In the evening, the prince was returning home, and Wang Jiliang had already prepared dinner. When he came back, the usual corn porridge and cold vegetables were served.The prince was saying: "I heard you are getting married?" Wang Jiliang said: "Who are you listening to?" The prince was saying: "Your father-in-law." Wang Jiliang said: "He didn't tell me, my father-in-law's gossip is useless Don’t dare to say anything, but it’s airtight at the critical point, don’t you understand?” The prince said, “Isn’t it a matter of time? Since you’re already in your 20s, let’s do it. It’s pointless to be cautious. "Wang Jiliang said: "I will discuss it with Brother Tono." Wang Zizheng said: "Move out when you get married." Wang Jiliang said: "Yes."

The prince was taking a sip of porridge and said: "I will cook by myself in the future, so I look forward to it." Wang Jiliang said: "You don't know how to cook by yourself. You must have eaten at Xingzhe Teahouse for a long time." The prince was saying: "No , I feel that it is very interesting to cook some food by myself." Wang Jiliang said: "It seems very lonely, what happened?" Wang Zizheng said: "I was kicked by someone."

Wang Jiliang said: "You lack self-confidence so much that others can't believe you. Women are very sensitive, especially when it comes to love. The woman you are looking for must have a successful career, great style and strong opinions, otherwise you will I don't like it. This kind of woman has nothing but love, she has a very unique and sharp vision, you hesitate a little, she runs faster than a rabbit." Wang Zizheng said: "Yes." Wang Jiliang said: "However, you can Rejecting you, not only shows that she is excellent, but also shows that she values ​​affection rather than profit, and is frank. Don't be discouraged, if she doesn't whet your appetite, just keep chasing her."

Wang Zizheng said: "I hope she is teasing my appetite, but unfortunately not." Wang Jiliang said: "I don't think you really want to find a woman, and you feel unwilling to live alone. You have contempt for the longing for love. , On the one hand, you want to enjoy, but on the other hand, you are hesitant, and you lack the necessary trust in people. You want what you don’t get, but you want to throw away what you get. Your mentality will not succeed, I can see it, which one? A smart woman would spend the rest of her life on such an awkward man? However, it’s strange that no one loves you. Don’t always put on a posture of rejecting others. A woman with a little bit of capital will not be difficult for others , I must love you." The prince was saying: "Aren't I worthy of others' love?" Wang Jiliang said: "Of course not, no one is worthy."

The prince was sleeping until midnight and waking up in the middle of the night, because he was used to not drawing the curtains. At this time, the moon was rising in the sky, and the moonlight was pouring into the room through the large glass windows.The prince got up and went to the kitchen to warm up a glass of milk, took a plate of cocoa shortbread, and sat on the floor in the moonlight, thinking of Wen Yao.It's not that there are no people who insist on loving themselves, but that one pushed her to someone else halfway. If she had been persuaded to stay at that time, she would not have left, and probably she would not have died so early.Thinking of her happy appearance when she was with me, I miss her very much now.Wang Zizheng also felt that he was too narcissistic, so that ordinary people couldn't get into his eyes at all.But if you can get it, how can you keep it in your own hands?If you can't keep it, you have to forget it. Anyway, you can't make up for it. It's not picky, it's really not.

Early the next morning, Wang Zi was at work, and after the pre-work meeting, Zheng Anhua said, "How are things going with you and that Xie Wanru?" Wang Zizheng said, "It's blown." Zheng Anhua said, "She didn't want to?" Wang Zizheng said: "You knew this would not work." Zheng Anhua said: "Of course, she is already very happy, why would she give up her current living environment for a person with two tigers? If you are determined to win, maybe you can spark some sparks." , but you are determined to do what you can, isn’t it because you seek benevolence and benevolence when you are rejected?” The prince was saying, “Help me to pay attention to whether there are any outstanding widows.”

Zheng Anhua said: "Why do you have to look for a widow? Don't you want an unmarried girl?" Wang Zizheng said: "No, I'm afraid we can't get along, and I'm not interested in being tender with her. It's best to be around the same age as me, or within two years younger. , can’t be older than me.” Zheng Anhua said: “Your conditions are getting more and more stringent.” Wang Zizheng said: “It’s not like I can’t live alone.

Zheng Anhua said, "Tohno and Kira told me they want to get married." The prince said, "Let's get married." Zheng Anhua said, "They said you meant it." The prince said, "I heard what you said. " Zheng Anhua said: "Okay, let's make a deal." The prince was saying: "Then the two sisters are going to settle in China?" Zheng Anhua said: "When you have a baby, go to America." future generations will be the American people."

Zheng Anhua said: "I have already started buying property in the United States, are you coming?" Wang Zizheng said: "I won't go, didn't we build the Yuezhao Ecological City in the small fishing village in your hometown? Yang made an appointment, and he will come there to retire there. If my parents are here, I will be in Xinxiang.” Zheng Anhua said: “That’s good too, as long as you’re close to each other, you’ll be close to each other. Now that the transportation is so developed, you can meet wherever you live.”

Fang Linzhen attended Wu Yuanye and Wang Jiliang's wedding with Han Banxia on his arm, and was very envious of the two couples' dazzling looks.Fang Linzhen said to Han Banxia: "Shall we get married too?" Han Banxia said: "Okay." Fang Linzhen said: "It's like them." It's up to you."

Fang Linzhen saw his younger sister Fang Linsu and Dingdou's family at the table of relatives and friends, so he walked over and said hello. Ding Ding said: "Lin Zhen, when is your turn, I can't wait." Fang Linzhen said "This is my girlfriend Han Banxia, ​​and I will be the next one." Ding Ding nodded at Han Banxia, ​​and said, "I must have gift money." Within a month, Fang Linzhen and Han Banxia also got married. Wang Jiliang was also present to congratulate.

After Fang Linzhen got married, he shared the same room, and he was brave enough to show off. Under the dimmed lights, the two of them were doing desperately.Han Banxia finally said: "I'm tired, go to sleep." Fang Linzhen just hugged Han Banxia and fell asleep. The next morning, Fang Linzhen woke up and felt the coolness of Han Banxia's body. Changed, surprised in my heart, softly called: "Ban Xia, wake up."

Fang Linzhen yelled for a long time, but there was no response. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that Han Banxia was not sleeping, but dead. He started to get scared, and shook violently, shouting loudly, but Han Banxia didn't respond at all.I touched my chest, but there was no heartbeat, and I lay on my chest and listened for a long time, but there was no movement.He hurriedly called 120, put down the phone, and began to give Han Banxia CPR until 120 arrived. He was judged to be dead, and he was still sent to the hospital for emergency treatment until it was judged to be death: sudden death during sexual intercourse.

Han Banxia's parents rushed to the hospital and saw their daughter lying there, and the old couple burst into tears.Father Han Han Xijiang grabbed Fang Linzhen by the neck and shouted: "We don't believe in sudden sexual intercourse. Our daughter has always been very healthy. It must be caused by your inhuman treatment of my daughter, such as improper sexual intercourse. Personal injury caused by handover. You beast, I demand an autopsy, and I will sue you in court." Fang Linzhen said: "I love pinellia, and I don't want this to happen. Be gentle and never dare to be profane or offensive. I am very careful and treat it like a priceless treasure in the world. Please believe me, I don't want such a thing to happen."

Han Xijiang said: "An autopsy is necessary. We ask the court to open a case for investigation. My daughter can't go away in such an unclear way. I want to ask for an explanation for her." Ecchymosis." Han Xijiang took a look, turned his head and gave Fang Linzhen a heavy punch, Fang Linzhen didn't dare to fight back, Han Xijiang beat Fang Linzhen hard.

Han Xijiang was not yet 50 years old, but he was still a good fighter. Fang Linzhen couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Han Xijiang's fist, pressed him against the wall, and said, "Father-in-law, don't you want to sue me? It's not the way to continue beating like this." , wait for the court's verdict on me, I obey the law, if I am indeed guilty, I admit it." Han Xijiang's hands were numb from Fang Lin's pinching, and Chai Lixiang stepped forward to hold him, and he let go. Said: "Fang, we are not finished."

After Wu Yuanye and Wang Jiliang finished talking about business, Wang Jiliang poured Wu Yuanye a cup of black tea and said, "Did you hear that? Fang Linzhen's new wife died of sexual intercourse on the night of her wedding, and she was sued by his father-in-law. Now the lawsuit It's over, he's not guilty." Wu Yuanye said: "This kind of thing happened, how much effort did that kid make." Wang Jiliang said: "That woman is too fragile." Wu Yuanye Said: "As long as we don't delay our affairs, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, and he is not a good person." Wang Jiliang said: "Yes, if he is really kind, such a disaster will not happen. First Cheng Ying, this is Han Banxia The Fang family is really not an auspicious family, they must have committed all kinds of bad things, why didn't he and his father die."

Wu Yuanye said: "This can't be Fang Linzhen's conspiracy, right?" Wang Jiliang said: "If it were me, I would have to secure the Han family's property anyway. Now that I have some clues, I trampled him to death." Daughter, it's too early to start." Wu Yuanye said: "The bloodthirsty nature ruined his business? According to what the parents said, they trampled on life other than themselves like this? It's like accidentally crushing A little ant died?"

Wang Jiliang said: "I don't think Fang Linzhen cares too much. That person seems to have nothing to hurt him, especially his feelings. He is very open." Wu Yuanye said: "Like As usual, his face is smooth and clean, and he has an irresistible demeanor?" The prince was saying, "Yes, when talking about this matter, he was a little lonely, but it didn't hurt. Originally, he didn't lose anything. A ray of sadness added points to his temperament."

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