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Chapter 50 Blood Eyes

With a wave of Xiao Linger's white sleeve robe, a gust of strong wind gushed out, and the mess was blown up by the strong wind. Xiao Linger waved it again, and the purple light burst out, covering the two corpses. After the glow dissipated, the two corpses had also disappeared.

"Now...well...come with us." Leng Che pondered for a while, then raised his eyes and said to Xiao Ling'er.

"Well, if you play tricks, I don't mind having another life in my hand." Xiao Ling'er glanced at her lightly, her indifferent voice implied a hint of warning and killing intent.

Hearing this, Leng Che raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Then he led Mo Zihan out.

Xiao Ling'er looked at Leng Che's back, stomped her feet fiercely, a surge of anger burst out of her heart, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart fiercely, her expression became indifferent again, she lifted her steps lightly, and walked out.

Arriving at the mansion bought by Leng Er, Leng Che took Mo Zihan by the hand, raised his eyes to look at the plaque, Leng Mansion?Hehe... This Leng Er is really good at fixing things, he dragged Mo Zihan to the mansion, thinking about that girl in his heart.

When I came to the hall, I saw dozens of children knelt in the hall and listened to Leng Er's talk about the sect rules. I shook my head a little funny. They really look good.

Turning around and seeing Xiao Linger's puzzled expression, Leng Che explained: "This is some strength I cultivated."

Hearing Leng Che's explanation, Xiao Ling'er looked at her in surprise. How could she trust her so much?I don't know what kind of emotion flashed in my heart, I nodded lightly, and said: "It will take a long time to use it, it's a bit late." Looking at those children who are no older than fifteen or sixteen, he frowned slightly.

"Hehe...Of course it can be used, but it's still in its infancy. When it becomes stronger in the future, it can also be used as a preparation to bring down Leng Zhuang." Leng Che squeezed the catkin in his hand and said in a low voice.

Mo Zihan's pretty face was flushed by Leng Che's actions, she turned her head to look at the cold side face, raised the corners of her lips, and revealed a sweet smile.

Xiao Ling'er glanced at Leng Che holding Mo Zihan's hand, frowned slightly, felt something vaguely, but couldn't be sure, glanced at the children, and asked: "The ones that can be used... are still there. Are you recruiting?"

"Well, it won't take long for him to die." Leng Che replied lightly, raised his head to look at the sky, and his cold voice was tinged with arrogance.

Xiao Ling'er was slightly startled, looking at Leng Che's arrogant and murderous cold side face, the domineering arrogance that made people surrender instantly spread from her body, making Xiao Ling'er slightly absent-minded.

Mo Zihan tightly held Leng Che's icy hands that would never be warm, and said softly, "I will help you kill him too." Although he didn't know who it was, but no matter who it was, Mo Zihan Han will always stand by Leng Che's side.

Hearing this, the murderous intent on Leng Che's face gradually subsided and turned soft. Turning his head to see the firmness, tenderness, and deep affection in Mo Zihan's eyes, he pursed his lips and hummed lightly. In my heart, the crack seems to be widening again.

"Master... Sovereign Master." Leng Er stepped forward to call Master, but caught sight of Xiao Ling'er who was at the side, and immediately changed his address cleverly, and bowed his hands respectfully to Leng Che.

"Well, how about it, how many are talented?" Leng Che nodded lightly and asked.

"There are 38 in total, fifteen of them are talented, and the suzerain you asked me to take care of six people, and the rest are people without any talent for cultivation." Leng Er replied carefully.

"Well, for those without cultivation talent, train for a period of time first, and then distribute them in various places to let them collect information." Leng Che nodded slightly, and ordered in a soft voice.

"Yes, those six people are in the room on the other side, should the suzerain take a look?" Leng Er asked Leng Che again in a low voice.

"Well, you can continue first, I'll go and have a look." Leng Che nodded, then pulled Mo Zihan towards the room Leng Er pointed at, and said without looking back: "Miss Xiao, come and see this place." Six extremely talented people."

Xiao Ling'er blinked Qiushui's eyes, a sly light flashed in the eyes, she moved her lotus steps lightly, and followed behind Leng Che.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Leng Che put down the hand holding Mo Zihan, and walked to the curly little girl in the farthest corner, saw that her eyes were still icy cold and vicious, those blood-red eyes Stare hard at yourself.

Such an interesting child, Leng Che looked at the dangerous blood-red pupils, slightly curved his lips, squinted his eyes slightly, squatted down, and asked softly: "Tell me, why did you become like this?" His voice was not softened because he was a child.

The blood and ferocity in the girl's eyes dissipated in an instant, and what was left was timidity and fear. Looking at Leng Che, she moved her body vigorously, staring at her with a pair of big innocent eyes.

Leng Che was startled, can this thing be retracted freely?Standing up and taking a step forward, the little girl took a step back vigorously.

Leng Che became impatient, took a big stride, grabbed the little girl by the skirt, lifted her up, and asked, "What's going on with you like that?!"

The girl froze instantly, staring blankly at Leng Che's icy face, pouted slightly aggrieved, and there was a little moisture in her big eyes.

Seeing how violent Leng Che was, Mo Zihan hurriedly hugged the little girl down and took a look at Leng Che. He was really a big iceberg worthy of the name, scaring even a child.

Mo Zihan said to the little girl softly: "Don't pay attention to her, tell my sister, little sister, what happened to you, how did you become like this? You will be rewarded for saying so!" Zhu Guo, put it in the little girl's dirty hands, Mo Zihan smiled gently at the little girl.

The little girl held the vermillion fruit in her hand, the timidity in her eyes had disappeared, but she carefully picked up the vermilion fruit, took a small bite, the juice overflowed, and the fragrance filled her lips and teeth, and the five children beside her also Drooling, staring at the fragrant vermilion fruit, swallowing endlessly.

After the little girl ate Zhu Guo, she whispered to Mo Zihan, "Both my mother and my father were beaten to death by the bad guys, and the bad guys wanted to beat me to death too, but I didn't die, and was picked up by my brother." , my brother said that I was very scary at that time, my whole body was covered with blood, and the bad guy died beside me, my brother said, one of the bad guy’s arms was in my hand, I don’t know why.”

After listening to the girl's words, Leng Che narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a while, and asked, "Who is your brother?" His voice was still piercingly cold.

The little girl trembled when she heard Leng Che's icy voice, and Mo Zihan gave Leng Che a helpless look, then turned to the little girl and asked softly, "Who is the brother who picked you up? Can't say it?"

"'s this one, brother." The little girl said weakly, pointing her little finger at the older, handsome boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Leng Che walked in front of the boy and asked, "What happened at that time? Tell me carefully."

The boy trembled, but fortunately, he was not so frightened that he could not speak like the little girl. Instead, he replied calmly: "I went out to look for food, and when I passed by a village, I found it was full of blood. I was curious. I walked in and took a look, and found that it was a little girl covered in blood, holding a broken arm in her hand, and the corpses of several adults on the side were all broken, no different from meat paste." Speaking of this, the boy's eyes Frightened, he continued: "I was terrified at the time, and just about to escape, the little girl whispered to me for help, and I softened my heart, so I brought her back, and it has been up to now."

Leng Che raised his brows and asked, "Did she have anything unusual back then?"

" seems...the eyes are glowing red." The boy thought for a while and replied vaguely.

Leng Che nodded slightly. It seemed that this little girl was a bit unusual, and she was still in that kind of unconscious state. After recovering, she returned to her normal appearance.

Mo Zihan patted the little girl's head, glanced at Xiao Ling'er who was looking solemn, and asked suspiciously: "What do you know?"

"This is... Xue Tong..." Xiao Ling'er said with a pale face.

"Blood pupil? What is that?" Leng Che frowned slightly and asked.

"Xuetong, there was a person with this kind of blood pupil hundreds of years ago. That person used to rely on the blood pupil to wash a huge sect with blood, and that person fell after being besieged by five masters of the Mahayana stage. His eyes It glows red and is extremely dangerous, but fortunately, this little girl's blood pupil is still in its infancy, we should eliminate her now, otherwise, it will definitely be a catastrophe in the future." Xiao Linger looked at the timid little girl with killing intent in her eyes. , Said in a deep voice, a purple glow appeared on his right hand.

Leng Che suddenly flashed in front of Xiao Ling'er, and said in a low voice: "Miss Xiao, if this little girl really has blood pupils, wouldn't that be a good thing? As long as her strength rises, after she is proficient in controlling the blood pupils, the cold eyes will be eliminated." Zhuang, it's just a matter of time."

Hearing this, Xiao Ling'er was startled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Once the blood pupils are opened, she will lose her mind, and will not distinguish between enemies and friends, so she cannot stay."

"I have a way to keep her from losing her mind." Leng Che glanced at the little girl and said.

"If not, then I will kill her." Xiao Ling'er glanced at Leng Che lightly, and said.

Leng Che responded, walked up to the little girl, saw her terrified eyes, knelt down and touched her head, unexpectedly picked up a treasure, a cold light flashed in his eyes, if he really cultivated , that is definitely a terrifying figure.

Leng Che stood up, looked at the other five children, pondered for a while, and asked, "What are your names?"

The five children shook their heads when they heard this, and said in unison: "We don't have a name." The voice contained sadness and sadness.

Hearing this, Leng Che sighed, and said: "Then I will give you a name, in order, whoever has the strongest ability is called An Yi, followed by An Er, and age, you can arrange it yourself."

After hearing this, the five children looked at each other and carefully arranged their strengths.

After a while, the five children lined up in a row, and the handsome little boy said, "An Yi, 15 years old."

The second honest boy whose height can be compared with Leng Che said: "An Er, 15 years old."

The third handsome boy said, "The third one, 13 years old."

The fourth little girl with a pretty face said: "Dark Four, 12 years old."

The fifth little girl with thin body and pale face said, "Dark five, ten years old."

Leng Che raised his eyebrows, glanced at the five people, nodded, and said, "After a few days of training, you will be very tired, so take a good rest."

"Yes!" Qiqi's voice sounded, and the five of them raised their heads high.

Leng Che swept over to the little girl in the corner again, stepped forward, pulled her up, saw her terrified expression, and said softly: "I won't harm you, I'll take you to eat delicious food. "After finishing speaking, he pushed the little girl towards Mo Zihan, since he doesn't know how to take care of children.

Mo Zihan patted the little girl's head, then asked Xiang Lengche, "What's her name?"

"Leng Meier." Leng Che said flatly.

"Leng Mei''re so kind." Mo Zihan looked at the charming and charming face of the little girl, pinched her and smiled.

The author has something to say:

High school requires school uniforms, and we boys sometimes only wear school uniform tops. Once we had a meeting, the same school uniforms were not neatly worn, and the head teacher was furious: "Stand up to me if you don't wear pants!"

The graphics card is broken, so there is no code text. . . .My leg is about to break today, I have to sigh, the women shopping are really tough!

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