As soon as Jia Amnesty and Lin Ruhai returned to Rongning Street, the people sent by Jiamu said that the old lady invited the elder to come over.Jia Amnesty didn't even have to guess what Jia's mother was doing, she must be dissatisfied with how her "excellent" youngest son got a mediocre evaluation.

Eighty-nine out of ten, I will "invoke the teacher to question the crime" again.

However, since Jia She became the Marquis of Rongguo with the highest title in the Jia family, Jia's mother's confidence in prosecuting her teacher was much lower than before, but this did not prevent her from continuing to favor Jia Zheng.

Before Jia She came back, Jia's mother had been thinking about what kind of assessment results Jia She would have.Mother Jia has also heard about the cafeteria and cloth village, and helped the fourth prince earn a lot of money, so it is only natural for the fourth prince to take care of his subordinates...

After Jia She entered the house, Jia's mother, who was hiding something in her heart, didn't ask Jia She how she helped her younger brother and how she got such a mediocre result.Instead, they went around a long way and first asked Jia Amnesty what the result of the assessment was.

"This mother doesn't know something. I was still in Jinling when I wrote the notebook at the beginning of the year, so this year's assessment has nothing to do with me. The assessment will be at the end of next year."

After Jia Amnesty finished speaking, he pretended to be casual and glanced at Mrs. Wang who was standing behind Jia Mu.

Mrs. Wang opened her eyes and told nonsense before, which bluffed Jia's mother and Jia Zheng, but she couldn't deceive the "instigator" Jia She.Originally, he was beating drums in his heart, and had been quietly watching Jia She's every move, and after meeting Jia She's eyes, he shivered, and hurriedly avoided Jia She's eyes.

If you don't tell the truth, relatives still have to do it.

As far as Mrs. Wang's greed for ink is concerned, it's just drizzle to Jiamu, and it's over after a reprimand.It won't have a traumatic effect on Erfang, so Jia Amnesty doesn't want to completely break skin with Erfang right now.

What's more, he learned from Situ Chen that the emperor planned to use Wang Ziteng to be responsible for sending the sweaters to the northwest.

Although he pretends not to know now, Jia Amnesty has been keeping accounts in his little notebook.

Mother Jia didn't really care about this at first, so when she found out that Jia She didn't need to be assessed this year, she forgot about it, and then asked Jia She whether it was hard for her to work in the household department, and whether she was excluded.

Hao Duanduan suddenly asked this kind of question, can the old lady's intention be more obvious?

"Working for the emperor is hard work without hard work. The small officials in the household department are nothing more than settling accounts and reconciling accounts. Sometimes they are too busy to be busy. How can they have time to push back. Besides, with the status of a son, who would dare to push back?"

With the four princes sitting in the household department, who would dare to form a small group to exclude each other?Is it because there are too few accounts that need to be calculated, or do you not plan to eat in the cafeteria?

Mother Jia reconsidered in her heart, and felt that the Yamen of the Ministry of Household Affairs was really a good place to go.

It doesn't matter that Zheng'er doesn't know how to count and read the account books, and he can get a general idea by studying it while the Chinese New Year is approaching. When the time comes, he will go to the household department to practice a lot and he will become proficient.According to the boss, the household department is sometimes very busy, but that is always better than doing nothing in the engineering department.

What's more, the boss is still in the household department, and there is a fourth prince on top of his head, and the nobleman recommended by the son-in-law promised to help the government next year. If you use two prongs, you still worry that the road to promotion will not be smooth?

As for the transfer from the Ministry of Industry to the Ministry of Household Affairs, it should not be difficult.It was really wrong to ask the fourth prince to help the government in the assessment last time, but this time there should be nothing to say about the transfer at the same level, at worst, just spend more money.

Since the fourth prince likes to do business, he probably wouldn't refuse the money...

Jia's mother's wishful thinking was crackling, and Jia Amnesty sat watching the excitement in the room.If Jia Laoer, who wants to be a bullshit, goes to the household department, where does the old lady get her confidence?

To Jia Amnesty's surprise, Mother Jia kept asking about some things about the Ministry of Household Affairs, but never mentioned asking Jia Amnesty to help Jia Zheng go to the Ministry of Accounts.

Jia Amnesty thought about it for a while, probably because the old lady had a good face, and was afraid that he would refuse to come down on the spot.Furthermore, the old lady also knew that Jia Zheng didn't know anything about the account book now, so it was not good to speak up now.

After asking all the questions she wanted to ask, Mother Jia let Jia Amnesty go back. By the way, she closed the door and talked to Jia Zheng and his wife about her idea of ​​wanting Jia Zheng to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Jia Zheng was naturally willing, but when he heard that he needed to learn how to read the account books, he became a little wilted.Seeing her youngest son's discouraged look, Jia's mother hurriedly used his daughter-in-law as an example, saying that Mrs. Wang could understand the account book even if she was illiterate. Mrs. Wang can only keep smiling and say, old lady, you are right...

In the past few days, Lin Ruhai has refreshed his understanding of the degree of partiality of the old lady. Seeing that Jia Amnesty took so long to come back, he felt quite sympathetic.After Jia She took his seat, he poured a bowl of tea for Jia She and said, "There are some things that you should refuse and you have to refuse, otherwise you will be the one who suffers in the end."

Jia She sipped his tea and smiled, is he the kind of person who would wrong him?

"However, the old lady really didn't make any explicit request today, but this matter is not difficult, it depends on whether Jia Lao Er can live up to it."

The Ministry of Household Affairs is not a place for the elderly, and if something goes wrong, it must be held accountable.If there are too many accountability cases, he will definitely be demoted during the year-end assessment.As far as Jia Laoer's level of sharpening his gun before the battle, he might be kicked back in less than half a year.

Knowing that Jia's mother wanted Jia Zheng to go to the household department, Lin Ruhai felt that the old lady might cheat her son.Jia Zheng can still be unfair in the Ministry of Industry, but maintain the status quo. The Ministry of Households is a place where he can speak on his own merits. If he gets a mid-to-lower evaluation for two consecutive years, he will be demoted.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you don't understand the accounts, you can't make mistakes in copying the accounts."

What Jia She said was contemptuous of Jia Zheng's lack of ability, Lin Ruhai's mouth twitched after hearing this.

The little official who copied the account book is really a ninth-rank sesame official.With the temperament of the second brother-in-law, it is estimated that he will go home before the next day...

Jia Amnesty didn't want to talk more about Jia Zheng, so he mentioned when Lin Ruhai would leave Beijing.Mother Jia had a good idea, she wanted her daughter and son-in-law to celebrate the new year in the capital, but she also didn't think that if his son-in-law celebrated the new year in the capital, he wouldn't have to go back to work after the new year.

Was it her old lady who opened the imperial court?

Lin Ruhai planned to leave for Jiangnan in three days, Jia She nodded and got up and went back to Zhang's house to rest, thinking about asking the Fourth Prince for another day's leave.

Anyway, those people in the household department are so busy that they don't give him errands, it's not that he is lazy on purpose.

When Jia Amnesty asked Situ Chen for leave, he said by the way that Jia Mu wanted Jia Zheng to come to the household department, and hinted that Jia Mu might give a lot of money.If it had been this time last year, Situ Chen would have had a stiff neck and immediately refused to reprimand Jia Amnesty severely.

But this year, Situ Chen learned to be flexible, and instead of directly refusing, he looked at Jia She, who was trying hard not to show a smirk.

"What's the idea in Enhou's stomach? Huh?"

If it is an ordinary brother, it is completely understandable for the eldest brother to want his younger brother transferred from the pension yamen to the lucrative yamen.But Jia Amnesty was someone who was eager to see Erfang's jokes, so how could it be for the good of Jia Zheng.Besides, would Jia Zheng settle accounts? This guy definitely wanted to see Jia Zheng's jokes again.

Jia Amnesty just smiled, and whispered how much money Jia's mother was going to pay for it.

Hearing the amount of 1 taels, Situ Chen raised his eyebrows.His annual salary is only 2 taels, and the old lady can really spend a lot of money.Thinking about the transfer of personnel after the Hundred Officials Assessment, Situ Chen "reluctantly" agreed to this matter.

But Situ Chen also has principles.It would be fine for Jia Zheng to be transferred to the household department, but if the accounts cannot be done after three months, then just go back and forth from wherever.

"My lord, you are such a good man..."

Although he really wanted to spurn himself, Situ Chen didn't want to say that he was tempted by the 1 taels of silver.

Although Jia's mother was a little sad that her daughter could not stay with her to celebrate the New Year with her, but when she heard that the fourth prince agreed that her youngest son should go to the household department, she immediately took out two 5000 taels of silver notes from the treasure box, and she did not see her previous sadness at all.

For the first time ever, he gave Jia Amnesty an extra 100 taels, which was regarded as his "opening fee".

Jia Sheshe: Hehe...

The old lady's money was not for nothing, so Jia She gave it to Mrs. Zhang and asked her to add another 100 taels to distribute to the people under her hand.

It's almost Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy.

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