With the relationship between the parents, even if the rewards piled up, Jia Hu didn't feel anything strange.But Situ Che's secretive insistence on going to the car to talk about the reward made Jia Hu look forward to it.

"Actually, it can't be said to be a reward..." Situ Che paused, and then continued: "Father intends to elevate Uncle Jia's title to Duke after he ascends the throne. Father hasn't told grandfather about this yet, can you Don't spread the word..."

Jia Hu nodded, even if Shizi didn't tell him, he would understand.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in a high position, and it is impossible not to have a trustworthy courtier by his side, and it is also impossible to trust a courtier too much.

The current relationship between his father and His Highness the Crown Prince is too much in the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor. If the news of his promotion reaches the ears of His Majesty in advance, it will be a major event that "wounds the muscles and bones".

So come on low key.Let's talk about it after the enthronement ceremony is over and the Supreme Emperor sets off for Yunnan.

Thinking that Jia Lian was still supervising the construction of the palace in Yunnan, Jia Hu sighed faintly: "It will be hard for Lian'er..."

If he couldn't get Jia Amnesty to vent his anger, he might vent his anger on Jia Lian who was close by, and began to find fault with the built palace, whether it was not good here or there.Although His Royal Highness Li Wang has a good temper, the Supreme Emperor is not necessarily so.

Situ Che didn't dare to promise Jia Hu that his grandfather would not take his anger out on Jia Lian, but Situ Che could guarantee one thing, no matter how much he took the anger out, his imperial grandfather would not take Jia Lian's life.

In Jia She's words, at least there is still some breath left.

The rest of his breath was just a joke, Situ Che saw that the carriage slowed down and hurriedly comforted Jia Hu: "Don't think about it with Uncle Jia when you go back, grandpa is not old yet, and besides, uncle is by his side I'm persuading, "

Coupled with the three sons of Nan'an County King, Jia Lian would never be too miserable.

After the carriage came to a complete stop, the coachman opened the curtain to make it easier for Jia Hu to get out of the carriage.Seeing two carriages parked in front of his mansion that were "unfamiliar at first glance, but more and more familiar, but just can't remember which ones they are", Jia Hu asked the concierge who was visiting the mansion today.

Those who can come to the mansion as a guest at this time must have an unusual relationship.

"Eldest young master, it's your aunt who came to the mansion today, and your cousin is also here..."

After the concierge finished speaking, Jia Hu patted his forehead. This matter was a big deal, so he said why the carriage looked so familiar. It turned out to belong to Uncle Lin's house.

His Royal Highness is about to ascend the throne, and Uncle Lin will also be transferred back to the capital. It is normal for my aunt and cousin to come to resettle in the mansion ahead of time. It is estimated that in two months at most, Uncle Lin and Cousin Lin will also be in the capital. .

Knowing that the people coming from the mansion were his aunt and cousin, Jia Hu didn't waste any more time at the door, and went back to his yard to tidy up. When he learned that they were all in his grandmother's yard, Jia Hu went directly Went to Rikain.

After Jia Hu went to Lixiangyuan, he found that the atmosphere in the room seemed to be a little strange.

Didn't his grandmother always love his aunt and cousin the most?Shouldn't his aunt be happy to see his grandmother?Why is the atmosphere in the room a little frozen, as if something unpleasant just happened?

Jia Hu, who didn't know the situation yet, asked a triple question in his heart as soon as he entered the room.

After Jia Hu entered the room, the atmosphere in the room changed rapidly, and the previous dull atmosphere was gone.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Hu'er has really changed a lot." She was a young man back then, but now she is the father of two children.Studying in the Hanlin Academy now, you can never go wrong in the future.

Jia Hu came a bit late, and after a few pleasantries, Jia's mother began to feel a little tired, and everyone got up to leave when they saw this.

Seeing his son following him, Jia Amnesty said first, "Which teahouse did you drink your tea at?"

"Of course it's the teahouse with the most people in the whole capital, but Shizi and I drink plain water. I don't know how the business can be so good because the tea there is so bad..." Tucao is Tucao, and Jia Hu also knows that this is the teahouse. He is used to drinking good tea on weekdays, but he doesn't think it tastes good to drink the old tea from the next year.

After sitting in the teahouse for a long time, I drank two bowls of plain water. Could it be any more obvious what this meant?But even if Situ Che is playing monkeys in the restaurant and no one cares, who is to say that the real owner behind the teahouse is the current emperor?

When the current emperor abdicates to become the Supreme Emperor, the restaurant business will definitely lose more than half immediately.

Expensive and unpalatable, no one's money is blown by the wind...

After Jia Amnesty entered the room, he watched Jia Hu close the door and asked, "What else did His Royal Highness say to you? Could it be that His Royal Highness is planning to raise my title?"

"Father, you are good at it, teach your son."

Originally, Jia Hu wanted to play tricks on Jia She, but his father guessed it without saying anything.This ability to guess accurately is too good, could it be that his father has the mysterious and unpredictable mind reading skills?If he can also learn such skills, it will be much smoother when he walks in the officialdom in the future.

Being stared at with admiration by the eldest son in his 20s made Jia She feel a little embarrassed.Where does he know how to read minds? It's just a guess after analyzing the current situation.

Promotion and wealth are the only two things that can be rewarded.After all, 10 taels of silver had already been given, and the courtiers would have protested if more was given.

Then only promotion is left.

Now Jia Amnesty is already a first-rank official residence, and the only one who can be promoted is the title of Marquis of Rongguo.

While Jia Hu was excited, he gradually calmed down, listening to his father's analysis and nodding his head: "Then, where can your title be raised, Dad?"


He is already a marquis, and he was promoted to Duke.As for Wang Jue, it is impossible, even if you don't even think about it, it is impossible when you report to Lord Yan.

Firstly, his surname is not Situ, and secondly, he has no outstanding military achievements.

20 years later, those false names don't matter anymore.He hoped that he and Situ Che could live a few more years with his title, but unfortunately that was wishful thinking.

Some things were inconvenient to say, so Jia Hu took out the "script" that he and Situ Che had read in the teahouse from his sleeve and handed it to Jia Amnesty.

Looking at the "lines" between the two children, Jia Amnesty could imagine what Situ Chen was planning to do. He must have wanted to use the mouths of the two children to spread the content of the award, so as to appease some people who were restless. Heart.

It is also proved that although His Royal Highness is stingy, there will be no lack of rewards that should be given. It is only a matter of time, so let's wait.

Seeing the content of Situ Che's remarks later, Jia Amnesty was a little confused about what kind of medicine was contained in His Majesty's gourd.At first, he thought that Situ Chen did this to appease those agitated people, but now it seems that Situ Chen acted first because he was afraid that His Majesty would send someone to spread rumors?

It's about this time, isn't His Majesty the Emperor causing trouble for Situ Chen by doing such a trick?I have seen a son who deceives his father, and this Emperor His Majesty will deceive His Highness the Crown Prince before he abdicates...

Situ Chen's succession to the throne was too rough and sad.

Jia Hu also felt that His Majesty the Emperor had gone too far, and doing so would not do him any good at all.

"Father, the son said it's good that we know about this matter, we don't need to intervene." After all, it was a fight between father and son of the Tian family, so don't hurt innocent people like them.

After talking about the serious matter, Jia Hu asked him about what happened before he went to his grandmother's yard, but did Baoyu make his aunt unhappy?

Jia Amnesty threw a few pieces of letter paper into the brazier, watched it burnt to ashes, and said, "It has nothing to do with Baoyu, it's a matter of the Beijing Palace. Isn't Shui Li eyeing Yingchun? His eyes fell on your uncle, and he wanted Daiyu to be a water-soluble daughter-in-law..."

Whoever's girl would not be happy if she was targeted by someone with a heart, this is what Jia Min complained about before Jia Hu came.

Given the current situation in the Beijing Palace, wanting to marry his younger sisters is simply wishful thinking.But it is said that the King of Beijing will be used or even reused in the future, and it is not known what it will be like.

Jia Hu, Yingchun, and Daiyu are all of the same generation. Although he is the elder brother, with his uncle and father around, it is not his turn to talk about the marriage of the two younger sisters.

"What do uncle and dad think?"

Princess Bei Jing only revealed this meaning to Jia Min a little bit, but Lin Ruhai didn't know about it yet.Jia Amnesty's meaning was very simple, let Shui Li and Yingchun get along with each other first, and then observe the situation in the Beijing Palace.

If it is the Beijing Palace, then everyone will be happy.If the Beijing Palace is still in such an embarrassing situation, then simply let the water flow into the Jia family.

Let the prince's second son marry?Jia Hu quickly swallowed the tea in his mouth.

Only his father dared to have such an idea.

"It's still early for these things, you should go back and rest first..."

The effect of Situ Chen's first attack is still very obvious, and everyone who should know that night knew it.When the emperor's people went to act again, they found that no one believed what they said, and they finally failed.

Knowing that it turned out to be such a result, the emperor could only sigh helplessly, and then said a little desolately: "Chen'er's wrist is getting stronger and stronger, this is a good thing..."

Let him know when the results come out.

Situ Chen solemnly took over the Jade Seal from his father, and became Da Qi's legitimate successor emperor.After sitting on the dragon chair, Situ Chen asked Liu Yu to read out the imperial decree, and it was Situ Che's turn to be canonized as the crown prince.

Just such a son, who else could he be if he wasn't the prince?

It's not easy to do this once, so hurry up and do the reform at once, so as to save trouble in the future.It doesn't matter whether you save money or not, the key is that you don't want to bother anymore.

It is far from enough to confer a crown prince, now even the grandson of the emperor is conferred...

The courtiers knelt and knelt and felt that their knees were almost not their own. They thought in their hearts that the Minister of Rites was not in court, and His Majesty the Emperor was messing around!

After all those who should be canonized are canonized, it's time to reward the officials.

This is what the courtiers are most concerned about. It is said that everyone has a share. This kind of good thing is probably the only one in Qinhe's dynasty.

To the surprise of the courtiers, His Majesty the Emperor did not announce the gossip he had heard earlier, but asked the guards to carry out a few boxes, presumably it should be a silver ticket for everyone.

However, the courtiers guessed wrong again, what was contained in this box was not banknotes, but IOUs written in black and white with red handprints!

The author has something to say: Situ Chen: I never thought that I would do such a thing~

Jia Sheshe: I will call you Taolu Chen from now on...

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