heavy fog

Chapter 83 Information

Dark Blue Star Meredith Port Royal.

A dilapidated mech was lying on the open spaceship parking lot, and the strong spotlights illuminated the mottled exposed metal wires on the mech's arms.

From a distance, it can be recognized that it is a humanoid mecha, but when you get closer, you can see that it is completely unrecognizable. Its body is missing parts, its chest has been torn apart violently, and some instruments are silently emitting black smoke.

"Good job! That's great!" Mitchell ran in barefoot, and the members of the ruling party behind him all stared at this pile of expensive metal garbage.

Meredith Port Royal has been under martial law, and the Andos, the flagship of the Night Feather Legion, which was anchored in the center, was bumped into a corner strangely, and one of the supporting frames broke.

Its original place was taken by an exaggerated warship.

In the interstellar era, all kinds of warships have actually appeared, but for combat performance, most warships are in the shape of a standard long and narrow airship. Only the rich will make a strange appearance when customizing their private spaceship.

This black lacquered warship exudes an "artistic atmosphere". The head of the ship is the head of a ferocious dragon, and the vigorous dragon claws are raised high, pressing on a protruding spherical cabin. , arranged from large to small, full of line sense.

The giant dragon's thick hind limbs constitute the tail that balances on the ground. The battleship also has two huge wings that stand upright and outstretched. The common text of the Beluga Galaxy is prominently engraved on it: "Don't touch it, you can't afford it if you sell it."

On the other side it says "Beauty Exception."

This warship, which looked like a piece of entry in a funny spaceship exhibition, took over the position of Andos carelessly, leaving many dark blue star soldiers speechless in shock.

Discipline still kept them silent. Didn't you see the black armor knight Andos standing beside him with his arms folded and silent?

"The touch of the coating is different from our mecha!" Mitchell lay on the broken mecha and touched it non-stop. Knocking, holding various small tools in his hand, he seemed to forget everything around him.

Compared with a mecha, a human body is only about the size of a palm.

Some climbed hard to check the violently opened chest of the mech, some squatted directly at the gun mouth of the angel's palm, and analyzed the residual energy with microscopic instruments, and some lay on the angel's face beyond recognition to study how the metal The face is so anthropomorphic, and it looks like Wen Luan used to drill the chassis of the car to repair the engine in Wen Luan's time, lying on the ground and watching the parts of the mecha whose wings were broken.

"Pretty average."

"It's amazing, how did this happen?"

They came to very different opinions, and soon the blush was thick.

"The technology of the Holy Glory Empire is higher than ours, just look at this movable joint!"

"No, their technology is very poor, and the energy converter is so poor!"

Andos crossed his arms, looked at the part-time politicians and scientists without saying a word, waved his fists angrily and roared.

"Dantalin, what do you think?" Andos used to call a certain book for brain analysis.

The metal book stood firmly on the top of a battleship, and said to Andos seriously: "I heard that in the East during the ancient earth period, there was a saying called 'a blind man feels an elephant', which fits well!"

Andos said impatiently:

"What? What I'm asking you is, if the enemy's mecha can defeat Shier, is it true that I can't win either?"

"From the perspective of IQ, obviously yes."

Andos clenched his fist, and Metal Book immediately changed his words; "Sier is not considered a loser, it just has a short startup time, and its performance is not as good. If you bring the flagship with you, you might win."

"Even I know that the enemy can't send out trump cards from the beginning!" Andos was very depressed, "You said that war can reflect my value, but now it seems that I will become a common military weapon. At that time, I was just a background board. My enemy is not a mech, but a normal battleship, which is really bad."

Dan Tallinn was silent.

It can't be said that the facts have already proved that Andos will be the same if he upgrades again. The King of Shadow who upgrades at the same time is already unstoppable!

The question of potential, like parents, is not optional.

In the words of the mecha, the problem of upgradeable space was doomed when the scientists created it. If the mecha program is completely replaced, it will not be Andros, but a new mecha.

"By the way, where is the manipulator of this mech?" Finally, an obsessed scientist remembered that he was still the military minister of the Deep Blue Kingdom.

"Stunned and locked in the Red Maple Star." The dragon battleship suddenly moved, and the two eyes of the giant dragon on the bow opened, emitting a bright red light.

——Knowing that the enemy tried every means to sneak into the Deep Blue Star, how could Cyrus allow the enemy to do so.

Asmodeus' voice boomed:

"By the way, I brought you a mecha that has no resistance and allows you to ravage it. It perfectly completed the task. Should you make me a beauty who is shy and angry and resists when I molested her?"

Dan Tallinn smiled gloatingly.

The crazy Mitchell looked up in a daze: "Ah? What do you think of Andros?"

"No!" Asmodeus said disgustedly, "I don't want Andos who can't understand dirty jokes!"


Dan Tallinn laughed so hard that the pages of the book shook desperately.


"It's a three-inch ding that just turned on!" Asmodeus yelled angrily.

Mitchell got up from the angel mecha, took out a booklet, and flipped through it solemnly: "Tell me, who do you fancy? I'll make an appointment for you."

The body of the evil dragon rattled. It miraculously released its claws from the battleship, and its nails popped out to become a metal arm. It hooked Mitchell in front of itself, and threw the booklet far away, falling to a height of more than ten meters. in the corridor on the second floor.

"The sex hunting handbook is outdated. I have my eyes on the handsome Sil, and his dance moves are amazing!"


At this moment, the scientists who were obsessed with dismantling the angel mecha couldn't help but remain silent for half a minute.

"What's the matter, I'll help you solve it, God is omnipotent haha!" Mitchell laughed without knowing it, and praised the Lord of Shadows' good eyesight, "... I was the one who insisted on giving Xi'er's battle form plus a silver Pegasus, you see, if it wasn't for me, how could Xi'er have a suitable dance partner!"

The dragon's claws pushed Mitchell to the floor—the claws were bent, leaving a gap in the palm, trapping Mitchell like a cage.

"No, get rid of that damn Pegasus, I'm on Se'er's mount... Ah, no, I should be Se'er's dance partner!"

"We haven't tried the possibility of two mechas working together. This is a good idea!" Mitchell's arms and legs are exposed from the sharp metal claws. In this awkward position with his limbs wide open, he can also lie down. Zhi Le, who doesn't care about the ground, "What a great idea! It's great, our mecha goes out to fight, and then the mount becomes a more powerful mecha! How interesting!"

"..." The Holy Glory Empire is not a psychopath like you.

Asmodeus withdrew his claws, held the dragon's forehead in a very humane way, and said sadly, "Forget it, I want Cyrus."

Everyone looked at the King of Shadows in shock.

Andos strode out and announced sharply: "It's a pity, Asmodeus! Your Excellency's schedule is full, and now is the period of special war preparation for the Deep Blue Kingdom. There are three congresses every day, and countless documents are waiting for review. You have not Reservation permission!"

"What if it's his lover's whereabouts?" Asmodeus threw a bombshell.

In Port Royal, trying to pretend to be a warship repairer who does not exist, the soldiers are dumbfounded.

It's not that they don't have imagination, long-standing habits, coupled with the particularity of this cabinet member, their image of Cyrus has long been defined as an emotionless, cold and rational prime minister.

To say that such Cyrus has a lover is as inconceivable as to say that His Majesty the King is a coward and a fool.

By the way, His Majesty the King is recognized as the bravest person in the Deep Blue Kingdom——

Even half of the members of the ruling party are completely dull. Without exception, they are all creatures of darkness.When the mentor Higgs was gossiping, these dark creatures were afraid and did not dare to go to Cyrus, so they missed this important news.

An awakened succubus actually has a lover?

Heh, haha, it's even more unbelievable that Biluth has a lover. Could it be that Inkabas met the legendary Sukabas (female succubus)?

Just kidding, real succubi have no physical body and no gender.

It was human beings who arbitrarily divided men and women into men and women according to the illusions they saw after they broke free from their dreams.

Only Mitchell asked Asmodeus in a low voice: "What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"I fell in love with Ser, but he listened to his master, and his master is Lord Cyrus' lover, so I decided to use a devious tactic to seduce Cyrus."

"Good idea! Go, I support you." Mitchell patted the dragon's claw vigorously without thinking about it, he straightened his back, and ended the whisper that only the two of them could hear.


Wen Luan was eating some fruit at the moment.

"Sier, why do I always have a bad feeling?"

"Huh?" The silver armor knight replied in confusion, "I'm sorry, it's beyond the scope of the information, so I can't answer."

I have a hunch that the mecha doesn't have this thing.

Wen Luan was leaning on the chair, and the Great Elder was sitting not far from him. The oak table he used was the spoils of Seir's previous war. It was complete with everything from candlesticks to tableware. The fragrant wine was opened, and the food full of it was also a trophy. , The Dark Blue Kingdom’s military supplies have always been very strong. Although there is no such thing as fresh lamb chops and caviar, canned food contains various flavors. There are even compressed biscuits in a hundred categories, from butter baked mushrooms to sauerkraut sausages. , even the solid water has the taste of French soup.

Until today, Wen Luan had no taste of being a boss.

There is no quality of life for a bus driver who only has bacon sandwiches for lunch, a pirate or a diplomat who only has no fixed food.

"Did it succeed?" Wen Luan asked Xier.

"As far as the Red Maple Star government system is concerned, it is equivalent to no defense, but if the interrogation over there fails, no matter how capable I am, I don't know-ah, wait, there is it! Communication interception and wiretapping succeeded!"

Seir immediately began to broadcast the Kingdom Intelligence Bureau's report to the dark blue star Andumari: "Captives are dangerous!"

The appendix is ​​a long piece of data, which requires ten times more anesthetics than ordinary people to barely make the operator of the angel mech sleepy. Conscious people.

If all the mech operators of the Holy Glory Empire were at this level, it would be terrifying!

The more powerful the mecha is, the harder it is to operate—so there are mechas in the Beluga Galaxy that need to be operated by three or even ten people. It takes a long time to train and cooperate before they can go on the battlefield, but people's thinking is always different. The powerful mech becomes inflexible and unable to complete complex tasks.

At this point, the Deep Blue Kingdom has created autonomous and intelligent mechas and mastered the most high-end military power.

But the Holy Glory Empire has obviously gone the other way: instead of transforming the mechs, they strengthened the manipulators.

"How many people like her are there in the Holy Glory Empire?" Wen Luan asked warily.

If it is a method of systematic training, the upper echelons of the Holy Radiance Empire's army are full of such people, and the situation will be dangerous.

At the same moment, Cyrus, who received the report, also slammed heavily on the table.

"There is a clear imprint on the spoils of Asmodeus, which is the language of the ancient earth."

Caput lightly pushed a metal shell in front of Cyrus, with clear English letters on it: Jophiel09


This is really like an absurd joke. The Deep Blue Kingdom named the mecha after the Solomon 72 demon god. The Holy Glory Empire not only made the mecha with the appearance of an angel, but also used the name of the legendary angel.

Joffel, the four-winged cherub, the light of God holding a sword, was recorded as the "scout of God" staying in the world in Milton's Lost Paradise in the ancient earth period.

"This number means that the name 'Yofel' is not an individual to the enemy, it is a series of mechas!"

Mass-produced mechs, mass-produced manipulators...

Is there anything worse than this?

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