After hearing the news that the empress's rouge contained more lead and mercury than ordinary rouge, the emperor couldn't sit still, and ordered Feng Kaishun to take someone to check the rouge in other palaces, and after thinking about it, he went straight to the palace where Concubine Shun was. .

The harem already knew about the prince's coma, and the already quiet harem became even quieter.The thoughts of the concubines in the harem were unprecedentedly unanimous. Anyway, it was not their children and grandchildren who were in a coma. Why did they join in the fun? Maybe they would be angered by His Majesty the emperor who was covered in fire.

Concubine Shun raised flowers in her own palace and listened to the script, but she didn't expect His Majesty the Emperor to come to her door by herself.


"My dear concubine, please get up, I'm just here to have a seat."

Seeing the wind blowing under the emperor's feet, Concubine Shun really didn't feel that the emperor came to her place to sit and sit, but she had the feeling that the emperor went to her palace to search things in person.

Could it be that the fourth child has something to do with the prince's coma, and the emperor suspected her?Concubine Shun watched the emperor go straight to her back room, clutching the handkerchief in her hand tightly, feeling at a loss.

The emperor "searched" the table in front of Concubine Shun's vanity mirror for a long time, but he couldn't find Rouge.Looking at Concubine Shun who was about to cry from his fright, the emperor put away his aura, and said with a little embarrassment: "You must have scared Concubine Ai, I just came to see what kind of rouge Ai Concubine uses."

See how rouge needs such a big fanfare?As soon as Concubine Shun heard it, she knew that the emperor in front of her was avoiding the important ones.

But she didn't dare to ask in detail...

"Your Majesty is still a concubine, is that the little girl who is so tender that she can pinch water? The concubine stopped using rouge a long time ago." Concubine Shun thought to herself that she was already a great-grandmother, and she would wear makeup and powder all day to dress up beautifully. for what?

It's better to do things suitable for her age, so as not to let people talk behind her back that she wants to be an "old witch".

The emperor looked at Concubine Shun's face carefully, and rubbed Concubine Shun's cheeks with his hands in disbelief, only to find that Concubine Shun's face was flushed naturally, not with rouge.

Concubine Shun touched the place where the emperor rubbed, and she couldn't figure out what the emperor was going to do.She is in a good mood every day without worrying about everything, and her complexion is natural, not to mention that she doesn't need to apply any rouge.

Although he didn't see the rouge at Concubine Shun's place, the emperor thought that he would come here, and he frightened Concubine Shun enough, so he simply lifted his robe and sat down to talk to Concubine Shun about the lead and mercury in the rouge.

"Lead-free is not white, mercury-free is not bright, these are all things that everyone knows well. Women want to please themselves, in order to add beauty that does not belong to them, they naturally have to take some risks."

Concubine Shun heard that two of the emperor's three sentences were inseparable from the lead and mercury in the rouge, and began to suspect that the prince's coma had something to do with the lead and mercury.But His Majesty the Crown Prince, you will never lose your mind and eat rouge...

"I just like the natural beauty of Concubine Ai." The emperor chatted with Concubine Shun for a while, calmed down a lot, and began to cover up his previous panic.

The emperor's mouth, a deceitful ghost.

Concubine Shun understood this the moment she became a concubine, but at this moment the emperor praised her for the first time, Concubine Shun followed the emperor's will and did not expose the emperor's drama.

After Feng Kaishun returned to the emperor's side, the emperor stopped chatting awkwardly with concubine Shun, got up and went back to the front hall.

Not long after, Concubine Duan hurried to Concubine Shun's palace with two court ladies, and asked Concubine Shun if her rouge and gouache had also been taken away.

Concubine Shun glanced at Concubine Duan, pointed in the direction of her vanity mirror and said, "Your Majesty left without turning over the rouge. I didn't understand what His Majesty meant, but it seems to be related to the prince's coma."

"What does the crown prince's coma have to do with Rouge... It turns out that not only my place was turned over, but your sister's place was turned over by His Majesty himself."

Anyone who caught up with this matter was terrified, and Concubine Duan was no exception.

It's just that the two of them thought about it for a long time, and they were so hungry that they didn't understand what His Majesty the Emperor was going to do.In the end, I figured that it had nothing to do with them, or their children and grandchildren, it was more important to eat...

Lead and mercury were also found in the rouge that the imperial physician brought back from other concubines, but it was much less than the empress's share.

"If I remember correctly, the people in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were the Zhen family."

As the emperor spoke, he kept tapping on the armrest of the dragon chair with his fingers. Because the hall was extremely quiet, every sound could clearly reach Feng Kaishun's ears beside him.

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's the Zhen family."

The direct line of the Zhen family had been exterminated several years ago, and now even if the corpses were dug up and flogged, it would be difficult to relieve His Majesty the emperor's hatred.Feng Kaishun shrank his neck after answering the emperor's question, trying to hide his presence as much as possible.

The emperor thought of the first child he and the empress failed to keep, the empress who was most likely to die of poisoning, and the prince who was born weak, he wished to dig out all the Zhen family members who had grass on their graves and flog their corpses!

"Go to the house where Mrs. Zhen lives to order some spices that will make her insane, send someone to smear white lead on her face every day, and feed her a few pills of that elixir from time to time!"

After explaining how to deal with Mrs. Zhen, the emperor hesitated for a moment, and then ordered Mrs. Zhen not to reveal anything about Mrs. Zhen to the third and sixth sons.

As for the cause of the queen's death, don't reveal half a cent to the prince.

The Sri Lankan has passed away, and it is the right thing to take care of the awakened prince. The emperor stepped into the East Palace again after making some adjustments.

Thanks to the ginseng sent by Jia Amnesty, the prince's complexion was not a little bit better than before, and the imperial physicians also had the courage and confidence to start detoxification decoction.

"Yuan Bao should be back soon. The child heard about his son's coma, so he might not even sleep and hurry back." The crown prince recalled the eldest son's baby name, and the emperor kept nodding his head.

Although his eldest grandson is not capable enough, his filial piety is much stronger than his younger brother.

Even if he, the grandfather, ordered no one to come near the prince's yard, he shouldn't really stop coming, and all of them should stay in their own rooms.

"Father asks you again, you really don't want to..."

The prince closed his eyes not to look into the emperor's eyes, nodded seriously and said: "The son has disappointed the emperor."

Sitting in the great Qi country, but almost couldn't even keep his son's life, the emperor was also reflecting on it during this time, thinking whether it was right or wrong for him to hold on to power so tightly.

Now he is close to the age of seventy, and the prince will know his destiny in three years.Even if he passes the throne to the crown prince now, given the crown prince's current physical condition, he might be pressed by the busy political affairs to go to see Hades sooner.

Among the prince's sons, the eldest grandson can at most be regarded as a successful king, and the rest of the children are probably the type of talking on paper. Fortunately, among the grandchildren, there are still outstanding people.

The prince also wanted Daqi to take it to a higher level, and the emperor was moved by his son's profound understanding and righteousness, so that his eyes became moist.

"There's nothing to be disappointed about. Your Royal Father is not disappointed at all. You have always been your Royal Father's pride... Your Royal Father will immediately start arranging this matter. I also want to see who dares to be ambitious! "

Now that the future direction has been decided, all factors that may be unfavorable to the prince must be resolved in advance.

Situ Chen and Jia Amnesty focused on preparing for the reward ceremony for the soldiers who had contributed to the suppression of the rebellion, and then made final preparations for the hall.Jia Amnesty carefully checked every detail several times, for fear that if something went wrong, people would seize the opportunity to attack Situ Chen.

After finalizing the final charter, Jia She threw the booklet on the table, put his feet on the edge of the table, leaned back in the chair and chatted about the prince.

"My lord, what kind of medicine does your Majesty plan to sell in this gourd?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was clearly awake, but he still announced to the outside world that the Crown Prince was still in a coma.This is to see who is dishonest during this time, so I can take the opportunity to clean it up?

But the most dishonest one is the Zhen family, but the tree beside the Zhen family's grave is already as thick as a wrist.

Situ Chen walked to Jia She's side, patted Jia She's calf and said, "Take off your leg, this is a Yamen, be serious."

After assuming he put his legs back under the table, Situ Chen talked about his analysis while pinching Jia Amnesty's shoulders.

The prince's body can be said to have collapsed, even if he ascends the throne, he can't work too hard.At this time, his father needs to think more about his elder brother's future heirs. Instead of killing brothers at that time, it is better to solve the problem in advance now.

"At that time, His Majesty the Emperor will not want the courtiers to select the candidate for the emperor's grandson." Jia Amnesty asked, stroking the beard on his lips.

Originally, the matter of directly establishing the eldest grandson of the emperor as the grandson of the emperor had to go around in circles.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is just guesswork. What the actual situation will be, I guess we will know after the award ceremony for the soldiers is over."

After Situ Chen finished speaking, he rubbed Jia Amnesty's head in his arms, but Jia Amnesty pulled his hand over and took a bite.

"I think the prince's mouth is open. It seems that after so many years of analysis, he has not missed it. How about the prince also analyze and analyze for me, and see when His Majesty can elevate my ancestor's title of duke back to me?"

He hasn't made a mistake for so many years, one is because he has analyzed it closely, and the other is that he seems to have never analyzed it several times.Situ Chen took Jia She's collar and wiped the saliva left by Jia She on his wrist, and told Jia She that he wanted to tell the fortune and go to the Taoist priest who claimed to be extremely accurate in divination!

Since the prince fell into a coma, the lame Taoist calculated with his fingers that he would have a catastrophe.After receiving the basket of ginseng sent by the prince into the mustard bag, he immediately abandoned the Taoist temple and returned to the illusory realm for refuge.

When the emperor sent people to arrest him, he was in vain, and now Jia Amnesty can't find anyone.

Under the premise of sufficient preparation, the reward ceremony for the soldiers who have made great contributions to countering the rebellion was held very successfully.Situ Chen's phrase "Today you contribute to Daqi, tomorrow Daqi will be proud of you" touched countless soldiers, even the soldiers who were pulled from the Beijing camp to make up for the scene were also moved.

As for the injured soldiers, they were even more moved. His Royal Highness King Qin had discussed with His Majesty and prepared a place for them to work so that they could live with dignity in the future.

Playing for Daqi, even if you get disabled, it's worth it!

The second day of the Award Ceremony is the Grand Court Meeting.People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and even the emperor on the dragon chair is not so fierce, which makes many ministers heave a sigh of relief.

However, before the breath was completely relieved, the emperor opened his mouth to make a big deal.

"My dear gentlemen..."

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