen Luan picked a random direction to walk.

He used the fur of the unknown animal to tightly wrap his neck, which was exposed outside his clothes, and even covered his ears. Because of the language barrier, he still doesn't know where the refugees from the ice field got this kind of cold protection. It's snow-white, The texture is soft, and it has the advantage of not getting wet. If you look closely, you can find that the hair on the leather is divided into three layers, thick and tight. It is estimated that it is a beast living on the ice field.

— But Wen Luan had never seen an animal bigger than a rabbit here.

After walking for about an hour, Wen Luan didn't meet anything. He wondered, did all the refugees from the ice field die?He also plans to follow one to see what these guys eat in winter.

There was a bloody smell in the cold wind.

To Wen Luan who eats moss until his mouth tastes bitter, it is as bright as a lighthouse in the dark.

It's a fresh taste!

On the ice field, the blood of snow rabbits is more fresh than those of the refugees on the ice field. This is an indescribable breath, a strong breath of life. The blood of refugees without much vitality is like freeze-dried soil. , it is harder than a sandwich that has been left overnight.

——Actually, this is the keen senses that have been tortured by rarely eating a bite of meat for ten days and a half months.

Wen Luan followed this scent and ran nimbly on the ice field.

The route he took was the least windy place in this terrain, and at the same time, he avoided possible cracks in the ice sheet. It didn't take long for him to see the sneaky figures of the ice sheet refugees.

These guys hid in a shallow ice depression, staring intently ahead.

Wen Luan was very surprised. He had never seen two icefield refugees get along together. They were always attacking and fighting each other... How come they ambushed in tacit understanding now?

Wen Luan's arrival caused a slight commotion among the Icefield refugees, but apart from the anger and murderous look in their eyes, they did nothing, and even took the initiative to give Wen Luan a good spot to watch.

This move made Wen Luan immediately understand that there was a big target ahead.

Because living on the ice sheet where they would starve to death and freeze to death at any time, everyone would try their best to save energy, so unnecessary fighting was a stupid act.Such a group of people did not cause any internal strife, which means that what they are spying on is a big target. The food is definitely enough for each of them, but it is a bit tricky. They dare not act rashly, so they are happy to see Wen Luan join in, adding a fighting force to the whole .


Despite being mentally prepared, Wen Luan leaned over to take a look, but was still taken aback by the situation not far away.

A group of burly men holding well-made metal long knives or military stabs are gathering in a regular square formation, fighting neatly and viciously with a group of snow wolves.

The wolves are quite terrifying. They are one meter high when they touch the ground on all fours, and they are even more amazing when they stand up.

Their fur is the same color as the ice field, and they look like terrifying ghosts in the strong wind, their eyes are blood red, saliva drips from their sharp teeth, and the hot air they spit out turns into a foul-smelling white mist.

Wen Luan subconsciously grasped the thick fur on his body, he finally understood how it got here.

The wolves probably live in the harsher environment but have more food on the sea ice sheets, so they can’t be seen all summer, and only come here in winter when the temperature is lower and food is scarce.

Those who hunted the wolves seemed to be people from the Deep Blue Star City?

So the Icefield refugees are here waiting to pick up a bargain?


Suddenly a wolf sniffed its nose and looked over here.

The refugees were hiding in the downwind place, and their breath was really bad. Just like what Wen Luan said, the wolves would not attack with fresh food and turn around to eat the hard and dregs overnight sandwiches, so they lay on their stomachs. It is considered safe at a place less than a kilometer away from the battlefield.

The problem is, Wen Luan is not an overnight sandwich!

The attack was thwarted, and the hungry wolf, who had no food for half a day, found out that there was still fresh food hidden here, and immediately jumped forward silently, sniffing the ice and roaring towards it.

The refugees from the ice field scattered in panic.

Wen Luan also ran after him, but Hungry Wolf identified him as his target and kept on chasing him.

Unable to run, he had to fight, Wen Luan slid against the ice sheet, twisted his body and kicked the wolf's waist fiercely, unexpectedly, the hungry wolf was faster than him, and even left an afterimage in the air.

"Shit!" Wen Luan finally couldn't help swearing, and he shrank his neck instinctively.

The howling wind brushed against his neck, tearing away the thick, warm fur.

Wen Luan retreated to the side of an ice rock, his back pressed against the rock surface that made him stiff from the cold, watching the hungry wolf slowly approaching him with vigilance and fear.

According to his current skills, even if he encountered wild wolves in the western wilderness, two or three wolves would not be a problem.

But the ice wolf of Deep Blue Star.This speed, this power, is too heaven-defying!Wen Luan could even clearly see that the frozen ice had been scratched deeply by the claws of hungry wolves - thinking about the severe cold here, animals must have thick fat, especially the prey in the sea, the claws of wolves are not strong How to hunt.


The wolves charged straight at Wen Luan.

At the critical moment of life and death, Wen Luan still took a small step to dodge accurately. Although he fell to the ground, he was aroused with blood and jumped up quickly, pressing hard on the wolf's back, and strangling the wolf's abdomen with his legs. , Hitting the protruding spine on the back of the hungry wolf forcefully.

Wen Luan punched down, it was ruthless and accurate.

The hungry wolf rolled on the ground in pain, shaking its body desperately, and opened its mouth wide to bite, but Wen Luan clung tightly to the thick fur on its back.

They rolled along a shallow slope all the way to the bottom of the valley covered with grains of snow. Wen Luan was knocked dizzy, his throat was sweet, and his vision was blurred, but if he let go, he would become food for hungry wolves and could only fight hard. With a breath of support.

There is always a limit to one's physical strength.

Wen Luan finally fell down. Before fainting, he thought to himself mockingly, this is not time travel, it is simply a nightmare, alas, if someone told him while drinking beer in the tavern in Meteorite Town, one day he would be bitten by a wolf To die, Wen Luan must have hit that guy with a beer mug until his face was covered in blood, and he laughed and said that if a wolf appeared on the road, he would dare to drive a bus into it.

Even if you have a gun now!

Wen Luan collapsed in embarrassment, his clothes were torn by the wolf's claws, and the temperature was uneven, causing Wen Luan's exposed skin to be frozen on the ice in an instant.

The stench of hot air spewed out from the hungry wolf's mouth, it suddenly paused, and shook its head violently, the hunger woke it up again, and it rushed over fiercely to bite off Wen Luan's neck.

The snow wolf smelled the fresh food, and opened its mouth excitedly, but suddenly it froze strangely.

"Howl." The fight just now alarmed the wolves in the distance, and several hungry wolves came here following the smell. When they saw their companions holding their prey under their paws from a distance, they immediately became agitated and rushed to this place. Side flutter.

The crisis of prey being robbed once again made this hungry wolf wake up from its stiffness. The snow wolf's IQ is not low. It feels that this prey is weird. Normally, it would leave vigilantly, but now its belly is flat. , and traveled long distances with the wolves, exhausting his physical strength to fight, hunger made him feel unscrupulous, and immediately scratched Wen Luan's neck with his claws.

At this time, a silver light suddenly flashed across the pitch-black sky covered with wind and snow.

The speed is very fast, jumping out of the city with the energy shield, and stopping in the sky above the ice sheet in an instant.

"Boom!" A beam of silver light blasted the snow wolf into pieces.

The energy was grasped very precisely, Wen Luan didn't even hurt a single hair under the wolf's claws, but the broken blood and body parts forcibly woke him up.

Wen Luan struggled to get up from the ground, just in time to see several other hungry wolves pounced on him, pierced by a ray, and all turned into black and gray corpses and exploded.


Wen Luan looked at the wind and snow in shock, not even noticing that his skin had been torn off by the frozen ice.

Above his head, there was a very weird shadow floating.

One, it is absolutely impossible in the future, no, no, it is impossible to appear even in a small town in the western United States.

The snow-white Pegasus with its wings outstretched is as vigorous and perfect as a statue. On the back of the Pegasus there is a knight wearing delicate silver light armor and even a cape behind him. This gorgeous dress is like walking out of a Renaissance mural.

In particular, this knight also has its own luminous ability, and the man and horse emit a soft white light.

Wen Luan felt a strong and dangerous aura from this knight, and he didn't even dare to move.

——Just kidding, the body of the snow wolf is still in front of his eyes.

Pegasus flapped its wings and descended slowly. Finally, the horse's hooves were suspended half a meter from the ground.

Wen Luan's pupils shrank suddenly, and the snow-white wings of Pegasus reflected light?Shine like sharp metal?

As the altitude dropped, Wen Luan finally saw the knight clearly—it was unbelievable. Pegasus' eyes were small glowing electronic screens, on which numbers and symbols flashed past like scrolling screens. The wings all shone with metallic brilliance, and no gaps could be seen, but the mane on its back that was floating in the strong wind was just a phantom.

The same is true for the knight on the back of the pegasus. His fair skin is like fine silver, and his loose hair is also a phantom.

The knight raised his arms stiffly and slowly, and slowly pushed the mask up, revealing a handsome face. Unfortunately, the knight's eyes also proved that it was not human at all, and the electronic eyes shone with blue light.

"The holder of Raymond Gayton is dangerous. It meets the emergency self-activation conditions. Report the status. 70.00% of 'Sier' is activated. Independently select the mode and ground combat form."

The knight slowly stepped off the Pegasus. It was only two meters tall, but when it stepped on the ice, the ice shook violently, and huge cracks extended along the soles of its feet.

The knight's other foot froze in mid-air, and the electronic eyes flickered:

"Turn on the anti-gravity device."

After the mechanical voice finished speaking, the knight put down his other foot steadily, and there was nothing unusual this time.

The knight closed his eyes. He looked like an elegant nobleman, but his movements were slow and stiff. He put his right hand on his chest and bowed to Wen Luan in salute: "We have arrived at the designated destination, waiting for the next order."

Even the flying horse bent its front hooves and bowed its head to salute.

Wen Luan didn't understand a word, but he was dizzy from this horrifying scene, opened his mouth wide, closed it again, and finally asked instinctively: "You, who are you?"

The knight raised his head suddenly, this movement was so fast, Wen Luan swore he heard the terrible sound of metal rubbing against each other.

The knight's eyes flickered crazily, and the speed at which the numbers and symbols swiped across the screen dazzled Wen Luan.

"Language judgment... No database search, link to the Deep Blue Star Supreme Research Institute, no... link to the Deep Blue Star Museum, target confirmation, English, dedicated to lost population and lost research, data copying and transmission... well, this is also required, all copy."

Three minutes later, the knight's eyes returned to normal, and this time he spoke with a standard Cockney accent: "Hello, owner of Raymond Gayton, I'm Syer."


The knight tilted his head in a humane manner, and bowed deeply again: "You have the highest authority, and I will obey your orders."

Wen Luan found himself completely confused, at a loss for a long time, and finally could only: "Whoareyou?"

—Who is this guy? !What's the matter?

"My name is Seer..." The knight paused again after answering, and his electronic eyes continued to swipe the screen frantically for 5 minutes, and then his handsome and cold metal face quickly reorganized and turned into a smiling expression, "according to the current use of this language Describe it to me, it should be mecha."

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