heavy fog

Chapter 96 Crisis Consultation

How long does it take to destroy a country?

In the Moby Dick galaxy, countries are destroyed every month or even every day, but they are all small and small countries that cannot be ranked, just like on the earth in the 21st century, a small village in a mountain ravine is crazy and calls itself an empire.

The Beluga galaxy claims to have hundreds of countries, but in fact it is far more than that.

Also know that the Moby Dick galaxy is a little bigger than the Milky Way.The Milky Way has about 1000 million to [-] million stars. After shaving off those dead galaxies, and then throwing away the central areas that have become white dwarfs and red giants and the outermost stars that were initially formed, the range of human activities in the Beluga Galaxy is also limited. Reach [-] million star systems.

Since most of them are wild star belts, there are no precious mineral deposits, and they are not located near the main shipping routes, so they are ignored.

Therefore, the territory of the Deep Blue Kingdom, which only occupies sixteen star systems, ranks third. It is conceivable how many countries there are in the Beluga Galaxy, and how chaotic it is, and a large area of ​​the star field is in the no-management zone.

Those who can be called countries in the Moby Dick galaxy have reached a certain level of strength and technology.

In the International Council of Diplomacy of the Beluga Galaxy, not everyone who feels that they are a country can qualify for a seat, just like a medieval king who was unwilling to talk to a tribal chief, unequal status means different interests.There are no interests that can be negotiated, so how can you be diplomatic?

When the shipping routes are divided by the big forces, other small countries can only develop in slightly remote places. Their funds and capabilities are limited. If there are no twists and turns, the complete development of the Beluga Galaxy may take tens of thousands of years.

For no other reason, the money has been spent in wars and wars. If there is not enough war reserves in the treasury, the head of state of that country can't even sleep well.

This environment is of course not conducive to the development of civilization, but most countries are powerless to change the status quo and are accustomed to this world pattern.

For the Deep Blue Kingdom, this environment is very favorable. Its geographical location is particularly good, not close to the main shipping route. Unless it is specially called to the door, it is difficult to be affected by the flames of war.

The Deep Blue Kingdom possesses far more technology than the Moby Dick Galaxy, and the rulers are prepared for danger in times of peace, as long as they know that they are better than others, but there is also a dark council hidden in the Deep Blue Kingdom, and they have a sense of crisis.

The demon party is wandering somewhere, and there is a Holy See formerly known as the Demon Hunters Association in the galaxy next door.

The Dark Council wanted to control the military lifeline of the Deep Blue Kingdom, but they didn't dare to get too involved. They were afraid that if the enemy found out that they would run away, they would use all their power to promote the development of the Deep Blue Kingdom's strength, and they still had to do better. Leave traces, toss in every possible way.

Let’s not talk about it, just before this cabinet came to power, the Deep Blue Kingdom was controlled by several big families, and there was almost a civil war. There is a shadow of the Dark Parliament in it——if they don’t create conflicts within the kingdom, how can these politicians work hard to develop the economy? Filling armament technology?

"Your Excellency, the vampires are watching soap operas with ease, and the dark wizards are selling donuts. We were not so relaxed a few decades ago."

The black cat tiptoed silently across the handrail of the stairs, squatted down at the end of the corridor, tilted its head and stroked its beard with its front paws.

Wen Luan yawned lazily and unconsciously rubbed the muscles of his shoulders and back.

In the absence of a certain person, Wen Luan didn't even have the mind to curse, besides, he just had to find a chance to get it back, it would be too useless to talk about it all day long.

In less than a week, even the opera singer who sang La Traviata in the Deep Blue Star Dungeon knew about the fall of the Republic of Morvia, and there was a lot of commotion on the virtual network. It was simply the most important news in the Moby Dick galaxy this year.

In the past, no matter which country fell or which country prospered, it had nothing to do with the Deep Blue Kingdom.

To live in this peaceful country is to be able to gossip and ignore the chaotic situation outside—but the situation is obviously different now. The highest combat readiness is under martial law, and the strange epidemic suddenly broke out on the Deep Blue Star. As long as they are not fools, they can't help but rejoice when they feel fear. Fortunately, they live in such a powerful dark blue kingdom, and they have sensed that something is wrong early on.

Even the news that Wen Luan brought Xier back that day, and the black dragon mecha rushed out of the atmosphere to meet him, I don't know who got the news. Of course, no one knows the truth. "Traces of the enemy appeared in the domestic star field", publicly mourning the soldiers and space station staff who died in this attack.

According to the upper class of the Deep Blue Kingdom, it was rumored that the prime minister had secretly trained a group of ace troops to operate the Raymond Gayton mecha, and Wen Luan who appeared at Port Royal Meredith that day was one of them.

Wen Luan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this kind of eloquent gossip on the Internet.

After sleeping in the dark for two days, Wen Luan took advantage of Cyrus's busy schedule to call for Xier, and jumped through the space to go directly to the No. [-] cake and candy store in the underground city.

Wen Luan didn't completely believe in the dark creatures, but the news of the fall of the Republic of Molvia still shocked him. He immediately realized that not only Cyrus underestimated the enemy, but everyone else.

——Being trapped in the Moby Dick galaxy for so many years, even the Dark Council never expected that the danger of this doomed war far exceeded their expectations.

Sure enough, as soon as he appeared, the third elder of the black cat came, and he took the initiative to find a topic without waiting for Wen Luan to say anything.

Xier walked behind Wen Luan. In this castle-shaped building, the area where customers are forbidden to enter is very limited in floor height, and the corridors are also narrow. Xier slimmed down and squeezed in effortlessly. It is to fill the entire corridor to the brim, unless it is an ant, no one can get through behind Seir.

With its tail upright, the black cat led Wen Luan into a room.

There was a group of very old wizards sitting in it. The hair on their heads combined was not half that of Wen Luan's. If their wrinkles were connected together, they could probably weave a carpet.

The funniest thing is that there are even acquaintances here.

Papa Suta in Meteorite Town, a neighbor Wen Luan knew very well.

"Cough, Your Excellency Speaker."

"Just sit down." Wen Luan said darkly, it doesn't feel good for such a group of old-fashioned wizards to stand up and salute.The decayed, old, moldy smell that seemed to be buried in the ground really made him worry that the person inside that breathed like a bellows would die at any time.

"This is all the dark wizards of the Dark Parliament, and they are also the people we are going to send out to deal with the second round of contact."

"..." Is this an old college outing?Even a group of boy scouts is more reliable than such a group of expeditionary troops!

Although Wen Luan didn't say anything, his eyes had already revealed the meaning.

"Wen...cough, Your Excellency, the Speaker, in the past, necromancers could be used as an army by themselves, but their good times are over." Father Suta pulled his uniform proudly, "The current galaxy war , the most powerful is our dark wizard."

"Are you a staff member of Port Royal?" Wen Luan looked at the clothes of the old wizard Suta with a strange expression.

This dark council is really making the best use of its resources, its status is in place, and its resume is normal.

You must know that selling donuts in the dungeon is nothing. If you get the household registration file, you only need a dark blue star citizen ID card, but the staff of Meredith Port Royal, the surface city of the dark blue star, relatives and parents will all be found out. The investigation itself has to be capable - this shows that Suta's father has at least a graduation certificate from the Military Academy of the Deep Blue Kingdom, and he must pass several professional examinations. Stay on Deep Blue Star, the kingdom has so many space station jobs!

Faced with Wen Luan's surprised expression, Father Suta was even more proud.

He originally wore this suit to show off, and he wanted to correct Wen Luan's notion that "wizards are old guys". The glorious era of necromancers summoning armies of skeletons to influence wars has long since disappeared. , and has accumulated a lot of prestige, how could he continue to be the Great Elder?

Of course Wen Luan would not be blinded by Suta's high education, he asked straightforwardly: "What can you do?"

"It can affect war."

The dark wizards straightened their backs together, and even the old wizard who had been coughing and panting was much more energetic.

"This is researched by the Simmore family of the blood family. With the latest equipment, as long as the other party has the equipment to accept electromagnetic wave communication, they can be recruited! Because it is a powerful spiritual spell magic, only dark wizards can use it." Black Cat Three The elder couldn't help adding a compliment to the blood race in the introduction, "The original research direction was to make the blood race not afraid of light. You must know that light is a visible electromagnetic wave. The universe is full of various electromagnetic waves that can be used. This is a big topic. I can't research it for the time being, but I discovered the mental weakening magic of the dark wizard, so..."

"Stop, what's the effect?" Wen Luan knew he didn't understand.

"It can interfere with the operation of some instruments, and there is a certain chance of uncertain errors, such as spectral judgment errors, or deviations in firing positions. If it is a close contact, it can also use language to cooperate with hints, affecting human judgment and thinking." Black Cat Said proudly.

The dark wizards who were too old showed confident smiles at Wen Luan.

——Although the smiles on the faces of those old-fashioned dried orange peels are really terrifying.

"The current situation is very clear." The black cat raised its head and said to Wen Luan, "In order to gain a firm foothold in the Moby Dick galaxy and establish a stable rear base for the expeditionary force to attack the Deep Blue Kingdom, the Holy Glory Empire has used a large Scale military power has leveled Molvia."

In less than a month, the first republic of the Beluga Galaxy fell.

This even includes the large-scale conflict near the Red Spider Nebula, and the time for the Holy Glory Empire to test the strength of the country here.

"The Deep Blue Star Research Institute speculates that the Holy Glory Empire probably built a space transmission technology in the Red Spider Nebula that even the Deep Blue Kingdom did not master - wormholes. It is only possible to send such a large-scale expeditionary force. Its occupation of Molvia, It is advancing with a solid battleship formation, with countless two-winged angel mechas as the vanguard, and the main army of Morvia is destroyed by the four-winged angels and their battleships."

The Republic of Molvia has a vast star field territory and abundant resources. It is the best choice as a base for attacking the Beluga Galaxy and as a temporary supply point.

"The size of the Unicorn galaxy is the same as that of the Beluga galaxy, but the Holy Empire has unified the entire Unicorn galaxy, and no one knows how many troops they have... The Republic of Molvia with fifty star systems, I don't know if there is a Holy Empire." The Hui Empire is as large as a single province."

When the black cat said this, Wen Luan, who originally thought that Morvia was useless, finally understood.

This country is purely unlucky. Originally, its territory was not near the Red Spider Nebula. It was just to monopolize the mineral deposits of the Red Spider Nebula. Over the years, it waged wars desperately, and for this reason, it gave up several barren galaxies in the rear, and worked hard to expand its territory to the Red Spider Nebula. The route of the Tarantula Nebula, and it includes the entire route...

Wen Luan shook his head, what should we say about this?

The theory of the Beluga galaxy has always been to occupy the main air route to gain a lot of money, and put the country on the main road of transportation, rich and arrogant. Throughout the ages, even in the middle ages of the earth, which country that held the land traffic hub and the strait was not powerful for a while?

"Did the Deep Blue Kingdom make a decision?" Wen Luan asked, he couldn't imagine how the Dark Council would send a group of old wizards to join the battle, and in what name?

"The Great Elder said that the Republic of Moldia was destroyed, and the Deep Blue Kingdom was just surprised. The other countries in the Beluga Galaxy may have been scared out of their wits, and they will all apply for entry to the Deep Blue Star in a few days, and form a galaxy joint team to resist aggression."

Wen Luan rubbed his chin, understood.

This time, the Beluga Galaxy Alliance will definitely succeed. Cyrus doesn't like the strength of those countries, but he needs a high-sounding name, such as resisting galaxy aggression, and also needs some cannon fodder to use.

"So the dark wizard was sent out by the Deep Blue Kingdom to follow the decision makers of the Alliance Army and other countries?" Using magic and hypnosis to influence the judgment and choice, and interfere with some instruments, and then unite to use the so-called secret weapon electromagnetic waves on a large scale, mechs Maybe you can play with the enemy warship, this is simply a surprise soldier on the battlefield, a spy outside the battlefield!

Wen Luan saw that the expressions of the dark wizards were all wrong.

"Here, can you do it?"

"Don't worry, Speaker, every dark wizard understands more than fifty languages ​​in the Moby Dick galaxy, and is good at understanding the psychology of powerful people. The hypnotism is a top certificate. In fact, before the succubi appeared, the dark wizards were This affects the politics of the Deep Blue Kingdom. In 2000, it promoted its development and increased the strength of the country. No matter which king it is, from monarchy to constitutional system, no matter which party it is, as long as it controls the lifeline of the Deep Blue Kingdom, there will be Dark wizards will be at their service."

The black cat hopped up in front of Father Suta, and proudly introduced to Wen Luan:

"So every dark wizard must become a qualified politician consultant, understand finance and economics, and know military common sense. At the very least, he must be a qualified doctor. Take an accounting certificate! That's all In [-], because of the status of His Excellency Cyrus, the dark wizard switched to selling candy, but don't ignore the most elite members of the Dark Parliament just because of this!"

Wen Luan looked at the group of old wizards in the room, none of whom had complete teeth, and saw that they were so proud that their wrinkles were reduced, and the old wizard who was panting like a bellows was even more so. , flushed.

Wen Luan: ...

It's not easy to be the owner of a candy store these days!

The author has something to say: Wen Luan Weili: Hey, this is the most elite force of the Dark Council, please see [A row of old men] Cyrus: ... Are you kidding me?I asked the countries that came to join the alliance to take an old man back?Isn't this a native product?

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