His indifferent face softened a lot, and he asked, "I came here to ask you where the Longdi Cave is?"

Orochimaru was obviously stunned, "Are you going to Longdi Cave to learn immortal arts?"

"Nothing, I just want to find something."

Orochimaru looked at the person in front with great interest. Dou didn't always think that ninjutsu had no potential for development, but he was probably concentrating on his robot research and the like, and even thought about developing a drug to seal the human chakra.Now, he is actually interested in the fairy art of Longdi Cave.He remembered Sasuke asked him what kind of emotional changes there were after Chiyo died.

Orochimaru's heart became a little clearer, followed by regret.

Sure enough, even a restrained genius like Dou can hardly escape the torture of fetters, love?

"This is also the place I've been looking for." Orochimaru said with a little pity.

Sorasuke raised his eyelids and glanced at Orochimaru, "You don't know, then how did you find Wanshe to sign the psychic contract."

"It's just a coincidence. The Ryūji Cave is too mysterious, and I haven't been able to find the whereabouts of this place." Orochimaru paused, and his voice lowered, "It's really convenient for that guy Jiraiya to learn fairy arts."

Without getting an obvious answer, Sorasuke turned around and left without staying for a moment.Orochimaru doesn't care about Dou's coming and going freely, he pays attention to etiquette, and is very patient with Dou and Sasuke's rudeness, and some faux pas of geniuses can be within the scope of his tolerance.

Sorasuke returned to his research room, and glanced over at the huge and obtrusive time machine.This is something he spent a lot of time researching and making, but it was far from achieving the effect he wanted.Can't accurately control time travel back, can't let him do what he wants to do.

After watching it for nearly 3 minutes, he felt an urge to smash it, and then he was suppressed again.

Anyway, if this time machine can be perfected, it will play more roles in the future. At this stage, he still has some things to do.

Sorasuke pulled out the chair and sat in front of the desk. He touched the side with his right hand and found the water glass.The weight on the hand is very light, the temperature is not high, it is cold, and there is no warm water.

He called out habitually: "Chiyo, in the water glass..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

It suddenly occurred to him that the person who usually prepared warm water for him was no longer there.


The research room was empty, and as far as the eye could see, there were some cold instruments with a cold light.The temperature is controlled at around 26 degrees all year round, and this is the first time Sorasuke feels that his research room is so cold.The little-noticed corners around the edge of the table were covered with a thin layer of dust and hadn't been cleaned carefully.Some green potted plants placed on the table have not been watered for too long, the leaves have curled up and turned yellow, and there is a faint smell of decay.

Sorasuke looked around his room, it was empty, and he always felt that something was missing.To be precise, it seems that it lacks a little popularity.

He clicked his tongue in boredom, sat on the chair and spun around several times, and sat back in front of the table again.He opened the drawer and wanted to get some pens or something, but the corner of his eye touched something.

Kongsuke picked up the yellow post-it note in the drawer, which said, "Master Dou, please remember to water the green plants. I hope the green plants will not die when I come back from the task." '

Sorasuke let out a snort, and he stared at the post-it note. He wrote on the post-it note, 'You didn't come back'.

Chiyo she did not come back.

After hearing the news, Sorasuke felt like his heart was like an overturned bucket, the water was gone, and only the bucket was left wandering around on the ground, empty, nothing but empty.

Until now, Sorasuke still feels that his heart is hollow, like a needle hidden in his clothes, because of the friction, he pricks you from time to time, causing a faint pain.

Memories flooded in like a flood, and Chiyo's memories became clearer and clearer.The first time I saw Chiyo was at the scene of the fire, a collapsed pillar was pressing on her body, she cried and howled that her body was on fire, and struggled to push the pillar away.Sorasuke just passed by and rescued her from the fire.

After that, the crying girl in the fire kept following him. Wherever he went, the girl followed him.

Sorasuke looked at the thin and thin girl, who was only about 14 years old, with withered hair and a shriveled body that seemed to have no development.

"I don't need useless people."

The girl's eyes dimmed a lot, she lowered her head and muttered: "I can work, I can do housework, I can kill people..."

Sorasuke raised his eyelids to stare at the girl, and asked, "Are you going to kill someone?"

The girl lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "I, I am the person at the root of Konoha."

Sorasuke understood a little bit, he understood the darkness at the root of Konoha, the girl is probably an abandoned child.

"I will be useful, useful to you, Mr. Dou," the girl suddenly raised her head and stared at Sorasuke, her voice trembling, tears welling in her eyes, "In short, in short, I will..."

"Then you stay." Sorasuke roughly interrupted the courage the girl had finally mustered up, and he asked impatiently, "What's your name?"

"I don't have a name, only a code name, 008."

"Why not 007." Sorasuke rarely complained, he was a little displeased when he saw the girl's head drooping again, "From now on, you'll be called Chiyo, don't keep bowing your head."

"Yes." The girl seemed to think of something, she quickly raised her head and straightened her body, a light burst out from her gray-brown eyes, "I know, Chiyo knows."

Sorasuke has always been indifferent to others, and he also felt that it was just one more mosquito wandering around.But the girl is really working hard to become a "useful person".

He will clean up his research room, arrange the instruments neatly, cook delicious meals, and hide in the leaves to steal useful information for him...

As long as it is Sorasuke's request, the girl can fulfill it perfectly.After a long time, the girl even figured out Sorasuke's capricious character without a teacher. Before Sorasuke opened his mouth, she was able to present what Sorasuke wanted.

Slowly, bit by bit, the girl's hard work fully permeated Sorasuke's life.

It's really hard to get used to this kind of thing. I'm used to the water cup being filled with warm water all the time. I'm used to the fragrance of flowers that occasionally lingers in the research room. I'm used to the girl who will appear as soon as I scream...

The mosquitoes that had been buzzing around his ears disappeared, and the silence made him panic.

Sorasuke leaned back on the chair, staring at the pale ceiling in a daze, his right hand unconsciously clenched into a fist, and the sticky note in his palm was also crumpled into a ball.


It has been nearly a month since I came back from the Kingdom of the Moon. The four seasons of the Kingdom of the Land are not very obvious. If the four seasons are rotated, it is almost late autumn, and the Kingdom of the Land is still in a lukewarm season. .No, to be precise, except for the land of fire, the four seasons of this ninja world are not very obvious.

During this period, I was always worried about Sorasuke's psychological state, and Sorasuke gave me the same feeling as usual.Still mean-mouthed, still anti-social and anti-human, but many times, I can always inadvertently see Sorasuke's more and more indifferent expression.

As a person with superpowers, I have the ability to go back in time, travel to the past and change some factors at that time, which will lead to a different future.

When Shikamaru discovered my superpowers before, I traveled back in time to try to change some factors in the past, but no matter how I adjust it, the future direction will not be as smooth as I hoped.Even, it will become worse and more difficult to control.

This is the butterfly effect.

It's not like I haven't thought about such a thing if I travel back and save Chiyo.

Trying to reverse the situation at that time, talking about a dead person returning to reality, this is more or less contrary to the cause and effect of human life and death.If Chiyo hadn't died, I don't know what will happen in the future, whether it will get worse.

I was still hesitating to plan, but Sorasuke saw my intentions and told me that I didn't need it.

And Sorasuke's words also made me feel a little strange, he didn't seem to care much about Chiyo's death.

This matter has been delayed. Inadvertently, I heard the truth about Chiyo's death from Orochimaru, which is probably Konoha's handling of the spy's defection.

Orochimaru smiled bitterly, he said, Sasuke, Konoha is far darker than you imagined.

For this reason, I used teleportation again to go back to Konoha, and the location is in the file room where Konoha Ninja is managed.However, I searched through the archives, but I still couldn't find Chiyo's information.

"So, you went to the archives room, but you didn't find any information, so you came here to ask me for help." Shikamaru resisted the urge to pry open the head of the person opposite to see what was inside, and tried not to make his tone too fierce , a little calmer.

The straight, black girl opposite calmly took a mouthful of coffee jelly, a satisfied smile appeared on her face, and her obsidian-like eyes were slightly curved.

Shikamaru sighed, he tossed the spoon in his hand up and down, put his chin in one hand and said, "Sasuke, don't you think your request is a bit capricious?"

I calmly said, "Isn't your father the chief of staff? So you should know where some ninja materials are usually kept."

"My dad is the chief of staff, I'm not." Shikamaru went crazy, leaning heavily on the back of the chair, "You can break into the file room freely, so you shouldn't miss it."

"I just didn't find it."

Shikamaru snorted.

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