International students returning to 90

Chapter 19 Superconducting Cables

Know how to choose, can judge the pros and cons in an instant, don't care about every detail, and talk to smart people is comfortable.

Simpson smiled very kindly on his old face. At his age, he has a reputation and money. For the name of the world's top scientific research laboratory and an absolutely free scientific research environment, he dares to risk everything.

For him, this verification experiment is just a test of the water. It would be best if the reputation of the new energy center can be made public. If not, he will lose 1000 million US dollars. This money was originally earned by Lin Yi. It wasn't even a loss for him.

And it's just a verification experiment, the market potential is good enough, but from the laboratory to the market, he has walked this road countless times.

Our researcher Lin is still too young.

Researcher Lin, who is defined by Simpson as "too young", has already started preparations for the experiment.

"The machines are all working normally, have you written down what I did just now?"

Lin Yi wore a pair of non-prescription silver-rimmed flat mirrors to cover his thick dark circles. Ever since Zhuangcheng agreed to cooperate, he was in a state of extreme excitement and hadn't slept well for two consecutive nights.

"Remember...remember it." He Qun nodded vigorously.

Two days ago, he remitted [-] U.S. dollars back to China, and what followed was mother He's phone bombardment.

"Dabao, you haven't done anything illegal, you have to remember, you are sent abroad by the government, and you represent the face of our country, if you do something that is detrimental to the country's dignity, my old lady's stick will not Let you go."

"Mom, didn't I tell you, this is my reward, allocated by the researcher..." He remembered a sentence that Lin Yi often said, and added, "Legalize reasonably!"

"Bonuses? What researcher? Which boss is so generous? Mom asked about it. Even Americans, not everyone can earn so much a year. You were even reluctant to make international calls a few months ago. , this time..."

"Dabao, Mom can tell you that the leaders of the town have come to inquire about the situation. You can't do anything wrong. Mom still said that if you can't stay in the United States, the auto repair shop in the town... "

"Mom! I'm a research assistant at Simpson Laboratory. My normal annual salary is 15 U.S. dollars. This [-] U.S. dollars is a reward for my scientific research project. I don't want to be a cadre in an auto repair factory. I'm a scientific research worker! "

He Qun had never spoken to Mama He so loudly before. The firmness and solemnity in his tone made Mama He on the other end of the phone speechless for a moment.

"Hey, He Dazhuang! He Dazhuang! Your son has become a scientist!" Mother He's scream came from the other end of the phone. Before He Qun could explain a few more words, the phone was hung up with a "click".

"I'm just a scientific researcher, not a scientist. People like Researcher Lin are scientists." He Qun muttered to himself with the microphone, but the person on the other end of the phone couldn't hear him.

"Not only do you have to memorize it, but you also need to be able to operate it. The experiment on high-temperature superconducting cables is a physical job. The two little assistants were good last time. Let's find some more solid and willing to do it."

"Okay, researcher." This time, He Qun agreed without hesitation, which caused Lin Yi to look at him twice.

Zhuangcheng arrived in Berkeley two days later. Lin Yi wanted He Qun to pick him up, but when he thought of the scene when He Qun picked him up, he was silent for a while, and went to the airport in person.

"Researcher Lin, I'm sorry to trouble you to pick it up in person." Zhuang Cheng walked out of the airport gate with his suitcase in hand. When he saw Lin Yi, he had a warm smile on his face, giving people the feeling of spring breeze blowing on his face. .

Lin Yi was in a trance for a moment, as if he had returned to the auditorium in his previous life. When the bodyguard pushed Zhuang Cheng in through the side door, he had the same smile on his face. Lin Yi sighed at that time, unexpectedly Someone who has experienced such a thing can still have this kind of smile, and now he realizes that it is still different after all.

Such a beautiful person should not suffer that kind of disaster.

"You are welcome, it is my honor."

Lin Yi vaguely remembered that Zhuangcheng's car accident happened after his theory of high-temperature superconductivity was verified. At that time, his fame suddenly reached its peak. Counting the days, it will be the second half of the year.

"I've already booked a hotel for you. Let's have lunch and have a rest. Can we go to the laboratory at two o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Of course, it's up to the owner."

Lin Yi set the hotel in Zhuangcheng above his apartment.

Oh, forgot to mention.Lin Yi's apartment belongs to a commercial complex, with a shopping mall below, a residential apartment above, and a five-star hotel on the top two floors. In terms of life, we, Researcher Lin, never treat ourselves badly.

The two ate at the shopping mall downstairs, went back to their rooms to rest, and waited until two o'clock before leaving for the University of California, Berkeley.

"Researcher Lin."

"Researcher Lin."

The Hall thruster channel project successfully allowed Lin Yi to establish his own prestige in the Simpson laboratory. The most specific manifestation is that when Lin Yi's assistant, that is, He Qun, is walking on the road, someone will chat with him with a smile Say hello, "Assistant He."

Lin Yi led Zhuangcheng to the new energy center.

When Zhuang Cheng walked into the gate of the new energy center, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Now that they have decided to cooperate, it is natural to find out the situation of the partner. Zhuang Cheng is sure that the new energy center of Simpson Laboratory was just a brand, and even the place was marked out by Lin Yi after taking over.

He has even prepared for the worst, and even borrowed the spare laboratory, but all this tells him, Zhuang Cheng, you are too worrying.

There is no shortage of equipment, and even the key equipment is the latest product in the United States.It seems that he has to re-examine the status of his partner in Simpson.

He Qun was already on standby with Qiao Sen, Andri, Xu Dongkui and others. When he saw Lin Yi, he hurried up to greet them.

"Researcher, all the equipment has been checked and there is no problem. The materials and personnel are all in place. We can start the experiment at any time."

Lin Yi nodded to him, then turned his gaze to Zhuang Cheng, "Professor Zhuang, what do you think?"

Zhuang Cheng took off his gray overcoat, and there was a trace of undetectable excitement in his eyes, "Then let's get started."

Lin Yi and Zhuang Cheng finished changing in the locker room, and walked out of the locker room while discussing.

"I plan to use yttrium-based high-temperature superconducting tape as the superconducting wire. Although this technology is immature, theoretically speaking, the cost of the second-generation tape can be much lower than that of the first-generation tape. Only those who have realized this technology Only by making breakthroughs can we achieve the goal of fully rolling out superconducting cables."

"The second-generation tape has a current density as high as 1MA/cm2, and a 1-micron YBCO layer on a 1-centimeter-wide narrow tape can pass through 77A at 100K. However, if it is to be put into use, the length of the cable must be no less than 50 meters, otherwise there is no Meaningless." Zhuang Cheng said with a frown.

Lin Yi chuckled, "Then I will rely on Professor Zhuang's theoretical guidance."

Zhuang Cheng pursed his lips, his eyes revealed a look of joy, "I will try my best."

Qiao Sen and Andri were obviously in a state of excitement. Of course, only a few days ago, [-] US dollars had been credited to the account, and they were able to participate in a big project in a few days. Could they be excited?

Although this project does not have any national reputation, Researcher Lin has invested nearly 800 million US dollars in this project. The people in the procurement center can't help but be speechless when they say that this is not a big project.

The two had already seen Lin Yi's ability to "turn decay into magic" in the experiment, and they had a hunch that they might be able to completely break away from the "poor class" this year.

It's just a pity that there are a few more people who are sharing the money this time. Qiao Sen looked at Xu Dongkui who hadn't spoken since he came in. Researcher Lin and Professor Zhuang are both Chinese, so it's okay for Assistant He. They can't let this Chinese over their heads.

"Joseon, bring the copper wire."

"Okay, Researcher Lin."

Different from the rough experiment done at the Mary Hotel last time, what Lin Yi is going to do this time is a formal experiment. In order to ensure the maximum cable length, he must be careful in every step.

In terms of skeleton material selection, he chose copper stranded wire as the flexible skeleton, which not only satisfies the flexibility and low-temperature mechanical properties, but also can share the current transmitted in the cable when the superconductor is quenched, so as to avoid damage to the superconductor after quenching.



The selection of low-temperature insulating materials is not so simple. The insulating materials commonly used in superconducting cable experiments in the late 90s include PE plastics, XLPE plastics, ethylene-propylene rubber, and polypropylene composite laminated paper. The best results were obtained in the following experiments.

"He Qun, take two people to test the performance of insulating materials under low temperature conditions!"

Cold-insulated high-temperature superconducting cables, whose insulation layer is located between the conductor layer and the shielding layer, should be immersed in liquid nitrogen environment together with the cable body. extremely demanding.

"Okay, Researcher Lin." He Qun quickly responded. He and Lin Yi did the preparatory work for the experiment together. Lin Yi mentioned a few words to him during the preparation work, so He Qun was not panicked.

"Professor Zhuang, the early stage of the experiment is completely experimental and testing work in material science. If you have something to do, you don't have to participate in the whole process."

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, Zhuang Cheng interrupted him, "It's okay, I want to get involved."

No scientist can resist the temptation of the laboratory, even a physicist who focuses on theory, Zhuang Cheng is not familiar with materials theory, but because of high-temperature superconducting materials, he has a certain understanding of superconducting cable technology. Keep up with Lin Yi's train of thought.

Listening to Lin Yi's thought and emotion instructions one by one, Zhuang Cheng felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and the excitement gushing from the bottom of his heart fascinated him.

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