The sudden sound of glass shattering caused Xue to look at the young man beside him, and saw that Nakahara Chuya was holding a piece of glass in his hand, and the crystal wine moistened his leather glove together under the light. It was glowing, and even flowed in the direction of the cuffs of the suit.

Zhong also didn't notice that Anomaly was still competing with Giorno's eyes, and Zhong also felt Xue's closeness. The next moment, his hand was caught by something soft, and Zhong also knew that it was Xue's hand, and the lightness The feeling also came.

A second before the wine flowed to the sleeves, it was blocked by the soft silk texture, and Zhongya stared blankly at Xue lowering his head and handling it carefully in his hands.

Giorno arrived at the same time as the hurried waiter.

"Mr. Giorno." Xue greeted him with a smile.

Giorno and Xuebu wore suits of the same color. Although they were of different styles, they still decorated them with the same color. Their long golden hair was not tied up as usual. They looked very sacred, just like the sun in mythology. godlike.

The surrounding eyes were focused on this young and handsome gangster leader, except for the part that was the gangster leader, he was just a mild-tempered boy.But despite this, Giorno at this age is respected by almost everyone with his own personality charm. Keep a distance from everyone in a polite and distant manner.

But at this moment, Giorno walked towards the young man who seemed out of tune with the world here, as if chasing something without hesitation: "Xuebu, you look beautiful in this dress."

"Thank you." Because his eyes were too focused, the silver-haired boy smiled a little embarrassedly. He withdrew his hand and said sincerely, "Mr. Giorno chose the clothes nicely and fit them well. Thank you very much."

Giorno continued: "You look good in whatever you wear, Xuebu."

What he said made everyone who was paying attention here dumbfounded. The young leader of the gang they respected had sweet words in his eyes to curry favor with that boy.

Turning his head, he smiled kindly at Chufa, who was beside Xue, whom he had ignored for a long time: "Mr. Zhongyuan, don't the drinks here suit your appetite?"

Zhong also reacted and glanced at him and returned a kind smirk, provided that he ignored the faint veins protruding from his forehead: "The quality of the glass is too bad, and I prefer to drink red wine."

Xue handed the shards of glass in Chuya's hand to the waiter at the side, who lowered his head in fear and handed over two goblets again, and the mellow aroma of the wine was released instantly.

Giorno stopped the cup that the waiter was about to hand to Xue, and asked: "Change to a non-alcoholic one."

Apache, who followed the whole process, laughed mockingly. No one knew that these two sets of clothes were custom-made by Giorno himself who ran from Naples to the largest and best tailor shop in Rome.

Apaki folded his hands on his chest, watching all this like an outsider, he remembered that day, the day they successfully assassinated Diablo, the former boss of "Passion".

He, Bugarati, Trish, other members of the team, even the assassination team and the foreign aid Giorno found from nowhere, all were immersed in the joy of the success of the plan.

Except for one person, only Giorno Giobana stood there like an idiot.Apaki still remembered that kid standing there in a daze among the cheering crowd, seeming to be still muttering something.

Everyone noticed Giorno's abnormality, and thought he had acquired some "stand-in ability". Just as everyone asked worriedly, this kid who was younger than Naranja finally showed an expression that belonged to his age .

"This is the end."

"it is finally over……"

He looked relieved, but the pain in his eyes couldn't be concealed, like a stretched bowstring, which finally snapped at this moment.

Finally, he called out the name tremblingly: "Xuebu."

Therefore, whenever Giorno put on such a gentle look, Apache couldn't help but sneer, who didn't know that the possessive desire in this guy's eyes was about to overflow.

Soon, the waiter brought non-alcoholic juice, and Giorno took a glass himself.

Zhongyuan Zhong also looked at the cup in his hand in disbelief: "Don't you drink? You are obviously the leader?"

"We're still underage." Giorno replied lightly, and then he looked at him with a smirk: "However, I'm fine, Xuebu can't drink alcohol, right?"

"Is there anything you want to eat? There are a lot of desserts here." Giorno took a cupcake casually, and the pink and white cream was painted in the shape of a rabbit, which was very cute.

Xue didn't reject his offer. He looked around and said to Giorno: "Mr. Giorno, is it okay if you don't need to talk to those people?" He was looking at this side expectantly, as if he was begging Giorno to go back and continue talking about business.

"It's okay, it's all unimportant things." He murmured softly with a volume he could only hear, "You are the most important thing."

There was another commotion at the entrance of the venue, and Xue turned her head to look.

A man with a black haircut led a team towards Giorno. He saw Xue, still looking clean and harmless, standing in the middle of the crowd as if glowing out of place .

"Boss." Bugarati nodded in Giorno's direction, and the men standing behind him either took off their hats or nodded like him.

Bugarati raised his head, his light blue eyes flashed, his eyes fell on the silver-haired boy, and he called softly: "Snow."

The silver-haired boy raised his beautiful face, smiled slightly at him, and responded, "Mr. Bugarati."

Bugarati smiled helplessly, "I've said it all, don't call me Mr.

Xue blinked, and pretended not to hear it childishly, "Okay, Mr. Bugarati."

Buccarati was followed by three men, two of them had been looking at Xue when they entered the venue, and the only one who was not looking at him...

Xue smiled and waved at him, "Nalanga, long time no see."

The black-haired boy widened his purple eyes and shook his whole body, like a startled cat, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he was too shy to look at him, "Okay, long time no see! That, x …Snow!"

"Giorno, this is...?" A slightly dark-skinned man walked out from behind Bucciarati. He was dressed very trendy, with a hat on his head, showing a thin waist, looking a little natural. Those who came to know him greeted the silver-haired boy: "My name is Mista, and you are the snow step that Giorno said."

The man narrowed his dark eyes, and commented with a smirk: "You are many times prettier than Giorno's portrait."

"Don't scare him, Mista." The man in the green suit patted Mista's shoulder, motioning him to look in Giorno's direction, "Boss has been staring at you."

Turning his head, he said friendlyly: "Please don't pay too much attention to Mista's words, he has always been so outspoken, the Central Plains cadre of the port Mafia, and Xuebu."

"Welcome to the reception, my name is Fugo, and I am one of the cadres of "Passion". "

Zhong also nodded, although he knew that the other party was just being polite, but finally a more normal guy came, his complexion improved, and he replied in the same formula: "Thank you for your organization's invitation, I hope we can establish a good relationship during this inspection." relationship of trust.”

It is the person in the dream.

There is still a girl with rose pink hair. In the dream, the members of the Bugarati team gathered together. Just now, Xue didn't feel that Mista had offended him. For some reason, he knew it subconsciously. It's the kind of joking nature.

Giorno: "Where's Trish?"

Buccarati replied: "I asked Proxiet to pick her up. It stands to reason that she should be here soon."

"I see." While nodding, he winked at Fuge, and the latter immediately chatted with Zhongyuan Zhongya knowingly.

Standing between them, the silver-haired boy didn't know what to say, so he could only take a bite of the cupcake that Giorno had handed him before.

The soft cake and creamy texture filled his mouth, and he rolled his eyes happily.

Ah, delicious.After you get home, try to make some for Mr. Saku and Mr. Dazai, as well as Ryunosuke and Xiaoyin. I remember Ryunosuke likes sweets.

The silver-haired boy maintained a happy mood of eating delicious food, and was lost in thought.

Braga reminded kindly: "Xue, there is cream on the corner of his mouth."

Xue raised her hand to wipe it, but there was nothing on her fingers, so she asked suspiciously, "Where is it, Bugarati?"

He looked up at him with his familiar trust and dependence in his eyes.

Bugarati nodded her lips, "Here."

This time Xue wiped off the cream, and a smile appeared on her white and thick face again, "Thank you."

Mista couldn't help whistling, and continued to talk to Xue while Nakahara was also talking to Fugo: "Xuebu, are you familiar with Bugarati?" He looked at Qiaolu with some gossip Nuo's smile obviously stiffened a lot.

Xue tilted her head to look at him, and said as a matter of course, "Because Mr. Bugarati saved me."

He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then continued: "Also, I feel very familiar, as if we knew each other a long time ago."

Mista opened his eyes slightly, looking at Buccarati, who was a little embarrassed because of the boy's blunt words, and Giorno, whose smile deepened inexplicably, subconsciously, his hairs stood on end, and then he trembled.


The author has something to say:

There are Shura fields everywhere, I feel that today is easier!Great! !

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