But the intelligence ability belongs to the intelligence ability, which does not mean that after gin and vodka are seen through, they need to compromise with Xinyi.

"Oh, whatever you want." Qin Jiu snorted coldly and didn't speak any more.

"For example, if Mr. Kudo pays you a favor..." Vodka didn't show any intention of refusing.

"It was I who offended." After receiving the reply equivalent to an agreement from the two, Shinichi was finally satisfied. He leaned back, closed his eyes, and waited quietly for the car to drive to its destination.

The Porsche 356A drives smoothly down the street.

Until entering the suburbs, the surrounding trees became more and more lush, and the Porsche turned and drove into a remote road, slowing down.

The Porsche stopped under a tree so thick that it required two people to hug each other.

The three of them got out of the car and looked at the hospital in the distance where the green ivy had already climbed the wall.

Xinyi straightened his body: "Uozuka, can you come over and give me a hand, it's not easy to walk with crutches in this section of the road."

"Oh, good..." Vodka instinctively took a few steps forward, supporting Shinichi's body.

Gin glanced over coldly.

Vodka was so frightened that he instinctively let go.

"Could it be that you want to help me yourself?" Shinichi grabbed Vodka's clothes with his other hand and stood upright.

"You better not be scheming." Gin Jiu's voice was cold, he looked down at Shinichi, although he didn't make any threat, but his attitude was not much different from a threat.

"How could it be?" Xinyi lifted his arm which was still in plaster, "I was really injured."

Vodka looked at Shinichi and Gin in confusion, not knowing what charade they were playing.

But the staring between the two ended soon. Gin turned his head and walked in front, while Shinichi stretched out his hand, allowing Vodka to support him again, and the group walked towards the abandoned hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, they took a special passage into the basement. Gin pressed a few keys on the elevator regularly, and the elevator descended to a lower level than the number displayed.

This is the underground world.

Either objectively or subjectively.

White walls, vertical and horizontal stairs, people in a hurry, everything looks empty.

No wonder.

Organizations are no better than real groups. People here have their own things to do. The strongholds provided by organizations are often only used as supplies. They are more used to acting alone or with their partners, and they have their own safe houses. , has its own unique contact method.

So Shinichi didn't see many people here.

But someone is enough.

Someone saw Gin walking in front of him like a ghost, and Vodka helped him slowly follow behind, which was enough.

He already has a memory point in some people's minds.

And it's still a great memory point.

Unimpeded all the way to a separate room, under the dim light, a member of the organization was sitting in front of a screen that almost occupied one wall, leaning on his elbows and falling asleep bit by bit, when he saw the gin , greeted him lazily, and when her eyes moved to his back, she was slightly taken aback, and sat upright involuntarily.

He saw Shinichi.

Although I don't know him, the character who can make gin give out vodka to support him will not be such a simple character no matter what.

"Hello, Mr. Watanabe." Shinichi called out the name of the person who came, as if they were friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Shinichi knows the real name of almost everyone in the organization who has a code name.

The person on the opposite side is code-named Sake, who is good at hacking technology and is the person in charge of the information hub.

He joined the organization at about the same time as Gin. Although his status cannot be said to be on an equal footing with Gin, he is still an important figure in the Tokyo jurisdiction.

Sake, whose real name he hadn't used for a long time was called, froze for a moment, squinted his eyes and looked at Shinichi, his eyes unconsciously drifted in the direction of Gin: "This is..."

"You don't have to worry about it too much." Qin Jiu didn't bother to introduce Xinyi, "Find him some missions that match his mission. The requirement is..."

Gin reported Xinyi's previous request.

"There are quite a lot of requests." Sake muttered, turned around, and tapped his fingertips on the keyboard, "Okay, I'll give you the list. What's your code name?"

"I don't have a code name."

A fingertip meal of sake.

"My name is Kudo Shinichi, you can call me whatever you want."

Sake turned to look at Shinichi with weird eyes: "Kudo Shinichi? The Kudo Shinichi I was thinking of?"

"No, it's just the same name and surname."

Sake stared fixedly at the mask on Xinyi's face, looked at Gin, and after Gin nodded, he clicked his tongue: "I said yes. That guy seems to have been drugged to death by Gin, how could he be killed by Gin?" Liquor appeared in the organization. Your accent doesn't look like a Tokyo native either."

Shinichi with an Osaka accent didn't speak any more, but just gestured for Sake to help.

"Okay, Kudo, right? Give me the contact information, and I'll send the task list and related content to your mobile phone."

Shinichi put a business card on the table and pushed it in the direction of sake.

Sake paused again, and he glanced at Shinichi strangely: "Your identity on the surface is not separated from your identity behind the scenes?"

"I have only one identity now, that's all. You just treat me like a new member of the organization."

"The newly joined members of the organization know my real name..." Sake smiled inexplicably, but did not linger on this topic, but quickly finished the matter, put the business card in his pocket, and put it back The familiar posture from before, "Okay, okay, walk slowly and don't send it off. After the task is completed, remember to write a report and send it to Gin. I'm going to rest."

"It seems that your job is very easy." Shinichi sighed with emotion seemingly unintentionally.

Sake glanced at Shinichi, and yawned: "Gin doesn't care about me, so you don't need to care about it, I have such a personality."

"Okay." Gin was not interested in watching the two of them engage in meaningless entanglement, "Kudo Shinichi, your goal has been achieved, next..."

"Next, I'll go to Uozuka's house to play."

Gin: "..."

Sake: "..."

The two watched Shinichi approach Vodka and pushed Vodka to ask Vodka to take him away. After Vodka stiffly followed suit, Shinichi waved at Gin and Vodka before leaving: "Mr. Kurosawa, Mr. Watanabe, I will take Uozuka away first, I wish you a happy work."

"Big brother..."

"Get lost." Qin Jiu directly expressed his attitude with one word.

So Vodka rolled with Xinyi directly, so as not to be upset that his big brother couldn't see him.

And Sake Banyue looked at the direction Vodka and Shinichi left, tapped his head with his free hand, and asked implicitly, "Is that guy mentally ill?"

Gin smiled, "Why do you think I brought him here?"

It is because Shinichi is too unpredictable, he calls them by their real names, has no sense of distance from them who are dangerous, and treats them like ordinary people in society treat their friends around them, which makes them feel creepy behind their backs.

He looked at them calmly as if he were looking at ordinary people. Judging from his ability to easily figure out their real names and daily clues, perhaps they were indeed just like ordinary people in his eyes. Such people are unfathomable , cannot be offended, so it is best to be within the scope and follow his will.

"Understood." Sake made an OK gesture.

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