Iceman Family

Chapter 55


In the afternoon when the sun was lingering like flowing water, I was wearing a straw hat and sitting on the side of the road in the mortal world. While eating a beggar chicken, I listened to the storyteller sitting in the straw shed and telling "The Legend of Marriage of the Eight Immortals" for a long time. He burped and drank leisurely with a cup of crude tea.

In today's heaven, Patriarch Dingyun has become a legend of cultivators, all the immortals have gradually forgotten me, and even my salary has become less and less.I have only fully realized the pain of eternal life until now, so I no longer want to stay in the fairyland full of memories of me and Qinglian, pack up and descend to the mortal world.

Although the mortal world is simpler than the sky, there are not so many rules and regulations that bind hands and feet. I often drive a donkey for endless walks, and I can have a panoramic view of the world.During this period, I compiled a popular novel about marriage history, in which there were all kinds of sexual affairs. Although I concealed some necessary places, it was still deeply believed by ordinary people, and I often talked about it in my spare time after meals. Le Road.The name of Patriarch Dingyun was once again known to them.

During the long prehistoric period, among the mortals who have been divided into the human, dragon, and feather races, only the human race is relatively peaceful, while the two semi-divine races of the dragon and feather races have endless wars and disasters because of their special habitats.If I use my celestial power, I will definitely be noticed by the celestial beings, so I have to choose a gentle method and give them all kinds of knowledge to deal with the famine.

"...Hey, this young man."

I looked up and looked not far away, and saw a dirty little head protruding from the side of the grass shed, staring straight at the half-eaten beggar chicken in my hand, wiping the saliva from his mouth for a long time, He looked at me very seriously and said: "If you are full, how about doing good deeds and giving the remaining half chicken to the little beggar?"

I looked at him for a while, then raised my hand to signal him to come and eat.He had a look of surprise on his face, and he was no longer afraid of the owner of the thatched cottage, and walked to my side swaggeringly.He was obviously very hungry, but he didn't jump up and eat it. Instead, he carefully wrapped the remaining half of the chicken, and then sat down beside me, picked up the teapot and poured himself a bowl of thick tea.I noticed that although his hands were stained with plaster, they were extremely white and tender, and he didn't seem to be begging for a living all year round, so I said casually, "Little beggar, you look a bit rich."

"That's right, the young master was not a beggar three months ago, but a son of the Iceman family." He said proudly, his face darkened after a while, and he said with a bit of depression, "Mother died early, father is useless The things I have are only in the name of the Iceman, but I don’t do the work of the Iceman, and after losing all my family property, I died; my aunts either remarried or ran away, and I became a beggar on the street.”

"Iceman..." I raised my eyebrows and said, "A matchmaker?"

He nodded.I looked at his dull expression with his head down drinking tea, and felt amused in my heart. I smiled and said, "Since I'm a matchmaker, I must have heard of "The Legend of the Eight Immortals". Tell me a few words? Well done, I'll give it to you later." You have a bag of prunes."

""The Legend of Marriage of the Eight Immortals"?" For a little beggar, preserved plums should be very attractive, but he curled his lips and said with some disdain, "Hey, Patriarch Dingyun is just a fool. Only a fool would believe that kind of deceit."

"..." My smile stiffened.

"Young master, you look a bit suave. Instead of believing in those foolish fairy-tale romances, it's better to find a girl who matches the lintel early on. The business is to carry on the family." He didn't seem to notice the gloom overflowing from my body. He smacked his chest and said, "If you fancy a girl, just tell me that even if it's a princess from the Dragon and Feather Clan, I can marry you with this advantage." .”

I looked at him indifferently for a long time, and said, "What if I fancy a man?"

"Men too... eh? Man?" He was about to speak with a smile on his face, but he froze suddenly, looked at me dumbfounded and said, "You, you are Duanxiu?"

I still looked at him indifferently, with a gloomy face and said: "I am not only a broken sleeve, but also a foolish fairy." As I spoke, I picked up the back of his neck, used some spiritual power to fly to the haystack in the field, and moved around with a wicked smile His muscles and bones crackled and beat the kid up.

As a god who has already re-entered the world of mortals, I am indeed tainted with vulgarity, narrow-minded and vengeful.Although the attack was not heavy, he still made the little beggar beg for mercy, rolled around in the haystack with half a beggar chicken in his arms, and his eyes that looked at me suddenly became brighter and brighter, seeing that my anger was almost gone , got up and asked cautiously:

"Young master, are you really a fairy?"

I snorted coldly: "How many mortals have you seen who are more handsome than me?"

The little beggar circled around me, her expression became more and more serious, she looked at a shivering figure in the distance for a while, raised her hand and called out, "Ah Jing!"

The haystacks in the distance rustled and moved for a while, a boy with a bitter face came out slowly, hid behind the little beggar and looked at me timidly, his body was different from his white tenderness, it could be seen that he was a beggar who had been wandering for many years . "Are you hungry?" The little beggar touched his head, peeled off half of the beggar chicken in his hand, watched him gobble it up, and then pulled him to kneel down in front of me, his eyes sparkling He looked at me with enthusiasm and said, "I beg the immortal to accept the two of us as disciples!"

"..." I said with a sullen face, "No."

After that, my days in the mortal world became lively.

The little beggar obviously has some skills, no matter where I appear leisurely, she can always find me with the little bitter gourd at the first time, and begs me to accept the two of them as disciples in different ways, which is a promise to fail to achieve her goal Never give up.While having a headache, I thought of how lonely I had been all these years, and suddenly felt that it was not bad to take in two apprentices, so I finally compromised and took them both, and went back to Xianzhou together.

After giving them Taoist names, I found that these two people's aptitude for cultivating immortals is obviously excellent, especially the little beggar who has become Jue Yuanzi, whose cultivation speed is no less than that of the treasured Zixiao.

Later, I didn't know what went wrong with these two evil disciples in private. The brothers who were originally harmonious started fighting when they reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe.After some careful consideration, I gave Jue Yuanzi the earth core relic used for the Yuanshen armor to Jue Yuanzi who was about to cross the catastrophe. As compensation, I gave Jingxuzi a bunch of useful and useless magic weapons, and the dream bell was one of them. one.

Jing Xuzi is no longer the timid beggar he was back then, but he still has a bitter face. Seeing that I made this decision, he didn't complain. After saying goodbye to me, he left Xianzhou and established his own sect in the mortal world , which was later Dingyunzong.The first disciple he accepted was actually Long Yuan, but because of the sect's prestige, he called him my inner disciple, and soon inherited his senior brother's hatred for Jue Yuanzi.

Jue Yuanzi failed to cross the calamity, but fortunately the Yuanying was not annihilated. With the help of the earth core relics, he cultivated as a loose immortal. After becoming an immortal, he went to guard the East China Sea under my orders.

After this turbulent millennium passed, I went down to earth and found that the world was already full of vicissitudes.

At the foot of Taozhi Mountain, which has gradually multiplied into a city, I sat beside the former wine cellar, and the melancholy that had been suppressed for thousands of years slowly came to my heart.Sitting in the mountains filled with ghostly spirit, I drank altar spirits, but I couldn't extinguish the depression that had been buried for a long time.Originally, I thought that these long years would be enough for me to forget Qinglian, but now I realize that he is clearly a part of my body; although I usually don’t touch it intentionally, I still feel pain when I get hurt.

"...Old Ancestor."

When I heard Zixiao's voice, I straightened my back for an instant.Looking back into the dense peach blossom forest, the enchanting man in purple was leaning under the tree and looking at me quietly. After a while, he walked up, took half a jar of wine from my hand and drank it straight down. Very familiar appearance.

I said with difficulty: "You..."

"Old Ancestor must be wondering why Zi Xiao has a memory and can see through the real body of Ancestor at a glance." His face was still romantic and charming, and he laughed at himself, "Nobody like me, those busy Shangxian How can I miss it? Not only do I have the memories of the past, but I also have a little bit of spiritual power. Compared with the immortals who should be tribulated, I am extremely lucky."

He climbed onto my body softly, his delicate fingers lingering on my skin with a completely different touch from Qinglian; I frowned, pulled his troublesome hands down, separated my body from him a little, and sighed: "If that's the case, why don't you go to practice, but wander around in this gloomy Taozhi Mountain instead?" He withdrew his hand, put the finger that touched me just now on his lips and gently sucked it, his smile was a bit strange : "I knew that one day you would come to this place where you often meet with Guanyin, so I have been waiting here and never left."

been waiting here...

Seeing that I was a little dazed, Zi Xiao came up again, wrapped her arms around my waist, leaned on my shoulders and said softly: "Now Guanyin is gone, and after a thousand years, the ancestor's memory of him will definitely fade Go on. Zixiao's appearance and stature are not inferior to him, and she is still a virgin in this life, so she wants to take advantage of the emptiness and make the ancestor fall in love with her."

His voice was like a silver bell in a drunken dream, easily haunting me.The loneliness of the millennium made me unable to push him away for a while, I struggled in a trance for a while, and finally supported my forehead and said helplessly: "Zixiao, you know that this is impossible."

He looked at me quietly for a long time, but he didn't let go of his arms. "Back then, Zixiao's treasure weapon was cultivated to the ninth level, and when he opened his eyes as a newborn baby, he was in your arms; In your arms; when I finally ascended to immortality and excitedly ran to Xianzhou to look for you, he was still in your arms. He came to fight with me recklessly, and went back to complain after being injured. Your first reaction was not To find out the truth, I went to Han Xiangzi Xingshi to inquire about my crimes, and wanted to punish me in the name of a demon cultivator." He smiled and said, "Ancestor, what is so good about Guanyin that it is worth your concern for thousands of years? It is worth your treatment of me... hurt so much?"

I am silent.

"The ancestor really pampered him back then; if he went to practice in the mortal world like me, how could he end up dying of exhaustion of spiritual power?" He hugged me tighter and tighter, with sharp and fair His chin rested on my neck, and he smiled a little coldly, "But it was a good thing for him to die. Once he died, the hostility in my heart will dissipate."

At this moment, I finally noticed the strangeness of his aura.

"Are you enchanted?" I asked lightly.

"That's right. Bewitched, my heart still hasn't changed." He whispered in my ear, "It's always belonged to the ancestor."

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