"My eldest brother will always leave for Yunnan in September, and return to Shengjing in April of the next year." Situ Chen told Jia She about his eldest brother's movements. In fact, twice a year is not a toss.

Jia Amnesty nodded and understood what "His Royal Highness the Former Prince" thought.In autumn, when the temperature in Shengjing starts to turn cold, they go to Yunnan to avoid the cold, and in spring, when the temperature in Yunnan starts to rise rapidly, they return to Shengjing to escape the heat.

Either way, neither hot nor cold.

"Well...as long as that person is willing to toss back and forth between southwest and northeast every year, no matter how much money is spent. It's just that there is a palace in Shengjing, shouldn't Yunnan..."

Jia She didn't finish his sentence, but Situ Chen already understood what Jia She meant.

His eldest brother is a low-key person, and he just needs to arrange a foolproof courtyard when he arrives in Yunnan.But his father will also live with his eldest brother in the future, it cannot be justified without a palace.Even if both he and his father think it's nothing, the courtiers will murmur in their hearts even if they don't say anything.

They all passed on the throne in advance, but in the end they didn't even get a palace?

Isn't the emperor a little disobedient?

"It must be built, it must be built." Situ Chen made a final decision.Even if his father said no, he must be very happy when the palace is built. "It's just how to build this palace?"

Not only did Daqi not have a prince who took the initiative to resign, even the Supreme Emperor never appeared.Situ Chen was not sure what to build the place where the two lived.It is inappropriate to build it too gorgeously, let alone shabby.

There are good and bad things without examples for reference. The advantage is that the bad old men in the Ministry of Rites don’t know what to do. no end.

But Jia She felt that this matter was not difficult to think about, and at worst, it would be built according to the palace in Shengjing.

At that time, it will be the Supreme Emperor who will live there. Who dares to say that the Supreme Emperor cannot bring his son to live in the palace?It's not that the palace was rewarded to His Royal Highness the former crown prince, so what if it is rewarded at that time?

"That's right, even if you give them some guts, they won't dare to chew their tongues."

Situ Chen understands Jia Amnesty's thoughts, he will definitely follow his thoughts on this matter, and will never be led by the nose by the courtiers!

Otherwise, once it starts, there will be a second and third time...

"Your Highness can keep his face expressionless until the time comes. Maybe someone will faint from fright after the fight." As soon as Jia She finished speaking, Situ Chen bared his teeth and stretched his face in front of him. "Oh my god, I was taken aback."

Seeing that Jia She was really frightened by his sudden and unexpected behavior just now, Situ Chen stroked the hair on the top of Jia She's head twice, seeing that it was getting late, he left the yamen and returned to the palace.

As soon as he returned to the palace, Situ Chen was called over by the emperor.One was to ask Situ Chen what he planned to build the East Palace into, and the second was to ask Situ Chen how he planned to arrange things for him and his eldest son in the future.

The Eastern Palace was not built, but the calligraphy and paintings placed by the people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had never been in line with his wishes.As for the arrangements for his father and his elder brother in the future, Situ Chen directly stated that he would build a palace in Yunnan.

"The scale of my son's planned Yunnan palace is based on that of Shengjing. I wonder if my father needs to add anything?"

What the emperor originally thought was to build a palace for himself in Yunnan, but how could it be compared with the filial palace he wanted to build?

As for the size, the emperor didn't care.Anyway, he and his eldest son live alone, so what's the use of being so big?

"It's your nephews, how do you plan to arrange them?"

Although the eldest son has always emphasized that children and grandchildren have their own blessings, the emperor still couldn't help but want to make arrangements for his eldest son's sons.The eldest grandson doesn't have to worry too much, but what about other grandchildren?

What he said at the time was a bit exaggerated, and now that he thinks about it, he starts to regret it.

Situ Chen is not a narrow-minded person. He picked up a crown prince from his elder brother, and a few months later he got the throne from his father in advance. Even if his father didn't say anything, Situ Chen would still treat him My nephews also took care of me.

Especially the eldest nephew who has a good relationship with Situ Che, Situ Chen plans to let his eldest nephew continue to sit as Governor of Liangjiang after he ascends the throne.

As for the other nephews, Situ Chen felt that it was better to learn more serious things first, so as to correct the stink of self-esteem.Although there won't be any important positions, at least they won't be allowed to idle around in the future.

"You can figure it out."

The emperor just wanted to know the result, and he was relieved to know that the children of his eldest son would not waste their lives in the future.As for the process, there are too many changes in it, and the emperor cannot guarantee that every child will not grow crooked.If he had that ability, he wouldn't have given birth to two rebellious guys.

"By the way, who do you plan to send to supervise the palace in Yunnan? I think Jia Amnesty is very suitable. What do you think?"

Jia Amnesty and Situ Chen have worked together in Yunnan for several years, so it can be said that they know the area of ​​Yunnan well.Moreover, he is Situ Chen's confidant, Situ Chen can rest assured that Jia Amnesty can do things with his fists.

The emperor thought that as long as Situ Chen agreed, he would issue an imperial edict immediately.

However, Situ Chen shook his head after thinking about it.

If the emperor usually planned to arrange an errand for Jia Amnesty, Situ Chen would definitely agree immediately.After all, errands are the source of political achievements. If there are no errands to do, where can you increase your political achievements?

auzw.com But the palace is not something that can be completed in one or two years. Seeing that he will be enthroned in a few months, Situ Chen doesn't want Jia She to miss such an important moment in his life...

"There is no doubt about Jia She's ability, but if Jia She is asked to be a supervisor, I always feel that some chickens were killed with a butcher's knife." Situ Chen first gave a high-sounding reason.Then I hurried to think about other angles.

The emperor also felt that it was inappropriate for the dignified Minister of the Household Department to oversee the work, or supervise the construction of the palace for the Supreme Emperor.

So when Situ Chen continued to talk about giving up opportunities to young people, the emperor did not object to Situ Chen's proposal, and handed over the job of supervisor to Xue Qian's son Xue Pan.

However, even with the successful case of Prince Situ Chen's canonization ceremony, the emperor was not completely relieved of Xue Pan. He stroked his beard and thought it might be better to add Jia Lian.

Not only did Jia Lian know Yunnan well, but where his identity was, no one would dare to deceive others.

"Father thinks deeply, son admires..."

Situ Chen patted the emperor's flattery, and successfully escaped from his father's side and returned to the East Palace.

Since returning to attend his father's canonization ceremony, Situ Che has no more errands. Now he is concentrating on holding his fat son in the East Palace and teaching him to recognize the "Enlightenment Atlas" compiled by Jia She's paintings.

"Is there something wrong with the emperor's grandfather calling father king?" Situ Che put down Situ Ce and asked.

Now that he is in the palace, he does not dare to send people to inquire about news like he did in the palace outside the palace. The only source of accurate information is from his father.

Situ Chen basically didn't hide anything from Situ Che, and after sitting down, he talked to his son about a few things about today.

"No wonder the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs hurried over to replace the decorations and calligraphy and paintings just now. My son thought they had suddenly become enlightened. It turned out that Uncle Jia had pointed them out."

It's not a big deal, and the father and son are just chatting.

"Your Uncle Jia was almost sent to Yunnan by your imperial grandfather to build a house. Fortunately, he found a reason for his father. Now Xue Pan and Jia Lian have gone..."

Build a house?Situ Che was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what kind of house his father meant by building a house.

His uncle would go to Yunnan to avoid the cold in winter, and maybe his imperial grandfather would also be added, so naturally he couldn't live in the post all the time, so a new palace would have to be built.

For something like a supervisor, it would be absurd for him to let Uncle Jia go, and it would be more than enough for Xue Pan and Jia Lian to go together.

"Did the imperial grandfather say when the construction of the palace started?"

Situ Che thought that although the sooner the better, but after all, the building is a palace, and it may not be completed by the end of next year, so there is no need to be anxious this year.

If his imperial grandfather hadn't said the exact time, then Jia Lian might still be able to hug the newborn child before leaving for Yunnan.

"Weifu just brought up the idea of ​​building a palace for your imperial grandfather today. The specifics haven't been fully settled yet. I'm afraid it would be nice to be able to settle down in the next year."

Can't choose a place with good Fengshui to build a palace?

If the people from Qin Tianjian can take over the construction site within half a year, Situ Chen will swallow the tea bowl alive in his hand!

After chatting with his son, Situ Chen hugged his sleepy grandson, and then wrote a letter to Jia Amnesty, explaining the general process and results of the matter.

Some things are inconvenient for him to tell others, and at this time Jia She has to act as his mouthpiece.

Jia Amnesty received Situ Chen's letter early the next morning, and after looking at it, he asked someone to bring Jia Lian over quickly.When Jia Lian came over, he hadn't changed his martial arts bunt. He went into the room and poured himself a bowl of herbal tea. After drinking it all, he asked Jia She what he needed urgently.

"Here, see for yourself." Jia Amnesty said as he handed over a piece of letter paper.

Jia Lian accepted the letter suspiciously, but the more he read it, the more confused he became. There was no time for this errand, which made him not know what to do even if he had prepared in advance.

"If I go to Yunnan this winter, where will I live? Will I still live in a post station?" But it's okay to live in a post station for a short time, but it's unreasonable for a long time...

Seeing that her father hadn't said anything, Jia Lian knew something was wrong.

"His Royal Highness's plan is to let... live in the master's mansion?" Jia Lian felt that his master's mansion in Yunnan was the largest, and it was a suitable place to pick him up.

Jia Lian didn't say anything more after that, seeing his father nodding, he picked up two pieces of snacks and went to his master's house in the capital.

The king of Nan'an County can be called old and strong, and he still maintains the habit of exercising early in his youth.Seeing Jia Lian approaching, the King of Nan'an did not stop the stick he was waving.

"Hey, where did the little thief come from, how dare you fight me for three hundred rounds!"

Jia Lian was tired of playing such tricks, and said while dodging: "The hero is merciful, and the little one has something important to report!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

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