When Rum heard what Xianglin said, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Why did you mention this matter at this time?

Could it be that Belmode's death had dealt him too much blow, what did he think of under the trauma?

Even though Rum has thousands of thoughts in his mind now, on the surface he still shows that the lights are tight.

"Well, okay, then I'll meet you at the convenience store outside the Metropolitan Police Department. It's not very convenient in the dormitory."

【good!Thanks Grandpa Rum!I'm on my way now!See you later! 】

"Okay, see you later."

Rum hung up the phone.


what happened?How is this going? !

Lin must know something, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a request to himself at this time!

This matter cannot be ignored, it must be handled properly, a careless answer may amplify Lin's suspicion.

But fortunately, in order to prevent such things from happening, Rum had already forged a life experience about tomorrow Xianglin in his heart.

Wait a while, as long as you answer truthfully, there will be no mistake.

However, one second before, Rum was still a little bit relieved that he had a backup plan, and the next second, a call that seemed like bad news appeared!

Rum looked at the numbers displayed on the phone screen, it was a series of unfamiliar numbers.

According to his intuition of many years of handling affairs, most of the calls that come in at this time are inseparable from Lin's affairs!

In the end, he got on the phone.

"who is it?"

【It's so cold, you obviously forgot about me in a few days, or do you really believe that I will die? 】


This familiar voice, this barbed and eccentric way of speaking, who else could it be except Belmode?

"No, you died without a body, I naturally don't believe it, and for the same reason, Boss didn't fully believe it either."

【Hahahaha, that's fine, if you really think I'm dead, I still have to spend time explaining that I'm not a ghost at this moment. 】

Rum knew that Belmode must have a question when he called at this time, he asked: "Okay, you don't have to talk to me anymore, just tell me if you have anything to say, I have to go out to see Lin later. "

On the other end of the phone, Belmode was silent for a while.

[Sure enough...he really went to look for you. 】

What Belmode said was exactly what Rum wanted to hear, and it was not a net fee. He also specifically mentioned that he would go to see Xianglin tomorrow later.

"I know that you are definitely not someone who would chat with me. From your tone, you also know that Lin seems to come back to look for me. What happened to you?"

【This matter... still blame me...】

Up to now, Belmode has no intention of concealing, and has fully revealed everything that happened on the train, including the fact that Asuka Lin knew about their brother-sister relationship, knew about the cryonics program and revived her.

"What?!" Rum shot up at the table with fierce eyes, "You! You! How could you let Lin know these things at this time! No wonder, Lin called me just now and said that he wanted to ask me about myself Life matters."

【He wanted to know from me just now, but I didn't tell him. I guessed that the next person he was looking for must be you. 】

[It is true that I was careless about what happened on the train, but it is useless to say these things now, now is not the time to unravel all the truth!Even if you coax or cheat, you must not let him know now! 】

"It might have been okay before, but now—" Rum quickly calmed down. Based on the current situation, he came up with an answer, "It's difficult!"

【... Anyway, it's already like this now, what else can I do? 】

Rum's brain was running fast. In just a few seconds, he had already gone through several ways in his mind, and he was afraid that one of them might not be handled properly.

After thinking for a long time, Rum finally thought of the only way at present——

"The plan we made, let's start now!"

[Are you... serious? 】

Rum explained: "Although it does seem a bit hasty now, it is not impossible. The timing often appears at the most unexpected time!"

[What if it fails?What are the consequences? 】

"There is no failure! After all, Lin still has to take this step by himself! On this point, there is no change!"

On the other end of the phone, Belmode was silent for a long time, as if making up his mind, but also as if he was still thinking about it.

Rum seemed to see the hesitation of the other party, and said: "I know I'm a little anxious to say this now, it's okay if I can't implement it now, I'll make up a story later, and talk about it after coaxing people away, but it's better It should start."

【let's start! 】

"Have you made up your mind?"

[It's decided!What you said is also reasonable, now this time is indeed an opportunity that cannot be met, and the method to bring the previous Lin back for a short time has been achieved, and the next time will not be known when! 】

"I see." Rum said very cautiously, "Then I will explain that my people in the FBI can also start to act. Once started, there is no turning back."

【Of course!Day and night I can't forget what happened that day, I live for this moment! 】



Tomorrow Xianglin came to the place where he met Grandpa Rum Yueyue, which is the most common convenience store in Neon.

At night, all the people coming and going here are policemen who are on or off duty in the Metropolitan Police Department. The safety factor is first-class, and it is also the place where secret talks are the least suspicious.

Tomorrow Xianglin stood outside for almost an hour, but Grandpa Langmu still didn't come out.

He also sent him a few text messages, but there was no reply.

Because there are very urgent things in my heart that I want to know, the time passes more slowly than usual, and it seems that people are about to suffocate.

Grandpa Rum...why aren't you here yet?

Tomorrow Xianglin called directly, the call was connected, but no one answered.

If it didn't work once, he immediately tried the second and third times, but it was the same.

Will something happen?

Asuka Lin raised her head and looked at the Metropolitan Police Department building which was still brightly lit not far away.

Grandpa Rum seems to have said that the dormitory for all staff, including security guards, is next to the Metropolitan Police Department building......

Why don't you just go to the dormitory and find him.

Tomorrow Xianglin drove straight to the dormitory.

There are housekeepers outside the dormitory, and all outsiders are prohibited from entering.

Tomorrow Xianglin tried hard to recall, and finally thought of Grandpa Langmu's alias outside.

"Excuse me, does a security guard named Wakita Kennori live here? He is my grandfather. I want to go up and see him."

"Oh! You are actually the grandson of Wakita Kenzo!" The housekeeper seems to be familiar with the name Wakita Kenzo, "Your grandfather is very popular with us! If you want to give him anything, give it to me." , I will bring it to you, after all, we live here are some police officers, no one else is allowed to enter."

Tomorrow Xianglin had a pitiful face: "I originally agreed with my grandfather to meet at a convenience store not far away, but he never came, and I didn't reply to my calls and messages. I was worried that something happened to him. Come on, please, let me go in and have a look, I'm really worried!"

"It turned out to be like this..." The housekeeper thought for a while, Wakita Kennori was indeed not young, the old man was afraid of something unexpected, and he was such a good person. "I see. It is specially handled in special circumstances. You can go in, but I have to accompany you. There is no way to compromise on this."

When Xianglin heard that she could go in, she smiled brightly: "Thank you so much!"

"Little things."

Tomorrow Xianglin followed the housekeeper into the dormitory. On the way to Grandpa Langmu's room, the housekeeper talked a lot about how popular Grandpa Langmu was in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Tomorrow Xianglin couldn't help but sigh how powerful Grandpa Rum is!

As he was walking on the road, tomorrow Xianglin suddenly felt someone pinch his shoulder.

"You should not be inside the police. Outsiders are not allowed in here."

Tomorrow Xianglin turned her head and found that it was a burly man with only one eye exposed and a scar on his face!

"That... that..."

"Ah! It's Officer Kuroda Hei!"

The dormitory manager stepped forward and told what happened just now to the manager named Kuroda Hei in front of him.

Kuroda Hei looked at Asuka Lin's body up and down: "Leave as soon as possible after confirming his condition. The police have police rules."

Housekeeper: "Yes yes yes!"

Kurodahei didn't care about their whereabouts anymore and left.

After Kuroda Hei walked out for a while, the housekeeper finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It's really a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet the management officer of the First Investigation Division of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department here! This is really strange......"

The administrator of Search Section [-].

Tomorrow Xianglin didn't do it on purpose, but the other party's appearance is indeed very special, and it is easy to remember.

They went on and came to the outside of Grandpa Rum's room.

The housekeeper went up and knocked on the door: "Wakita-kun? Are you inside? Your grandson has come to see you, and he is very worried about you!"

No one responded.

The housekeeper continued to shout: "Wakita-kun?"

Tomorrow Xianglin had a bad premonition in his heart, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Grandpa Langmu's phone number.

There was a small hum of a mobile phone ringing through the door.

"This is Grandpa's phone!"

The dormitory manager also felt that something was wrong, so he quickly took out the key he carried with him and opened the door of the dormitory.

The moment the door opened, the biting cold went from the soles of Asuka Lin's feet to the top of her head!

The dormitory manager was also shocked: "This...what the hell is going on!"

The room was messy, the tables and chairs were all scattered on the floor, the window was wide open, and the curtains blown by the wind added another touch of mess to the room.

Not far from the window, Rum's cell phone lay quietly on the ground.

Tomorrow Xianglin hurried forward to pick up the mobile phone on the ground, and the text messages she sent to him and reminders of missed calls were still displayed on the screen.

But in this room, only Rum is missing...

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