【Still Nuoye Vision】

"Throw the sword away and he will die faster." Uncle Yade was a little helpless.

"Then why are you going?" The female voice sounded very flat.

"..." Her answer was silence.

Later, due to excessive blood loss, I could no longer distinguish their conversations.

But I saw a hand before I lost consciousness, and the tinkling of the blue rose handcuffs with the howling cold wind sounded more like evocation to me.

That snow-white hand gently pressed the wound on my shoulder, and then a sharp pain stimulated the nerves all over my body. I bent my body spinelessly but couldn't cry out in pain—maybe I could still scream, but Before this I had passed out on my back.

And just before fainting, the faint blue light from the palm of that hand hurt my eyes.

And so it was, I fell into lethargy without pain anywhere in my body.

I will wake up again because of a noisy "Ding Ding Ding Ding" "Dangdang Dangdang" concerto.

I subconsciously thought it was some stinky woman who was wearing so many decorations to seduce me, I frowned, it was really noisy.

I opened my eyes angrily and was about to curse, but before I could speak, I was stopped by a female voice:

"Yad, I seem to have woken someone up."

Getting up angry was suppressed by such a tepid and unapologetic apology, and the heavy and tense real crisis. I tried my best to twist my stiff neck, and looked towards the source of the sound. It was a rather slender girl— ——The long black hair was casually draped on the thin shoulders, reaching to the waist. It seemed that she didn't bother to take care of it. She was wearing a light blue dress which was simple and suitable, but it felt a little shabby.

The most obtrusive thing is the blue rose handcuffs on her wrist - a delicate blooming rose flower is carved on the black black iron with restraining materials, and it also emits a strange blue light.

She still wears a collar of the same style around her neck, and a broken half of an iron chain hangs down, and a bell engraved with the same rose pattern hangs from it... so many metals collide with each other, so it's no wonder it doesn't make noise.

This is the target I want to assassinate - I have to say that real people look much better than photos, but I have to admit that the faces of passers-by are the faces of passers-by, and you can't see them when you throw them into the crowd...

"Good morning, little hunter." She bowed her head, and the bell rang softly. I stared at her with a harmless smile on her face, feeling very powerless:

"Good morning." I twitched the corners of my mouth and reluctantly spit out this greeting.

Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves. She didn't order me to be killed, but it doesn't mean that she is safe from now on—I'm afraid she has other methods of torture, and I can't stand torture to extract confessions, so I have to follow her heart , I hope to get a little bit of sympathy.

But the target is a cold-blooded animal, I'm afraid...

I couldn't help shaking my shoulders.

"...Wow, it's scary!" But she suddenly jumped into the arms of the gray-haired uncle next to her as if she had been seriously frightened, terrified, "The hunter greeted me! What should I do? ?”

"..." The corners of Uncle Yade's and I's mouths trembled like poor fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

Then there is the routine self-introduction.

She said that her name was Kakyoin Gongyi, and she was one of the survivors of the bloody battle in Banyue.

I said my name is Nuo Ye and I am the killer who came to assassinate her.

She asked me how much I knew, and I replied, I only know that the higher ups want me to kill you.

She was silent for a long time, then suddenly narrowed her eyes staring at me:

"The other survivors were also killed as monsters, weren't they?"

I froze, unable to speak for a while.

There was such deep sorrow and despair in those eyes, like glass broken into powder, unable to return to its original appearance.

"Miss." Yade obviously has been hiding this matter.

"It's not your fault, Yad, I'm too stupid." The long bangs concealed the hatred and sadness in her eyes.

She sat back on the chair exhausted, and the bell on the chain let out a mournful cry, echoing messily in the dim room.

I actually understand the content of their conversation, but pretending to be stupid will prolong my life.

The half-month bloody battle, a battle between humans and blood clans for local hegemony, the blood clan knight Kakyoin Gongyi suddenly went berserk when he was retreating steadily, massacred thousands of elite soldiers of the enemy and his own with terrifying power, and greatly damaged the strength of the two sides by more than half Fortunately, his blood servant Yade stopped him, so he did not die in exhaustion.

But in the end, the blood race was still defeated, and became the object of fear and hatred of everyone.

Since then, the survivors have signed a contract with human beings and voluntarily put on chains, hoping to continue living in peace.

It's a pity that they were betrayed by humans after all. Humans can't let monsters walk on the streets, so they rarely appear on the streets. Humans can't bear to live in the same space with them, so they launched a purge operation.

The final goal is the most dangerous among the survivors——

Kakyoin palace ceremony.

It's just... I looked at this girl who was called a nightmare demon from head to toe. Her thin body was caught in the shadow behind the curtain, so weak that one couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Will this kind of passerby be dangerous?The Hunter's Association is too funny-are they deliberately playing humor?The reason why she was left at the end was because this person was the least threatening, so she let down her vigilance to the point of ignoring it, and because a brother with an excellent memory mentioned it, he was sent to assassinate him with the title of vase?

"Yade, shall we run away? Let's leave this ghostly place and find our father!" After all, the tears didn't fall from her eyes. She held on to Yade's sleeve tightly, her eyes full of eagerness and anticipation.

I frowned, is this young lady scared out of her wits?She thought she could escape the city with these handcuffs?

Judging from Uncle Yade's expression just now, he must understand that there are hundreds of hunters stationed outside at this time-even with his skill, it is not a problem to fight one against ten, but unfortunately the hunters are so well prepared, almost All the survivors of the half-moon bloody battle have teamed up to participate in this crusade against the Great Demon King.

"Understood, miss."

I looked up and was taken aback by his loyal smile.

Do they really want to die?Could it be that this is... a love that transcends race and age?

It turns out that this uncle is not her blood servant, but her lover ==+

Kakyoin Gongyi patted him on the shoulder with a light smile, with a relaxed and cute smile on his face: "Great, then please go to the main hall tomorrow and steal the key out!"

I was stunned. The key of the main hall should be used to open her handcuffs. The blue engraving on the handcuffs not only restrains the vampire’s ability, but also restricts her—so the hunter put the key in the main hall. It was built in the center of the city, and dozens of hunters were sent to stand firm to the end. However, they had heard rumors that they would probably be preparing to join the war in the next few days. It would be even more dangerous to steal the keys now.

I couldn't figure out what she was thinking, her thoughts were too dangerous—could she use Uncle Yade to lure the hunter away and escape by herself?But how would she escape without the key?

When he couldn't figure it out, he only heard Yade's respectful reply: "Yes, Miss."

There was no hesitation on his expression, and his loyalty was chilling.It's just a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, so light it's hard to see.

An ominous premonition slowly formed in my heart, because it was too absurd and beyond my common sense. I sighed lightly and suppressed the uneasiness.

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