On the third day after the drunken incident, Xue recovered and immediately returned to his daily work. Although Mr. Mori did not ask him to return to work immediately, Xue finally transferred his internship from the scientific research department to Ango Sakaguchi in order to regain his memory. The information and finance department where it is located.

The information room of intelligence and finance only occupies a small room in the Mafia building at the port, and the important confidential information is in the leader's vault, but even so, the intelligence documents are almost full of this small room.

The bookshelves are bookshelves, and the walls are also bookshelves. There are no windows to see only the information, and even the door is only a small one. If you want to enter the room, you have to bend down and enter slowly.

Most of the densely packed materials are member information and accounts. Obviously, this is a dull and tedious job, and working in such an environment can even make people feel depressed, and they can concentrate on working in the intelligence data room The only person in port Mafia is Ango Sakaguchi.

"Yuki-kun, would you like some coffee?" Sakaguchi Ango said.

Xue was distracted from his concentration. He raised his head slightly, and the silver hair tied into a ponytail because of work flowed down his shoulders like tassels. The young man looked at him and hooked the corners of his lips.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Sakaguchi."

The man wearing round glasses was stunned for a moment. He pinched the bridge of his nose to relax his swollen eyes, and then refilled Xue's black tea cup with coffee.

Xue wore an almost all-black casual suit, because there was only one desk in the information room, and he sat on the steps of the door without hesitation, surrounded by a stack of thick documents. There is still an unopened file bag.

"It's hard for anyone to stay here for so long, and you are the first person who can sit here for a whole day." He seemed to be joking, and then handed the cup to Xue, "It's getting cold, here There is only instant coffee, and I hope Mr. Xue will not dislike it."

After taking it, Xue took a sip and said to him with a smile: "Where is it, I almost fell asleep, and thanks to Mr. Sakaguchi's coffee, I finally came back to life."

After finishing speaking, Xue raised her cup to Sakaguchi, and the man showed a helpless smile after knowing it, and the teacups of the two touched in the air, making a ding.

Occasionally seeing such a pleasing existence of Xue in this boring job, it has to be a kind of pastime and relaxation, but in fact, Ango Sakaguchi was really surprised by Xue's almost terrifying concentration. I have been sitting here, except for the lunch time I forcibly pulled over, I have been helping him sort out the member information.

It only took Xue three hours to check and sort out the list of remaining members of this leading struggle, and the rest of the time was spent flipping through other things.

Let's say - about port Mafia's spend and revenue on technology.

Anwu casually mentioned, "Speaking of Xue-kun, you were in the scientific research department before you came here, right? I heard that you have great talents in computers."

Xue opened his eyes wide, ignoring the cup in his hand, his ears were reddish and he shook his head repeatedly: "That's not the case, the seniors in the scientific research department are too exaggerated, I just..."

Anwu interrupted his self-effacing with a smile: "I just helped them strengthen the firewall? I heard that the leader gave the scientific research department a collective salary increase."

"That's not all my credit, the seniors have helped me a lot so..."

"Don't be humble." An Wu said, "Actually, I have always felt that Xue Jun is too modest. Why do you deny your talent?"

He looked at Xue suspiciously, and the young man looked at him uneasy, looking at a loss, after a long while Xue said: "Because I'm not sure..."

Not sure if those talents belong to me or Sariel, but if it has nothing to do with me.

He whispered, "I don't want to take the credit..."

An Wu was taken aback after hearing this, and then continued: "You deserve those compliments, don't feel like you're taking credit from others."

"It doesn't matter where you come from, but if you use it so handily now, it belongs to you."

Xue was slightly stunned by his words. Although she didn't have much contact with him, Xue had already trusted him because of her adoptive father Oda Sakunosuke.

Ango Sakaguchi looked at Yuki's dazed expression, his face was full of anticipation, could it really be like this but his eyes faintly revealed expectation, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Of course, it's okay, isn't it fun to be praised by others?"

Yes, it's nice to be praised.

Xue nodded in a daze. When it came to his own affairs, he never faced his sensitivity to machinery or computers, and he could even be said to be dull.

Realizing this, Ango saw a gleam of joy in Xue's eyes, those obsidian-like eyes were shining like a small animal, which made Ango laugh, he shook his head, and reached out to pat the boy on the head.

Still a child.

Even so, he said righteously in the next second: "Although excessive work will make others praise you, you can't force yourself like you are now. Sitting for so long will cause waist problems, and children will easily lose weight." High." But he neglected that he had worked for so long like Xue, and double standards were not acceptable.

Snow nodded ignorantly and obediently.

At this moment, there was a knock on the small door behind Yuki, and Dazai's rippling voice came from the other side of the door.


The next second the door was swung open, Dazai bent over and half squatted, trying to sneak into the room, but after he squatted down, he saw the snow at the door for the first time, his eyes bent, "Just now I wanted to ask if Xiaoxue was here, but I found it after searching casually, what an adventure, Xiaoxue, this must be fate!"

Saying that, he nodded his head seriously.

Xue is also used to Osamu Dazai talking about running the train, so she couldn't help laughing, and didn't take his words seriously, "Is Mr. Dazai looking for something for me?"

Dazai squatted halfway through the door and entered the room. He had grown a lot during this time, so it was a bit wronged him to come in through such a narrow door.

After Dazai came in, he blinked his eyes aggrieved, and complained: "Xiaoxue, you're so cold~ It's obvious that we were so close before."

Yuki who didn't remember how she and Dazai got along at all blinked her eyes and listened to him continue to run the train.

Ango pushed his glasses and complained: "This is just a normal reaction after getting used to your action mode, Dazai-kun."

Dazai muttered in dissatisfaction: "Ango is too much, are you going to bully me with Xiaoxue?" He said, he wiped away the tears that did not exist in the corner of his eyes, "Obviously Odasaku wouldn't do this."

Ango shook his head, "Mr. Oda will only pamper you ignorantly. In my opinion, it is better to complain about you so that you will realize your own problems, Dazai-kun."

"Hey——" Dazai dragged his voice, seemed to be dissatisfied and seemed to be coquettish again, "Xiaoxue, look at Ango, he is too much."

Unexpectedly, Yuki pinched her chin and thought for a while, then smiled at Dazai and said, "I think Mr. Sakaguchi's words are all right."

Dazai: ... When did Xiaoxue awaken the dark-bellied attribute?

Seeing that this unprofessional new cadre was about to pretend to cry again, Ango finally put the topic on the right track: "Speaking of which, Dazai-kun, what can you do with Xue-kun?"

"Ah, this—" Dazai's expression finally became serious, "I came here for the casino."

"Casino?" Anwu thought of the abnormal account of several large casinos in the Mafia port area that he was dealing with not long ago. He asked, "Is there something wrong with the accounts of the casino?"

Dazai shook his head, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Not all, the accounts are all true. The problematic one is a gambler who is sure to win every bet in the casino recently."

"He's probably a person with supernatural abilities." Xue said softly.

Dazai nodded, looked at Ango and said with a smile, "That's right, because of the leader's new order, I'm going to borrow Xiaoxue~"

As he said that, after Yuki finished his last sip of coffee, he pushed him out of the room, and at the end he did not forget to say to Ango: "If Oda Saku comes later, tell him that we went to "unique". "

Ango, who not only had his assistant kidnapped but also stayed to help Dazai finish the work, was speechless, and in the end he could only continue to deal with the accounts honestly.

Hey, inadvertently making friends.


The author has something to say:

Wuwu, I just went to make up the second season of the textual research. I just wanted to see how big the door of Ango’s office is. It turned out that Ango and Dazai Odasaku met during the leader’s struggle... so my article has bugs woo woo

Everyone, don’t scold me, let’s make it private quq, I can’t change it

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